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St. Louis Review Center, Inc.

3 rd Floor CAP Bldg. Corner Tiano-

Gaerlan St.
(088) 851-1413/ 309-3641

1. It is designed for children with special needs and aimed primary at developing adaptive skills.
A. Modified curriculum B. Special education C. Education D. Aims
2. It means that all students in high school, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any are, become part
of the school community.
A. Inclusive education B. Education system C. Laboratory D. Both a and c
3. Is a body of knowledge-content and/or subjects.
A. Lesson plan B. Curriculum C. Goal D. Philosophy
4. A device used to promote body alignment, stabilized or increase motor functioning.
A. Physical Programs B. Orthotic Device C. Rehabilitation Program D. Orthotic Therapist
5. The ability to understand and comprehend both verbal and nonverbal information.
A. Programs B. Receptive language C. Assessment program D. Play and Socialization
6. Deliberate destruction of other's property. Showing little empathy and concern for the feelings, wishes, and well
being of others.
A.Oppositional Defiant Behavior B. Language Problem C. Behavioral Disorder D.Cerebral Palsy
7. An individual child’s performance on a test compared to that of other children of the same age group.
A. Anecdotal Record B . Norms Reference Test C. Portfolio D. Standardized Test
8. Lorice is said to be born healthy without any unfavorable behavior seen during early stages of the
development. But she started to be showing some odd behavior when she turned 3 years old. She loves to
spin all circle things she sees in the hose. She wanted to eat same kind of food every meal time and needs
to use the same drinking glass she had learned to hold to. She smells the food before she place it in her
mouth before she eat it. Does this manifestation of the behavior of Lorice is said to be the sign of:
A. Mental Retardation B. Deafness C. Autism D. Blindness
9. It determines goals across all environmental domains.
A. Establishment of Prioreties B.Instructional Plan C. Curriculum Development D. Lesson Plan
10. Children born with above average intelligence and highly receptive to any stimulus presented to them
is known to be …
A. Intellectual B. Gifted C. Mentally Challenge D. Average learner
11. It is said that students learn better from words and pictures than just words.
A.Computer Principle B. Multi Media Principle C. Techno-Principle D. Techniques
12. The short arm of a chromosome is known as …….
A. p arm B. d arm C. a arm D. q arm
13. Assessment procedures should respect the uniqueness of each child and family system.
A.Multihat Assessment B.Multicultural Assessment C.Multi-dynamic Assessment D. None
14. Links written word with spoken words. Gives students opportunity to practice reading same text more
than one time.
A.Computer Mouse B. Interactive Book C. Assistive Technology Services D. Reinforcements
15. The collection of assessment information should be ongoing process that facilitates collaboration.
A. Proactive Assessment B. Interactive Assessment
C. Ongoing Information exchange D.Multisectoral Assessment
16. It known as the deletion of chromosome 15 resulting to the condition known as ………..
A. Down Syndrome B. Klinefelter Syndrome C. Phynelketonuria D. Prader Willi Syndrome
17. Read back text from any programme. Highlight text as spoken.
A. Screen readers B. Scan/Read Software
C. Assessment Software D. Voice Recognition Software
18. Means low blood supply in the brain.
A. Hypoxia B.Amnesia C. Analogy D. Aknown
19. Power Point program is best known as……
A.Teacher’s in Mind B. Technical Mind C. Mind Manager D.Mind Power
20. It leads to involuntary and uncontrolled movements of the body or known as worm like movement.
A. Spastic B. Athetoid C. Ataxia D. None
21. The child is preoccupied with his or her senses and motor activities.
A. Sensorimotor B .Intuitive Thought Period C. Preconceptual Period D. Both A and B
22. It is defined as an organized and sequenced set of content to be taught.

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
A.Planning B. Lesson Plan C.Curriculum D. IEP

23. The ability to understand and comprehend both verbal and nonverbal information.
A. Programs B.Assessment program C. Receptive language D.Play and Socialization
24. Are defines as anything given to assist or help a young child make a desired response.
A. Learning Skill B. Language rehabilitation C. Behavioral Discipline D.Prompts
25. Appears to be overly sensitive to light.
A. Attention Deficit Disorder B. Visual problem C. Hearing Impairment D. Mental Retardation
26. Those skills that allows a child to independently care for himself or herself, are basic for maintaining life,
and deal with bodily functions.
A.Individualized Educational Programs B. Self-Care Skills
C. Rehabilitation Program D. Play Base Learning
27. A professional who deals with the improvement of person’s strength and movement in the lower and
upper limbs.
A.Physical Programs B. Self-Care Skill C. Rehabilitation Program D. Occupational Therapist
28. Joanna is said to be functional in her activity of daily living and is able to cope with her academic
requirements but there are times she needs to hold the words in the book since she said” the words are
running around” and she is a little less lower in her current age group when it comes to her reading skills
she said to have?
A. Down Syndrome B. Deaf C. Dyslexia D. Dyscalculia
29. Results can be used to individualize instruction and develop individual education plans
A. Screen Saver B. Scanners C. Assessment Software D. Voice Recorder
30. A condition very common among young children with excessive physical activity.
A. Autism B. Attention Deficit Disorder
C. Attention Deficit With Hyperactivity Disorder D. Visual Impairment
31. Behavioral is monitored in term or whether defined behaviors occur or do not occur within
specific time intervals.
A.Duration Data B. Latency Data C. Rate Data D. Interval Recording
32. These are devices are more complicated, many of which can be manufactured locally.
A. Computer Tech B. Medium Tech
C. Power Tech D. High Tech
33. The knowledge and skills expected to be learned by a student by high school graduation.
A. Core product B. Core curriculum C. Core development D. None
34. Sought a curriculum in harmony with the child's 'real' interests, needs and learning patterns.
A. System B. The developmentalist C. The meliorist D. Praxis
35. Artificial reinforcers given in a specific number upon emission of target behavior to be later used to
"purchase" reinforcement.
A. Token Economy B. Stimulus Control C. Shaping D. Punishment
36. The centre of the process and makes an explicit commitment to emancipation.  
Thus action is not simply informed, it is also committed.
A. Praxis B.Product C. DevelopmentD. Process
37. Concept attributed to John Locke, young children seen very much like blank slate. Learning is not innate
but rather the result of experiences and activities.
A. Prompts B.Play Therapy C. Tabula Rasa D.None
38. The ability to express oneself in terms of language communication skills may it be done verbally or through
A. Learning Attitude B. Language Program C. Behavioral Management D. Expressive Language
39. The teacher monitor progress, probe for generalization and modify instructional plans necessary.
A. Monitoring B. Evaluation C. Lesson Planning D. Behavior Plan
40. It is known to be a genetic disorder which causes muscular degeneration and mostly boys are affected due
to the recessive gene inherited from the mother.
A. Muscular Dystrophy B. Spina Bifida C. Paralysis D. Blind
41. Assessment should be conducted by a team with equal status afforded to the family and
A.Multitask Assessment B. Multidynamic Asssessment
C.Multidisciplinary Assessment D. Multiorganized Assessment
42. Involve placing an object in a location that will more than likely increase a desired response.
A. Visual/Pictorial Prompts C. Behavioral Discipline
B Language rehabilitation D. None
43. It is marked by truancy ,gang membership theft and feeling of pride and belonging to a delinquent
A. Anxiety withdrawal B. Conduct disorder C. Immaturity D. Socialized Aggression

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
44. It is known as a paralysis which affects only one side of the body both the arms and legs are affected
either left or right.
A. Quadriplegia B. Hemilplegia C. Diplegia D. Monoplegia

45. It refers to the inability to select an appropriate response to a stimulus.

A. Stimulus Response B. Stimuli Control C. Magnitude D. Topography
46. The child is born one or both feet deformed usually with the feet and toes turns inward.
A. Foot Disorder B. Clubhand C. Syndactilism D. Clubfoot
47. The use of a high-rate behavior to increase the occurrence of a low-rate of behaviour.
A. Premack Principle B. Overcorrection C. Punishment D. Consequences
48. Systematic development of reasoning power and the communication of 'the canon'.
A. The theorist b. The teacher c. The liberal educator d. The philosopher
50. These are devices are lightweight and easy for a non verbal autistic child to transport.
A.Computer B. Handheld Device C. Technical Device D. Laptop Device
51. This is an assessment done where informations are collected from a number of sources
knowledgeable about the child, including families, caregivers and professionals.

