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Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077

To my students:

You are now on the 3rdweek of this course. Before you start working on the lessons for this week,
make sure that you have submitted to your course facilitator the requirements of Week 2.

For this week you will learn lesson 9, The Material/Economic Self. Read and watch the learning
materials below then answer the Comprehension Check questions and do Journal Writing 9and
Collage Making.


E. The Material/Economic Self

We are living in a world of sale and shopping spree. We are given a wide array of products to
purchase from a simple set of spoon and fork to owning a restaurant. Almost everywhere, including the
digital space, we can find promotions of product purchase. Product advertisements are suggestive of
making us feel better or look good. Part of us wants to have that product. What makes us want to have
those products are connected with who we are. What we want to have and already possess is related to
our self. Belk (1988) stated that "we regard our possessions as parts of our selves. We are what we have
and what we possess. There is a direct link between self identity with what we have and possess. Our
wining to have and possess has a connection with another aspect of the self, the material self. Let us try
to examine ourselves further in the lens of material self
Watch the video clip Material/Economic Self video as an additional input by clicking the link. [FINAL]
The Material and Economic Self.mp4

A Harvard psychologist in the late nineteenth century, William James, wrote in his book, The
Principles of Psychology in 1890 that understanding the self can be examined through its different
components. He described these components as: (1) its constituents; (2) the feelings and emotions they
arouse-self-feelings (3) the actions to which they prompt-self-seeking and self-preservation. The
constituents of self are composed of the material self, the social self, the spiritual self and the pure ego.
(Trentmann 2016; Green 1997)
Shaping the way we see ourselves: The role of consumer culture on our sense of self and identity
The innermost part of our material self is our body. Intentionally, we are investing in our body.
We are directly attached to this commodity that we cannot live without. We strive hard to make sure that
this body functions well and good. Any ailment or disorder directly affects us. We do have certain
preferential attachment or intimate closeness to certain body parts because of its value to us. There were
people who get their certain body parts insured. Celebrities like Mariah Carey who was reported to have
placed a huge amount for the insurance of her vocal cords and legs (Sukman 2016). Next to our body are
the clothes we use. Influenced by the "Philosophy of Dress" by Herman Lotze, James believed that
clothing is an essential part of the material self. Lotze in his book, Microcosmus, stipulates that "any
time we bring an object into the surface of our body, we invest that object into the consciousness of our
personal existence taking in its contours to be our own and making it part of the self."

(Watson 2014) The fabric and style of the clothes we wear bring sensations to the body to which
directly affects our attitudes and behavior. Thus, clothes are placed in the second hierarchy of material
self. Clothing is a form of self-expression. We choose and wear clothes that reflect our self (Watson
2014). Third in the hierarchy is our immediate family. Our parents and siblings hold another great
important part of our self. What they do or become affects us. When an immediate family member dies,
part of our self dies, too. When their lives are in success, we feel their victories as if we are the one
holding the trophy. In their failures, we are put to shame or guilt. When they are in disadvantage
situation, there is an urgent urge to help like a voluntary instinct of saving one's self from danger. We
place huge investment in our immediate family when we see them as the nearest replica of our self. The
fourth component of material self is our home. Home is where our heart is. It is the earliest nest of our
selfhood. Our experiences inside the home were recorded and marked on particular parts and things in
our home. There was an old cliché about rooms: "if only walls can speak" The home thus is an extension
of self, because in it, we can directly connect our self. Having investment of self to things, made us
attached to those things. The more investment of self-given to the particular thing, the more we identify
ourselves to it. We also tended to collect and possess properties. The collections in different degree of
investment of self, becomes part of the self. As James (1890) described self: "a man's self is the sum
total of all what he can call his" Possessions then become a part or an extension of the self.
Russel Belk (1988) posits that "...we regard our possessions as part of ourselves. We are what we
have and what we posses." The identification of the self to things started in our infancy stage when we
make a distinction among self and environment and others who may desire our possessions. As we grow
older, putting importance to material possession decreases. However, material possession gains higher
value in our lifetime if we use material possession to find happiness, associate these things with
significant events, accomplishments, and people in our lives. There are even times, when material
possession of a person that is closely identified to the person, gains acknowledgment with high regard
even if the person already passed away. Examples of these are the chair in the dining room on which the
person is always seated, the chair will be the constant reminder of the person seated there; a well-loved
and kept vehicle of the person, which some of the bereaved family members have a difficulty to sell or
let go of because that vehicle is very much identified with the owner who passed away; the favorite pet
or book, among others that the owner placed a high value, these favorite things are symbols of the
owner. The possessions that we dearly have tell something about which we are our self-concept, our
past, and even our future.

