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WA Statewide

A Survey of Registered Voters

Conducted Sept. 8-14, 2020
N = 501; Margin of Error is ±4.4%

[PHONE] Hello, may I please speak with (NAME ON LIST)? My name is __________ from Washington Opinion Surveys, a public opinion polling firm.
We are conducting a survey about some issues that people have been talking about lately. We’re not selling anything and I will not ask for a donation at
any time. The survey will take only a few minutes. All responses will be anonymous and used only for research purposes. This call may be monitored for
quality assurance.

[TEXT/WEB] 1 Washington Opinion Surveys is conducting a scientific research study of Washington residents. All responses are confidential and for
research purposes only. We are NOT selling anything, and we will NOT ask you for money. To participate, please click the link: <survey link>. [TEXT
ONLY] If you do not wish to be re-contacted, please reply STOP.

1. (CELL SAMPLE ONLY) Are you in a place where you can safely take this survey?

Yes ....................................................................................................... CONTINUE

No ......................................................................................................... SCHEDULE CALL BACK

2. To start, are you at least 18 years old and registered to vote at your current address in Washington?

Yes ....................................................................................................... 100%

No ......................................................................................................... TERMINATE

3. First, I have a few questions for statistical purposes. Which of the following best describes your age? Just stop me when I read the right

18-34 .................................................................................................... 26%

35-49 .................................................................................................... 25
50-64 .................................................................................................... 25
65+ ....................................................................................................... 24
Under 18 ............................................................................................... TERMINATE
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. TERMINATE

4. How would you describe your gender?

Male...................................................................................................... 49%
Female ................................................................................................. 51
Other .................................................................................................... 1
Prefer not to answer.............................................................................. *

Now, I’m going to read you a list of some public figures and organizations you may have heard of and I’d like you to tell me whether you have a very
favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of each one. If you don’t recognize the name or if you recognize the
name but do not have an opinion, please just say so and we will move to the next name. Here is the first one…

TOTAL TOTAL Very SW SW Very No Don’t

FAV UNFAV Fav Fav Unfav Unfav Opin Recog

5. The Black Lives Matter movement 59% 32% 38% 21% 9% 23% 7% 1% 1%

6. Jay Inslee 52% 37% 29 23 8 29 7 3 1


For simplicity, only the phone version of the question language is displayed in the topline data.

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. STUDY 20-610

WA Statewide
A Survey of Registered Voters
Conducted Sept. 8-14, 2020
N = 501; Margin of Error is ±4.4%

7. Now thinking about the election for President, if the election were held today, would you vote for (ROTATE) <Democrat Joe Biden> or
<Republican Donald Trump>?

JOE BIDEN .......................................................................................... 58%

DONALD TRUMP ................................................................................. 36%

Democrat Joe Biden ............................................................................. 55%

I’m undecided, but I’m leaning toward Democrat Joe Biden .................. 2

I’m undecided, but I’m leaning toward Republican Donald Trump ......... 3
Republican Donald Trump .................................................................... 33

Completely undecided; no lean whatsoever .......................................... 7


8. And thinking about the election for Governor of Washington, if the election were held today, would you vote for (ROTATE) <Democrat Jay
Inslee> or <Republican Loren Culp>?

JAY INSLEE ......................................................................................... 53%

LOREN CULP ...................................................................................... 37%

Democrat Jay Inslee ............................................................................. 50%

I’m undecided, but I’m leaning toward Democrat Jay Inslee .................. 3

I’m undecided, but I’m leaning toward Republican Loren Culp .............. 3
Republican Loren Culp ......................................................................... 34

Completely undecided; no lean whatsoever .......................................... 9


Next I am going to read you the names of a few people and organizations that may be involved in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. After I read
each one, please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of their response to COVID-19.

TOTAL TOTAL Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly

APP DISAPP approve approve disapprove disapprove
9. Your local government 68% 26% 31% 37% 13% 14% 6%

10. Jay Inslee 59% 35% 35 24 9 25 6

11. Donald Trump 36% 62% 21 15 5 57 2

12. Overall, do you think (ROTATE) <Joe Biden> or <Donald Trump> would do a better job handling the COVID-19 pandemic?

BIDEN .................................................................................................. 57%

TRUMP ................................................................................................. 36%

Biden, much better ................................................................................ 47%

Biden, somewhat better ........................................................................ 9

Trump, somewhat better ....................................................................... 9

Trump, much better............................................................................... 28
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 7

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. STUDY 20-610

WA Statewide
A Survey of Registered Voters
Conducted Sept. 8-14, 2020
N = 501; Margin of Error is ±4.4%

13. In general, do you approve or disapprove of Washington state’s voting system, where voters receive their ballot in the mail and either mail it
back, drop it off, or vote it in-person?

