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Taking in oxygen and giving out of carbon dioxide is called; ( aerobic respiration respiration and
anaerobic respiration gaseous exchange )
2. stomata are frequently present on; ( upper side of leaf lower side of leaf both side of leaf stem )
3. the length of trachea is approximately: ( 10 12 14 16)
4. nose and layrnx are made up of: ( hyaline cartilage elastic cartilage bone cartilage fibrous
5. the muscular structure present under lungs is called: ( kidney diaphgrams ureter urinary
bladder )
6. passage common to both food and air is:( pharynx larynx trachea alveoli)
7. percentage of oxygen in inhaled air during breathing is: ( 21% 4% 79% 0.04%)
8. amount of carbon dioxide in expaired air is : ( 4% 5% 6% 7% )
9. every year "World no Tobacco Day" is celebrated on: ( 31st my 31st March 13th March 21st
10. lobes present in the right lung: ( 1234 )
11. all the alveoli of one side combine to form: ( Lang kidney liver testes)
12. inflammation of bronchi or bronchioles is called: ( flu cough Pneumonia Bronchitis)
13. a disease in which a destruction the wall of alveoli is: ( asthma pneumonia bronchitis
14. which structure plays an important role for pushing the air out: ( nasal cavity bronchiole
bronchus diaphgram)
15. gaseous exchange occurs in human beings in:( trachea alveoli bronchi Pharynx)
16. larynx is made up of:( glottis cartilage alveoli trachea)
17. all the alveoli constitute:( liver lungs stomach heart )
18. Tobacco smoke contains over chemicals: 50 400 500 4000
19. in cigarette smoke number of carsinogens is: ( 50 30 40 45)
20. after layrnx, air enters into: ( Pharynx Oesophagus Trachea Bronchi)
21. a narrow opening present at the floor of pharynx is called:( trachea glottis larynx Nostril)
22. amount of oxygen in expired air is:( 15% 16% 20% 21%)
23. the sound production box is called: ( trachea bronchi larynx alveoli)
24. in nonsmokers who are exposed to second hand smoke increase their heart disease risk by:
( 15-20% 22-30% 25-30% 30-45% )
25. the number of pair of ribs in human are: ( 9 10 11 12)
26. name of tube between kidney and urinary bladder: ( ureter urethra renal tubule
27. empty space present in nose is called: ( bronchi. nasal cavity. eardrum Pharynx)
28. if both the lungs are infected the disease is called:( typhoid double Pneumonia Gout Arthritis)
29. major types of bronchitis are: ( 1 2 3 4)
30. larynx is also called : (trachea voice box bronchioles Alveoli)
31. the maintenance of internal body temperature is called: ( digestion thermoregulation
osmoregulation Excretion)
32. the weight of human kidney is: ( 25gram 26gram 28gram 120gram)
33. functional unit of kidney is: (nerve neurone nephron bowman's couple)
34. in an adult man the average urine formation in per day: ( 4 litre 1.4 litre 3 litre 1.3 litre)
35. plants store a large amount of water in cells for: ( transpiration turgidity Guttation
photosynthesis )
36. broad leaves with large number of stomata on upper side are found in: (Xerophytes
Hydrophytes habp phytes trees)
37. Secreation secreted by conifers: ( Resins laterx gums Mucilage)
38. Sea grasses are : (Xerophytes Hydrophytes halophytes Succulent)
39. the gas produced in excel as by-product during daytime is called: ( oxygen nitrogen chlorine
carbon dioxide)
40. Secreation of rubber plant is called: ( gums mucilage latex resins)
41. The core temperature of human body remains at: ( 37 degree centigrade 39 degree centigrade
38 degree centigrade 40 degree centigrade)
42. the average life for donated kidney is : (1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years)
43. Encyclopedia "Al-tasrif" is written by: ( Al-Farabi Abul-Qasim Al-Haitham Ali-Ibn-Isa)
44. these plants have very deep root: ( xerophytes mesophytes Halophytes hydrophytes)
45. the elimination of metabolic waste from body is called: (excretion digestion