A.Multicultural Assessment B. Mutidimensional Assessment

C. Multidynamic Assessment D. Multisource Assessment
52. Responsive and sensitive to child-initiated behaviour.
A.Curriculum design B. Activity C. Incidental Teaching D. IEP
53. Refers to the absence or partial loss of an arm or leg.
A. Plegia B. Loss Limbs C. Limb Deficiency D. Limb Amputee

54. This include abnormalities in the pitch (too high/too low), quality (hoarse/breathy, tight/harsh) , loudness
(inadequate/too loud), or resonance (hyponasal, such as when you have a cold, or hypernasal,
when there is too much sound coming through the nose) of the voice.

A. Voice Disorder B. Language Disorder C. Communication Disorder D. None

55. Child has difficulty with the development of speech sounds and the rules for the sound system.

A. Syntax Disorder B. Phonological Disorder C. Speech Disorder D. Dysphagia

56. Another way of looking at curriculum theory and practice is via : 

A. Procedure B. Production C. Process D. Both a and C

57. Behavior is monitored in regard to how long it lasts.
A.Rate Data B.Time Sampling C. Duration Data D.Interval Recording

58. Keys that are up to four times the size of standard computer keys.

A.Concept Key Board B. Med Tech C. Technologist D. Large keyboard

60. It facilitates transfer of information at a faster pace. It also allows better communication.
A.Teacher B. Technical C. Technology D. Techniques
61. An assault on the brain that causes mild to severe injury.
A. Traumatic brain Injury B. Close Brain Injury C. Brain Injury D. None
62. Removal of access to all sources of reinforcement for a specified time period
contingent upon the target behaviour.
A. Extinction B. Target Behavior C. Prompt D. Time Out
63. It means a cloudy areas in part or all of the lens of the eye.
A. Cataract B. Myopia C. Night Blindness D. Blind
64. It is a term used to refer to all the team approaches that address students' academic and behavior
problems prior to any consideration for special education eligibility.
A. Team Approach B. Co Teaching C. Prereferral D. Team Teaching
65. It places a special education teacher as a full partner in a classroom with a general education teacher.
A. Partial Inclusion B.Full Inclusion C. Mainstream D. Regular Class

67. It means changing the way in which instruction is delivered or changing the way in which a student is
expected to respond to instruction

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
A. Accommodation B. Self Contained Class C. Special Class D. Training
68. Is a rare inherited condition marked by extremely brittle bones.
A. Spina Bifida B. Cerebral Palsy C. Paralysis D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta
69. Tiny sounds created in the inner ear in response to a stimulus.
A. Otitis Media B. Middle Ear C. Otoacoustic Emissions D. Cochlea
70. It involves the central nervous system and is a disability of the brain, spinal cord, or nervous system .
These impairments often result in compound motor problems that can affect several body systems.
A. Orthopedic Impairment B. Physical Impairment
C. Neurological Impairment D. Impairments
71. Process by which information is collected regarding the occurrence of the behavior prior to any
A. Extinction B. Prompt C. Baseline D. Rewards
72. He discovered Down Syndrome to which is known as trisomy 21.
A. Dr. John Doen B. Dr. John Langdon Down C. Dr.Langdon Down D. Dr. John Down
73. The year that the Decade of the Filipino Child was declared…..
A. 1879 B. 1967 C. 1996 D. 1976

74. A French educator who himself was blind and developed the tactile system of reading and writing
Based on code or six dots.

A. Louis Baille B. Louis Braille C. Loiuse Daille D. Louis Taille

75. An act providing for the rehabilitation, self development and self reliance of disabled persons and their
integration into the mainstream society and for other purposes known as Magna Carta for Disabled

A. Republic Act 7277 B. Republic Act 7772 C. Republic Act 7672 D. Republic Act 6277

76. It refers to the problems that an individual with disability encounters as he or she attempts to function
or interact in his or her environment.

A. Disability B. Impairment C. Handicap D. Impaired

77. A medical disorder of known etiology and predictable prognosis or outcome ex. Cerebral palsy,DS

A. Established Risk B. At Risk C. Biological Risk D. All Risk

78. He said that genius is solely the result of heredity—born not made.

A. Charles Darwin B. Francis Dalton C. Charles Galton D. Francis Galton

79. He or she maintains records, teaches, prepare and provide materials for the child.

A. Teacher B. Cooperating Classroom Teacher C. Itinerant Teacher D. Both B & C

80. The capacity to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformation upon those

A. Intelligence B. Balance Intelligence C. Right Intelligence D. Spatial Intelligence

81. A course content is covered in a shortened period of time, leaving students of pursue projects of
special interest.

A. Grade acceleration B. Completer Course C. Short Program D. Workshop

82. Kent has some problems with reading thus, he needs to learn reading by some simple memory recall
of the letter sound prior to the more complex way of understanding the word as in spelling and
vocabulary therefore the teacher needs to use:

A. Work Analysis B. Chucking C. Task Analysis D. Prioritizing

83. It is known as the Youth Welfare Code, abounds with specific provisions for the welfare of the
exceptional child.

A. P.D. No. 703 B. P.D. No. 503 C. P.D. No. 903 D. P.D. 603

84. It is nonverbal test used with the Verbal Scale of the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale.

A. Sociological Screening
B. Haptic Intelligence Scale for the Blind Adult
C. Haptic Intelligence Scale for All
D. Screening Scale Test

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
85. Behavior is monitored in regard to how fast the child performs a given skill.

A. Latency Data B. Rating List C. Rate Data D. Skills Rating

86. Promotes parent-professional cooperation and communication. Documents observational notation.

A. Photo shot B Passport C. Anecdotal D. Diary

87. The skill is stated in observable, measurable items, performance criterion is specified.

A. Instructional Objectives B. Instructional Plan C. Instructional Goal D. Instructional Load

88. The arrangement of furniture and fixtures, classroom space, modification of the learning

A. Accomodation B. Preparation C. Adapting the Environment D. Adaptation

89. Group Base on activities or abilities, the teacher should provide some level of individual attention.

A. Large Group Art Activities

B. Small Group Art Activities
C. Medium Group Art Activities
D. All of the above
90. Program are located away from the home – setting maybe be child-care centers, day care centers, or
public scholls,or other locations.

