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JULY, 1961 G A D D I S ET A L .


hand, dodee-2,4-dienal in the current work has been 3. Ellis, R., Gaddis, A.M., and Currie, G.T., Anal. Chem., 30, 475
consistently found in linoleate and in most of the fats. 4, Ellis, R., and Gaddis, A.M., Anal. Chem., 31, 1997 (1959).
5. Ellis, R., Gaddis, A.M., and Currie, G.T., Food Research, in press,
The possibility has been considered that undec-2,4- (1961).
dienal and dodec-2,4-dienal might be mistaken for one 6. Farmer,, Koch, tt.P., and Sutton, D.A., J. Chem. Soc., 1943,
another, but this is not believed to be the case (4). It 7. Fritsch, C.W., and Deatherage, F.E., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc.,
m a y be that both compounds are present but approach 33. 109 (1956).
8. Fugger, J.. Cannon. J.A., Zilch, K.T., and Dutton, H.J., J. Am.
trace amounts in proportion to the other aldehydes Oil Chemists' So('., 28. 285 (1951).
9. Gaddis, A.M.. and Ellis, R., Science, 126, 745 (1957).
(12). H e a t i n g the oxidized b u t t e r f a t produced over 10. Gaddis, A.M., Ellis. R.. and Currie, G.T., Food Research, 24,
17% 2-alkanone class consisting of C~, C7, C9, Cll, Cla, 283 (1959).
11. Gaddis, A.M.. and Ellis. R., Anal. Chem., 31, 870 (1959).
and C15 ketones. These compounds are not due to 12. Gaddis, A.SL, and Ellis. R.. Food Research, 24, 392 (1959).
oxidation as their formation in heated fresh b u t t e r f a t 13. Gaddis, A.M., Ellis. R., and Currie, G.T., Food Research, 25.
495 (1960).
has been described by P a t t o n and T h a r p (17). 14. K a w a h a r a , F.K., and Dutton, H.J., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc.,
Composition of volatile monocarbonyl compounds 29, 372 (1952).
15. X a w a h a r a , F.K.. Dutton, H.J., and Cowan, J.C., J. Am. Oil
found in the more highly u n s a t u r a t e d peanut, soy- Chemists' Sot., 29, 633 (1952).
16. Morris, S.G., J. Agr. Food Chem., 2, 126 (1954).
bean, and linseed oils is shown in Table V. Amounts 17. Patton, S., and Tharp, B.W., ,l. Dairy Set., 42, 49 (1959).
of the m a j o r characteristic aldehydes reflect the larger 18. Patton, S., Barnes. I.J., and Evans, L.E., J. Am. Oil Chemists'
Soe., 36, 280 (1959).
proportions of linoleie and linolenie acids in these oils. 19. Privett. O.S., and Xickell, E.C., Fette, Seifen, und Anstrichmit-
tel, 61. 842 (1959).
REFERENCES 20. Witting. L.A., and Schweigert, B.S., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soe.,
35, 413 (1958).
1. Badings, I-I.T., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc., 86, 648 (1959).
2. Chang, S.S., and Kummerow, F.A., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Sot'., 30,
251 (1953). [ R e c e i v e d D e c e m b e r 6, 1960]

Ozonization of Soybean Oil. The Preparation and Some

Properties of Aldehyde Oils '
E.H. PRYDE, D.E. ANDERS, H.M. TEETER, J.C. C O W A N , Northern Regional
Research Laboratory, 2 Peoria, Illinois

A polyaldehydic product called aldehyde oil was prepared by ylation with hydrogen peroxide, cleavage with lead
the ozonization of soybean oil, followed by reductive decompo- tetra-acetate, followed by oxidation with hydrogen
sition of the ozonolysis products. Reductive decomposition by peroxide, then by saponification.
chemical means gave 85-90% yields of carbonyl in the alde-
hyde oil. Catalytic reduction gave 75-80% yields. Partially- This p a p e r describes a relatively simple method of
hydrogenated soybean oll gave more efficient results than did p r e p a r i n g an aldehyde oil in good yield fronl soybean
unhydrogenated oil. The polyfunctional aldehyde oil was found oil and also describes some of its properties. The
to undergo condensation reactions with phenolic compound~, effects of solvent and the method of reduction were
urea, amines, and polyols to give cross-linked polymers. studied in some detail in order to obtain high yields.
The course of the reaction m a y be illustrated with
ZONE IS ONE Of the most attractive reagents for an idealized triglyceride structure for soybean oil:

