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Life sustaining Chapter 3 processes 1

Role of various organelles in celluar processes


Cristian peters fabelfroh – Wc – cc

I am the chloroplast an organelle of a plant cell
My chlorophyll pigments are famous for
they carry on photosynthesis by capturing suns energy
generating sugars , oxygen and ATP full of energy
producing food to eat and oxygen to breathe
for the whole world indeed from time immemorial.
I also produce fatty acids and many other chemicals
and play important role in defense activities as well;
As cell’s sensor of stress I caution & protect other cells
By producing timely signals and defense molecules .
Life sustaining processes 2

We chloroplasts are happy our ancestor Cyanobacteria

Chose symbiosis with cells of Eukaria;
Millions and millions of years have since gone by
generation after generation have passed by
keeping this ‘tryst with destiny ’faithfully
maintaining mutual trust till date hopefully
have provided us with safe and secure abodes
a pleasant and friendly relationship in all its modes
which enables us to declare with great pleasure & pride
Oh hallo !we are providers of bread worldwide.

And what is more surprising that amidst all this

we have maintained distinct personality
we live wrapped in two envelops normally
keep our DNA as rings and use our own ribos commonly.

Simultaneously coordinating with cells other organelles merrily

we carryon happily making the whole world as well happy
with our green finery .
Life sustaining processes 3

Kelvinsong – Wc– cc Kelvinsong - Wc - cc

Light reaction
Somepics – Wc– cc

Somepics – Wc– cc
Life sustaining processes 4

Celvin Cycle
Mike jones Wc - cc

Life sustaining Photosynthesis I processes 5

Capturing sun light the molecules of chlorophyll
Of granas membranes become so excitement full

they cause split of H2o into oxygen and protons

and release them in the thylakoids lumens

They also start electron transfer chains
through a series of membrane proteins
resulting in ATP and NADPH at the end of this drill .;
WithCO2 entering the scene andRubisco catalyzing reaction

Calvin cycle begins in stroma with fanfare in measure full

ATP providing energy and NADHP causing reducing action
at appropriate stages , ensuring ultimately glucose production .
achieving their target and fulfilling their mission
they provide bag full of energy to millions of millions .
Photosynthesis II
Oh !what a pleasure , what a surprise
Golden silky rays of sunshine as they arrive
cut a molecule of water into two slice
as if it was a cake being cut by a sharp bread knife
And each plant retains only proton ions like a good wife!
turning out oxygen molecules like an unwanted bride !.
Life sustaining processes 6

Oh! How interesting to watch electron transfer

downhill through Photosystem II and up through I
andso amazing to see protons running around
hastily rushing back and forth across thylakoid membrane
from lumen to stroma and back again and again
as if they are having fun in a merry go round .!

Oh !how astounding that a tiny molecular machine

running on proton power creates the energy currency world wide .

Is’nt it surprising that photosynthesis means synthesis by light

but only a part of it –the first one is directly run by light
the second – keeps going in the absence of it,without respite ;
And it is this Dark reaction producingglucoseconcludes it.
And for this the Rubisco-protein enters the scene,
fixesmerrily c from Co2in RuBp in no time , I mean
kickstarts Calvin cycle straight away
as if it was a child’s play !
And Oh God ! what to say about your ways
whole world depends on this game always !.

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