A. Center Based Programs

B. School Based Programs
C. Day Care Based Programs
D. Nursery Care Based Programs

91. There is a high degree of professional autonomy and minimal integration. There is very little
coordination or collaboration across discipline areas.
A. Trans-disciplinary Approach
B. Inter- Disciplinary Apprroach
C. Multi -Discipline System
D. Multi-disciplinary Approach
92. Interruption in the speech flow, rate or rhythm of verbal expression.
A. Fluency Problem B. Voice Disorder C. Language Disorder D. Speech Disorder
93. Make notes on significant events concerning the child’s behaviour and activities. Records
observations of the child’s physical or emotional state on a given day.

A. Data Recording B. Photograph C. Anecdotal Recording D. Recording

94. Characterized by short attention span, extreme passivity, daydreaming, preference for younger
playmates and clumsy in its behaviour.

A. Matured B. Immaturity C. Adult Actions D. Early childhood

95. Changes made by children as they move from one type of service delivery setting or program to

A. Transmutation B. Translation C. Transition D. Translocation

96. It occurs when one team member assists the direct service provider in the performance of a function
that is typically part of the assisting team member’s role.

A. Joint Functioning B. Interaction C. Role Playing D. Role Release

97. The student remain in the regular class until requiring additional support to complete assignments;
Student attend to curricular modification.

A. Content Mastery B. Itinerant Teacher C. Regular Teacher D. Part Time Teacher

98. Skills that are immediately useful to the student and its frequently demanded in the child’s
natural environment.

A. Regular Class B. Part Time Class C. Functionality D. Training program

99. Virus invades the brain and causes severe paralysis of the total body system.

A. Cystic Fibrosis B. Poliomyelitis C. Clubhand D. Asthma

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
100. Maybe accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt and unworthiness to which some parents may
refuse to seek guidance.

A. Cerebral Palsy B. Shock and Disbelief C. Grief D. Anger

and Resentment
St. Louis Review Center, Inc.
3rd Floor CAP Bldg. Corner Tiano-Gaerlan St.
(088) 851-1413/ 309-3641

1. It is designed for children with special needs and aimed primary at developing adaptive skills.

A. Modified curriculum B. Special education C. Education D. Aims

2. It means that all students in high school, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any are, become part
of the school community.

B. Inclusive education B. Education system C. Laboratory D. Both a and c

3. Is a body of knowledge-content and/or subjects.
B. Lesson plan B. Curriculum C. Goal D. Philosophy

4. A device used to promote body alignment, stabilized or increase motor functioning.

A. Physical Programs B. Orthotic Device C. Rehabilitation Program D. Orthotic Therapist
5. The ability to understand and comprehend both verbal and nonverbal information.
A. Programs B. Receptive language C. Assessment program D. Play and Socialization
6. Deliberate destruction of other's property. Showing little empathy and concern for the feelings, wishes, and well
being of others.

A. Oppositional Defiant Behavior B. Language Problem C. Behavioral Disorder D. Cerebral Palsy

7. An individual child’s performance on a test compared to that of other children of the same age group.

A. Anecdotal Record B . Norms Reference Test C. Portfolio D. Standardized Test

8. Lorice is said to be born healthy without any unfavorable behavior seen during early stages of the
development. But she started to be showing some odd behavior when she turned 3 years old. She loves to spin
all circle things she sees in the hose. She wanted to eat same kind of food every meal time and needs to use
the same drinking glass she had learned to hold to. She smells the food before she place it in her mouth before
she eat it. Does this manifestation of the behavior of Lorice is said to be the sign of:
A. Mental Retardation B. Deafness C. Autism D. Blindness
9. It determines goals across all environmental domains.
A. Establishment of Priorities B. Instructional Plan C. Curriculum Development D. Lesson Plan
10. Children born with above average intelligence and highly receptive to any stimulus presented to them
is known to be …
B. Intellectual B. Gifted C. Mentally Challenge D. Average learner
11. It is said that students learn better from words and pictures than just words.
A. Computer Principle B. Multi Media Principle C. Techno-Principle D. Techniques
12. The short arm of a chromosome is known as …….
B. p arm B. d arm C. a arm D. q arm
13. Assessment procedures should respect the uniqueness of each child and family system.
A. Multihat Assessment B.Multicultural Assessment C.Multi-dynamic Assessment D. None
14. Links written word with spoken words. Gives students opportunity to practice reading same text more
than one time.
A. Computer Mouse B. Interactive Books
C. Assistive Technology Services D. Reinforcements
15. The collection of assessment information should be ongoing process that facilitates collaboration.
A. Proactive Assessment B. Interactive Assessment
C. Ongoing Information exchange D.Multisectoral Assessment
16. It known as the deletion of chromosome 15 resulting to the condition known as ………..
B. Down Syndrome B. Klinefelter Syndrome C. Phynelketonuria D. Prader Willi Syndrome
17. Read back text from any programme. Highlight text as spoken.
A. Screen readers B. Scan/Read Software

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
C. Assessment Software D. Voice Recognition Software
18. Means low blood supply in the brain.
B. Hypoxia B.Amnesia C. Analogy D. Aknown

19. Power Point program is best known as……

A.Teacher’s in Mind B. Technical Mind C. Mind Manager D.Mind Power
20. It leads to involuntary and uncontrolled movements of the body or known as worm like movement.
B. Spastic B. Athetoid C. Ataxia D. None
21. The child is preoccupied with his or her senses and motor activities.
A. Sensorimotor B .Intuitive Thought Period C. Preconceptual Period D. Both A and B
22. It is defined as an organized and sequenced set of content to be taught.
A. Planning B. Lesson Plan C.Curriculum D. IEP
23. The ability to understand and comprehend both verbal and nonverbal information.
A. Programs B.Assessment program C. Receptive language D.Play and Socialization
24. Are defines as anything given to assist or help a young child make a desired response.
A. Learning Skill B. Language rehabilitation C. Behavioral Discipline D.Prompts
25. Appears to be overly sensitive to light.

A. Attention Deficit Disorder B. Visual problem C. Hearing Impairment D. Mental Retardation

26. Those skills that allows a child to independently care for himself or herself, are basic for maintaining life,
and deal with bodily functions.
A.Individualized Educational Programs B. Self-Care Skills
C. Rehabilitation Program D. Play Base Learning
27. A professional who deals with the improvement of person’s strength and movement in the lower and
upper limbs.
A.Physical Programs B. Self-Care Skill C. Rehabilitation Program D. Occupational Therapist

28. Joanna is said to be functional in her activity of daily living and is able to cope with her academic
requirements but there are times she needs to hold the words in the book since she said” the words are
running around” and she is a little less lower in her current age group when it comes to her reading skills
she said to have?

B. Down Syndrome B. Deaf C. Dyslexia D. Dyscalculia

29. Results can be used to individualize instruction and develop individual education plans

A. Screen Saver B. Scanners C. Assessment Software D. Voice Recorder

30. A condition very common among young children with excessive physical activity.
A. Autism B. Attention Deficit Disorder
C. Attention Deficit With Hyperactivity Disorder D. Visual Impairment

31. Behavioral is monitored in term or whether defined behaviors occur or do not occur within
specific time intervals.
A.Duration Data B. Latency Data C. Rate Data D. Interval Recording

32. These are devices are more complicated, many of which can be manufactured locally.
B. Computer Tech B. Medium Tech
C. Power Tech D. High Tech
33. The knowledge and skills expected to be learned by a student by high school graduation.
B. Core product B. Core curriculum C. Core development D. None
34. Sought a curriculum in harmony with the child's 'real' interests, needs and learning patterns.