O c a r r y i n g out oxidative cleavage of u n s a t u r a t e d

f a t t y materials because of its relatively low
cost, its availability, and the quantitative nature of
1. O3
the reaction. Either carboxylic acids or aldehydes - 9 Reduction
m a y be obtained, depending upon whether oxidative CH~OOC(CH2) :CH=CH (CH:) rCHa
or reduetive decomposition of the ozonolysis products
is carried out. Oxidative cleavage has been success- CH2OOC
(CH2) rCHO
fully applied on a commercial scale to the production f
of pelargonie and azelaie acids f r o m oleie acid (1). CHOOC(CH_~),CHO + 2CHa(CH~)4CHO + CHa(CH2),CHO
Reduetive cleavage for the production of f a t t y alde- CH200C (CH2) TCHO
hydes possibly would be of equal commercial interest Aldehyde oil Caproaldehyde Pelargonaldehyde
because of the versatility of the aldehyde group in
chemical reactions. An attractive aldehydie product + 2OHCCH2CHO
is the glyceride of azelaie semi-aldehyde, obtained by Malonaldehyde
the ozonization of an u n s a t u r a t e d oil. The polyfune-
tionality of this compound makes it useful in a v a r i e t y I n addition to the linoleic and oleie acids indicated in
of cross-linking and resin-forming reactions. The one the formula, palmitic, stearie, and linolenie acids are
mention in the literature (2) describes it only as a also present but to a lesser extent. F r o m 100 lbs. of
brown, viscous oil. It was obtained e n r o u t e to the the soybean oil used in these experiments, there would
p r e p a r a t i o n of azclaic acid f r o m castor oil by hydrox- be obtained theoretically 31.8 lbs. of volatile alde-
hydes, 16.0 lbs. of lnalonaldehyde, and 67.5 lbs. of
1 Presented at annual meeting, American Oil Chemists' Society, St.
Louis, ~Io., May 1-3, 1961. aldehyde oil.
This is a laboratory of the Northern Utilization Research and Devel- The production of aldehydes (Table I) was nleas-
opment Division, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture. ured by reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride.

The Ozonization of S o y b e a n Oil

Ozonization A l d e h y d e oil
Total I Yield i Yielder
Exp. Con-
carbonyl i , water
No. Solvent a Temp. sumed, Not
'.,onsumed, yield % vol~ Crude Carbonvl i C a r h o n v l r soluble
% of ~} of i before i aldehydes yield yield" [i c o n t e n } ~aldehyde
theory theory ! isolation
i / ,
A, Chemical R e d u c t i o n % % mmoles, g. ] G
1 M e t h y I e n e chtoride --2O t25 2.9 45 ~ 44 112 78 3.00 I ......
2 Methanol +14 135 3.1 48 55 94 77 3.57 ......
3 Ethanol +S 124 2.7 59 78 101 86 3.69 2.0
4 n-Butanol +14 120 4.2 54 68 115 86 3,28 ......
5 M e t h y l e n e chloride ( 5 5 ) - m e t h a n o l (45) --15 130 3.2 60 49 102 91 3.91 8.0
6 E t h y l acetate ( 8 0 ) - m e t h a n o l ( 2 0 ) --11 127 3.0 56 55 100 92 4.00 ......
6A b E t h y l acetate ( 8 0 ) - m e t h a n o l ( 2 0 ) --18 117 4.7 51 76 109 100 4.02 ......
7e M e t h y l e n e chloride ( 5 5 ) - m e t h a n o l (45) -- 9 129 2.1 75 63 114 91 3.48 ......
8a M e t h y l e n e chloride ( 5 5 ) - m e t h a n o l (45) -- 4 129 3.1 84 79 105 85 4.36 ......
B . Catalytic ~ e d u c t i o n
9 E t h y l acetate --20 120 3.4 44
10 M e t h y l e n e chloride e --64 102 3.3 47
11 E t h y l alcohol +10 117 3.0 54 115 72 2.70 4,4
12 Isoprol)yl alcohol -- 3 116 4.5 55 85 124 79 2.79 1.8
13 Ethyl acetate (80)-acetic acid (20) --11 118 4.0 57 107 76 3.10
14 M e t h y l acetate ( 8 0 ) - m e t h a n o l (20) --20 154 2.9 69 7O 102 68 2.88 24.9
a Except where noted a concentration of about 1 0 w t . % of soybean oil in t h e solvent w a s used.
The concentration of soybean oil in the solvent w a s increased to 3 0 wt. ~?).
e Marffarine.
d Triolein.
e The methylene chloride was replaced with methanol before hydrogenation.

