Sei sulla pagina 1di 30



TheOlreti,c,,3 I T'r,ain in~gl Mia,n,uals,



Th'is I"earning rnotenol has been coeroved CIS' JAA cornpliont by the Uni~'ed K~ngi,dam Civ]~ Avlotion Authorltv


kvio:!:ioM 'Tvai",;,."

I It H


u) .t\.TCIC broadens ts

11, ·'·,OTAMs

l.: ~ . ' ••. A V IRA DI SUIlP! if: meats

d,) Ar~'s

a) It TIC C b roadcasts



d) AlPs

~ 11 which document would y01U~, find information on kn(J\vn short-term unservlceability or·v'OR, TACAN,. and N1DB?

a} '·',OTAM

bJ Aeronautical ~]]fDnnmdon Publication (AlP)

c) ", .lIG1VfE.T

-.ill) AT'C'C

a) SIG· Ts

h) Aeronautical m:fhnn.~d,o~ Circulars (AI.C)

c) N'IOTA ~ and Aeronnutical Iufertnation Publication AlP)


Details oftemporary danger areas are published:

a) in A r s

b) on the appropriate chart

c by V'Ol'MET

d~, In 'NOTAM's

a I Tcrnpcrary, short-notice, permanent

b) A,. B~ C

C ,I l\~OT,i\.MN~ .... , 0 A1vIR~ r OITAJdC

~J) A~ E~ l


2 DI
.3 A
4 C
- ,0
6 I c 1 -22

© IQ ~om Aviation S ervicas l"m lted



Given: Dry· Op Mass Load

F i nal reserve fuel ltemate fuel Contingency fu ]

= 33510 kg = 716100 kg = 9':3 kl

= l l 0'0 kg = 102 kg

I): 23 m 2 kg

b) 4209'3 k,g

c) 422 ~ 0 kg

d) 42l 9'5 kg,

:2. \', hat is the purpose [of Decision. POI~n't Procedure?

a) Carry miniruum fuel to increase Traffic Load,

b )1 I ncrease afety of the flight,

I_·J Reduce l~udiflJg mIS, . to avoid tressing the aircraft,

d) Reduce contingency fuel to below that required . rooll1 Deci ~, FI Point to destination,

3. What is Deci ion Plaint Procedure?

It is, a procedure to reduce the amount of ftuel carried on a r1 i gill by:,

a) Reducing eonttngency fuel from ] 0(;10 ~Q !i'% of trip fu '"I.

b) RledMc:~,n~ cnutingency 'jiu;:1 to oll~y t]~3t required ~Oll1 De _·~I~~(nll Po 111 t '~O Destination.

c) Reducing 'uip 'me] to only that required from Decision - erodrome to Destination. d' Reducing contingency fuel to belov mat required from ccision Point to destination.

4 + Turbo-j lot ac: taxi fuel 600 kg," fuel no~v cruis ~ ~ O~ 000 kg/h ; rue I nO"! hold 8 ~IO 00 ~glh:r: alternate fuel ~ 1(12 .0 kg: fiigbt. time 6 hours; visibility ,~d desrma inn 200(J rn, Wba~ is the min imum ramp fuel?

a) 80~500 kg 'bl 79~200 kg

c) 77.,:800 kg

d) 76,100 kg

3 - ,24

Given; 00',133.5 lO kg; Traffic load 7,,600 kg. Trip mel 20401 kg". Final reserve 98," kg, Alternate fuel l l 00 kg. Contingency 50/.1' of trip mel.

\I bich of the following I:· correct?

a) est landing mass at destination 43 .. ~ '9'3 kg

b) est landing mass at destination 43, ?'9'.5 kg

c) est take-off mass 43,295 kg

d) est take-off mass 45,.233 kg

h. Multi-engiaed ac {jim. [fRo flight, Given: trip fuel 65, G'~];, contingency 5~/() ~Jlp~ Ahernatc fue ~ in C ~'U d i ng fi,n H] reserve I 7 US Gal; U seab le rue t al departure 93 US 'G al. At a point halfway to' destination, fue~: consumed rus 40 'US! 'GBJ. Assuming fimeJ coasumptioa is! unchanged, which of the' following 'is correct?

a) At departure R06Cf'ljU~' Fuel Vl,~,'8 1'8 'r '. GIl.

b) At destination! required reserves remain ~ ntuct,

c) Rfrtlai~rii~lg fuel is insufficiem to reach de stinerion with reserves intact.

