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Frederick Douglass Academy Onyx Jackson Preston

803 September 25, 2006

Math/Science Ms. Lowney/ Mr. Bramble

A Wrinkle In Time
Thoughts on how Math and Science have impacted my life

Hello my name is Onyx Sankofa Jackson-Preston. I was born in New York City on September
twenty-sixth, in 1994 two minutes before my twin sister Samari Sankofa Jackson-Preston. Math and
Science have impacted my life from the very beginning by allowing my parents to know before I was
born that I would have a twin sister. Math or Mathematics is the study of numbers, form, arrangement and
associated relationships using rigorously defined literal and operational symbols. Science is the study
concerned with demonstrable truths’ and characterized by the systematic application of precise methods.
Both Math and Science have impacted my life in many ways, in many places.
Math is one of the most important classes that I take at school. It teaches me to add and subtract,
as well as higher orders of operation. My study of Math allows me to tell what time of day it is, what day
it is in a given year, my age and much more. Math enables me to measure ingredients when I make food,
to calculate how much time it takes to cook something, how much change I should get back when I go to
the store, etc. Math is an integral part of everything that I do.
Science equally impacts my life. It is another very important class that I study at school that
teaches me about animal life, plant life, the environment, bacteria, the human body, hydroponics,
aquaculture, aquaponics, etc. Science through medicine allowed me to come into this world safely when
my mother had a caesarean birth. When I was very young, I learned that I am severely allergic to shellfish
and science allows me to have an epi-pen, which is medicine in a prepared needle that can save my life in
an emergency. Science answers the mysteries of the world that we live in. Why the sky is blue, what the
center of the earth is made of, why it rains, what the universe looks like what we are as homo sapiens and
how we evolved.
Math will be even more important to my future as I become an adult and learn to manage my
money and set up a budget for myself. I have a bank account and my mother tries to tell me about
compounding interest, which is based on math. Science is an important part of my future as well as it
relates to my health and understanding ways to get better when I am sick. In the larger world, Science and
Math will impact us all as the government tries to send rockets to Mars, as we look for new sources for oil
and try to make cars and other things that are better for the environment. Math and Science will be used to
tell us when bad storms or tsunamis are coming so that we can be safe and not have another New Orleans
after Katrina. If a person never studied math or science, life would be a mystery. Past discoveries help us
to understand our world today and future discoveries will help to ensure that the world will exist in the

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