osmoregulation thermoregulation)
46. waste material removed by rubber plant: ( Gums Latex resin Mucilage)
47. waste material removed by carnivous plant and lady finger: ( Latex Gums Resins
48. The name of tube between kidney and urinary bladder is : ( Urethra Ureter Nephron
Renal tubule)
49. The functional unit of kidney is : Neuron Ribosome Nephron Ureter)
50. Which thing is re-absorbed by descending limb of loop of henle: ( Salts Water urea
51. Latex is released by ( rubber plant. lady finger brassica. keekar)
52. number of nephrons in each kidney: ( 5 lac 7 lac 10 lac 12 lac)
53. example of halophytes plant: ( water lily rose cactus seagrass )
54. Which organ is responsible for filtering of blood: ( intestine kidney brain stomach )
55. waste material removed by coniferous tree is: (latex gums resins mucilage)
56. the plant which have completely or partially submerged in water: ( hydrophytes xerophytes
halophytes bryophytes
57. example of xerophytes is: ( water lily seagrass cactus funaria)
58. the weight of human kidney is ..........grams: ( 110 115 120 127 )
59. waste material secreted by keekar: (gums latex resins mucilage)
60. U shaped renal tube is: ( neurone loop of henle pyramids cortex)
61. The Skeleton found outside the body is called: ( endoskeleton exoskeleton fibroskeleton
62. total number of bones present in appendicular skeleton of men is: ( 127 126. 128.
130 )
63. Mature Bone cells are called: ( compact bone asteocytes collagen osteoclast)
64. the cells of cartilage or called: (chondrocytes collagen osteoclast asteocytes)
65. it is the largest born of our body: ( Pectoral girdle thigh pelvic girdle. vertebral
66. outer Hard layer of bone is called: ( compact bone spongy bone cartilage osteosite)
67. number of ribs in the man are: (10 pairs. 20pairs 12 pair 22 pair)
68. cartilage is a type of tissue: (muscle connective smooth cardiac)
69. Vertebral column protector: ( heart spinal card brain lungs)
70. bone marrow is found in: ( compact bone Spongy bone. Chondrocytes Osetocytes)
71. General gout attacks the joints: (Toe joints. Hip joints ankel joints hinge joints)
72. In mammals the no. of bones in lower jaw are: (only one 3 2 4)
73. The smallest bone in human body is : ( stapes incus malieus vertebera)
74. Human skeleton contains number of bones: ( 406 206 306 106 )
75. It is found as covering the ends of long bones: ( Hyaline cartilage Elastic cartilage fibrous
cartilage inelastic cartilage)
76. They prevent dislocation of bones at joints: ( collagen tendons ligaments cartilage)
77. The martin of cartilage also contains fibers: ( Glucagon Insulin Collagen Lacuna)
78. End of muscles attached with moveable bone is called: ( origin flexor Insertion Extensor)
79. Example of ball-and-socket joints is: ( Skull joints Hip joints knee joints elbow joints)
80. The part of bone in which blood vessels are found: ( Spongy bone compact bone Bone marrow
81. Number of cranial bone are: ( 24 206 08 12)
82. Which of the following is tge hardest connective tissue: ( Cartilage Bone ligament tendon)
83. Which disease can be caused due to deficiency of estrogen hormone:( gout osteoporosis
Rheumatoid-arthitis osteoarthritis)
84. Which bone is a part of appendicular skeleton? ( Pectoral girdle Skull sternum)
85. Which point of attachment on bone is pulled when a muscle contracts? ( origin Flexion Insertion
86. Osteoporosis is a disease of : ( bones brain heart stomach)
87. The movement of an animal as a whole form one place to another is called: ( Support
Locomotion Growth movement )
88. Number of bones in both hand is:( 33 80 54 126)
89. Tendons and ligaments are bands of: ( Muscles tissue Nervous tissue connective tissue
Epidermis tissue)
90. A process in whicg genetic material of one generation is transmitted to next is known as:
( Reproduction Respiration Reduction circulation)
91. a sexual reproduction in yeast takes place by: ( budding fragmentation binary fission spore