Keep in Mind:
Material/Economic Self talks about the potential relationships between materialism and several
economic variables, including use of money, work motivation, giving , and materialism. The use of
the term materialistic tends to describe a person’s personality that tells something of who we are.

Comprehension Check:

1. What is Material self or economic self?
2. What are the three components of material self?
3. How does material self affect a person?
4. What do our possessions reveal about us?

To validate your answer, feel free to contact your course facilitator through any of the following:
 Facebook: Ana Mary G. Templado
 Contact No: 09776858682
 Email address:

Alata, E. J.P. (2018). Understanding The Self, First Edition. Rex Book
Store. Rex, Manila Philippines.
Lodovice, M. (2019) Material and Economic Self
May 17, 2020

Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Course/Year Level: __________________________________________ Score: ____________

Journal Writing No. 9 - My Most Prized Possessions

Instruction: Using your knowledge in Lesson 9, make a list of what you want to have/own in life. Write
as many as you want then choose one among the items in your list that you like the most and explain
why. Use the given Journal Writing Sheet 9 for your entry.

My Most Prized Possessions











Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Course/Year Level: __________________________________________ Score: ____________

Collage Making: My Treasured Possessions

Instruction: Using your knowledge in Lesson 9 , make a collage that illustrates your treasured
possessions to include your current fashion/style in clothing. Put a short note as to why you treasure
them under each of your treasured possessions. You may use symbols, pictures, or other forms to
illustrate your own creativity and ingenuity for your entry. You may use a cartolina or illustration

To my students:
Continue Lesson 10 for Week 2. Read and watch the learning materials below then answer the
comprehension check questions that follow and do Journal Writing no. 10 and 11.


F. The Spiritual Self


Spiritual self is one of the four constituents of the "self according to William James in his book,
The Principles of Psychology in 1890. The spiritual self is the most intimate, inner subjective part of
self. It is the most intimate version of the self because of the satisfaction experienced when thinking of
one's ability to argue and discriminate, of one's moral sensibility and conscience, and of our
unconquerable will (James 1890) is purer than all other sentiments of satisfaction. (Green 1997) The
ability to use moral sensibility and conscience may be seen through the expressions of religion, its
beliefs and practices. In the same manner, cultural rituals and ceremonies are some manifestations what
people believe in. Moreover, seeking the meaning of life is a journey that the spiritual self is on.
Watch the Video Clip on Physical and Spiritual Self as an additional input by clicking the link
The practice of religion: belief in supernatural being and power
Rebecca Stein (Stein 2011) works on the definition of religion "as a set of cultural beliefs and
practices that usually includes some or all of basic characteristics. These characteristics are:
1. A belief in anthropomorphic supernatural being, such as spirit and gods.
2. A focus on the sacred supernatural, where sacred refers to a feeling of reverence and awe.
3. Presence of supernatural power or energy that is found o supernatural beings as well as
physical beings and objects.
4. The performance of ritual activities that involves the manipulation of sacred object to
communicate to supernatural beings and/or to influence or control events.
5. Provide the creation and maintenance of social bonds and mechanism of social control within
a community; provide explanation for unknown and a sense of control for individuals.
An individual lives in a society where there are many practices of religion. The choice of
religious belief lies within the spiritual self. Although the choice maybe influenced by the society and its

Rituals and ceremonies

Ritual is the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law (Britannica
2017). Ritual is a specific, observable mode of behavior exhibited by all known societies. It is thus
possible to view ritual as a way of defining or describing humans.
There are three fundamental characteristics of rituals according to Penner (Britannica 2017).
Ritual has the characteristics of:
1. A feeling or emotion of respect, awe, fascination, or dread in relation to the sacred

