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附註一:步操深造課程 - 考試程序

考試隊伍先於集合地點集合 STAND AT EASE,司令員先向當值職員報到及檢查會員証,等候


司令員將考試隊伍操進考試場地 STAND AT EASE

( “Youth / Adult Unit is ready for Drill Proficiency Exam, sir / madam. “ )

1. Squad, fall out.

2. Right marker. Square, fall in.
3. Squad, number.
4. Open order, right dress.
5. Eyes front. (司令員操前向考官要求對考試隊伍檢查制服,( Youth / Adult Unit is
ready for your inspection, sir / madam. “ ) 司令員亦須陪同以了解各會員之問題以作跟進)
6. Inclining to the right, right incline.
7. Saluting, by number, saluting to the front, squad one.
8. Squad two.
9. Saluting to the front, salute.
10. Inclining to the left, left incline.
11. Close order, right dress
12. Eyes front.
13. Squad, stand at ease.
14. Stand easy.
15. Squad, attention.
16. Tallest on the right, shortest on the left, in single rank size.
17. From the right in twos number.
18. Odd numbers one pace forward, even numbers one pace step back march.
19. Stand fast the right marker, odd numbers to the right, even numbers to the left, ranks right and
left turn.
20. Form three ranks quick match.
21. Dressing, right dress.
22. Eyes front.
23. Squad will move to the right in threes, right turn.
24. Squad will retire, right turn.
25. Squad will advance, about turn.
26. Squad will move to the left in threes, left turn.
27. Squad will retire, left turn.
28. Squad will advance, about turn.
29. Dressing, right dress.
30. Eyes front.
31. One pace right close, march
32. Three paces right close, march
33. One pace left close, march
34. Three paces left close, march
35. One pace forward, march
36. Three paces forward, march
37. One pace step back, march
38. Three paces step back, march
39. Dressing, right dress.
40. Eyes front.
41. Squad will move to the right in threes, right turn.
42. Squad, mark time
43. Changing step, change step.
44. Changing step, change step.
45. Squad, halt.
46. By the left, quick march.
47. By the left, left wheel.
48. By the left, left wheel.
49. By the right, eyes right.
50. Eyes front.
51. Squad will advance, left turn.
52. Squad will move to the left in threes, left turn.
53. Squad will move to the right in threes, about turn.
54. Squad will retire, right turn.
55. Squad will move to the left in threes, right turn.
56. By the right, eyes right.
57. Eyes front.
58. By the right, right wheel.
59. By the right, right wheel.
60. Changing step, change step.
61. Squad will move to the right in threes, about turn.
62. Changing step, change step.
63. Saluting, to the front, salute.
64. Keep to the right.
65. Forward
66. Keep to the left.
67. Forward.
68. Saluting, to the front, salute.
69. Squad, halt.
70. Squad will advance, left turn.
71. Dressing, right dress.
72. Eyes front.
73. Squad, stand at ease.
74. Stand easy. ( 等候考官對考試隊伍表現作出評語 )

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