92. The outermosf whorl of flower is: ( calyx Androecium coralla Gynoecium)
93. Ginger reproduce by: ( Bulbs Rhizomes Stem tubers Corns)
94. Third whorl of flower is: ( Calyx Androecium corolla Gynoecium)
95. Pollen tube carries: ( eggs sperms ovary Megaspoes)
96. Usually Which part of embroya in seed gives rise to plant root? ( cotyledon plumule Radical
97. the material containing sperms is a fluid called: (Vas deferns Uterus Cervix Semens)
98. The male reproduction part of flower is: ( carpel Stamen Filament Style)
99. Every Ripen Ovule called: ( leave Flower Fruit Seed)
100. Clonning is latest mathod of: ( Tissue culture Vegetation Cutting Grafting)
101. The unit of Androecium is: ( Gametes Pollen grains Anther Stamens)
102. Female reproductive part of flower: ( Gynoecium Androecium Sepals Petals)
103. Example of vegetative propagation by leaves is: ( Mint Potato Garlic Bryophyllum)
104. example of rhizome stem is: ( potato onion ginger garlic)
105. part of embryo makes root: ( radical plumule epicotyl cotyledon)
106. the example of suckers is (potato garlic mint ginger)
107. rhizopus reproduces asexually by: ( binary fission budding egg formation spore
108. ovule develop into: ( fruit seed Pollen secs endosperms )
109. the male and female gametes are producers in special organs called: ( Gametogenesis
Zygote Placenta Gonads)
110. from epididymis sperms move to a sperm duct called: ( semen Seminal vesicles Vas
deferns Seminiferous tube)
111. ovary is ripened into: ( seed flower fruit sweetness)
112. a mature ovule is called: ( fruit seed bulb tuber)
113. an example of corm is: ( potato Ginger onion garlic)
114. Bred plants are called: ( Cultivars breeds insectivore carnivore)
115. roots develops from: ( testa microphyle radical plumule)
116. testes and ovaries are called: ( glands gonads gametes embyo)
117. example of stem tuber: ( Tu lip singga potato garlic)
118. Union of sperm and ovum is: ( Gametes Genes Fertilization Allels)
119. these are the units of inheritance: ( genes alleles genotype phenotype)
120. chromatin material made up of: ( protein DNA RNA and protein DNA and
121. alternate form of genes are called : ( alleles Traits loci characters)
122. Location of genes on Chromosomes are known as: ( Alleles Genotype Loci Nucleosomes)
123. The no. of pair of homologous Chromosomes in human: ( 23 46 28 48)
124. James Watson and Francis Cricks porposed the structure of DNA in: ( 1951 1952 1952
125. No. of hydrogen bonds between Adenine and thykine is: ( 2 4 3 1)
126. The specific combination of genes in an individual is called: ( Phenotype Genotype
Homozygous Heterozygous)
127. Example of Co-dominance is: ( Blood group A Blood group B Blood group AB Blood
group O)
128. The term Artificial selection was introduced by the Persian scientists: (Dr. Abdul Qadir
Cahrles Darwin Bu Ali sina Abu rehan Beruni)
129. Theory of natural selection was presented by : (Aristotle Lamark Darwin Malthas)
130. The scientist presented the law of segregation: (Darwin Lamark Joseph lister Mendal)
131. Charles Darwin proposed the mechanism of organic evovultion in: ( 1838 1882 1930
132. Making a normal pigmentation in : ( Phenotype Genotype Trait Chromosome)
133. In DNA nucleotide guanine forms pair with: ( cytosine thymine uracil Adenine)
134. Transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring is: ( genetics inheritance Trait
135. the expression of genotype in the form of traits: ( genotype phenotype dominant
recursive )
136. the number of hydrogen bonds between site assign and guanine ( 12 3 4)
137. which one is an example of discontinuous variation: ( blood group height weight
138. in the north independent assortment ratio of phenotype is: ( 9:3:1:3 9:3:2:2 9:3:31
139. Albanese is a ......... trait: ( dominant recessive codominant incomplete dominant)
140. the number of pea plangs which Mendel used in his experiment: ( 2700 2800 28000