d) At desrination there will be' 30 g,~~ in tanks,

7. Mll1]'ffil:'a:IU'm planned take-off fuel is ~ 60 kg (]IOo/O total reserve is included], Assume the ground speed on this trip is c'ollsl"anl.\ ~ hen half the distance has been nOW]]~ the remaining fuel is 70 kg. Is ;IL necessary to divert to a, nearby cru~temate'?'

a) diversion 'to a nearby alternate 'is necessary '" because the remaiumg fuel is not su ffi,c ient,

b ~ diversion to a nearby alternate is not necessary ~ because the reserve' fuel has not been used completely,

c,) diversion to a H,f!m"by altemare is necessary, because it is allowed to calculate the' fuel withou t re serve.

d) d~ version '[0 a nearby al ternate i s ncces s ary, un 1 ess th Ie ,(; aptai n decide S UJ' C onti nne on his UWl] responsibility,

3':'1 ~ 2· ,5'··

, ,

IF II IE'IL prO'" L111I"'l'U A' N" DI FII II E' L 1111110" LIiIiTI" R1-N'

U _' . '~'. ~l '" ~ ~_". > _ ~ ~~ I;'~". ", ~~~ U ~·<I .

Q" E,', TlO' :, ,~'

[ d I
2 ,I
3 b
4 c
:5 'tJ
16 e
7 a 3_2'-16-,',

- . .::........ ' ..


I. FrInk-flIrt-Main EDDF

The W'," at 211000 i ' expected ~D be':

H) []60/'K 8G]OKT

b) 04fJ/lS"KT

c) 060/18K,T

d) 040/10KT

...., .

Z ~ri,clrn L SZl.J1

The reduction in visibility ;1 2'~.o '100 is, likely to be caused by:

a) [Cf\V stratus,

b) fog.

c) mist

d) showers,

J" RcnnefLrRA

'On [he 21 st there ClOU ld be .' :8 cloud. overh ead ~

a) throughout 'the period,

b) after 1800.

c) gradually between ~ 100 and l 800.

d,) b eiween ~ 200 and 1 'gOOI~

, .

.tvli lanfL rrvrL

Mi 1] imum visibility forecast Cor 21 0500 is ~

a) 500001 in mist,

b) 5 km ~n haze.

c 1 'SJ 000 m in. fog,

d) ') OU~ll, in [0 g banks,

s. ZUflCh/l SZH

Vi sibility al2] ] 600 is expected ,to be:'

a) 7 KM

'~J 7000111

c) ,2500m

d) ,6000Lr:Di

'1' 3'7

,": l~_ '", ~ ,

· RJT - . 'Dll~ ~ON - L P- OCEIDUI

" .

owest cloud base CKp., cted at ~' 11 <3 1 is:

,-. 0 I e ~

) unlimited (no cloud] 2.~ .. 00 teet,

'I' 0 feet,

8 1 to 2 okra ~ t " .. _~OO feet

b) ] 't01 4 oktas at ·450 feet

c. _:' t, 1 7 okra . in l~: 0 eel.

d) 3 'I{)' 4, oktas at 250 teet.

0) more lh3111 ] 0 '1 J'llE

O' m,

~oo m.

d 900 rn.

ob " n' d nn the 20th ~s:

as.) ,~o (] 0 metre s h] the n orth east m 50 " metre .to rh north.

c) 0 0 metres to th 'noflb ' u.

d) '-'000 metres to the' ourh,

1. .' 1 which 01 'these' rations and at what time ~ , the higln st relative hurnidi l~y to be OUIl I





.. D~F at ~~~O. L ~ RA at ill 1, . 0 i L~ • L m" 720. l '~_., 50.

:1 I.

V. 1 :1 is the \~S~ bility tor ecast tl '. at Ll •. ' at 0. ~ 7" 11'

a) 3.o00n1.

b, ,00 m. 50 Om.

I 0' _. or more.


