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Cristinq Johnson

ftrnbll e sze
pentru .{qse{e l-lv

CuvAnt-inainte ......3 Lesson 39. \Mhatis the dogrunningafter? . . . .. . 78

Lessonl.lamagrrl. .......4 Lesson 40. What has the pretty bride got
Lesson2.Acatinahat! . ..........6 onherhead?..... ........ B0
Lesson3.Givemethehatplease! ......... B Lesson 41. I have gotsome flowers in myhand . . 82
Lesson4.\Mhatabigcake! . ...... 10 Lesson 42.Yol looktired, Daddy!
Lesson 5. Give methe bluebloom, please! . .. . .. . tz *They'relookingatthestars ..... 84
Lesson 6. Give me the doll and take the ball! . . . . . 14 Lesson43.ryly'hoistaller? ........ 86
LessonT.Let'sruninthepark! . ......... 15 Lesson 44. What can you do? . . . . BB
Lesson8.Consonants.... .......1,6 Lesson 45. Can I have a slice of cake, please? . . . . 90
Lesson9.Hereandthere ........ 18 Lesson 46. It's a nice dress.
Lesson 10.\tVhatisthis? *Whatis that? . . . .. . .. . 20 xShedressesnicely ...... 92
Lesson 11. rvVhat colour is it? . . . . . 22 Lesson 47.Canlhelpyou? ....... 94
Lesson 12. My pen and your pencil . . . . . 24 Lesson48.Doyouknowthat...? ..... .... 97
Lessonl3.ryVhereareyoufrom? ..... ... 26 Lesson49. Let'slaughtogether! ......... 99
Lesson 14. Is this a cat? x Is that a ship? ........ . 28 Lesson 50. How can they get to the Animal
Lessonl5.Myroom ......30 FanryDressBall?.. ......101
Lesson 16. \Mhere is yourtoy-fox? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Lesson 51. Excuse me, where is the nearest
LessonlT.Smallandbig .........34 stop?
bus ...... . . I04
Lesson lB. A slice ofcake . . . . . . . . 36 Lesson52.ThisisLondon ......106
Lesson19.Gladtomeetyou! ..,..38 Lesson 53. We are visitingthe Wax Museum
Lesson 20. Good morning Mr Bror,rrn! .. . 40 thisafternoon..... ...... 108
Lesson 21. Whattime is it, please? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Lesson 54. \Mho do you love? I love my
LessonZZ.lffherearethemice? .
........ 44 parents. .. 110
Lesson23.Whereareyou,Ann? .....
.... 46 Lesson 55. rWhat are you going to do
Lesson24.lamnotnaughty! .....48 thisafternoon?... ......ILz
Lesson25.rvVhoareyou?. ........50 Lesson 56. What's the population of London? . . Il4
Lesson 26. What toys have you got? . 52
.... Lesson 57. trl/hatwould you like to eat? . . . . .. . . LI6
Lesson 2T.l've gotacup and she's gota nut . ., . . 54 Lesson 58. Would you show me the green
Lesson 28, Howmanynuts and plums have raincoat please? 118
yougot? ... 56 Lesson 59. London's parksandgardens . .. . . .. 120
Lesson 29. What are these? What are those? . 58
.. Lesson 60. What did you do last week? 122
Lesson 30. Whose is this skirt? . . . 60 Lesson 61. rvl/hat did they do last weekend? . . . . L24
Lesson 3l. Mybody .. . .. . 62 Lesson 62. In the garden 126
Lesson 32. VWrat have they got in their hands? . . 64 Lesson 63. A sffange dream T2B
Lesson 33. Is there a balloon in the sky? . . . . . . . . 66 Lesson 64. The little boy that decided to be
Lesson34.I/l/hatdoyoudo? .....68 agoodboy 130
Lesson35,\Mheredoyoulive? ...70 Lesson 65. rWhatwere you doingyesterday
Lesson 36. My father lmows how to make cakesl . . . 7 2 afternoon? r32
Lesson 37. What does your motherlooklike? .. . T4 Final lesson. English is funny! 134
Lesson 38. Look! A cat is on top of the pole! . . . . . 7 6 Keytothe exercises . .. . . 136
(one) lam a girl
F.'i::: :