A. System B. The developmentalist C. The meliorist D. Praxis

35. Artificial reinforcers given in a specific number upon emission of target behavior to be later used to
"purchase" reinforcement.
B. Token Economy B. Stimulus Control C. Shaping D. Punishment
36. The centre of the process and makes an explicit commitment to emancipation.  
Thus action is not simply informed, it is also committed.

A. Praxis B.Product C. DevelopmentD. Process

37. Concept attributed to John Locke, young children seen very much like blank slate. Learning is not innate
but rather the result of experiences and activities.
A. Prompts B.Play Therapy C. Tabula Rasa D.None
38. The ability to express oneself in terms of language communication skills may it be done verbally or through

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
A. Learning Attitude B. Language Program C. Behavioral Management D. Expressive Language
39. The teacher monitor progress, probe for generalization and modify instructional plans necessary.
A. Monitoring B. Evaluation C. Lesson Planning D. Behavior Plan

40. It is known to be a genetic disorder which causes muscular degeneration and mostly boys are affected due
to the recessive gene inherited from the mother.
A.Muscular Dystrophy B. Spina Bifida C. Paralysis D. Blind
41. Assessment should be conducted by a team with equal status afforded to the family and
A.Multitask Assessment B. Multidynamic Asssessment
C.Multidisciplinary Assessment D. Multiorganized Assessment
42. Involve placing an object in a location that will more than likely increase a desired response.
A. Visual/Pictorial Prompts C. Behavioral Discipline
B Language rehabilitation D. None
43. It is marked by truancy ,gang membership theft and feeling of pride and belonging to a delinquent
A.Anxiety withdrawal B. Conduct disorder C. Immaturity D. Socialized Aggression
44. It is known as a paralysis which affects only one side of the body both the arms and legs are affected
either left or right.

A.Quadriplegia B. Hemilplegia C. Diplegia D. Monoplegia

45. It refers to the inability to select an appropriate response to a stimulus.

A. Stimulus Response B. Stimuli Control C. Magnitude D. Topography
46. The child is born one or both feet deformed usually with the feet and toes turns inward.
A. Foot Disorder B. Clubhand C. Syndactilism D. Clubfoot
47. The use of a high-rate behavior to increase the occurrence of a low-rate of behaviour.
A.Premack Principle B. Overcorrection C. Punishment D. Consequences
48. Systematic development of reasoning power and the communication of 'the canon'.

A. The theorist b. The teacher c. The liberal educator d. The philosopher

50. These are devices are lightweight and easy for a non verbal autistic child to transport.
A.Computer B. Handheld Device C. Technical Device D. Laptop Device

51. This is an assessment done where informations are collected from a number of sources
knowledgeable about the child, including families, caregivers and professionals.

A.Multicultural Assessment B. Mutidimensional Assessment

C. Multidynamic Assessment D. Multisource Assessmen
52. Responsive and sensitive to child-initiated behaviour.

A. Curriculum design B. Activity C. Incidental Teaching D. IEP

53. Refers to the absence or partial loss of an arm or leg.

A. Plegia B. Loss Limbs C. Limb Deficiency D. Limb Amputee

54. This include abnormalities in the pitch (too high/too low), quality (hoarse/breathy, tight/harsh) ,
loudness (inadequate/too loud), or resonance (hypo nasal, such as when you have a cold, or
hyper nasal, when there is too much sound coming through the nose) of the voice.

A. Voice Disorder B. Language Disorder C. Communication Disorder D. None

55. Child has difficulty with the development of speech sounds and the rules for the sound system.

A. Syntax Disorder B. Phonological Disorder C. Speech Disorder D. Dysphagia

56. Another way of looking at curriculum theory and practice is via : 

A. Procedure B. Production C. Process D. Both a and C
57. Behavior is monitored in regard to how long it lasts.
A. Rate Data B. Time Sampling C. Duration Data D.Interval Recording

58. Keys that are up to four times the size of standard computer keys.

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
A. Concept Key Board B. Med Tech C. Technologist D. Large keyboard
60. It facilitates transfer of information at a faster pace. It also allows better communication.

A. Teacher B. Technical C. Technology D. Techniques

61. An assault on the brain that causes mild to severe injury.

A. Traumatic brain Injury B. Close Brain Injury C. Brain Injury D. None
62. Removal of access to all sources of reinforcement for a specified time period
contingent upon the target behaviour.
A. Extinction B. Target Behavior C. Prompt D. Time Out
63. It means a cloudy areas in part or all of the lens of the eye.
A.Cataract B. Myopia C. Night Blindness D. Blind
64. It is a term used to refer to all the team approaches that address students' academic and behavior
problems prior to any consideration for special education eligibility.
A.Team Approach B. Co Teaching C. Prereferral D. Team Teaching
65. It places a special education teacher as a full partner in a classroom with a general education teacher.
A.Partial Inclusion B. Full Inclusion C. Mainstream D. Regular Class

67. It means changing the way in which instruction is delivered or changing the way in which a student is
expected to respond to instruction

A.Accommodation B. Self Contained Class C. Special Class D. Training

68. Is a rare inherited condition marked by extremely brittle bones.
A.Spina Bifida B. Cerebral Palsy C. Paralysis D. Osteogenesis Imperfecta
69. Tiny sounds created in the inner ear in response to a stimulus.
A. Otitis Media B. Middle Ear C. Otoacoustic Emissions D. Cochlea
70. It involves the central nervous system and is a disability of the brain, spinal cord, or nervous system .
These impairments often result in compound motor problems that can affect several body
A. Orthopedic Impairment B. Physical Impairment
C. Neurological Impairment D. Impairments
71. Process by which information is collected regarding the occurrence of the behavior prior to any
A. Extinction B. Prompt C. Baseline D. Rewards
72. He discovered Down Syndrome to which is known as trisomy 21.
A. Dr. John Doen B. Dr. John Langdon Down C. Dr.Langdon Down D. Dr. John Down
73. The year that the Decade of the Filipino Child was declared…..
A. 1879 B. 1967 C. 1996 D. 1976

74. A French educator who himself was blind and developed the tactile system of reading and writing
Based on code or six dots.

A.Louis Baille B. Louis Braille C. Loiuse Daille D. Louis Taille

75. An act providing for the rehabilitation, self development and self reliance of disabled persons and
their integration into the mainstream society and for other purposes known as Magna Carta for
Disabled Person.

A. Republic Act 7277 B. Republic Act 7772 C. Republic Act 7672 D. Republic Act 6277

76. It refers to the problems that an individual with disability encounters as he or she attempts to function
or interact in his or her environment.

A.Disability B. Impairment C. Handicap D. Impaired

77. A medical disorder of known etiology and predictable prognosis or outcome ex. Cerebral palsy,DS

A.Established Risk B. At Risk C. Biological Risk D. All Risk

78. He said that genius is solely the result of heredity—born not made.

A.Charles Darwin B. Francis Dalton C. Charles Galton D. Francis Galton

79. He or she maintains records, teaches, prepare and provide materials for the child.

A.Teacher B. Cooperating Classroom Teacher C. Itinerant Teacher D. Both B & C

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80. The capacity to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformation upon
those perception.

