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Subject; Final Term Paper

Submitted by: Ejaz Ul Haq

Submitted to: Sir Dr. Nazakat awan

Class: BS 3rd

Department: English

Roll No: 53866


Study questions

Q no 1; what semantic feature must a noun have in order to be used in this sentence?

The………………were discussing what to do.

Ans ; in above sentence there are more semantic feature .first this is Animate and plus

human because the animal can’t discuss and Also we can say adult .

Q no 2; using semantic features how would you explain the oddness of these sentences?

A; the television drank my water.

B; his dog write poetry.

Ans; these sentences are grammatically correct but odd.

The verb drink requires a subject with a features {+animate} and the noun television has the

feature {-animate}.how can a television drank water .so this sentence is odd.

B; in the second sentence the verb write requires a subject with a feature [+human] and the

noun dog has the feature [-human],so this is also odd how the dog can write poetry.

Q no 3; what phrase is used more often instead of [thematic role] and what other term is used

instead of theme in the semantic analysis of noun phrase?

Ans; in the semantic analysis of noun we use more often semantic role instead of [thematic

role] and instead of [theme] we used the term patient.

Q no 4 ; what kind of opposites can be identified via the[ negative test]?

Ans; we apply negative test to check this is gradable or non- gradable.

in negative test via we identified the non- gradable antonyms which we cannot grade.
For example alive is non gradable if we can say less alive this will be wrong .another

example of non- gradable is dead so dead means not gradable .

Q no 5; How is the term [prototype] used in semantics?

Ans ;The prototype is a characteristic instance of category, as in the case of [robin]being the

best example .prototype may be change from one reign to another .and best example is also

bird for many American English speaker.

Q no 6; Identify the role of the seven noun phrases in this sentence?

With her new gulf club, Anne Marshall whacked the ball from the woods to the grassy area

near the hole and she suddenly felt invincible.

Ans ; these are role of noun phrase in the above sentence

Instrument ] [her new golf of club]

Agent [Anne Marshall]

Theme [the ball]

Source [the woods]

Goal [the grassy area]

Location [the hole]

Experiencer [she].

Q no 7; which of the followings words are co-hyponyms/

Ant, cabbage, insect, plant, turnip, vegetable/

Ans ; co- hopynoms; A word or phrase that share the same hypernym as another word or

phrase is called co-hyponyms.

In the above words there is only two co-hyponyms,1 cabbage and 2turnip because they share

the same hypernym.

Q no 8; what is the basic lexical relation between each pair of words listed here?

1; assemble/disassemble [antonymy]

2; damp/moist [synonymy]

3; deep/shallow [antonymy]

4; dog/schnauzer [hyponymy]

5; furiniture/table [hyponymy]

6; married/ single [antonymy]

7; move /run [hyponymy]

8; peace/piece [homophone]

9; pen /pen [homonymy]

Q no 9; which of the followings opposites are gradable ,non-gradable or reversive?

A;absent/present fail/pass fill it /empty it appear/disappear fair/unfair high/low?

Ans ; 1 absent/present [non-gradable opposite]

2; appear/disappear [reversive opposite]

3; fail /pass [non-gradable opposite]

4; fair/unfair [gradable opposite]

5; fill it /empty it [reversive ]

6; high / low [gradable opposite]

Morphology study questions

Q no 1; How many morphemes are there in the word [terrorists]?

Ans; there are three morpheme in the word terrorists .

1 terror

2 ist


Q no 2; what kind of morpheme is the suffix in slowly?

Ans; In slowely there is derivational morpheme .because the derivational morpheme changes

the category of the word .so the derivational morpheme [l y] changed the category of verb

slow and made it slowly.

Q no 3; what are the functional morphemes in the following sentence?

When she walked into the room , the doctor asked me if I had a sore throat or an annoying


Ans ; These are the functional morphe in the above sentence;

When, she, into, the , the , me , if , I, a , or, an.

Q no 4 [i]; list the bound morpheme in these words; fearlessly . happier, misleads,

previewer, shortening, unreconstructed?



Fearlessly [less ly]

Misleads [mis , s]
Happier [un, er]

Previewer [pre, er]

Shortening [en, ing]

Unreconstructed [un, re ted]

Q no 4 [b]; which of these words contains an allomorph of the morpheme[ past tense]

Are , have, must, sitting, waits?

Ans ; non of the above words are contains an allomorph of past tense. If that was this will be

[were, had ,sit e t c].

Q no 4 [c]; which of these words has a bound stem? [consist , deceive, introduce, repeat?