:irii Read and learn these words. ,ri$ggir

r Cite;te gi invald aceste cuvinte,


i seven


i E
+"*.,**,","**"*-*.*,.***+ il.1-s-tlsrj
Literele sau grupurile de litere subliniate sunt pronunlate la fel. Sunetul comun
este reprezentatde simbolul scrisintre paranteze:

u\4. ,
Sunetul reprezentat prin [aJ este asemindtor sunetului ,,i" din limba romAnd.
Read and learn these words.
Citegte gi invali aceste cuvinte. .ri,1,.

girl skirt shirt,

Grupul de litere,,ir" se pronun!5 ca sunetul,,i" din limba romAnd, doar ci sunetul

este mai lung. Simbolul acestui sunet este [al].
Read these words.
Cite;te aceste cuvinte precedate de articolul nehotdrAt,,a". Tradu-le in limba romAni,

a lesson a girl a shirt

a letter a skirt a bird

Folosim articolul nehotdrAt,,a", tradus in limba romani prin ,,un, o", in fala
substantivelor careincep cu o consoand.

Read these words.

Citegte aceste substantive precedate de articolul nehotirat,,a" gi legate cu ajutorul
conjuncliei ,,and".

a lesson and a letter a lesson and a girl

a bird and a girl a shirt and a skirt

Read this dialogue.

Citegte acest dialog.

.." Good morning, i

\- Ben!
Good morning, *-q:w
uurli -f,"1

Sir! 'ir lF.

A catin a hagf-. .i.!i':i]ri+


ten desk pencil

r :::: .r. :.-t i l


leg jet pet hen

Litera e, scrisd cu rogu in cuvintele de mai sus, este pronunfatd ca sunetul ,,e', dih
limba romAni. Simbolul acestui sunet este [ef .

Look and read.

Privegte gi cite;te.

cap map hat man

Litera a, scrisd cu rogu in cuvintele de mai sus, este pronunlati aseminitor sunettrlui
,,e" din'limba romdnd. Diferenla consti in pronunlarea cu o deschidere mai micd a
gurii, trdgAnd collurile gurii spre pdrfile laterale ale obrazului. Sunetul este repre-
zentat prin simbolul [al.
Read these words.
Citegte aceste cuvinte.

a. a desk -a pencil - a pen - a leg - ajet- a pet- a hen

b. a cat- a cap - a map - a mat- a hat- a man - a van

Read these groups of words.

Citegte aceste grupuri de cuvinte.

a pen and a pencil a cat and a hat

a pet and a hen a map and a mat
a man and a van

tr'&_ ,,a" din fafa acestor cuvinte care incep cu consoand este articolul nehotirAt din
\-]{,^ limba englezd. Traducem articolul nehotirAtprin,,un, o".


a. a cat in a hat

b. a hen in a cap

c. a pen and
a pencil on a desk

d. a man in a van

e. a cat as a pet

f. a cat on a mat
Lesson 3'
three) Give me
the hat, please!

$ Read and learn these new words.

Cite;te gi invali aceste cuvinte noi.

i t':,:r1rir:!i!;:::i:!iil

ship a sheep

a pig milk --
In cuvintele de mai sus vei auzi doud sunete noi din limba englezd,vocalele
[i] gi [i:].
Ele sunt asemhndtoare vocalei [i] din limba romAnd, numai cd cel de-al
doilea sunet
urmat de doud puncte [:], este mai lung.

Read and do.

Citegte gi execut5.

Sit down, Stand up, Give me a glass Give me a

please! please! of mil( please! pencil, please!
Read these groups of words.
Citegte aceste grupuri de cuvinte.

a stick and a tree malk and tea

a ship and a sheep a pig on a street

Read and think.

Cite;te si reflecteaz5.

in propozifia al5turatd, sub-

stantivul pencil este precedat
de adjectivul green gi de arti-
colul hotlrAt the. Articolul se
citegte [6a]. Pentru a pronun-
!a sunetul desemnat de sim-
bolul [d], incepi si pronunfi
sunetul ,,2" dinlimba romAnd,
Nick, give me Nich give me the scolAndvArful limbii
a pencil, please! green pencil, please!
printre dinfi.
Write the word and read the sentence.
Scrie cuvAntul gi citegte propozifia.

a. Ann, give me the b. Nick, give me the c. Ben, give me the

hat ,please! please! . please!

d. Max, give me the e. Ann, give me the f. Max, give me the

please! , nlease! . nlease!

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