A.Intelligence B. Balance Intelligence C. Right Intelligence D. Spatial Intelligence

81. A course content is covered in a shortened period of time, leaving students of pursue projects of
special interest.

A.Grade acceleration B. Completer Course C. Short Program D. Workshop

82. Kent has some problems with reading thus, he needs to learn reading by some simple memory
recall of the letter sound prior to the more complex way of understanding the word as in spelling
and vocabulary therefore the teacher needs to use:
A.Work Analysis B. Chucking C. Task Analysis D. Prioritizing
83. It is known as the Youth Welfare Code, abounds with specific provisions for the welfare of the
exceptional child.
A. P.D. No. 703 B. P.D. No. 503 C. P.D. No. 903 D. P.D. 603
84. It is nonverbal test used with the Verbal Scale of the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale.
A. Sociological Screening
B. Haptic Intelligence Scale for the Blind Adult
C. Haptic Intelligence Scale for All
D. Screening Scale Test
85. Behavior is monitored in regard to how fast the child performs a given skill.
A. Latency Data B. Rating List C. Rate Data D. Skills Rating
86. Promotes parent-professional cooperation and communication. Documents observational notation.
A. .Photo shot B Passport C. Anecdotal D. Diary
87. The skill is stated in observable, measurable items, performance criterion is specified.
A. Instructional Objectives B. Instructional Plan C. Instructional Goal D. Instructional Load
88. The arrangement of furniture and fixtures, classroom space, modification of the learning
A. Accommodation B. Preparation C. Adapting the Environment D. Adaptation
89. Group Base on activities or abilities, the teacher should provide some level of individual attention.
A. Large Group Art Activities
B. Small Group Art Activities
C. Medium Group Art Activities
D. All of the above
90. Program are located away from the home – setting maybe be child-care centers, day care centers, or
public scholls,or other locations.
A. Center Based Programs
B. School Based Programs
B. Day Care Based Programs
C. Nursery Care Based Programs
91. There is a high degree of professional autonomy and minimal integration. There is very little
coordination or collaboration across discipline areas.
A. Trans-disciplinary Approach
B. Inter- Disciplinary Apprroach
C. Multi -Discipline System
D. Multi-disciplinary Approach
92. Interruption in the speech flow, rate or rhythm of verbal expression.
A. Fluency Problem B. Voice Disorder C. Language Disorder D. Speech Disorder
93. Make notes on significant events concerning the child’s behaviour and activities. Records
observations of the child’s physical or emotional state on a given day.
A. Data Recording B. Photograph C. Anecdotal Recording D. Recording
94. Characterized by short attention span, extreme passivity, daydreaming, preference for younger
playmates and clumsy in its behaviour.
A. Matured B. Immaturity C. Adult Actions D. Early childhood
95. Changes made by children as they move from one type of service delivery setting or program to
A. Transmutation B. Translation C. Transition D. Translocation
96. It occurs when one team member assists the direct service provider in the performance of a function
that is typically part of the assisting team member’s role.
A. Joint Functioning B. Interaction C. Role Playing D. Role Release
97. The student remain in the regular class until requiring additional support to complete assignments;
Student attend to curricular modification.
A. Content Mastery B. Itinerant Teacher C. Regular Teacher D. Part Time Teacher
98. Skills that are immediately useful to the student and its frequently demanded in the child’s
natural environment.
A. Regular Class B. Part Time Class C. Functionality D. Training program
99. Virus invades the brain and causes severe paralysis of the total body system.
A. Cystic Fibrosis B. Poliomyelitis C. Clubhand D. Asthma

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
100. Maybe accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt and unworthiness to which some parents may
refuse to seek guidance.

A. Cerebral Palsy B. Shock and Disbelief C. Grief D. Anger

and Resentment

St. Louis Review Center, Inc.

3 rd Floor CAP Bldg. Corner Tiano-
Gaerlan St.
(088) 851-1413/ 309-3641


1. It means any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an
assistive technology device.
A.Computer Service B. Handheld Device
C. Assistive Technology Services D. Laptop Device
2. Has been defined as an objective systematic process for gathering information about a program or set
of activities.
A.Program Evaluation B.Evaluation Report C. Both A and B D.None of the Above
3. The ability to change in response to meet the unique needs of the special child.
A. Collaboration B. Inclusion C. Adaptation D. Adoption
4. Method of teaching a complex behavior involving the systematic teaching of component skills of the
behavior and sequencing the skills together
A. Chaining B. Modelling C. Prompting D. Ignoring
5. Integrate the expertise of team members so that more efficient and comprehensive assessment and
intervention may be provided. Commitment to sharing information and skills among the team members.
A. Multicultural Disciplinary B.Inter Disciplinary C. Trans Disciplinary D. Multi Disciplinary
6.Preparation for manual control is concerned – hand and fingers to which the coordination of the hands
include- strength flexibility and dexterity.
A. Gross Motor Development B. Fine Motor Development C. Reflexive Development D. None
7. The child has been showing some undesirable behaviour in the classroom, to which the goal is to orient the
child for desirable behaviour therefore the child is not being reprimanded but rather ask to the child to find a
place to do the task or find another activity. This known as ….
A. Extinction B. Direction C. Isolation D. Redirection
8. An inflammation of the joints which can lead to joint abnormalities that can eventually affect mobility.
A. Poliomyelitis B. Arthritis C. Club Foot D. Paralysis
9. Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be:
A. Transported B. Identified C. Transmitted D. Chosen
10. Obtain samples of a child’s work at regular intervals for qualititative comparisons with later products
and to provide concrete examples of the child’s work over time.
A.Developmental Checklist B. Behavioral Scale Ratings
C.Permanent Product Samples D. Anecdotal Recording
11. Stationary, requires little operating space. Slows down movement of cursor buttons
A. Roller Balls B. High Balls
C. Power Tech D. High Tech Balls
12. Samantha has some difficulty in hearing some faint or distant speech, but when she is able to seat
near and listen near to the person who is talking she is able to hear it better. She is said to have..
A. Severe Hearing Loss B. Moderate Hearing Loss C. Slight Hearing Loss D. Deaf
13. Students attends all day classes in a special school, in a totally separate campus.
A. Regular School B. Special School C. Day Care Center D. Home School
14. It includes a range of technologies, which enable people to build on their abilities and participate as fully as
possible at home, school, work and in their community.
A. Assistive Device B. Computer Technology C. Assistive Technology D. General Tech
15. Assessment information should be collected in a number of family and child domain.
A. Multicontext Assessment B.Multidimensional Assessment
C. Multisource Assessment D. None of the above
16. Often fidgets with hand and feet or squirms in seat, leaves the seat in the classroom or in other situations
in which remaining to be seated is expected. This is a sign of …
A. Hyperactivity B. Autism C. Impulsitivity D. Mental Retardation
17. When behavior is situation or person specific, it is said to be under …
A. Token Economy B. Modelling C. Prompt D. Stimulus Control