Analysis for aldehydes on the solution containing all I[, chemical reduction of the ozouolysis products was
reduction products is reported as the total earbonyl used.
yield before isolation. Because of the loss of malon- Similar results, obtained when the ozonolysis prod-
aldehyde, which is subject to ozone attack, the maxi- ucts were reduced catalytically with hydrogen, were
mum production of useful carbonyl compounds should not as clear-cut as with chemical reduction because
be about 57 mole %, or 31.8 + 67.5 = 99.3 weight % of lower yields. In this series isopropyl alcohol is
(see method of yield calculation in Experimental). equivalent to ethyl alcohol, but hydrogenation at
The expected earbonyl yield of 57 mole % was about atmospheric pressure was difficult to achieve. Re-
the value actually obtained with the soybean oil raider duction took place more readily at 40 p.s.i.g.
optimum conditions. In isolating the reaction prod- Alcohol as the solvent is clearly superior in obtain-
ucts, no attempt was made to separate pelargonalde- ing high earbonyl yields but has the minor disadvan-
hyde, caproaldehyde, and propionaldehyde; these are tage of causing iuereased consumption of ozone. Such
reported as volatile aldehydes. Crude yields and car- solvents as methylene chloride, acetic acid, and water
bonyl yields of the products are based on the weight have been reported to be essentially nnreaetive to
and earbonyl content theoretically expected, respec- ozone whereas niethanol does react (5). However
tively. In some experiments, earbonyl analyses were reaction of ozone with carbon-carbon unsatnration
made on the aqueous solutions and are reported as is so rapid that very little of the ozone reacts with
yield of water-soluble aldehyde, chiefly malonaldehyde.
Factors Affecting Ozonization TABLE II
Effect of Solvent on Carbonyl Yield in the A l d e h y d e Oil
Solvent. Reactive solvents in general, such as meth- (Chemical R e d u c t i o n )
anol, ethanol, and acetic acid, are superior to non- ~ta~ I
1 IAhIehvde
reactive solvents (4). The alkoxy- or aeyloxyhydro- E x p . No.
caroony oil"
Solvent yield carbo'nyl
peroxides formed are easily reduced or oxidized and before yield
isolation "
lead to a minimum of by-products. 5{ethanol is a
good solvent for the ozonization of methyl oleate (3). I r r
] ....................................... ] M e t h y l e n e chloride i 45 78
The total carbonyl yield before product isolation is 2 ...................................... i Methanol ' 48 ~ 77
as high as 92% when methanol is the solvent, and the 3 ....................................... i Ethanol 59" 86
n-Butanol 54 86
isolated yield of the methyl ester of azelaic semialde- o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ M e t h y l e n e chloride ( 5 5 ) - I 605 91
methanol (45)
hyde is 88%. Ethyl acetate ( 8 0 ) - I
methanol (20) ! 56 92
In the ozonization of soybean oil, methanol gives a
a Includes 2% water-soluble aldehydes.
relatively low earbonyl yield in the aldehyde oil b Includes 8% water-soluble aldehydes.
comparable with that obtained with the nonreactive
solvent methylene chloride. This low yield results
from the relative insolubility of the oil in methanol the solvent. Ill these experiments consumption of
to give a two-phase system. The ozonolysis products, ozone exceeded by about 25% the amomlt expected
which are soluble, were present in solution in much on the basis of the unsaturation.
higher concentration than the oil and hence were The concentration of oil in solvent was 10 wt. %
subject to oxidation. Both ethanol and n-butanol were in the majority of experiments. Equivalent results
better solvents and gave better results. Butanol pre- were obtained at 30 wt. % (Exp. 6A, Table I).
sents some disadvantages because of the difficulty in Reduction Method. Previously it had been found
separating layers during washing operations. Best that catalytic reduction of the ozonolysis products
results (aldehyde oil carbonyl yields of 90% or bet- from methyl oleate with 10% palladium-on-charcoal
ter) were obtained when a good solvent (methylene gave earbonyl in lower yields than did reduction ~dth
chloride or ethyl acetate) was used in combination zinc and acetic acid (3). This difference was con-
with methanol. In all the experiments listed in Table firmed with soybean oil (Table III). In spite of