Ans; bound stem; is a stem which can not stand a meaningful word with out suffix or prefix.

Consist [ sist ]

Deceive [ceive]

Introduce [ duce]

Repeat [ peat]

Q no 5 [a]; which word[s] in the following sentence would you put in a closed class?

Bob brought hot donuts to class.

Ans in the above sentence we can put the words [to ,brought] into closed class.

Q no 5 [b]; which word[s] in the following sentence would you put in open class?

I put it in the shelf near you and him.

Ans; in the above sentence we can put the words[shelf ,put, near] into open class.
Q no 6; How many regular inflection morpheme are there in English?

Ans ; There are eight [8] regular inflection morpheme in English .

List of the regular inflection morpheme in English{ s-s’, s, ed ,ing , en, er, est].

Q no 7; what are the inflection morphemes in these expression?

A have you eaten yet.

A [en in eaten is the inflection morpheme.

B Do you know how long I have been waiting?

B [ en in been and ing in waiting are the inflectional morpheme ]

C she,s younger then me and always dresses in the latest style.

c; [ s .er. ss. Est.]

d ; we looked to my grandmother’s photo albums.

D; [ed, s’. s are the inflection morpheme in the above sentence .

E .; My parents’ parents were all from Scotland.

[ed , s’. s. are the inflection morpheme in the above sentence]

Q no 9 ; In Indonesian , the singular from translating (child) is [Anak] and the plural

form (children ) is [ anakank ] . what is technical term used to describe this


Ans ; This is an example of reduplication [ repeating all or part of a form as a way of

indicating for example that a noun is plural.

Pragmatics chapter study questions

Q no 1; what kind of deictic expression are used here ( e.g we= person Deixis)?

1; we went there last summer.

2 ; I ‘m busy now so you can’t stay here come back later,

1; we = ( person Deixis )

2 ; went there (spatial deixis)

3 ; last summer ( temporal deixis )

Sentence no 2; I , you ( person deixis)

Here , come back (spatial deixis )

Now , later ( temporal deixis ).

Q no 2 ; how do we describe the pragmatic difference the pragmatic difference

between the pair [here] and now versus there and then?

Ans ; speakers use (here) and (now) when talking about things close to them and there and

then for things distant or not close to them.

Q no 3 . What kind of inference is involved in interpreting each of these utterances?

A . Teacher; you can borrow my Shakespeare.

Ans. If x is the name of a writer of a book, then X can be used to identify a copy of a book bt

that writer ( in an educational setting ) .

B; waiter ; The ham sandwich left without paying.

Ans ; if X is the name of meal , then X can be used to refer to the person who orders the

meal. (in a restaurant setting) .

C ; Nurse ; The hernia in room 5 wants to talk to doctor .

Ans ; if X is the name of medical condition , then x can be used to refer to the person with

that medical condition ( in a medical setting).

D ; Dentist ; my eleven thirty cancel so I had ab early lunch .

Ans ; If X is the time of an appointment , then X can be used to refer to the person with thst

appointment ( in a business office setting).

Q no 4 ; what are the anaphoric expression in the following sentence?

Dr foster give Andy some medicine after he told her about his headaches and she advised him

to take the pills three time a day until the pain went away.

Anaphoric expression; he is refer to Andy so (he) is anaphoric and (her) refer back to Dr

foster this is also anaphoric .

List of anaphoric expression in the above sentence; {he, her, she, him, the pills, the pain}

because in these the writer back to subject.

Q no 5 ; what is the technical term for the phrase (an old car) in it’s relationship with it

in the following utterance?

Ans; The technical term for the phrase ‘an old car’ is (antecedent).

Q no 6 ; what is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says;

Presupposition means what the speaker going to say the listener already know.

A ; your clock isn’t working.

Ans ; you have a clock.

B; where did he find the Money?

Ans; He found the Money.

C; we regret buying that money.

Ans c; we have a car.

D ; The king of France is bald.

Ans d ; France has a king.

Q no 7; How many pragmatic markers are used in the following interaction?

Mana ; why does every one think he’s genius , I mean he gets things wrong like the rest of us,

doesn’t he?

Ans ; in the above sentence the pragmatic marker is (I mean).

MAKA; well, I don’t know, he got that award last year for innovation, you know the brill

award , at the convention in New York , I think it was.

Ans ; in the above sentence the pragmatic markers are the followings.

{well, I don’t know, you know.}

Q no 8; in these example, is the speaker appealing to positive or negative face?

A ; if you are free , there is going to be party at Yuri’s place on Saturday .

