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Para 1

Write a definition of your dependent variable here. Write relations of other relevant variables
with your dependent variable here.

Para 2

Write your problem statement here.

Para 3

Write importance of your problem. Focus on what will happen if your problem is not solved.

Para 4

Write how do you plan to solve your problem in this study.

Para 5

Write the name and relevant propositions of the theory which you will use to develop a solution.

Independent variable and dependent variable

Para 1

Define your independent variable. Relate your independent variable with your problem
statement. Write why you selected this independent variable.

Para 2

Compare and write your independent and dependent variables with two constructs of the theory.
Write propositions of the theory that link two constructs.

Para 3

Write your own logical arguments about relation between independent and dependent variable.

Para 4

Write past findings about relation between independent and dependent variables.

Hypothesis 1: Independent variable is _________ related with dependent variable.

Independent variable and mediator variable

Para 1

Define your mediator variable. Write why you selected this mediator variable. Relate your
independent variable with your mediator variable.

Para 2

Compare and write your independent and mediator variables with two constructs of the theory.
Write propositions of the theory that link two constructs.

Para 3

Write your own logical arguments about relation between independent and mediator variables.

Para 4

Write past findings about relation between independent and dependent variable.

Hypothesis 2: Independent variable is _________ related with dependent variable.

Mediator variable and dependent variable

Para 1

Relate your mediator variable with your problem statement.

Para 2

Compare and write your mediator and dependent variables with two constructs of the theory.
Write propositions of the theory that link two constructs.

Para 3

Write your own logical arguments about relation between mediator and dependent variable.

Para 4

Write past findings about relation between mediator and dependent variables.

Hypothesis 3: Mediator variable is _________ related with dependent variable.

Moderator variable and dependent variable / mediator variable

Para 1

Define your moderator variable. Explain why you selected this moderator. Relate your moderator
variable with your problem statement and mediating or dependent variable.

Para 2

Compare and your moderator variable with a moderator construct of the theory. Write
propositions of the theory that explains relation of moderator constructs with other constructs.

Para 3

Write your own logical arguments about relation between moderator and dependent variable.

Write your own logical arguments about relation between moderator and mediator variable.

Para 4

Write past findings about relation between moderator and dependent variables.

Write past findings about relation between moderator and mediator variables.

Hypothesis 3: Moderator variable strengthens (or weakens) _________ the relation of

independent variable with dependent variable. Or
Moderator variable strengthens (or weakens) _________ the relation of independent variable
with mediator variable. or

Moderator variable strengthens (or weakens) _________ the relation of mediator variable with
dependent variable.

Write statements of your measures for each variable here.

Dependent variable

Independent variable

Moderating variable

Mediating variable

Control variable

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