RJrT '"' ADDlrT'110NAL PR,CC:IEDUR . '

. ,/illi ~ '. ~ ttaeh d<rgnlifi ", nt ' llu! -IC rt "'L 'gram 1) ~_ n, \ 1 r q ~"u" '1 OJ rd ' 01 rt If" U "fFor i\1 adrid to. ar aca, " ']h:n~ring the m~lIiked rnute,

I. h highest tropopause h ight en-route " auld be D t:

a') ! • er1l1ei1d '::0

b) ave rhead l adrid

c arna

cl} looB

I he C T cxp, , ted at 5.0 en-r ULe~, uld e:

a. rn d r tc between L: 0 and

b) moth rate from b" JO\~~ f l ~I 00 I~O fl '~I [}I c)modera e from - L ~ -0 to F '170

d) mode rate b hi e ~m F 2 I, -. L 4 ' n

]11, de le 10 " -

LUf I lienee and icing cnul be expe 'ted

'il) c) d)

~ I aE

iverh ad am aea

a ~g51 0 - 4U

, ) :2 'r 0 - 4 ~

,e 270'7 - - 2

d, :'60/70 ~3, 8


- • hI. Il tbr ' at .aehed up, , :1' " lnd fa temp r ture chart ", ill ran] 2' ~ollr R/in J, the rnut frm 1

'"1 Irid ~ :9cnac-' L, 001 I" ", to : II

4.. The mean wind velocity and t ffln11 erarure between Iadrid and 3,O~ \~~OU ld be;


b) ]'A+4 :~ s , 6

d) ~'" ' _J_ 3

8 -18

© Oxford Aviation SeiVtOOS LIrlllt

ita 25°E
h) 15° "
c) 30°
d) 20"E ~dDg, th :- attaehed "214", "10,,7 level 't. lnd :8od teRiperatu.'r'le; 'f,n:llrt ~D.hllr:anl 3) :aD'VI~r fJutstion,~ 7 t.11 ~;;

- j e mea n ,..v ind and temperaru re between L i vc rpool ( G G P) and]. rsey (EG J J 1 at 140 [) 01 f ~~OIU I d be:

a) 250/50 SoC
~ I,
b) 2..80/35 s-c
~'J 1,
C') 275/52 - 17° c
d} =E55/60 ~ 23°C' A:l '~osil~;IDD, .5 7C JUI, 05°(H)iW between 20DOfr. and 5000~ft ~hc E L R. i~n existence would lead te ~ ~3 te 0 .:, fgo lire tb i 5, Iq) U e tto n.

a) ne u tn~~! eq[IL~ m U brn: ,i UEll1,

b) absolute stab~]jty

c) conditional instability

d) absolute instability

a.) ISA, - .JCTe

b) ISA + aoc

c} ISA + 12~C

d)1 I,A + ]0"

al radiation fog.

b) fro nta I fog,

c) advection fog

d) arctic' Sl110kc

B,~ 19

© O"fcrd AvmUo:n SeNices L I mi ~_d

I) 1200120kt

b) 080o/15k~.

C) Less, than 3kl

d) 090D/30k~

12. In Zone .3 'the cloud 'is:

all strato cumulus

b) stratus and strato cumulus

C' } a I '[0 c'u:mu~ us

d) stratus, strato ICU~~UlllS and alto cumulus

a) Zone 4,

b) Zones 2: and ],

c' Zone .5

d) Zones 2 .. 3 amd,.4

a) f.l250

b) 14000 n AGl

c) 8000 ft, '" MSl

d) 23000 AlvISL

a) 060QT
b) 21900T
~]I '~800T
d) 2400T 270606 10017 ,,' 3000 HZ S'CT024 PRO:B30 TEMPO O~ [,2 1000 SIi,RJ\. BKNO~OCB, BE, 'M>] ]215 'V:RB05KT CAVOl( BEC'M'G 0]03 lOO'IOKT 5000 scrtns


17]2~.2VRB05 C.AVO'K B.ECMG 1,gl9'

060 I 2KT 'BEICMG 0204 05025G3 5.K T 5000 O'\!CO.JO PR10'B40 lO~.2 2',00 SN

B '2"0

- .' .

. __:__ ,'. '.'

.~ ~ '000

! ..... m

b) 3000 m

c) 5000 m

d} :1 0 loll or more

e,) 2400'ft, A'. ]SL

'b) above 500'0 ft .'. M'Sl

cJ 2400 ft AGL

d) 1000 fl A.GL

J H. The highest surface wind speed at IVIKPf is expected between:

a) 1[)600 Z and 0600 .Z

b) 0600 Z and 1.200Z

c) l200 ,2: and 151Q Z

d.; 0800.2 and l200 Z

l~.} visibi tit)' of 28 km

b )1 8/S c IO\ld at .2 8 00 fl".,

c 40o/c. chance of modera te StU.]I\V

d) surface wind of 0$0.2.5 K T,.

~). At }lBO'S at ] 600 Z 'the visibility is expected to be':

a} 5000:m

b) more d~an ] O'k rn

c) 2800ITI

d) 10],2 :iTI

8 - :211



Fuel nov Ou1 T p. R 115001blm

uel fl w I '0 t. ' • UOIn p.. R 1 0 I 01 IbT T·· .