141. the part of DNA that contain the instruction for the synthesis of a particular protein is
known as: (Traits Alleles Gene Chromosome)
142. Person with blood group B has the genotype: ( IAIA IBIB IAIB i,i )
143. Cytosine always pair with: (thymine Adenine Guanine Uraci)
144. Bred plants are called: ( carnivore Cultivars Breeds Insectivors)
145. It is a hereditary material: ( DNA mRNA RNA tRNA)
146. model of DNA structure was presented by: ( Mendel Waston Crick Waston and Crick)
147. the book natural selection written by Darwin published in: ( 1859 1860 1956 1960 )
148. DNA wraps around histone protein and forms round structures: ( nucleotide nucleus
nucleus and nucleosome)
149. In four o'clock in plant which alleles does not present: ( Red White Pink Black)
150. True breeding means: (Homozygous Heterozygous karotype Phenotype)
151. the blood group of a person having the genotype ii is: ( A B AB O)
152. the genotype in which the allele pair contains identical alleles: ( locus Homozygous
Heterozygous Mutations)
153. number of nitrogen bases in DNA: (Four Three Two Five)
154. unit of inheritance is called: ( phenotype jeans genotype Alleles )
155. A cross in which only one trades studied at a time: ( true breeding monohybrid cross
Dihybrid cross dominant )
156. gene consists of: ( RNA proteins DNA mRNA)
157. the branch of Biology in which we studied inheritance: ( Genetics Ecology morphology
158. Mendel studied a plant: ( Pea Rose Cabbage Mustard)
159. the genotype of blood group O : ( IAIA IBIB IAI II)
160. Inter-relationship between organisms and environmen is called; ( Mycology Ecology
Physiology Morphology)
161. All the ecosystem of the world together form the: (Population Community Biosphere
162. the only source of energy for all ecosystems of the world is: ( sun plants moon ocean)
163. the base of food chain is always a : ( animal bacteria Sun plant)
164. the thickness of Biosphere is about: (20km 40km 10km 30km)
165. example of endoparasites is: ( plasmodium mosquito lices leech )
166. The type of symbiotic association in which one partner gets benefits while other is not
benefited nor harmed, is called: ( commensalism Predation Mutualism Parasitism)
167. Example of ectoparasite is: ( Bacteria Ascaris Virus Mosquito)
168. Dengue fever is a/an ........ infection: ( Uiral Fungal Bacterical Algal)
169. Symbiosis in which both partners get benefit, is the example of: ( Parasitism Predation
Mutualism Competition)
170. The total amount of living matter in an ecosystem at any time is called: ( Biomass Food
chain Energy Foodweb)
171. The change of Nitrogen Gas into Nitrate is called: ( Nitrification Ammonification
Denitrification Nitrogen Fixation)
172. Non-renewable resources are: ( Fossil Fuels Water Wind Soil)
173. Material can be recycled; ( Plastic Paper Glass All these)
174. Large mammals that feed on honey; (Rabbit Badger Camel Elephant)
175. The R3 means: ( less use Recycle Reuse Refuse)
176. Since 1800 A.D , the amount of CO2 increased is; (20% 40% 30% 40% )
177. The smallest unit in ecological organization; ( Population Community Species Ecosystem)
178. Mosquitoes, lices and leaches are example of; ( Ectoparasite Obligate parasite
Endoparasite Both A and B)
179. All carnivorse animals are: ( Parasite Predator Host Pathogen)
180. Which plant is not a carnivorse; ( Sundew Pitcher plant Cactus Venus flytrap)
181. What are decomposers? ( Plants Animals Algae Fungi and bacteria)
182. The base of food chain is always formed by: ( Animal Plant (producer)
Ecosystem Food web)
183. A network of food chains which are interconnected at various trophic levels: ( biomers
Pyramid of biomass Pyramid of numbers Food web)
184. Which product is formed during industrial nitrogen fixation; ( Urea Nitrite Ammonia
185. ........... break down complex organic compound: ( Consumer Decomposers
Producers All)