TABLE Ill Properties of Aldehyde Oils

Catalytic versus Chemical R e d u c t i o n
Physical Properties Several physical properties of
Method Aldehyde oil the aldehyde oils are listed in Table VI. In general,
Exp. No. of Solvent C a r b o n v ~ C~arb~o n vl color varied from light yellow to brown and depends
I yield" / c~ upon at least three different factors: a) degree of
6 ........................... Chemical E t h y l acetate ( 8 0 ) - I
% mmoles/g.
polyunsaturation in the original oil--the greater the
methanol (20) 92 4 00 polyunsaturation the darker the oil; b) method of
14 ........................... Catalytic ]~fethyl acetate ( 8 0 ) - I I
methanol (20) I 77 I 3.04 reducing the ozonolysis products--catalytic hydro-
genation, in general, gave lighter products than did
chemical reduction; c) temperature to which the oil
lower yields, catalytic reduction has the advantages is subjected--temperatures in excess of 150~ dur-
of simpler operation and of a cheaper reducing agent. ing removal of the volatile aldehydes resulted in dark
Using a catalyst results in the partial oxidation of the products.
ozonolysis products to a earboxylic ester (6) so that Viscosity of the aldehyde oils followed a pattern
the kind but not the degree of polyfunetionality is similar to their color development. Molecular weight
changed. determinations by freezing-point depression measure-
Polyunsaturation. Although polyunsaturated f a t t y ments in benzene gave results higher than theoretical.
acids present in soybean oil should give malonalde- Condensation of volatile aldehydes with the aldehyde
hyde upon ozonization, the malonaldehyde itself is oil or self-conden~tion of the aldehyde oil in the
apparently attacked by ozone to give various acidic aldol type of reactions could account for the increases
compounds. This attack of ozone on malonic acid ha~ in color, viscosity, and molecular weight.
been described as leading to a mixture of products Resin-Formi'ng Reactions. A number of explora-
including tartronic acid, mesoxalic acid, oxalic acid, tory tests were made on the aldehyde oils to deter-
and carbon dioxide (7). The active methylene group mine the reactivity and the kind of products that
in malonaldehyde should result in a similar series of might be expected in typical condensation reactions.
reactions; the carbonyl groups also are subject to Generally, a soft, flexible, insoluble, and infusible
oxidation. Although no attempt was made to isolate solid was obtained.
and identify these oxidation products, observations Aldehyde oil reacted fairly readily with phenol
were made on the amount of acid formed at various under alkaline conditions. Under acidic conditions
degrees of ozonization (Table IV). A similar deter- it reacted with phenol only with difficulty but did
rapidly with resorcinol. If excess resorcinol were
present, a hard, brittle, solid resin was obtained in
contrast to the usual r u b b e r y gel. When a hard,
Acid F o r m a t i o n R e s u l t i n g from Ozonization of Soybean Oil
(Catalytic Reduction)
fusible resin fronl pelargonaldehyde and resorciuol
was f u r t h e r treated with aldehyde oil, a flexible, in-
E x p . No.
% of t h e o r y
soluble, and infusible resin was formed.
consumed acid Although pelargonaldehyde gave no apparent reac-
% tion with urea, aldehyde oil gave a reaction ahnost
15a ................................................................ 118 2.7 imnlediately. An orange, rubbery gel was obtained
16 ................................................................ 94 12.9
17 ................................................................ 98 16.5 with various reactant ratios.
18 ................................................................ 127 22.2 Reactions with polyols were carried out with acetal
19 ................................................................ 151 31.1
Methyl oleate. oils, and with potassium acid sulfate as a catalyst.
Hexamethylene glycol gave products ranging from
nontacky, brittle, and soluble solids to tacky and in-
ruination on methyl oleate indicated only a relatively
small amount of acid. Attempts to minimize acid TABLE V
formation by reducing ozone consumption below about Effect of P o l y u n s a t u r a t i o n
125% of the theoretical amount resulted only in in- (Chemical Reduction)
complete ozonization of the soybean oil.
Exp. Glyceride Iodine Solvent Carbonyl
In another, more successful attempt to increase Xo. value conversion
efficiency of ozone utilization a partially hydrogen- %
ated soybean oil (a margarine) was utilized. The 5 Soybean oil 131.7 Methylene chloride (55)- 60
methanol (45!
conversion of unsaturation to carbonyl compounds 7 Margarine 88.4 Methylene chloride (55)- 75
was increased from 60 to 75%, and, when triolein ] methanol (45)
8 Triolein 84.4 i Methylene chloride (55,)- 84
was used, the conversion increased to 84% (Table V). methanol (45)