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
18. Refers to the child’s most immediate settings and where the interactions with other people occur such as the
home for young child or peer group for an adolescent.
A. Mesosystem B. Microsystem C.Exosystem D. MacroSystem
19. Make notes on significant events concerning the child’s behavior and activities.
A. Anecdotal Recording B. Time Samplng C. Interval Recording D. References
20. Has been defined as an objective systematic process for gathering information about a program or set of
A. Program Evaluation B.Evaluation Report C. Both A and B D.None of the Above
21. Students live away from home and receive total schooling and therapy in a special facility.
A. Special Home Care B. Homeschool C. Residential Care D. Day Care
22. They act before thinking because they have difficulty waiting or delaying gratification.
A. Hyperactivity B. Impulsitivity C. Passivity D. Inattention
23. Weak and floppy muscles particularly in the neck and trunk with low levels of motor activity. Slow to
make balancing response.
A. Ataxia B. Athetoid C. Hypotonia D. Athetosis
24. Instead of using a pointing device such as a mouse, the student can use their finger to point directly to objects
on the screen. Also suitable for those who find it hard to manipulate a mouse or other pointing
A.Computer Mouse B. Touch Screen
C. Assistive Technology Services D. Laptop Screen
25. Amount of usable visual field and how the child responds to information presented visually.
A. Visual Acuity B. Visual Capacity C. Visual Ability D. Visual Senses
26. There are four types of errors in producing sound, Substitution, omission, addition and …..
A. Division B. Pragmatics C. Expressive D. Distortion
27. Technology in training does not need classrooms, text books or specific locations.
A. Geographical Reach B. Notebook C. Computer Reach D. Compact Disc
28. Kent is such a very disobedient kind of child, he always gets into fight since 7 years old and now he is already
in Grade 6 level. He is so bossy and exhibits temper tantrums. Kent is exhibiting a behaviour known as;
A. Behavior Problem B. Attention Sicker C. Conduct Disorder D. Immaturity
29. A difficulty in automatically remembering and mastering the sequence of muscle motor movements
needed in writing letters and numbers.
A. Dysgraphia B. Dyslexia C. Dysnomia D. Dysarthria
30. It refers to unsophisticated devices and largely non-electronic devices, many of which can be produced from
local materials.
A. Low Tech B. Med Tech C. Technologist D. Techniques in Training
31. Reductive procedure requiring restitution of previous environment and positive practice in order to
decrease the occurrence of the target behavior.
A. Correction B. Reshaping C. Overcorrection D. Over Reaction
32. Students spend majority of the day segregated, they may interact with regular students in
unstructured activities or specified classes.
A. Special School B. Self Contained Class C. Hospital Bound D. Homeschool
33. A progressive disorder occurs only in girls;period to normal development and then loss of previously
acquired skills,loss of purposeful use of hands replaced with repetitive hand movements beginning
the age of 1 to 4 years old.
A. Rett’s Syndrome B. Down Syndrome C. Klinefelter Syndrome D. PKU
34. It focuses on key points. But, the training provided by instructors may vary and change.
A. Competence B. Consistency C. Technologist D. Techniques in Training
35. It is a disorder of articulation characterized by difficulty with sequencing and organizing motor or muscle
movements specifically for the production of speech. It may also be described as the impaired
ability to motor-plan.
A. Aphasia B.Amnesia C. Apraxia D. Ataxia
36. He is a French physician, concerned with the humanitarian treatment of individuals with mental illness.
A. Phillipe Pinel B. Anna Freud C. Jean Piaget D. Maria Montessori
37. It is a plan design to identify the child’s needs and the family’s needs and programs are made
to meet those needs.
A. Family Intervention Plan C. Individual Family Plan
B. Educational Family Service Plan D. Individualized Family Service Plan
38. It is the landmark that has change the face of Special Education.
A. PL 94-143 B.PL 94-142 C. PL 99-457 D. BP 344
39. It is a test that is given to a newborn baby within 24 hours from birth to check for metabolic disorder.
A. New Born Test B. Newborn Screening C. Neonatal Assessment D. No test
40.. It was enacted in 1989 that August 1 of each year as “White Cane Safety Day in the Philippines”
A. R.A. 7277 B.R.A 7610 C. R.A.6759 D. R.A.3562
41. A condition wherein males receive and extra X chromosome. Sterility and underdevelopment of male sex
organ with mild levels of cognitive retardation.

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
A. Klinefelter Syndrome B. Down Syndrome C. Dwarfism D. Rett’s Syndrome
42. It is process by which experience and practice results in a stable change in the learner’s behaviour.
A. Knowledge B. Assessment C. Learning D. Training
43. The ability to use language to excite,please,convince, stimulate or convey information.
A.Kinesthetic Intelligence B. Musical Intelligence
C. Spatial Intelligence D. Linguistic Intelligence
44. Both teachers share the instruction of students. The teachers may take turns leading a discussion, one may
speak while the other demonstrates a concept, one may speak while the other models note taking on
the chalkboard, and so on.
A. Team Teaching B. Cooperative Teaching C. Substitute Teaching D. Parallel teaching

45. They provide treatment to increase the muscle strength, mobility and endurance. They focus on the large
muscles of the body involved in physical movement and range of motion
A. Psychotherapist B. Speech Therapist C. Physical Therapist D. Occupational Therapist
46. . An individual child’s performance on a test compared to that of other children of the same age group.
A. Norms Reference Test B. Anecdotal Record C. Portfolio D. Standardized Test
47. Read back text from any programme. Highlight text as spoken.
A Voice Recognition Software B. Scan/Read Software
C. Assessment Software D. Screen readers
48. The skill is stated in observable, measurable items, performance criterion is specified.
A. Instructional Goal B. Instructional Plan C. Instructional Objectives D. Instructional Load
49. The long arm in the chromosome is known as ……
A. g arm B.p arm C. q arm D. l arm
50. The time between conception and 18 birthday.
A. Developmental Period B. Development Area C. Developmental Milestone D. None
51. Working together towards a common goal, parents and professionals sharing information working together
and relate to the child and the family as the unit; communicate and coordinate.
A. Consultation B. Communication C. Collaboration D. Coordination
52. Refers to any behavior that results in injury or discomfort to another person.
A. Tantrums B. Aggression C. Whining D. Fears
53. Determines the needs referenced to current and future environment.
A. Assessment B. Ecology Assignment C .Ecological Assessment D. Testing
54. It is a skill of deliberately listening to and watching children’s behaviors.
A. Observation B. Anecdotal Recording C. Video D. Film Showing
55. Abnormal production of speech sound.
A. Articulation B. Voice Disorder C. Impaired Articulation D. Speech Problem
56. Development of age appropriate self care and other behaviors to adapt successful to different environments
A. Physical development C.. Speech Development
B. Fine Motor Development D. Adaptive Development
57. Sample of work-collected thru time to analyze progress.
A. Passport C. Time Sampling
B. Collection of Children’s Work D, Event Sampling
58. A period where the is focus on Education Mainstreaming and inclusion program
Are already followed.
A. 18th Century B. 20th Century C. 21st Century D. 16th Century
59. Classroom set-up are 1 to many and used desk and chairs.
A. Regular Class B. Special Class C. Inclusive Class D. Special Education
60. A system of coding names should be develop to ensure privacy.
A. Sample Event B. Smart C. Formality D. Ensure Confedentiality
61. An observation method is use of a small cassette recorder with a built in microphone.
A. Still Camera B. Audio Tape C. Video Cam D. Still Camera
62. Known as the Act of Violence Against Women And Children
A. R.A 9642 B. PL94-142 C. R.A. 9262 D. BP 344
63. It is said to be a legal document needed for every child who needs special education and accommodation
And programs after a diagnosis is done.
A. Individualized Educational Needs C. Individualized Education Act
B. Individualized Educational Plan D. individualized Education System
64. It means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of and to a
marked degree , which adversely affects educational performance such as general pervasive mood of
unhappiness or depression or a tendency to develop physical symptoms of fears associated with
personal or school problems.
A. Specific disability C. Language Communication Delay
B. Pervasive Developmental Daily D. emotional and Behavoral Disorder
65. It is a service delivery system which operates in the school within a school concepts.