186. The complete map of human genome was published in:- ( 2002 2004 2006 2008 )
187. The human genome project was started in: ( 1990 A.D. 1991 A.D. 1992 A.D.
1993 A.D. )
188. An enzyme produced by genetically modified organisms used to break up blood clots is
called:- ( Lipase Amylase Urokinase Peptidase )
189. this product is used in the production of :
( formic acid. acrylic acid ethanol glycol. )

190. micro organisms used for formic acid: (saachromyces. bacilus. glycerol aspergillus)
191. a harmone producd by genetically modified organisms used to cure cancer of brain
and liungs: : (insulin thymosin. thyroxin. anti diuretic )
192. single cell protein can be obtained from : (insect. cow. algae. bird. )
193. the treament through genes is called : ( gene therapy. chemotherapy. radiotherapy.
physiotherapy )
194. 50kg of yeast produce protein in 24 hours : ( 100ton. 150ton. 200ton. 250ton)
195. in biotechnology the production of product by the mass culture of microorganisms:
(fermentation mutation. fermenter. fertilization)
196. the enzyme which is used to cut the gene of interest is: (lipase. ligase. amylase.
197. the row material for microorganisms foer the production of single cell protein:
( industrial waste. protozons. agtricultural waste. fungi)
198. the industrial products of aspergillus: (formic acid. ethanol. glycerol. acrylic acid)
199. changes in DNA are called: ( Homozygous. Heterozygous. mutation. zygous)
200. the enzyme used to dissolve blood clots: (thymosin. lipase. urokinase. amylase )
201. DNA molecule wrapped around the protein: ( histone. fibrinogen. haemoglobin.
202. the specific sequence of DNA nucleotide is copied in the form of RNA nucleotide is
known as : ( transcription transoluction. translation translocation)
203. which one is fermented food : (amphibians. mammale birds reptiles )
204. genes consists of: (RNA protein and Miranda DNA)
205. the product used in the production of vinegar and the beverages: (farmic acid. ethanol.
acrylic acid glycerol)
206. study of composition and medical application of drugs is called: (ecology. biotechnology
pharmacology sociology)
207. drug drived from minerals: ( morphine aspirin antitoxin tincture of iodine)
208. diazepam is type of drug :( analgesics antibiotic. sedatives vaccines)
209. psilplayis obtained from: (algae. funaira. mushroom bcteria)
210. mescaline is obtained from plant opium cactus maize brassica)
211. reduce the chances of infection on skin : ( penicillin disinfectant. antibiotic antiseptic)
212. pain killer morphine is prepared from: ( leaves of fox glow. opium. cod oil of liver.
213. sir alexander fleming was awarded by noble prize in: (1940. 1945. 1950. 1968 )
214. this group includes mascaline and psilocin : (sedatives narcotics hallucination vaccines )
215. the cardiotonic known as digitalis is obtained from plant : (accacia brassica memosa fox
216. it is a hallucination : (marijuana. aspirin. morphine. codeine)
217. antibiotics inhibit or kill :(worms. virus. bacteria. yeast)
218. diazepam is a drug of :( vaccines sedatives antibiotics analgesics)
219. destroy micro organisms found on non living objects: (disinfectants. antibiotics.
antiseptic sedatives )
220. the study of drug composition properties and medical application called:
(pharmacology pharmaceutical. pharmacy drug science)
221. which reduces the possibility of infection on skin: (disinfectant antibiotics antiseptic
222. pencillin was discovered by : (Lamarck. Darwin. alexander fleming. Robert Hooke)
223. Morphine is prepared from : (opium. fungi. bcteria. fox glove)
224. which antibiotic is bectericidal: (tetracycline. sulpha drugs. cephalosporins. thiazide)
225. the medicines which reduce pain are called : (antibiotics sedatives vaccines analgesics)
226. which drug is obtained from bacteria :(aspirin. paracetamol terramycine.
