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Methodology is one of the important factors in the research activity. By

using suitable method, the research activity will get a good result. In this chapter,

the writer explains the research methods that were used. The writer presents

research design, object of the research, population and sample, variable and

hypothesis, type of data, instrument for collecting data, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

Correlational design is a quantitative research. Nazir in sukardi (2008:166)

“categorized correlation research into descriptive research, because the research

also attempts to describe the conditions have occuring“. This research describes

the current conditions that will be expressed through variables. According to Gay

in Emzir (2007:38) ; The purpose of correlational research is to determine the

relationship between variables, or to use these relationships to make predictions.

A relationship research that investigates a variable that is believed to have a

relationship between two or more variable. Meanwhile, according to Suryabrata

(in Abidin, 2010) the purpose of correlational research is to detect the extent

which variations in a factor relate variations in one or more factors based on the

correlation coefficient. Factors from one variable will bring up variations related

to other variable factors.

According Sukardi (2004:166) correlation research has three important

characteristics for someone want to use it. The three characteristics as follows :


1. Correlation research is appropriate if variables as experimental research.

Data generated from this research should not be manipulated or

supplemented by the research.

2. Allows the variables to be measures intensively in a real (environmental)

setting. The results of a variable are found in real, not in social media or


3. Lets the researcher get a significant association degrees. After the two

criteria are most significant results.

The purpose of correlation research in to discover relationships between

two or more variables or to measure how associated or related two variables. In

this case, the writer use correlation method to know “ the correlation between

students reading ability and their writing ability”.

B. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was to reveal the correlation between students‟

reading ability and writing ability of the tenth graders students of MA Bidayatul

Hidayah Mojogeneng academic year 2017/2018. The method of investigation was

held through a quantitative research. This study used a correlational research.

According to Simon and Goes (2011), correlational researcher investigates one or

more characteristics of a group to discover the extent to which the characteristics

vary together.

C. Population and Sample

The population taken in this research was all of the tenth grade students of

MA Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng. The total numbers of the students in the


second year were about 265 students in 5 different classes. The sample taken was

10% from the population because if the population is more than 100 the

researcher should take the sample between 10% -15% or 20% -25% or more

(Arikunto 2006:71). The writer applied random sampling technique in taking the

sample. Among 5 classes, she got the X B class containing 45 students.

D. Research Instrument

Instrument would be used by the researcher as a test. Since this research

involves writing as the dependent variable, the researcher uses test to obtain the

data about writing of the subjects.

Before the researcher uses the instrument to the students, the instrument

must be valid. The researcher should be making sure that the test is valid. Latief

(2013 : 174) says that it is validated to related experts and revised accordingly to

get quality assurance. Grounlund in Latief (2013 : 226) states that content validity

is the process of determining the extent to which a set of test tasks provides a

relevant and representative sample of the domain of tasks under consideration.

The content validity of the instrument measured to relating the content of the

instrument with Competence Standard and Basic Competence of English. It

means that content of question is according with curriculum.

1. Validity of the Test

Validity is a measurement that shows the degree of instrument validity.

An instrument can be said as the valid one if it can show the data from the

research variable accurately (Arikunto 2006:168).


2. Reliability of Test

Reliability is a necessary characteristic of any good test, for it to be valid

at all, a test must first be reliable as a measuring instrument (Heaton 1979: 155).

Reliability of the test shows whether the instrument is reliable and can be used as

device to collect the data. Reliability means the stability of test scores when the

test is used. A test is reliable to the extent that it measures consistently, from one

time to another. In this research, the writer tried to find out the reliability after

computing the validity of the instrument. To measure the reliability of the test, the

writer used the K.21. The formula is:

k M ( k −M )
r11=[ k −1 ][1− kVt

(Arikunto 2006: 178)

In which:

r11 : instrument reliability

k : the number of items in the test

M : the mean score on the test for all students

Vt : the variance of the total score/the total variance

a. Reading Test

The total number of the questions is 30 items, and the form of reading test

is multiple choice. The test is administered to measure the reading comprehension

on descriptive texts of the second year students of MA Bidayatul Hidayah


Table 3.1. The Blueprint of Reading Test

Reading Components of Descriptive Test

No Text
Texts Number
Main Idea 1
Factual Information 2
1 Orchard Road Reference 3
Language Feature 4
Language Feature 5
Inference 6
Factual Information 7

2 Petruk Cave Reference 8

Language Feature 9
Language Feature 10

Reference 11
Main Idea 12

3 Peter Factual Information 13

Factual Information 14
Factual Information 15
Generic Structure 16
Generic Structure 17
Inference 18
4 Bridge
Factual Information 19
National Park
Factual Information 20
Lnguage Feature 21
Generic Structure 22
Monas Main Idea 23
5 National Generic Structure 24
Monument Factual Information 25

b. Writing Test

To do the test, the students were asked among the five topics and write it

into three paragraphs (± 250 words) by the topics based on the generic structure of

descriptive text, for example when student choose to describe about people they

must know the characteristics of the people.

Before the test was given to the sample class, the test will be given to the

try out class to know the validity of the test. The material of the test was about

reading comprehension. After that, the writer analyzed to collect the data about

reading comprehension by using following formula:

To know each students’ score individually, the data calculated by using the

following formula:

M= x 100

M = Individual score

X = Number of correct answer

N = The number of items

E. Data Collection

In this research, the researcher took the data which would be collected

from the result of reading ability and writing ability of Descriptive text. There is

one test to collect the data, it is pre-test, it is post-test. For the test that will be

given for objectif test and subjectif test are same test and the researcher compared

the results.