P h y s i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of A l d e h y d e Oils

Physical Characteristics
E x p . No. Material Method of
Source reduction 30 Mol w t Gardner Gardner
n o " " viscosity color

8 ............................................................... Aldehyde oil Triolein Chemical 1.4632 666 ~ 4

7 ............................................................... Aldehyde oil Margarine Chemical 1.4617 666 G 8
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aldehyde oil Soybean oil Catalytic 1.4605 800 E 9
12 ............................................................... Aldehyde oil S o y b e a n oil Catalytic 1.4579 640 I 12
3 a ............................................................. Aldehyde oil S o y b e a n oil Chemical 1.4695 800 R 15
3 b ............................................................. Dimethyl acetaI oil S o y b e a n oil Chemical 1.4620 870 0 184-
a A d u p l i c a t e r u n of E x p e r i m e n t No. 3.
b P r e p a r e d f r o m E x p e r i m e n t No. 3a.

soluble products, depending upon the reactant ratio.
Theoretical Composition of AMehyde Oil
An aldol condensation occurred almost immediately ( B a s e d on Soybean Oil C o m p o s i t i o n )
when the aldehyde oil was treated with an amine, such
as n-octyl amine, ethylene diamine, piperidine, mel- Component Mole %
amine, and aniline. These condensation products were P a l m i t i c ......................................................... 10.9
S t e a r i c ........................................................... 3.3
rubbery, insoluble, and infusible gels. Mixtures of Azelaic semi-aklehyde .................................... 85.8
pelargonaldehyde with aldehyde oil were condensed Molecular w e i g h t ~ 600
in the presence of diamines to form soluble products, Carbonyl value ~ 4.29 mmoles g. I
which could then be cross-linked with the further ad- C o n s t a n t s for D i m e t h y l Aeetal Oil
dition of aldehyde oil. ~Iolecular w e i g h t ~ 719
Carbon)" v a l u e ~ 3.58 m m o l e s / g .
Heat alone also caused aldehyde oil to form a
brown, insoluble, and infusible but soft resin.
It is quite evident from these reactions that the chromatography (GLC, on 10% Craig succinie poly-
polyfunctionality of aldehyde oils is sufficient to cause ester on Chromosorb at 175~ Compositions of the
cross-linking (Table V I I ) . This property, in addi- original soybean oil and the aldehyde oil derived from
it are given in Tables V I I I and IX.
The aldehydes theoretically produced front one mole
Functionality versus Carbonyl C o n t e n t of Aldehyde Oil
(889 g.) of soybean oil include, as shown in Table X:
N u m b e r of
Source Carbonyl aldehyde
content groups/mol. TABLE X
Theoretical Yields of Aldehydes (other t h a n Aldehyde Oil)
A. As free aldehyde meq./g, P r o d u c e d from Soybean Oil
Theoretical .................................................... 5.41 3.00 [ B a s e d on 1 Mole (889 g.) of Soybean Oil]
T r i o l e i n a ....................................................... 4.36 2.41
Soybean oil a................................................. 4.00 2.22 Aldehyde produced, m o l e s / m o l e
Soybean oil b ................................................. 3.60 2.00 Compo- soybean oil
F a t t y a .id sition,
B. As d i m e t h y l acetal origin 'i mole ~/c Ca C6 Malon-
