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1.  The menu must satisfy guest expectations.

2.  The menu must attain marketing objectives.
3.  The menu must help achieve quality objective.
4.  The menu must be cost effective.
5.  The menu must be accurate.

1. The menu must satisfy guest expectations: Because guest satisfaction is a byword of
dinning service management, your menu must, above everything else, reflect your guest’s
tastes and preferences – neither the chef’s, the food and beverage director’s nor those of the
manager of the particular dinning outlet.
2.   The menu must attain marketing objectives: While part of marketing is discovering what
guests want, another important aspect is providing for their needs at convenient locations and
times and at prices that they are willing and able to pay. In some cases, excellent product
development, pricing and promotion will convince guests that you have what they desire –
even if up until now they never knew what it was that they’d been looking for.
3.             The menu must help achieve quality objective: Quality concerns are closely related
to marketing concerns. It is important that you clearly understand all aspects of quality
requirements and develop menus that incorporate these standards into your food menus. High
quality and good nutrition go hand – in – hand. A menu that helps achieve quality objectives
would also offer enough choices to the guests so that they can order a nutritionally well-
balanced meal. Other aspects of food quality include flavor, texture, color, shape,
consistency, palatability, flair and guest appeal. As you plan the menu, remember to balance
it so that textures, colors, shapes and flavors are not repetitive.
4.             The menu must be cost effective: Both commercial and institutional food service
operations should plan menus that recognize financial restraints. Generally, commercial
properties cannot attain their profit objectives unless their product costs, which the menu
often dictates, fall within a specific range. In institutional food service operations, minimizing
costs is also the menu planner’s responsibility. Whether you plan a menu for a commercial or
an institutional operation, you must select menu items that are within the operation’s budget.
5.             The menu must be accurate: You are responsible for telling the truth when you
formulate menus. You must not mislabel a product, describe it inaccurately, or deceive the
guest by your menu presentation. The menu is a powerful advertising tool. It can influence
what guests order and their expectations. If your food service operation does not deliver the
type of products that your menu represents, your guests may feel cheated and never return


1.  Colour repetition- repetition of colour in the dishes of a menu will be monotonous for a
guest which would harm the appetite of the guest
2.  Balance of Heaviness- while fixing a menu the balance of heaviness should always be kept
in mind i.e., from light to heavy and ultimately to light
3.  Repetition of Ingredients- As with repetition of colour, repetition of ingredients or taste
will also harm the appetite of a guest and will be monotonous and irritating for the guest
4.  Kitchen Skills- the efficiency of kitchen department and its output capacity is an essential
factor in determining the type of
5.  Seasonal Favorites- availability and usage of seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables are other
factors to be considered while planning a menu. A good menu should always include
seasonal favorites in its courses for example mango in summers, carrot in winters etc.
6.  Local Favorites- The favorites of the local people, their eating habits and food culture needs
to be taken into consideration while planning a menu
7.  Availability of equipment’s – while planning the menu, availability of the equipments
required to prepare as well as serve the food needs to be considered.
Age- The preference of food items varies with age group. The children and aged people
prefer less spicy food while the younger likes rich and spicy dishes.  Ideal menu should take
care of people in each and every age group.
Profession- People in different profession have different food preferences, athletes, sport
person will go for high carbohydrate while people in entertainment business will prefer low
fat/ cholesterol diet.
Nationality- people of different nation have different food preferences. An European will
like mild continental food, while Indian, Thai and Mexican will prefer spicy food
Group size- when group size is large it is difficult to serve elaborate menu.

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