227. which drug is obtained from plants: (aspirin. pencillin. cephalosporin opium)
228. the cadiotonic usef to stimulate the heart is called :(aspirin. digitalis. paracetamol
229. which drug is a cradiotonic: (morphine. digitalis. aspirin. diazpam)
230. Whisch inhibits or kills becteria within or on the body :( disinfectants. antibodies.
antiseptic antibiotics)
231. sir alexander Fleming discovered the :( teyracyline. aspirin. cephalosporin. penicillin)
232. Mescaline belongs to : (antibiotics vaccine. sulpha drugs. halluinogens)
233. which type of coordination is found in plant: (chemical. mechanical. electrical. nervous)
234. included in effectors: : only muscles. only glands. muscles and glands. brain)
235. action performed by effectors is : (stimulus impulses response axon)
236. the unit of nervous system is : ( nucleus. neuron. receptors. nephron)
237. the largest part of Human brain is : (forebrain. midbrain. hindbrain. medulla)
238. this lobe receive and analyze visual information : ( frontal. parital. occipital.
239. pairs of spinal nerve are : ( 31. 21. 12. 13)
240. rhodopsin is present in a part of eye : ( rods. sclera. ligament. forea)
241. the middle layer of eye is called : ( retina. choroid. pupil. sclera)
242. the cochlea is present in : ( external eye. middle eye. internal. eye. none of these )
243. the deficiency of this vitamin causes poor night invasion: (vitamin A. vitamin B.
vitamin C. vitamin K)
244. decrease the concentration of glucose. in blood : ( glycogen. insulin. testoterone.
245. the smallest bone in human body : (stapes. incus. malieus. vertebrae)
246. the length of spinal cord is :(20cm . 40cm . 60cm . 70cm)
247. decrease the level of calcium ions in blood :(calcitonin. . parathormone. vesopressin.
248. in neuron nucleus is found in : (mulein sheath. axons cellbody. nodes of ranule)
249. oval window is found in : (middle ear. external ear. internal ear. eye)
250. the harmone testeronev is secreted by: (pancreas gonads. thyroid gland. odrenal
251. the male and female gametes are produced in specialized organ: (gametogenesis.
zygote. placeta. gonads)
252. the largeat endocrine gland in human body is : (adernal gland. parathyroid. gland.
thyroid gland. pancreas)
253. two glands are situated above kidney : (adernal. thyroid. parathyroid. pancrease)
254. Body synthesize rhodopsinbl by vitamin : (K. A. D. A and B)
255. eyes of dogs and cats shine due to layer : (tempenak. tapetum. tapecum. pleural)
256. temporal lobe is concenerd with : (control of skeletal muscles. fear visual information
hearing and smell)
257. owl is not able to see during day time due to deficiency of : (rod cell. cone cell. forea.
258. which hormone is called emergency hormone: (adernaline. insulin. oxytocin.
259. he wrote three books on diseases and surgery of eye: (ibn-al-haythm. bu ali sina. abdul
malik asmai. ali ibne isa)
260. the example of stimulus is: ( ear. brain. cold. muscles)
261. pons is present on tip of : (crerbrum. thelamus. cerebellum. medulla)
262. a coordinated action has components : (2. 3. 4. 5. )
263. the typanum belongs to which part of ear: ( external ear. internal ear. middle ear.
264. name of gland beneath the larynx in human neck is : (pancreas. adernal. thyroid liver)
265. the round hole in the centre of iris is called : ( retina. pupil. sclera. cornea)
266. there are major region of human brain : ( 2. 3. 4. 5 )
267. it separates middle ear from inner ear form inner ear : (stapes malieus estaciam tube.
oval window)

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