Flight Plan fuel . 200(Ub

Fuel lcs .. ··· nt_ 71.' • Olb

1 component 50kt he-ad \ ind comoon [11 '7Qkt t _n

h) [., Onru: 16t' min.

,~ .

-. n aer plan . is to fly 119 m11D from A, 10 B !1 a T'A : of .21 Okt with a foreee ··t wind component

of 'k{ head (as e,~ kt t ~I_' re'l . I. The m ran rue" 0 asnmp in' 'l,; f- . un - i I~ .. P CL

to be 1 OOkg/b ~ and z () Okg/h if the a ircraft ha to' return to A. ] f the fueill a vail ab le i ] 43 'k~ . eluding r '. erv xthc dWSi: nee and tirru tothe point f n r .urn are,

b I 67 urn" ~1:lfnin~

) 6 ·7nm; . 29nlin .



Fuel 'IW' U '1 ~P'NR .3"] 1 . 'k br . lkt

Fuel flow l-IOME fronl P·. R 2:. 10kglbr r A. :-. 475'" 'J Ro be dJ la~ccO n

otal nd ance fi el 28' ,Okg ...... afe ndurance fuel 21 00 kg,

" ind I· .: ,po nent ,kl hea Vlmd componen SOkt tail

- )



4. Referenc ' CAP697 and relevant ",

. uel ~(I tanks '] 23G L

nduran e F~_'~ 93.5'G'AL

5,. Ref r ne - AP697 am r ·.le, ant S 'data.

" ' ,


'The di lance and tim, ' [0 'be

a) 500mlm.; 20 min,

b) 391 D.1l1" I ,82'~nii11J.

91~, 1 "

- ,_,

\1'. ind ',_ ,mp ,In· t ?()kt tall

ind COllI' n ent J'~ t be. d

@ Oxford Avia' "0 III Services Limit

I 1





c (


c) an International B oundsry .

A (1\~ :5 00.0 \VID 60 OOJJ) 'to IS (N80 00.0 'W 164 O(tO) to c ,(N75 IQIOJ) ~"', 164 5;1(10).

~ 111 ~I •• ig •

4.. e tot~w W stance IS:.





,3.) J OOOft

b) 1600ft

c) 160ft~

d) 16[UJm.



a) Th e EJ irspac e below F 12] 0 i s uncontro II ed,

c) The u~r pace is uncontrolled inclusive of FL230 and below,

d) Th e ~ irspace I~ E con tro ~:~ ed from grou nd lc vc ~ u p ~'O FL:2 3 O~

e) The airspace is controlled from FL220 IIlC~ usive and above.

6., The boundary a] oug latitude N 7 5 ] ndic~le s:

a) GJn Upper lnforutation Region,

e 1 an international boundary.

d) a IQiNI_ 'boundary,

11 I 62(),.

] ] ] 7'(L


] 0 1920 ..



n13? (;J

,j ~, ..




a") there' is an en-route radar capabil ity on ill 35..3 Mliz.

d] there is a remote air/ground antenna at Barrow for direct cormnun it~ll ions \\ 1 th Anchorage Control Centre.


G'~' elm. Longitude W ,0

Variation 30° \ ,




d) J 3 ~ ~.


© oxrord A'VIt~r on S, rvicas LI m ted


"'IS I. i b) 7 Qi
j .[ • nm .
. 13 O\V. I 16 C • ~1""
OJ .. .-- c)

3400~ 322r ". d)


I 1 'I 2 I ,], I 4, rS I 6 I , I .8 I 9 II 10 I

II) IIii b c a, I b d I, I d b 12,·,9


s ..

lnformation on above is at Panel I '. T(H/l )2.


Chart 'Route Destination Divrersion

-_T(1I/L~ ~ &1.

OMOKIO (···.4850 "TOI? 00)" ATS route rrs POI10 Santo (LPPS ) -.33 U4 WO [621,.

Sa(11(1 Maria (L.PAZ) NJ6 j 8 \N0.251 O.

Answer questions lto 12.

I.. The total distance from OMIOIKO to the' intersection with the .A TS route between NJ8 00 'V(J ,~ 00 to KOMUT is:

a) 600nm.~

~) 703nm.

d) 853nm .

. 8) FL280.,

b) FL190~

c) FLJ '[ 10,.

~) F,L300,.

d) 'V'ONA)M ' ITA, A"; ldent .sNT; frequency I] ~tgMl-1Z.

d) 298' ~(T) ..