Theoretical .................................................... 4.34 3.00 I c~ aldehyde
Soybean oil ~................................................. 3.04 2.10 1 I
Soybean oil b .................................................. i 2.90 2.00 0.78
Oleic ............................... [ 26.0 ....
a A c t u a l sample. Linoleic. .......................... j 53.6 1.608 i:~08
b Calculated carbonyl c o n t e n t to give a f u n c t i o n a l i t y of 2. Linolenic. ....................... 6.2 0']i'86 , .... 0.372

Total,uo e ................................ 018 / 160 0.78 1.980

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,0:~ ,i 161.2
tion to the possibility of giving internally plasticized
resins, suggests that aldehyde oil might be used as a
cross-linking and modifying agent for a variety of propionaldehyde (0.186 mole, 10.8 g.), eaproaldehyde
condensation resins. (1.608 moles, 161.2 g.), pelargonaldehyde (0.78 mole,
111.0 g.), malonaldehyde (1.98 moles, 142.8 g.), and
Experimental aldehyde oil (1.0 mole, 600 g.). In terms of carbonyl
Materials. The refined and bleached, but not de- functions, 28.3 mole % of the carbonyl formed should
odorized, soybean oil used was purchased from the appear as aldehyde oil, a like amount as volatile alde-
A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company. Partially-hy- hydes, and 43.4 nlole % as malonaldehyde. The theo-
drogenated soybean oil (margarine), not deodorized retical yield of aldehydes other than malonaldehyde
and containing no added metal-inactivating agent, was is then about 57%. In Experiment No. 3 (Table I)
supplied by Swift and Company. Pure methyl oleate 28.9 g. (0.15 mole of imsatnration corresponding to 300
(IV = 85.3, n ~~ = 1.4483), obtained from Applied mmoles of carbonyl) of soybean oil gave 11.6 g. of vol-
Science Laboratories, was converted to the triolein atile aldehydes containing 5.32 mmoles carbonyl/g.,
and 19.5 g. of aldehyde oil containing 3.74 mmoles
carbonyl/g. The forerun (18.8 g.) also contained 0.40
Composition of Soybean Oil
mmoles carbonyl/g. From these data the following
calculations can be made:
F a t t y acid component Mole %
Palmitie 10.9
Stearic 3.3 Crude yield of aldehyde oil =
Oleic 26.0
Linoleic 53.6 19.5 • 889
Linolenic 6.2 • 100 = 100% of theory
I o d i n e v a l u e : Caled. from GLC, 131.4. F o u n d , 131.7.
600 • 28.9
Sap. e q u i v . : Oalcd. from GLC, 290.0. F o u n d , 296.2.
Yield of carbonyl in aldehyde oil =
needed. Excess (30%) methyl oleate and glycerol 19.5 • 3.74
• 100 = 86% of theory
were heated in the presence of 0.3% sodium meth- d00 • 0.283
oxide for 18 hrs. at 150-160 ~ for 12 hrs., at 175-
200 ~ and 23-50 ram. of mercury pressure, and finally Carbonyl yield of volatile aldehydes =
for 16 hrs. at 180 ~ and 0.25 ram. of mercury. The
triolein had the following characteristics: n3~ ,1.4655 ; (18.8 • 0.4 + 11.6 • 5.32) • of theory
I.V., 84.4; triglyeeride by chromatography on a silica 300 • 0.283
gel column, 97.4%; isolated trans double bond by in-
frared, about 5%; sap. equiv., 302. The yield of aldehyde oil could exceed 100% for
Method of Yield Calculation. Yields of aldehyde oil several reasons: a)conden~tion of the volatile alde-
were calculated on the basis of the actual composition hydes with the aldehyde oil at high pot temperatures,
of the soybean oil as determined by gas-liquid phase b) incomplete removal of volatile aldehydes, and c)