B ; let’s go to the party at Yuri’s place on Saturday. Everyone’s invited.

Ans; positive face; when a speaker don’t take decision independently this is called positive

face. The following are the positive face in the above sentences.

(if you are free, . everyone’s invited.)

Q no 9; someone stands between you and the TV set you, re watching so you decide to say

one of the following. identify which would be direct or indirect speech acts?
Ans; Move (direct speech)

B; you’re in the way.( indirect speech).

C ; could you please sit down?(indirect speech).

D ; please get out of the way.(direct speech).

Q no 10; in term of speech acts , how would you explain the unusual nature of this interaction

between a visitor to a city, with luggage, looking lost, and a man in the street out side the

railway station.

Visitor ; excuse me. Do you know where the ambassador hotel is?

Resident ; oh sure, I know where it is (and walks away).

Ans; The visitor uses a question (do you know……)as an indirect speech act requesting

direction ,but the resident treats the question as a direct speech act simply answer the question

(not recognizing the request function).

Chapter 5 Word formation (Study Questions)

Question number one

1.when is an eponym a neologism?

Ans ;when an epoynm (a word based on the name of person or a place )is used as a new word

in the language ,it is neologism.

Example;when the earl of sindwich friends started calling his new snack (a sandwich they

created a neologism with an eponym.

Question number two; which word formation process is the source of the English word

Ans;in the English word modem the word formation is (Blending).

Because the modem word made of two English words (modulate and demodulate ).

Question number three ; which two process were involved in the creation of the verb

(google ,as in Have you ever googled yourself)?

Ans;in the creation of word google there are two process involved .

1;coinage (To create the noun)

2conversion(changing noun to verb)

Question no 4; which process is clearly involved in creating the new word (selfie)?

ANS; In creating word selfie there is process (Hypocorism) Because Hypocorism is the

process in which a longer word is reduce to a single syllable then (Y) or ie added in the end.

Question no 5; what do we call process whereby a new word is formed be similar to an

existing word?

ANS;we called this process Analogy .in which we formed Anew word similar to existing


Qestion no 6;which of the following pairs contains an example of calque ?how would you

describe the others ?

ANS:The word (Hony moon )and the word() children of garden are calque The word

Honymoon is taking from the moon of hony so this is leterally transmission and the word

gareden of childern is also calque.

THE word footballer AND the word training is( Borrowing )Because its taking words from

others language .
Question No 7; can you identify the different word formation process involved in

producing eacg of underlined words in these sentences?

ANS; 1dont they ever worry that they might get(AIDS)

(a) acronym (“Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”)

(b) that is really (Fandamntas) (b) coinage

(c) these new skateboards from zee designs are( kickass ) infixing (damn inside


(d conversion(noun party  verb)

(e)compounding(skate + board) and compounding (kick + ass) and conversion

(verb kick + noun ass  adjective kickass)

(f)clipping(doctor) and clipping (veterinarian)

(g)backformation(verb burgle from noun burglar) and backformation (verb

babysit from noun babysitter, which is a compound (baby + sitter).

(h) borrowing (from Arabic suffa) and hypocorism (from comfortable)

Question 8 identifies the prefixes and suffixes used in these words?

Ans ; suffixes And prefixes

4 mis- + fortune; terror + -ism; care + -less + -ness ; dis- + agree + -ment; in- + effect +

-ive; un- + faith + -ful;. pre- + pack + -age + -ed;. bio- + de- + grade + -able;. re- + in-

+ carn + -ation (Latin root carn (“flesh”)); de- + cent(e)r + -al + -ize + -ation
Question no 9; in (khmu) The word (kap) means to grasp with tongs And Tap means to

fold a small package :what would be the word for tongs and a small package?

Ans; THE word for tongs and small package (5 srnal )

Question number 10 ; More than one process was involved in the certian of the forms

underlined in these sentences ?


(b) blending (6 (a) clipping (phone from telephone) plus compounding (car + phone)

rom Federal Express) plus conversion (noun  verb)

(c) blending (car + hijack) plus conversion (verb  noun)

(d) borrowing (from Japanese karaoke) plus compounding (karaoke + night)

(e) eponym (from William Hoover) plus conversion (noun  verb)

(f) decaf is (usually) a reduced version of “a cup of coffee made with decaffeinated

coffee,” so clipping is the most obvious process. The longer word decaffeinated is

a derivation via a prefix (de-) and two suffixes (-ate + -ed) from caffeine, which was

originally a borrowing from French. Conversion from noun (caffeine) to

adjective (decaffeinated) to noun (decaf) has also taken place.

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