The researcher took the population at the first year of MA Bidayatul

Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto. There are one classes and total

population is about 45 students. In this case, the researcher only took one class as

the population and sample of class. There are about 45 students of the first grade.

She tooks 45 students from the class as the sample of the research.

In order to make the data easier to interpret, the writer categorized

students’ test result based on the four writing components. They were

content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics.

Table 3.2. The Writing Aspect and Performance

Aspect Score Performance

The topic is complete, and clear and details
are relating to the topic
The topic is complete and clear but the details
Content ( C ) 3
are almost relating to the topic
The topic is complete and clear but the details
-Details 2
are not relating to the topic
The topic is not clear and the details are not
relating to the topic
Identification is complete and descriptions are
arrange with proper connectives
Identification is almost complete and
3 descriptions are arrange with almost proper
Identification is not complete and
2 descriptions are arrange with few misuse of
Identification is not complete and
1 descriptions are arrange with misuse of
Grammar (G) Very few grammatical or agreement
-Use Present inaccuracies
few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Tense 3
but not affect on meaning
2 Numerous grammatical or agreement

Frequent grammatical or agreement

4 Effective choice of words and words form
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but
Vocabulary not change the meaning
(V) Limited range confusing words and word
Very poor knowledge of words, word forms,
and not understandable
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
Mechanics capitalization
3 It has occasional errors of spelling,
punctuation, and understandable
2 It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
and understandable
Capitalization 1 It is dominated by errors of spelling,
punctuation, and understandable
(Adapted from Borwn, 2007)

C+O+V + M
Total Score = x 100

To classified students’ ability in reading and writing, the writer

used table classification as follow:

Table 3.3. Classification of Students’ Ability

Criteria of Mastery Grade

91 - 100 Excellent
71 - 90 Good
31 - 70 Adequate
11 - 30 Fair

1 - 10 Unacceptable
Adopted from Brown (2010)

F. Technique of Data Collection

In this research, there are two techniques are utilized to obtain the data.

The writer is going to present of the data collection :

1. Test

Arikunto (2014:266) states that test is a series of questions or exercises

and other tools used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability or

talent possessed by individuals or groups. In academic, the test usually uses by

teachers to know the skill or knowledge of their students in understanding the

lesson. The result of the test is able to be as an interpretation of the achievement in

teaching and learning process.

2. Documentation

The documentation method is to collect data that related to the variables

such as notes, transcript, book, agenda, and so on (Arikunto, 2014:274). In other

words, it is able to be stated that documentation is used to collect data through

printed materials. The researcher has applied this method to collect the data about

the profile of school, the student's profile, and the syllabus. Those data have

benefits for completing and processing the analysis in this research.

G. Data Analysis

The researcher used a quantitative data which is related to the numerals

and it is analyed by statistic. The data are obtained by analyzing the positive

correlation between reading ability and writing ability. In this research, the writer

uses two techniques to analyze data. They are:


1) Technique use to classify the students into three criteria (Sudjiono,

2006:175). They are up rank (good), middle rank (enough), and bottom

rank (low). The formula are:

a. M x + 1 SD x

M x – 1 SD x


M x = mean of reading ability (X)

SDx= standard deviation of reading ability

b. M y + 1 SD y

M y – 1 SD y


M y = mean of writing ability of descriptive text (Y)

SDy= standard deviation of writing ability of descriptive text

This technique used to analyze the reading ability and writing ability of

descriptive text of tenth grade students of MA Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng

Jatirejo Mojokerto. These techniques classify the students into three criteria.

2) The technique used to analyze the data is correlation product Moment as

the formula (Arikunto, 2014:213). This technique used by the researcher to

measure the correlation between students reading ability and writing

ability of descriptive text of the tenth greade students of MA Bidayatul

Hidayah Mojogeneng Jatirejo Mojokerto in academic year 2017/2018.

The product moment formula is as follows:


N ∑ XY − ( ∑ X ) (∑Y )
rxy= 2 2 2 2
√{N ∑ X −(∑ X) { N ∑Y −(∑Y ) }
In which:

rxy : correlation coefficient between X and Y

ΣXY : the result of multiplying scores between reading ability and writing

ability of descriptive text

ΣX : the total score of students’ reading ability

ΣY : the total score of students’ writing ability of descriptive text

N : the number of student taking the test

ΣX 2 : The total of square score of students‘ reading ability

ΣY 2 : The total of square score of students‘ writing descriptive text ability

The data was analyzed through some steps as follows:

a) Determining the scores of N, ΣX, ΣY, ΣXY, Σ X 2 , and ΣY 2

b) Determining and calculating the scores of rxy using product moment


c) Interpreting the scores of rxy using the table below :

Table 3.4 table of r Score Interpretation

The r score scale Interpretation of r correlation

0.800—1.00 High correlation
0.600—0.800 Sufficient correlation
0.400—0.600 Fair correlation
0.200—0.400 Low correlation
0.000—0.200 Very low correlation

d) Interpreting and comparing the scores of rxy based on the significant

standard 5% and 1%

e) Drawing conclusion based on the interpretation of rxy

The above formula is very important because finding out whether the

research hypothesis is accepted in this research. The calculation results show

whether there is a correlation between two variables or not.

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