2. Dependence upon a belief system that is usually expressed in the language of myth
3. Is symbolic in relation to its reference
The self can be described as a ritual being who exhibits a striking parallel between their ritual
and verbal behavior. Just as language is a system of symbols that is based upon arbitrary rules, ritual
may be viewed as a system of symbolic acts that is based upon arbitrary rules. Participation to rituals is
expressions of religious beliefs.
Some World Religious Beliefs and Practices
There are different religions with different beliefs and practices. Some of the major world
religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Excerpt of some religious beliefs
and practices are found in the University of London's Religion and Belief Guide 2017.
Buddhism believes that life is not a bed of roses. Instead, there are suffering, pain, and
frustrations. When people suffer, they want to experience the goodness of life and avoid
disappointments. It becomes a habit known as the reactive cycle of wanting and hating, like and dislike,
and craving and aversion. This reactive cycle can be broken through the practice of mediation, acquiring
more wisdom and deeper understanding, and acceptance of things as they are.
Customs and Practices
There are two types of meditation practices: samatha and vipassana. Samatha is practiced as
mindfulness of breathing and development of loving kindness (Mett. Bhavana). Vipassana Dractices aim
at developing insight into reality. Acquiring wisdom is by studying Buddha's teaching, the Dharma.
Through reflection of Dharma, Buddhists can achieve a deeper understand Buddhists believe in non-
violence principle.
Christians believe in Trinitarian God. One God in three personas: God the Father (Creator), God
the Son (Savior), and God the Holy Spirit (Sustainer) Eternal life after death will be achieved through
faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is, God the Son, who came into flesh, to spread the Good News of
Salvation. He died on the Cross for the sin of the humanity but resurrected from the death, so that
anyone who believes in Him will be saved and have eternal life. The Holy Bible is a selection of books,
which is divided into two, the Old Testament and New Testament.
Customs and Practices
Sacrament of Baptism and Sacrament of Communion are practiced by Christian churches. The
Sacrament of Baptism symbolizes the birth in Christian World, while the Sacrament of Communion is
an act of remembrance of Jesus Christ's sacrificial love. Jesus Christ teaching in unconditional love that
is expressed in loving the poor, oppressed, and Holy Baptism outcast of the society. Christmas and
Resurrection (Easter) are the two major celebrations in Christianity. Christmas, Usually on December
25, commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ while Resurrection Sunday (depends on lunar calendar,
sometime in March or April) celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death.

Hinduism covers a wide range of traditional beliefs and religious groups; thus, there is no single
founder or leader. Hindus believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, governed by
Karma. Karma is a concept where the reincarnated life will depend on how the past life was spent.
Hindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive lives and its next incarnation is always
dependent on how the previous life was lived. Vedas are sacred scriptures of Hindus. Mahabharata and
Ramayana are two other important texts of the Hindus.
Customs and Practices
Diwali, and Navrati are the most celebrated festivals of the Hindus. Diwali is the Festival of
Lights while Navrati is the festival of nine nights, which celebrate the triumph of good over evil. Hindus
have set dates to honor particular manifestations of God.
Muslims believe in Allah, who is their "One God" They believe in the unity and universality of
God. Muslims also have a strong sense of community “ummah" and an awareness of their solidarity with
all Muslims worldwide. Islam means 'willing submission to God." Muslims believe that Mohammed is
the last and final prophet sent by God. Mohammed was born in Mecca in 570 CE and received
revelations from God through the Angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. The Holy Book of Islam is
called the Quran, which was taught to be recited in Arabic because any translation is seen as inadequate.
Customs and Practices
Muslims believe in the five pillars of Islam, which are the foundation of Muslim life:
1. Shahadah statement of faith: "There is no God but the one true God and Mohammed is his
2. Salat the prayer that is practiced five times a day.
3. Zakat - the monetary offering for the benefit of the poor. It comprises the 2.5% of a Muslim's
4. Haij - the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims who can afford are asked to do the pilgrimage
at least once in their lifetime.
5. Sawm the fasting. Muslims do fasting, from food, drink, and sexual act, during the celebration
of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The fast is from dawn to
Two of the major festivals in Islam are Eidul-Fitr and Eidul-Adha. Eidul-Fitr is the celebration at the end
of Ramadan, while Eidul-Adha is celebrated within the Completion of the Pilgrimage, the Haj.

The Jews believe in the God of Abraham, the same God that liberated the Hebrew slaves from
Egypt to Canaan, the Promised Land through the leadership of Moses and later, Joshua. The Jews
believe in the coming of Messiah, the Savior. The sacred scripture of the Jews is called the Torah or the
Law. The Torah is the guide of the Jewish living. The study and interpretation of Torah is part of the
Jewish culture.
Customs and Practices
There are five major festivals observed by the Jews:
1. Rosh Hashanah - the New Year
2. Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement
3. Pesach Passover
4 Shavuot- Pentecost
5. Sukkot-Tabernacles. The Jewish Sabbath begins on Friday evening at sunset and is an
important time when families gather for the Sabbath meal.
Religious beliefs, rituals, practices, and customs are all part or the expression of the spiritual self.
What to believe and how to manifest the belief is entirely dependent on the individual, to the self. A
person might believe that there is a higher being, a supernatural being, usually termed as God, but not
necessarily wants to be affiliated or identified with a certain religious group. Others may have religious
practices which are perceived to be contrary to the practices of other groups. Religious beliefs and
practices, therefore, are formed relative to its context and culture.
Three ways of discovering meaning in life
Another extensive study of self can be found in the works of Dr. Viktor E. Frankl. The Viktor
Frankl Institute in Vienna was created in 1992. The Institute has a website where there is a synopsis of
his life and works and present programs (http://www.viktorfranklinstitute.
org/About_Viktor_Frankl.html). The following are the excerpts from the website:

The Psychiatrist
Dr. Viktor E. Frankl was born on March 26, 1905 in Vienna, Austria, where famous psychiatrists
Sigmund Freud and Afred Adler lived. At a young age, he wrote a short paper to Freud which was
published after three years. Dr. Frankl graduated with a medical degree from the University of Vienna in
1930. He was assigned in Vienna Hospital suicide ward and headed the Rothschild Hospital, eight years
later. A survivor of the Holocaust, Dr. Frankl published a book about logo therapy. In 1959, the book
was translated to English and was revised in 1963 as The Doctor and the Soul: An Introduction to Logo
therapy. His book, Man's Search for Meaning has been used as a textbook in high school and college
courses. Dr. Frankl died in 1997
Logo therapy
Logo therapy is a psychotherapy introduced by Dr. Viktor Frankl, who is considered the Father
of Logo therapy. The main belief of logo therapy is that "man's primary motivational force is search for
meaning." Logo therapy aids individuals to find personal meaning of life, whatever life situation they
may be. In logo therapy, meaning can be discovered by creating a work or doing a deed, experiencing
something or encountering someone and the attitude toward unavoidable suffering. According to the
Victor Frankl Institute of Logo therapy (n.d.), it uses the philosophy of optimism in the face of tragedy,
where people are capable of "turning suffering into human achievement and accomplishment; deriving
from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for the better; and deriving from lives transistorizes an
incentive to take responsible action."
Basic Concepts of Franklian Psychology
The Franklian Psychology has the basic concepts. These are the following:
1. Life has meaning under all circumstances.
2. Main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life.
3. Freedom to find meaning.
Furthermore, Franklian Psychology aims to: (1) become aware of spiritual resources, (2) make
conscious spiritual resources, and (3) use "defiant power of the human spirit' and stand up against

Logo therapy Assumptions

All psychotherapies make philosophical assumptions about the human persons that cannot be
proved with certainty. Viktor Frankl Institute of Logo therapy (n.d.) states the assumptions of logo
therapy, which include the following:
1. The human being is an entity consisting of body, mind, and spirit. This first assumption deals
with the body (soma), mind (psyche), and noos). According to Frankl, the body and mind are
what we have and the spirit is what we are.
2. Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most miserable. Assumption two is
“ultimate meaning.” This is difficult to grasp but it is something everyone experiences and it
represents an order in a world with laws that go beyond human laws.
3. People have a will to meaning. The third assumption is seen as our main motivation for living
and acting. When we see meaning, we are ready for any type of suffering. This is considered to
be different than our will to achieve power and pleasure.
4. People have freedom under all circumstances to activate the will to find meaning. Assumption
four is that we are free to activate our will to find meaning, and this can be done under any
circumstances. This deals with change of attitudes about unavoidable fate. Frankl was able to test
the first four assumptions when he was confined in the concentration camps.
5. Life has a demand quality to which people must respond if decisions are to be meaningful.
The fifth assumption, the meaning of the moment, is more practical in daily living than ultimate
meaning. Unlike ultimate meaning this meaning can be found and fulfilled. This can be done by
following the values of society or by following the voice of our conscience.
6. The individual is unique. The sixth assumption deals with one's sense of meaning. This is
enhanced by the realization that we are irreplaceable.
In essence, all humans are unique with an entity of body, mind, and spirit. We all go through
unique situations and are constantly looking to find meaning. We are free to do these at all times in
response to certain demands.