TI~e' mean magnetic varimion Porto samo to Santa Maria is:

) ? 1 ,-

a _ :;nnl.

c) 115m».

d) 220nn~.


a) Shannon VO ' MET on 'fJ F frequencies of 3.4] 3MHz. 5.5051R1. ~J1d 8.95 7MHz at H + 45 tOI 50nl1'n.

'b) Shannon. VIOILN~El' on a VI-IF frequency of 3' ~ .3M:Ii'z a.t H + 45 to 50111in.

c) Shannon,IOILMET _ I iF frequencies of 1.4 m 3kHz:L505. ki-lz and S. 9'57kl-Lz at t] T 45 leo 50nlln.

d) Shannon V, L M ~ "on ~ long wave transmission, frequency of] ,4 1 3f\tHz at H + 45 tOI 50nl i~~.

oJ Shannon VOLMET on 'IfF frequencies of 13 .'I164NUu, 5~505M Hz end 8. 9L,7l\1]1 lz at .H -I- ~ 5 [0 10min and H + 45 U) 5 Omin.

c) Shannon VOlrvlET on an ~ IF frequency of'l J.2f~4kHz " 5.505kHz and ~t 957k Hz ~.l ~1 + 15 to 20mill and H - 45 to 50rnin.

d) Shannon '\IOLM T on a short wave transmission of ru 32.64l\1llIz 5,50.SMl-lz and 895.,7MI-Jz at H + 15 to .20mlli'fl.

d) within R\'SM,airspnce only,




I lVen!

, , uitable airfle . of . ' - uiago '

Moria N~' 5· \1.' '25~ I ".

Twin U irbo- Tiel passenger aircraft.

{11 1'3 n, -engin - in-opera ive Crui ,T',,! , ,f 'kL

, 2U) um L uruu

b) 'T. . p, authorw. ation . '" non r ql~]r-ed S01l1tl, of .' 4'~ .

c) he' ircraft do s not require OPS authoru arion.


1 f an ircraff


b) ] ~JO.

d) ~ ~LO.

The rth ulantic Remote ndl ceanic Area

to '. ir freq u ncy i· ;

·9 131. ·OkHz.

b, ] 21. ~O hz,

c J 13 l. OM -lz.


A I EJ,W'A' Y" "S M-liCoC:-'EL- -LA- .diED:- UIS--: ""'H- -A' DT'S:-:

__ JR_ .' __ ' :c~: [~ __ l_ ~' •• ' -'. ~~.r~ ..... "~ - ~J J . '~J __ -'.

13~ " mit aircraft in mid-Atlantic at ]4,QOLMT cn Midsuntmers Difly\-visln:'s to contact New York

Area Control Centre, The ~isted frequenci es (Ire:

].016 55~)S ,89D6

1].306 I 7491n

b) 13 .306MJIz or ~ -, ,496'Mliz ..

c) 13 .306kHz or I 7.946kHz'.

~ 4. The 1\4,Acr~1 NUMBER TE,CHNIQlJE for the North Atlantic Tr',Jlck S)Sl0'Lll (N,AT O'TS) is based upen :

l5. f~]~'h'ts certified as complying ",dt~ J\ltNP'S and RVSM ~hntlld insert ., ,~ilter~""S'~ in itern l a of their ~C AO Flighr Plan .. the letter( S)I:

b) X.

d' '\,i"'W'

_J .1-\,1 - •


I ~ I I "l I 4 I - I I 7 I I I [0 I I I 1 l..: I ]~ I 14 I lsI
- ,_,
c b c d d a, a b b c a e b a d 12-23



I. Under 'what circumstances nlay an ' .ircraft Operator ,[AID) submit Il~rh:l it i, l: FI ~ gilt P'hlriS (IlPl)1 rather than individual fllght plans?