APPROVE ............................................................................................ 81%

DISAPPROVE ...................................................................................... 15%

Strongly approve................................................................................... 68%

Somewhat approve ............................................................................... 13

Somewhat disapprove .......................................................................... 6

Strongly disapprove .............................................................................. 9
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 3


14. Would you describe the recent demonstrations and protests in downtown Seattle as…(ROTATE)

More peaceful than violent .................................................................... 39%

More violent than peaceful .................................................................... 50
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 11

Next I am going to read you a list of potential policies on policing. After I read each one, please tell me if you would support or oppose that policy.

TOTAL TOTAL Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly DK/

SUPPORT OPPOSE support support oppose oppose REF

15. Increase oversight and accountability of police officers,

and increase punishment for those who break the 86% 10% 64% 22% 5% 6% 3%

16. Invest in re-training officers to de-escalate and use 86% 12% 63 22 4 8 2

force only as a last resort

17. Leave police departments the way they are and give 57% 39% 37 20 16 22 4
them the resources to do their jobs properly

18. Shift some responsibilities and funding from police 55% 40% 36 20 11 30 4
departments to other social services or agencies

19. As you may know, the Seattle City Council recently cut $3 million dollars and 100 officers from the Seattle Police Department, and a majority
of the city council has pledged to further cut the police department’s $400 million dollar budget by half in the near future. Now I am going to
read you two statements about this proposal, and please tell me which statement you agree with more.


(SUPPORT) Supporters of this proposal say that it is an important first step toward de-funding the police and bringing urgently-needed racial
justice to Seattle, and we need to continue shifting funding away from the police.

(OPPOSE) Opponents of this proposal say that it is an irresponsible approach that was rammed through without any real analysis or an actual
strategy or plan in place, which will only lead to more crime and homelessness.

SUPPORTERS ..................................................................................... 31%

OPPONENTS ....................................................................................... 61%

I agree with the Supporters statement MUCH more............................. 15%

I agree with the Supporters statement SOMEWHAT more .................. 16

I agree with the Opponents statement SOMEWHAT more ................... 17

I agree with the Opponents statement MUCH more ............................. 44
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 7

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. STUDY 20-610

WA Statewide
A Survey of Registered Voters
Conducted Sept. 8-14, 2020
N = 501; Margin of Error is ±4.4%

Please tell me whether each of the following statements DOES or DOES NOT apply to you. Here’s the first one…

Yes, Applies No, Does Not

Not Sure

20. You have been diagnosed with COVID-19. 2% 94% 4%

21. Someone you know has been diagnosed with COVID-19. 47 49 4

22. You have lost your job or had your hours or income reduced as a result of COVID-19. 28 70 1


I have just a few questions left for statistical purposes.

23. What is the highest level of education you have fully completed?

Less than high school ........................................................................... 4%

High school or GED .............................................................................. 19
Some college or associates degree ...................................................... 33
Bachelors degree .................................................................................. 26
Postgraduate or advanced degree ........................................................ 16
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 2

24. Regardless of how you plan to vote, in politics, as of today, do you consider yourself (ROTATE) a Republican, a Democrat, or an

DEMOCRAT ......................................................................................... 46%

REPUBLICAN ...................................................................................... 29%

Strong Democrat................................................................................... 23%

Not strong Democrat ............................................................................. 8
Independent, lean Democratic .............................................................. 14

Independent .......................................................................................... 20

Independent, lean Republican............................................................... 10

Not strong Republican .......................................................................... 3
Strong Republican ................................................................................ 15

Something else ..................................................................................... 4

DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 3

25. Thinking in political terms, would you say that you are (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP) Conservative, Moderate, or Liberal?

LIBERAL .............................................................................................. 32%

CONSERVATIVE ................................................................................. 31%

Very liberal............................................................................................ 16%

Somewhat liberal .................................................................................. 16

Moderate .............................................................................................. 31

Somewhat conservative ........................................................................ 16

Very conservative ................................................................................. 15
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 6

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. STUDY 20-610

WA Statewide
A Survey of Registered Voters
Conducted Sept. 8-14, 2020
N = 501; Margin of Error is ±4.4%

26. Are you of a Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish-speaking background? (IF NO:) How would you describe your race?

White or Caucasian............................................................................... 80%

Hispanic or Latino ................................................................................ 7
Asian or Pacific Islander........................................................................ 6
Black or African American ..................................................................... 3
Mixed race or multi-racial ...................................................................... 2
Something else ..................................................................................... *
DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 2

27. In the 2016 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, another candidate, or did you not vote
in this election?

Hillary Clinton........................................................................................ 46%

Donald Trump ....................................................................................... 30
Other .................................................................................................... 8

I did not vote in this election .................................................................. 12

DK/NA/REFUSED................................................................................. 4

That completes our survey. Thank you VERY MUCH for your time.

Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. STUDY 20-610

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