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Oh menopause...this is the phase of life that most women dread.

Hearing the word can cause

any woman to turn away and cringe. Although the symptoms that lead up and follow this life
changing period (no pun intended) can be overwhelming and hard to handle, there are some
ways to combat these negative side effects and provide yourself with a much smoother

Welcome to the Wise Woman Phase!

We’ve created this phase because let’s face it, we’re not getting any younger. and when i asked
you what kind of advice you’re looking for… its for help to not just survive through this season of
life, but to thrive through it. To feel our best!

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her periods end and she can no longer become
pregnant naturally due to the ovaries no longer producing as much progesterone and estrogen
(sex hormones). This normally begins between the ages of 45-55, yet it can develop before or
after this timeframe. That is called Perimenopause. Peri meaning “the time around” menopause.

Now, no longer having to deal with a period may seem enticing to some, but the symptoms that
are associated with the transition are what normally puts a sour taste in most women’s mouths.
These symptoms normally include
Hot flashes, weight gain, anxiety, depression, brain fog, lack of focus, mood swings, insomnia,
UTIs, reduced libido, dry skin, increased urination, reduced bone mass, hir thinning or hair loss
and more. UGH. I want you to know, you are here for a reason and that is to get your health on
the right track, to reduce the symptoms of menopause and to look and feel your best.

Over the next 4 weeks we’re going to cover these topics and natural strategies for relief. So
let’s get started today with an overview of what you should be eating for the next 4 weeks in the
Wise Woman phase

The goal of this Phase is to support your hormones, your blood sugar, reduce inflammation,
improve your mood, your energy, and your gut at this time.

So here is what you’ll be doing during the Wise woman phase:

1. Eliminate foods that are inflammatory for you. We’ve provided a list of common
inflammatory foods, foods that are maybe inflammatory and some healthy
anti-inflammatory foods. Go through this checklist and critically look at the items in the
maybe and inflammatory foods- because what is inflammatory for YOU, may not be
inflammatory for you sister or girlfriend down the street. When you eat any of these
foods- do you get a headache? Itchy eyes, runny nose, bloated, stomach ache, sore
joints? Thats your body telling you- this isnt good for me right now, its causing
inflammation. So those items should be avoided or at least minimized as much as
possible for you.
2. Have protein at every meal. Research shows that with aging comes a loss of estrogen,
and this can reduce our muscle mass. So protein at every meal is going to help keep
your blood sugar stable, provide amino acids for your muscles, and help prevent that
muscle loss as we age.
1 serving is about equivalent to the size of your fist, or a deck of cards, or an old iphone
We’ve provided some information in the materials for making your own meals perfectly
balanced with protein. If you want to track your macros, your protein goal would be for
around 10-35% of total calories.
3. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. I know, 5 is a lot for many people,
we’ve provided serving sizes in the materials also but just remember this- do the best
you can. Get as much as you can. Fruits and veggies provide important vitamins,
minerals, phytochemicals, fiber, anti-inflammatory benefits, and so much more.
4. Include fatty fish and seafood twice a week- Fatty fish like salmon or tuna is rich in
omega 3s, protein, vitamin D nutritional benefits to support you during this time. Fish and
omega 3s are helpful for reducing inflammation, decreasing joint pain, decreasing risk of
heart disease, decreasing risk of depression, decreasing vaginal dryness and more. If
you can,t or dont include fish in your diet, consider a high quality fish oil supplement or
more foods rich in omega 3s such as walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds,
spinach, or eggs.
5. Eliminate or reduce sugar intake. With all of the yummy healthy foods i’ve described you
eating already, you’re barely going to even have room for sugar and processed junk
foods anymore! Cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream, alcohol, breads, chips, pizzas, fast
foods…. Chances are … you know those foods don’t serve your body and your health.
This is a chance to get those foods out of your system, out of your kitchen! We have
hundreds of recipes with better ingredients to replace with the junk food you have in your
kitchen. I want you to reduce your insulin resistance, lose weight, have balanced blood
sugar levels, and all of those things will help you feel better, reduce your risk of hot
flashes and help you age with grace.

You’ll find meal plans provided in the Materials section as well as additional meal plans in the
Shop. I want you to personalize these meal plans and adjust them so that they work for YOU.
Don’t forget to hit mark complete, fill out your daily success habit, and we’ll talk tomorrow!

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