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Canterbury’s Third Grade


Counseling connection
ou r l e a r n i n g Zach Makes

Follow-up Mistakes
t th e c o un sel o r : The many roles This book is about learning from mistakes and dealing with
Me e
r were
August of a school counselo embarrassment. In the book, Zach makes several mistakes on the day of
ayed School
introduced as we pl his class fieldtrip. His teacher helps him learn that nobody’s perfect, how
Counselor Jeopardy
. to learn from his mistakes.
Ask your child about these steps:
• How to detect when you have made a mistake
e theme this
Growth Mindset is th • Reflect on the mistake
W e le ar ne d ab o ut it last year and
month. • Correct their actions to do better moving forward
nin g an d gr ow ing this year. September
continue d le ar
M ojo , a f rie nd ly monster ---------------------------------------------------
m et
We als o
lear ne d the p ow er of making this
again. who
mistakes. semester
October: National Bullying Prevention Month,
We wil focus on kindness.
Follow- Mojo November: We wil focus on developing
up friendships.

•Watch the video: December: We wil focus on giving of

•Ask your child these questions: ourselves.
•What does the phrase “mistakes make you ---------------------------------------------
smarter” mean to you? As always, I enjoyed my time with these precious children!
•Think of a recent mistake you have made.
What happened? How could you learn from it? Mrs. Canterbury
•If you were working on a project and kept Lower School Counselor
making mistakes, what would you do?
“If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be
intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning.” -Carol Dweck

As parents, we want so badly to bubble-wrap our children, protect them from every disappointment, defeat, or scary
challenge. Life is going to include disappointments and difficulties. As parents, we can teach our children to be resilient.
Resilient children have grit and are more hopeful and optimistic. When they encounter a difficult problem, they try to
solve it instead of giving up (crack like an egg). When bad things happen, they quickly bounce back (like a ball), ready
to face the next challenge. When they make mistakes, they grow and develop in important ways.
Through classroom lessons, students learned that we all fail. The question is not “Wil we fail or not?” The question is
“How wil we respond when we fail?”
Ask your child when they make mistakes or fail:
“Wil you crack like an egg or bounce like a ball?”

While you can’t shield your child from life’s difficulties, you can provide the tools they wil need to navigate them
Please read the article “How to Raise Resilient Kids Who Never Give Up (Based on Science)” to learn more.

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