\' hen. .flights are operated rec:uh~"r[y an the same day(s) or censecut ivc \.\ ceks and Ul e L

~lCast., ,. occasions or ~vory day over a period of Il leas'[ .. , .' .. COllS'CCU'l1 ve d~l" s. The elcmen L~ nf

each nigl:u hal] have a high degree' of .,." .. ,




a) the format ~s lnternationelly agreed, is 'Printed in Lv o languages usually ngjis,h and the ]angt~lg' ' of the Stare concerned, to help ensure correct completion which is essential, for electronic data transfer,

b) Hi designed to fit into a standard pifl(u ~~ bag, and have plenry Ofr00l11 ~hT' night dal~.

c) the format ensures lhL L minimum ~'riting h~ required. to Ire luce pj lot workload in f1i:ghL

3. Which sections of 3 C A4,~ are not normally transmitted ro other A,TS,'Us?'

~ Addressees

ill i I terns 3 't [)I 1 B - the mai n body err '( he' message,

+ ii Supplementary in form,.tion.

a .1 i only,

b) i and ii,


ormally, 'fligh~ plans should be filed on the ground. at lea' L , .... , before . ~ea:mnce ,'c, start Ul is, requ _ st ed. Exceptionally 'when it i '·1 not pos sible to meet thi re uiremeat, I perat [ houtd

[.11' ••••• r:ll. Il:l i'll~ rand n· er .. !Ill. 11'1 Ill.

b) 6~) minutes .. giv " a. much not ~IC I~" possibh ~ ~r!l:' than 30 - inutes,

5~ - ~ight. pi n' for flights cl f ' ted if' Traff ' ~, r:, an g m ,I'll ( F ,', ) rul c_" and in area ...

such a file: erth '. 11arl'" ic, 11111, t be filed 191 lea _.!~ .... bef re - OBT.

1. ). hours.

b 1 h ur,


6~ In the 'e ent 0 ~ ad, )3' in exe· " ,J ~ of. L •• L •• L for' c n' olled flight" 'r ',,', If) of .~........ for an unc', ntrolled nig~t for ' hi, h a flight plan ha' be Jl sub" itted the ft~ghltt plan : 11, uld be ,t\[fuJ!r nded or a t1~ w n~glu. plan I ubmitted and the old plan cancelled. whichever is appropriate.

c] 60 mi nu res slanned take 0 ff 1 ime ... ~ hou rs,

a) G sure Uml all ' " T,:', s whieh were add e: e 'On ihe fligbt 'II n ar 'notifie of

bi lan' "ng.

b ':, Ensure that the ,~ T':;U atthe original destin 1·0 is lnforrrre d within 60 minutes.

, ) R P rt to ~ T to apologi ' .



.4.. curl" nt fl igh t plan is

th nwgh~



nit b

tb ' pilot or a d ign.l d

representative, \ltrnilioul any subsequent changes,

be ight plan including ch. n e , if any, brou ~~ . b u[ by subsequent clearances,

c) he flight plan ~ . cludis G hangc '] i' any ~ cleared prior t . take . ~ .

d) 'the night plan", including changes .. if any. ._.]~arcd prior [0 tbe':' ircrafl" present '~~ 0 ntt n ..

fHI d f1 ight P~P:l ID 1 ....... ' ..

l' A TC n ust be mformed of .. hang s which occur to the fl ight p~an . pe -d and . T A. . any n~fl lin .

. iipula e thei ' o,~ n lim] ts hut f . _" ._. '. r· quirt changes of ....... in T A "an ... ",. u of T be orifie . ~'hi. h an . wer fill, . the blanks c rrec tly?

a '. ~~ ~ minutes,

d) .3 knon ~ 3 tinutes,

l , tlight b . filed 'light '1' J1 f r a r nn . rartineon A'I'S route and hi er lea rung comr . U d

airspac '. lt is "cleared via 'flIght plan r-nutt _ co. Ttl is means th flight "'. cleared to follow:

3J) the night planned rou e until lea ving .. T· J route, and mus [hen obt _in further c learance,

c) the' flight planned roun on~'Y until 'he next IR 1b un. ary,

d) the n ig~ t plarm -d out IT1" a! far a th ~inli' If c nIT, I of t ne cu ent unit,

A trip time of 1501 minutes has been ealculated for a l:1igJlt with an EOB,T of] 000 UTe and an expected take-off time of I~ 020 " Te. The aircraft has :il f~e] 'reserve of 30o/~. IU,Se' th i~ information to answer the ra[~«]I\v:ing qUe:S'HOllS.

· ,lOOO.
· . [ 020.
IU ~ SQ,
· ] l)j
v 0130
r 03~5
V~ a) .
b) I'll
~) \/
d) ·
VI a~ lUi
b) .
c) v
d) •
Vi 1. 5. What should be filled in at ltem '~') of the CA4B?

a) ! ~ ~
b} .'
c) v
d) ·
'\1'1 13-18

a) he c~ ange is notified: - car~y as pes . b] .and 1101 ]at, ~ th n:3 minut ef re d eoarture

to ill .. A.T·· rep rting ffice r .. " nsib . de iarturc ae odr me.

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