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General Instructions
1. Encode the following data in SPSS using the codebook as guide. Make sure to assign variable
attributes properly.
2. Clean the encoded data.
3. Save the data.
4. Produce statistics, tables and graphs needed in the analysis.
5. Do the paper using the suggested format.
Coding Manual

Variable Name Label Code

Ctrl Control Number 1 to 90
Loc Location 1 – Municipality A
2 – Municipality B
3 – Municipality C
Sex Sex of the respondent 1 – Male
2 – Female
Age Age at the start of the training Actual age
Educ Highest educational attainment 1 – Elementary
2 – High school
3 – College
Before Income before training Actual income
After Income after training Actual income


For Municipality A For Municipality B For Municipality C

Ctrl Sex Age Educ Before After Ctrl Sex Age Educ Before After Ctrl Sex Age Educ Before After
1 male 35 high sch 1900 2600 1 female 35 college 7000 7600 1 male 30 high sch 3100 4000
2 female 27 high sch 6000 7800 2 male 32 college 8000 8900 2 female 32 high sch 3900 4700
3 male 46 elem 4200 4600 3 male 25 college 6800 7300 3 male 45 high sch 5400 6600
4 male 30 high sch 4000 4500 4 female 53 elem 7100 7300 4 male 27 college 4500 5100
5 female 27 high sch 5000 6300 5 male 44 high sch 4900 5200 5 female 34 high sch 8000 8600
6 male 50 elem 4300 5200 6 male 39 elem 2300 2900 6 male 39 elem 1600 3300
7 male 41 high sch 2500 3700 7 male 24 high sch 3000 3200 7 female 50 college 9000 9200
8 female 34 high sch 6000 6200 8 female 34 college 9000 10100 8 male 55 high sch 6000 6500
9 female 28 high sch 8000 9100 9 male 38 high sch 5000 5800 9 male 59 elem 3700 4200
10 male 48 high sch 2000 2800 10 male 29 college 8700 9800 10 male 41 elem 1800 1900
11 female 30 high sch 2600 2900 11 female 49 college 11000 11900 11 female 28 high sch 4000 4800
12 female 39 high sch 3000 3800 12 female 25 elem 8500 9300 12 male 24 college 6000 6800
13 female 40 elem 1400 2300 13 male 53 high sch 6800 7200 13 female 29 high sch 3000 3900
14 female 49 college 6000 6800 14 female 39 high sch 7900 8800 14 female 38 high sch 8000 9100
15 male 38 college 5500 6200 15 female 40 college 7400 8900 15 male 40 elem 4100 5300
16 female 28 elem 6200 6900 16 female 36 college 9600 10500 16 male 50 elem 5000 5600
17 male 35 elem 2500 2600 17 male 38 elem 3000 3700 17 female 34 high sch 2200 3200
18 male 44 high sch 4800 5700 18 male 41 high sch 7100 7900 18 female 38 elem 6000 7200
19 male 26 elem 3800 4900 19 female 30 college 6800 7500 19 female 48 elem 3500 3900
20 female 29 college 4600 5100 20 female 57 elem 7900 8800 20 female 49 college 8600 9400
<Full Name>
<Student Number>


< In this part of the paper, do the following:

1. State the motivation, objectives, possible significance and limitations of the study.
2. Mention the research design used, the study area, and time period of the study.
3. Describe how the data were collected and analyzed. Mention statistics used in analyzing the
4. Describe how the result/analysis s organized. >

Demographic Profile
< In this part, do the following:
1. Create a table that summarizes all variables pertaining to the demographic profile of the
2. Describe the respondents in terms of their demographic profile. >

Change in Income
< Describe/analyze the data using the following guide questions:
1. What is the minimum, maximum, and average income before and after the training?
2. Is there a difference in the income of the respondents before and after the training?
3. Are there differences in the income of respondents across different location? across other
demographic profile?
Use appropriate graphs and tables of descriptive statistics. >

< Format: Use A4-size paper with 1-inch margins in all sides. Times New Roman is preferred with font
size of 12. Maximum of 2 pages. >

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