A h l e h y d e Oil C o n d e n s a t i o n s

Reactant Mole r a t i o a Catalyst Reaction time and mean Product b

temperature resin
P h e n o l ........................................................................................................
P h e n o l ........................................................................................................
0.5 COOH)~ 1 0 - 2 4 hrs. at 150 ~ Soft gel
0.5 Na2COa 5 hrs. at 1 5 0 ~ Soft gel
Resorcinol ............. , ......... 0.5 COOH)~ ~ hr. at 150 ~ Soft gel
Resorcinol .................................................................................................. 1.0 COOH)~ ~/2 hr. a t 1 5 0 ~ H a r d gel
P e l a r g o n a l d e h y d e - r e s o r cinol r e s i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COOH).~ 1 ~ hrs. at 1 4 0 ~ Flexible gel
U r e a ........................................................................................................... 0.5-2 None 10 rain. at 1 2 0 ~ Soft gel
H e x a m e t h y l e n e glycol ................................................................................ 0.5 KHSO4. 1 hr. at 1 3 5 ~ T a c k y gel
H e x a m e t h y l e n e glycol ................................................................................. 1.5 KHSO4 1 h r . at 1 4 0 ~ B r i t t l e solid
H e x a m e t h y l e n e glycol ................................................................................ 2.0 KHSO4 11~ h r s . at 1 5 0 ~ Soft solid
P e l a r g ' o n a l d e h y d e - a l d e h y d e oil r e s i n ( E D A c a t a l y s t ) ............................... 1 hr. at 1 0 0 ~ Soft gel
a Moles of r e a c t a n t p e r mole of a l d e h y d e p r e s e n t in t h e a l d e h y d e oil.
All p r o d u c t s d e s c r i b e d as a gel w e r e i n s o l u b l e a n d i n f u s i b l e solids.

