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Nama Lengkap : Annisa Salsabila Dwitha Irani

NIM : 1401193489
Kelas : MB-43-02

Petunjuk Pengerjaan Tugas :

1. Cari artikel pada jurnal penelitian internasional (Emerald Insight, Science Direct,dll) tidak
diperkenankan mencari dari google scholar dan research gate. Cari 6 Buah artikel penelitian tahun
2010 sd 2020, mengenai variable penelitian “emosi, persepsi dan decision making” masing-masing
variable di wakili oleh 2 artikel penelitian.
2. Kemudia dibuat rangkuman mengenai definisi dari 3 variabel penelitian berdasarkan sumber
artikel jurnal internasional yang telah di dapat.
3. Buatlah rangkuman hasil penelitian pada contoh tabel sebagai berikut :
Contoh :

Tabel 1. Rangkuman Penelitian

No Judul Tahun Negara Variabel Definisi Hasil Penelitian

1 Positive 2014 UK Emotion Emotions are The environment
emotions part of being needed for
boost human. employees to
employee Emotional flflourish is similar
engagement literacy is to the
beginning to be environment
taught in needed for
schools. engaged
While it is employees. To
unfortunate that have great days at
many of us have work we need
not had such signifificant
training, most of amounts of
us get through positive
life reasonably emotions – at
well – even least three to one.
though some While there is
people think of much that the
emotions as organization can
things to be do to encourage
handled, this environment
managed or there are also
suppressed by actions that an
‘‘pulling oneself individual can
together’’ take.
No Judul Tahun Negara Variabel Definisi Hasil Penelitian

2 Compensator 2020 USA Perception Show that This study aims to

y word of spreading word propose that word
mouth as of mouth can of mouth can
symbolic self- restore serve to resolve
completion consumers’ self threat and
When talking threatened self restore a
about a brand perceptions threatened self-
can restore when the brand perception when
consumers’ is symbolically the brand at the
self- congruent with center of a word-
perceptions the threat of-mouth
after self- domain. Word of communication is
threat mouth about symbolically
asymbolically congruent with
congruent brand the domain of the
alleviates threat.
resulting in
higher self
perceptions on
the threatened
attribute. The
restorative effect
is amplifified for
lower self-
3 The 2019 Russia Decision A universal The developed
Mechanism of making mechanism of mechanism of
Highly highly effective highly effective
Effective decision making decision making in
Decision in modern busi modern
Making in ness systems is business systems
Modern developed it allows selecting
Business could be the best model of
Systems successfully used decision making
in any business depending
environment and on the current
in any business needs and
system. This possibilities of the
mechanism is business system
based on the instead of
interactive observing
algorithm of a selected model
No Judul Tahun Negara Variabel Definisi Hasil Penelitian
decision making in all situations.
in modern That is, the key
business advantage of this
systems, which mechanism
allows adapting is its interactive
the process of character, which
decision making ensures high
to the current flflexibility of the
situation in the process of making
business system of managerial
and the business decisions in
environment in combination with
view of the sustainability of
changing the business
complexity of system.
and criteria of
optimality of
4 The impacts 2020 China Emotion The results This research
of a COVID-19 showed that found that the
epidemic high levels of GBJW can protect
focus and GBJW reduced individuals'
general belief negative emotions
in a just world emotions and when they faced a
on individual increased major social
emotions positive disaster such as
emotions the COVID-19
regardless of epidemic.
whether the The GBJW can
participants reduce the
were focused on individual
the negative emotions
epidemic. This evoked by an
study expands epidemic focus
the influence of and increase the
the GBJW on positive emotions
individual diminished by the
emotions and epidemic.
finds that the
GBJW can
emotions when
they face a
major social
5 Perceptions of 2016 Russia Perception The paper The results found
No Judul Tahun Negara Variabel Definisi Hasil Penelitian
Extremism in highlights the make it possible to
results of the follow up research
the Youth
study efforts: among
Daily analyzing most prospective
perception of ones can be the
the youth about study
extremism. The into extremism
survey enabled and extremist
relevance of the perceptions
youth shared by
perceptions residents of
about extremism different regions
to be identified, of the country in
the core and the order to
periphery of identify the impact
them to be of this variable in
described. In the formation of
addition, daily
conceptual consciousness’
generalized categories.
categories for Moreover, it
synthesizing seems
structural promising to
elements of
enrich verbal
perceptions are
singled out. The technigues
image of an
traditionally used
extremist in the
youth for research in this
consciousness is
field by non-verbal

6 The quality of 2014 Romania Decision About decisions The results

decision making models showed that
making the literature managers take
process offers plenty of account of
related to references. organization’s
organizations’ Some authors strategic
effectiveness explore the objectives when
practice of making a
quality decision. They also
management are keeping
framework as a applied the ethical
strategic tool for issues in business
public and take attitude
management (Yu against those
and Lee, 2012). walking the line.
Others describe The managers
No Judul Tahun Negara Variabel Definisi Hasil Penelitian
the quantitative consider that the
and qualitative quality of
methods that decisions is
can help influenced by the
decision-makers quantity of
to structure and information at
clarify their disposal, and
difficult that the
problems and to
implication may
explore the lead to increasing
of decisions
implications of
quality and the
pursuing degree of their
implication on
different options
(Sanderson and implementation.
Gruen, 2006).


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