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A. Regular Class C. Special Education Plan
B. Special education Center D. Special Education Palcement
66. Observation involves counting the occurrence of particular events for the date to usable, it’s often
necessary to include to count non-occurrences.
A. Mechanical Counter B. Time Sampling C. Automatic Observation D. Video
67. Special Education is all about…..
A. Learning B. Listening C. Training D. Teaching
68. An important goal of special education is to help the child become independent from the assistance of
An adult in personal maintenance and development, homemaking and community life.
A. Personal Life C. Self Independence
B. Personal –Self Sufficiency D. Physical environment
69. Obtain samples of a child’s work at regular intervals for qualitative comparisons with later
products and to provide concrete examples of the child’s work over time.
A) Developmental Checklist
B) Behavioral Scale Ratings
C) Permanent Product Samples
D) Anecdotal Recording
70. Based on an in depth assessment.
A. Performances C. Assessment
B. Evaluation D. Present Level of Performances
71. Involve placing an object in a location that will more than likely increase a desired response.
A. Visual/Pictorial Prompts C. Behavioral Discipline
B. Language rehabilitation D. None
72. Noel is already 13 years old, he dislike to go to school because he does not have friends , he is
always late in going to school. His mother always makes complain of his being to clumsy and
at times he is not able to sit still in his chair. He loves to move around and make some
unconscious noise within himself.
A. Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder C. Autism
B. Learning Disability D. None of the above
73. Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be:
A. Transported B. Identified C. Transmitted D. Chosen
74. The ability to change in response to meet the unique needs of the special child.
A. Collaboration B. Inclusion C. Adaptation D. Adoption
75. Responsive and sensitive to child-initated behavior.
A. Curriculum design C. Incidental Teaching
B. IEP D. Activity
76. The techniques encourages child-initiated behavior and support and encourages competencies.
A.Using Novelty C.Curriculum Development
B. Lesson Planning D. Learning Process
77. Janine was born healthy though suffered some delayed crying when she was delivered. Though she
was said to have a normal growth development being born in full term, one thing her mother noticed from when she
cries is that it does not have the same volume or pitch like other babies of her age does. Her Paediatrician seemed not
be bothered with such kind of information provided by the parents since it doesn’t show some physical or biological
illness at all. When she turned 8 months, she does not show being startled by some loud sounds. What should have
been the problem of the child?
A. Mental Retardation C.Cerebral Palsy
B. Deaf D. Learning Disability
78. The ability to express oneself in terms of language communication skills may it be done verbally or through
A. Learning Attitude C.Behavioral Management
B Language Program D. Expressive Language
79. An individual child’s performance on a test compared to that of other children of the same age group.
A. Anecdotal Record C. Portfolio
B. Norms Reference Test D.Standardized Test
80. The process of confirming the presence or absence of a delay or disability.
A. Diagnosis B. Validity C. Recording Data D. Curriculum
81. A form of assessment used to gather data or information from families or other caregivers
about a child’s abilities; families concern,prioreties and resources or other relevant
A. Handicap C. Authentic Data
B. Process Assessment D. Interviews
82. A predetermined collection of questions or task to which predetermined types of response.

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A. Test C. Data and information
B. Evaluation D. Output
83. The consistency of a test in measuring what is supposed to assess in a dependable or consistent
A Checklist C. Reliability
B. Both A and C D. Permanent Product Sample
84. The process of observing recording, collecting or otherwise documenting what children do
and how they do it for the purpose of making educational decisions.

A. Treatment C. Authentic Assessment

B. Process D. Curriculum
85. No on-screen text should be added when such information has already been offered narrative.
A.Computer Tech Principle B. Redundancy Principle
C. Power Tech D. High Tech Principle
86. It claims that the instructional messages so must be designed that they are conforming to the
functioning of the human brain.
A.Cognitive Theory B. Med Tech Theory
C.Technologist D. Multi Media Cognitive Theory
87. A type of measures that is used to interpret a child’s performance or abilities in relation
to specific curricular objectives.
A.Developmental Checklist C Content Validity
B.Curriculum –reference instrument D.) Recording
88. Evaluation that takes place while a program is in progress.
A. Programs C Assessment
B. Evaluation Content D. Formative evaluation
89. A professional who deals with the improvement of person’s strength and movement in the lower and upper
A. Physical Programs C. Rehabilitation Program
B. Self-Care Skills D. Occupational Therapist

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
St. Louis Review Center, Inc.
3rd Floor CAP Bldg. Corner Tiano-
Gaerlan St.
(088) 851-1413/ 309-3641


1. It means any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an
assistive technology device.
A.Computer Service B. Handheld Device
C. Assistive Technology Services D. Laptop Device
2. Has been defined as an objective systematic process for gathering information about a program or set
of activities.
A.Program Evaluation B.Evaluation Report C. Both A and B D.None of the Above
3. The ability to change in response to meet the unique needs of the special child.
A. Collaboration B. Inclusion C. Adaptation D. Adoption
4. Method of teaching a complex behavior involving the systematic teaching of component skills of the behavior
and sequencing the skills together
A.Chaining B. Modelling C. Prompting D. Ignoring
5. Integrate the expertise of team members so that more efficient and comprehensive assessment and
intervention may be provided. Commitment to sharing information and skills among the team members.
A. Multicultural Disciplinary B.Inter Disciplinary C. Trans Disciplinary D. Multi Disciplinary
6.Preparation for manual control is concerned – hand and fingers to which the coordination of the hands
include- strength flexibility and dexterity.
A. Gross Motor Development B. Fine Motor Development C. Reflexive Development D. None
7. The child has been showing some undesirable behaviour in the classroom, to which the goal is to orient the
child for desirable behaviour therefore the child is not being reprimanded but rather ask to the child to find a
place to do the task or find another activity. This known as ….
A. Extinction B. Direction C. Isolation D. Redirection
8. An inflammation of the joints which can lead to joint abnormalities that can eventually affect mobility.
A. Poliomyelitis B. Arthritis C. Club Foot D. Paralysis
9. Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be:
A. Transported B. Identified C. Transmitted D. Chosen
10. Obtain samples of a child’s work at regular intervals for qualititative comparisons with later products
and to provide concrete examples of the child’s work over time.
A.Developmental Checklist B. Behavioral Scale Ratings
C.Permanent Product Samples D. Anecdotal Recording
11. Stationary, requires little operating space. Slows down movement of cursor buttons
A. Roller Balls B. High Balls
C. Power Tech D. High Tech Balls
12. Samantha has some difficulty in hearing some faint or distant speech, but when she is able to seat
near and listen near to the person who is talking she is able to hear it better. She is said to have..
A. Severe Hearing Loss B. Moderate Hearing Loss C. Slight Hearing Loss D. Deaf
13. Students attends all day classes in a special school, in a totally separate campus.
A. Regular School B. Special School C. Day Care Center D. Home School
14. It includes a range of technologies, which enable people to build on their abilities and participate as fully as
possible at home, school, work and in their community.
A. Assistive Device B. Computer Technology C. Assistive Technology D. General Tech
15. Assessment information should be collected in a number of family and child domain.
A. Multicontext Assessment B.Multidimensional Assessment
C. Multisource Assessment D. None of the above
16. Often fidgets with hand and feet or squirms in seat, leaves the seat in the classroom or in other situations
in which remaining to be seated is expected. This is a sign of …
A. Hyperactivity B. Autism C. Impulsitivity D. Mental Retardation
17. When behavior is situation or person specific, it is said to be under ….
A. Token Economy B. Modelling C. Prompt D. Stimulus Control
18. Refers to the child’s most immediate settings and where the interactions with other people occur such as the
home for young child or peer group for an adolescent.
A. Mesosystem B. Microsystem C.Exosystem D. MacroSystem
19. Make notes on significant events concerning the child’s behavior and activities.
A. Anecdotal Recording B. Time Samplng C. Interval Recording D. References