formation of acetals. The third is the most probable bonyl as volatile aldehydes was 79%, crude yield of
cause of high-oil yields in these experinlents. aldehyde oil was 105%, and the carbonyl yield in the
aldehyde oil was 85%.
Procedure Catalytic Hydroge~ation. Soybean oil (28.9 g., 0.15
The general ozonization procedure employed has mole of unsaturation) was dissolved in 250 ml. of
been previously described in some detail (3). Of all absolute ethanol. Oxygen containing 1.12 m moles of
the experiments summarized in Table I, one suffices ozone per liter of oxygen was passed through the solu-
to illustrate chemical reduction of the ozonolysis prod- tion, which had been chilled to 10~ at a rate of
ucts and another, to illustrate catalytic hydrogenation. about 1.81 1./rain. for 89 mill. The end-point of the
reaction was determined by the same means as before.
Chemical R~duction. Triolein (150 g., 0.498 mole of
The amount of ozone found to have passed through
unsaturation) was dissolved in a solution of 800 ml.
the reactor was 3.0% of the theoretical anlount. The
of methanol in 1,000 ml. of methylene chloride. Oxy-
amount of ozone absorbed by the reaction mixture
gen containing 1.24 mmoles of ozone per liter of oxy-
was 117% of the theoretical. The solution and v a p o r
gen was passed through the solution, which had been
space above the solution were flushed with nitrogen,
cooled t o - 4 ~ at a rate of about 2.8 1./rain. for 190
and 0.20 g. of 10% palladium-on-charcoal catalyst
rain. The end-point of the reaction was determined
was added. H y d r o g e n a t i o n was carried out at atmos-
as the point at which the ozone concentration in the
pheric pressure and room t e m p e r a t u r e for about 7
exit gases f r o m the reactor began to rise as deter-
hrs., at the end of which time the test for peroxide
mined by the Welsbach ozone meter. The amount of
was negative. A solution of hydrogen iodide in glacial
ozone that was unreacted and found to have passed
acetic acid was used for this test. The use of isopropyl
through the reactor was 15 mmoles, corresponding to
alcohol as a solvent required a pressure of 40 p.s.i.g.
3% of the amount of ozone theoretically expected to
of hydrogen to obtain a product free of peroxide. The
be absorbed. The amount of ozone absorbed by the
solution was filtered, then washed in much the same
reaction m i x t u r e was 129% of the theoretical. The
m a n n e r as before to renmve small amounts of malon-
ozonolysis products were reduced with zinc powder
aldehyde. I f this step was omitted, the aldehyde oil
(75 g.) and glacial acetic acid (150 ml.). The excess
p r o d u c t was considerably darker in color. There was
zinc and the precipitated zinc salts were renloved by
obtained 12.8 g. of volatile aldehydes and 21.38 g. of
filtration. The solution was evaporated under a slight
aldehyde oil. The total yield of carbonyl in the vola-
v a c u u m to a volume of about 500 ml. W a t e r (350 ml.)
tile aldehydes was 81%, the crude yield of aldehyde
and methylene chloride (250 ml.) were added, and the
oil was 115%, and the carbonyl yield of the aldehyde
layers were separated. The aqueous layer was ex-
tracted twice more with methylene chloride, and the oil was 72%.
Resin-Forming Reaction, s. These were carried out
extract then a negative test for earbonyl. The
on a small scale on a purely exploratory basis and are
methylene chloride solution was washed first with
summarized in Table X I .
water, then with diluted sodium bicarbonate solu-
tion, and again with water, backwashing each wash REFERENCES
with a small amount of methylene chloride. The com- 1. A n o n y m o u s , Chem, E n g . News, 3 7 , No. 36, 25 ( 1 9 5 9 ) .
bined methylene chloride solutions were dried and 2. S c a n l a n , 5 . T . , a n d S w e r n , D a n i e l , J . Am. Chem. Soc., 6 2 , 2 3 0 9
evaporated. The residue weighed 202 g. and contained (1940).
3. P r y d e , E . t t . , A n d e r s , D . E . , T e e t e r , H . M . , a n d C o w a n , J.O., ft. Org.
4.15 mmoles of carbonyl per g r a m for a earbonyl Chem., 2 5 , 6 1 8 ( 1 9 6 0 ) .
yield of 84%. The volatile aldehydes were then re- 4. B a i l e y , P . S . , Chem. Revs., 5 8 , 9 2 5 ( 1 9 5 8 ) .
moved u n d e r vacuum. There were recovered 15.1 g. 5. G r e e n w o o d , F.C., J. O r g . Chem., 1 0 , 4 1 4 ( 1 9 4 5 ) .
6. T h e f o r m a t i o n of e a r b o x y l i c a c id s a n d e s t e r s by t h e u s e of pal-
of material in a d r y ice t r a p containing 0.39 mmoles l a d i u m - o n - c h a r c o a l c a t a l y s t s is to be t h e s u b j e c t of a f o r t h c o m i n g pub-
of carbonyl/g., 54.7 g. of volatile aldehydes contain- lication.
7, D o b i n s o n , F,, Chem. a n d I n d . , 1 9 5 9 , 8 5 3 .
ing 6.33 mmoles of carbonyl/g., and 86.2 g. of residue
containing 4.36 mmoles of carbonyl/g. Yield of car- [Iteceived February 10, 1961]

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