Frankl's Sources of Meaning
Popova (2017) discussed Viktor Frankl's work. There are three possible sources of the meaning
of life: purposeful work, courage in the face of difficulty and love.
1. Purposeful Work. To find the meaning of life starts with holding a future goal. Each individual
has each own future goal to achieve or a task to perform. That task or goal to fulfill becomes the
meaning of their life therefore meaning of life is unique to every individual.
2. Courage in the Face of Difficulty. A meaningful life is a life with suffering. Suffering is
inevitable part of life. To find meaning of life is to recognize suffering, pain, and death as part of
life and to have the courage to face these life difficulties.
3. Love. Popova (2017) quoted Dr. Frank's notes about his experience in the Nazi Camp: "For
hours I stood hacking at the icy ground. The guard passed by, insulting me, and once again I
communed with my beloved. More and more I felt that she was present, that she was with me; I
had the feeling that I was able to touch her, able to stretch out my hand and grasp hers. The
feeling was very strong: she was there. Then, at that very moment, a bird flew down silently and
perched just in front of me, on the heap of soil which I had dug up from the ditch, and looked
steadily at me." Dr. Frankl's wife, parents, and some relatives were victims of gas chambers. His
love for his wife kept him fight for his life. Popova (2017) also quoted Dr. Frankl's definition of
love: "Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his
personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless
he loves him. By his love, he is enabled to see the essential traits and features in the beloved
person; and even more, he sees that which is potential in him... Furthermore, by his love, the
loving person enables the beloved person to actualize these potentialities. By making him aware
of what he can be and of what he should become, he makes these potentialities come true."
Costello (2015) captured Viktor Frankl's message: "The ultimate secret on the spiritual
foundation of life is that love is salvation and joy eternity." The ultimate factor to find the
meaning of life is love.

Keep in Mind:
This topic focuses on the spiritual dimensions of the self. It broadly tackles the different aspects of
spirituality from existence, relatedness or connections, and the inner soul. The inner soul discusses
the nature of spirituality. The best way of enhancing spirituality lies within the self. Constant
reflection and meditation of life choices and decisions and having faith in a higher being can enhance
spiritual intelligence. It is not about finding meaning in life but rather, how meaning is applied to life.

Comprehension Check:
1. What made you believe that there is a higher being?
2. What does spirituality bring to one’s life?
3. How do you practice spiritual self care of the soul?

To validate your answer, feel free to contact your course facilitator through any of the following:
 Facebook: Ana Mary G. Templado
 Contact No: 09776858682
 Email address:

References: Alata, E. J. P. (2018). Understanding The Self, First Edition. Rex Book Store.
Rex, Manila Philippines.
Teo, D. (2014). Spiritual Self. Emi Publishing Inc. on May 17, 2020

Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
Name: Rica Mae O. Benignos Date: _____________
Course/Year Level: BSED-1B Score: ____________

Journal Writing No. 10 - Filipino Rituals and Ceremonies

Instruction: Using your knowledge in Lesson 10, write an essay about the Filipino rituals and
ceremonies of the Philippines, and the modern day expression of their spiritual beings. A minimum
of 300 words is required.

Use the given Journal Writing Sheet 10 for your entry.

In this topic in lesson 10 as I learned about the Filipino rituals and ceremonies An individual
lives in a society where there are many practices of religion. The choice of religious belief lies within
the spiritual self. Ritual is the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by tradition. Ritual is a
specific, observable mode of behavior exhibited by all known societies. It is thus possible to view
ritual as a way of defining or describing humans.
There are different religions with different beliefs and practices. Some of the major world
religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Excerpt of some religious
beliefs and practices are found in the University of London's Religion and Belief Guide 2017. First
belief is Buddhism believes that life is not a bed of roses. Instead, there are suffering, pain, and
frustrations. Second belief is Christians believe in Trinitarian God. One God in three personas: God
the Father (Creator), God the Son (Savior), and God the Holy Spirit (Sustainer) Eternal life after
death will be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is, God the Son, who came into
flesh, to spread the Good News of Salvation. Third belief is Hinduism covers a wide range of
traditional beliefs and religious groups; thus, there is no single founder or leader. Forth belief is Islam
or Muslims believe in Allah, who is their "One God" They believe in the unity and universality of
God. Muslims also have a strong sense of community “ummah" and an awareness of their solidarity
with all Muslims worldwide. Islam means 'willing submission to God”. And the last belief is Judaism
the Jews believe in the God of Abraham, the same God that liberated the Hebrew slaves from Egypt
to Canaan, the Promised Land through the leadership of Moses and later, Joshua.

Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Course/Year Level: __________________________________________ Score: ____________

Journal Writing No. 11 - My Reflections on Frankl’s Ways of Discovering the Meaning of Life

Instruction: Using your knowledge in Lesson 10, write an essay about your personal reflections on
Frankl’s ways of discovering the meaning of life. A minimum of 200 words is required. Use the given
Journal Writing Sheet 11 for your entry.


1. Keep the following outputs in your Portfolio: Journal Writing no. 9, 10, 11 and Collage Making
then submit them during the midterm exams on week 4.
2. Review all the lessons from week 1 to week 3 in preparation for the Midterm Exam on Week 4
3. Secure your Midterm Exam Permit from the Cashier’s Office. This will be collected during the

Good luck!

End of Week 3


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