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413
20. Has been defined as an objective systematic process for gathering information about a program or set of
A. Program Evaluation B.Evaluation Report C. Both A and B D.None of the Above
21. Students live away from home and receive total schooling and therapy in a special facility.
A. Special Home Care B. Homeschool C. Residential Care D. Day Care
22. They act before thinking because they have difficulty waiting or delaying gratification.
A. Hyperactivity B. Impulsitivity C. Passivity D. Inattention
23. Weak and floppy muscles particularly in the neck and trunk with low levels of motor activity. Slow to
make balancing response.
A. Ataxia B. Athetoid C. Hypotonia D. Athetosis
24. Instead of using a pointing device such as a mouse, the student can use their finger to point directly to objects
on the screen. Also suitable for those who find it hard to manipulate a mouse or other pointing devices.
A.Computer Mouse B. Touch Screen
C. Assistive Technology Services D. Laptop Screen
25. Amount of usable visual field and how the child responds to information presented visually.
A. Visual Acuity B. Visual Capacity C. Visual Ability D. Visual Senses
26. There are four types of errors in producing sound, Substitution, omission, addition and …..
A. Division B. Pragmatics C. Expressive D. Distortion
27. Technology in training does not need classrooms, text books or specific locations.
A. Geographical Reach B. Notebook C. Computer Reach D. Compact Disc
28. Kent is such a very disobedient kind of child, he always gets into fight since 7 years old and now he is already
in Grade 6 level. He is so bossy and exhibits temper tantrums. Kent is exhibiting a behaviour known as;
A. Behavior Problem B. Attention Sicker C. Conduct Disorder D. Immaturity
29. A difficulty in automatically remembering and mastering the sequence of muscle motor movements
needed in writing letters and numbers.
A. Dysgraphia B. Dyslexia C. Dysnomia D. Dysarthria
30. It refers to unsophisticated devices and largely non-electronic devices, many of which can be produced from
local materials.
A. Low Tech B. Med Tech C. Technologist D. Techniques in Training
31. Reductive procedure requiring restitution of previous environment and positive practice in order to
decrease the occurrence of the target behavior.
A. Correction B. Reshaping C. Overcorrection D. Over Reaction
32. Students spend majority of the day segregated, they may interact with regular students in
unstructured activities or specified classes.
A. Special School B. Self Contained Class C. Hospital Bound D. Homeschool
33. A progressive disorder occurs only in girls;period to normal development and then loss of previously
acquired skills,loss of purposeful use of hands replaced with repetitive hand movements beginning
the age of 1 to 4 years old.
A. Rett’s Syndrome B. Down Syndrome C. Klinefelter Syndrome D. PKU
34. It focuses on key points. But, the training provided by instructors may vary and change.
A. Competence B. Consistency C. Technologist D. Techniques in Training
35. It is a disorder of articulation characterized by difficulty with sequencing and organizing motor or muscle
movements specifically for the production of speech. It may also be described as the impaired
ability to motor-plan.
A. Aphasia B.Amnesia C. Apraxia D. Ataxia
36. He is a French physician, concerned with the humanitarian treatment of individuals with mental illness.
A. Phillipe Pinel B. Anna Freud C. Jean Piaget D. Maria Montessori
37. It is a plan design to identify the child’s needs and the family’s needs and programs are made
to meet those needs.
C. Family Intervention Plan C. Individual Family Plan
D. Educational Family Service Plan D. Individualized Family Service Plan
38. It is the landmark that has change the face of Special Education.
B. PL 94-143 B.PL 94-142 C. PL 99-457 D. BP 344
39. It is a test that is given to a newborn baby within 24 hours from birth to check for metabolic disorder.
B. New Born Test B. Newborn Screening C. Neonatal Assessment D. No test
40. It was enacted in 1989 that August 1 of each year as “White Cane Safety Day in the Philippines”
B. R.A. 7277 B.R.A 7610 C. R.A.6759 D. R.A.3562
41. A condition wherein males receive and extra X chromosome. Sterility and underdevelopment of male sex
organ with mild levels of cognitive retardation.
B. Klinefelter Syndrome B. Down Syndrome C. Dwarfism D. Rett’s Syndrome
42. It is process by which experience and practice results in a stable change in the learner’s behaviour.
B. Knowledge B. Assessment C. Learning D. Training
43. The ability to use language to excite,please,convince, stimulate or convey information.
A.Kinesthetic Intelligence B. Musical Intelligence
C. Spatial Intelligence D. Linguistic Intelligence

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44. Both teachers share the instruction of students. The teachers may take turns leading a discussion, one may
speak while the other demonstrates a concept, one may speak while the other models note taking on
the chalkboard, and so on.

B. Team Teaching B. Cooperative Teaching C. Substitute Teaching D. Parallel teaching

45. They provide treatment to increase the muscle strength, mobility and endurance. They focus on the large
muscles of the body involved in physical movement and range of motion.
B. Psychotherapist B. Speech Therapist C. Physical Therapist D. Occupational Therapist
46. . An individual child’s performance on a test compared to that of other children of the same age group.
A. Norms Reference Test B. Anecdotal Record C. Portfolio D. Standardized Test
47. Read back text from any programme. Highlight text as spoken.
A Voice Recognition Software B. Scan/Read Software
C. Assessment Software D. Screen readers
48 The skill is stated in observable, measurable items, performance criterion is specified.
A.Instructional Goal B. Instructional Plan C. Instructional Objectives D. Instructional Load
49. The long arm in the chromosome is known as ……
A.g arm B.p arm C. q arm D. l arm
50. The time between conception and 18th birthday.
A.Developmental Period B. Development Area C. Developmental Milestone D. None
51. Working together towards a common goal, parents and professionals sharing information working together
and relate to the child and the family as the unit; communicate and coordinate.
A.Consultation B. Communication C. Collaboration D. Coordination
52. Refers to any behavior that results in injury or discomfort to another person.
A.Tantrums B. Aggression C. Whining D. Fears
53. Determines the needs referenced to current and future environment.
A. Assessment B. Ecology Assignment C .Ecological Assessment D. Testing
54. It is a skill of deliberately listening to and watching children’s behaviors.
A. Observation B. Anecdotal Recording C. Video D. Film Showing
55. Abnormal production of speech sound.
A. Articulation B. Voice Disorder C. Impaired Articulation D. Speech Problem
56. Development of age appropriate self care and other behaviors to adapt successful to different environments
A. Physical development C.. Speech Development
B. Fine Motor Development D. Adaptive Development
57. Sample of work-collected thru time to analyze progress.
A. Passport C. Time Sampling
B. Collection of Children’s Work D, Event Sampling
58. A period where the is focus on Education Mainstreaming and inclusion program
Are already followed.
B. 18th Century B. 20th Century C. 21st Century D. 16th Century
59. Classroom set-up are 1 to many and used desk and chairs.
A. Regular Class B. Special Class C. Inclusive Class D. Special Education
60. A system of coding names should be develop to ensure privacy.
A. Sample Event B. Smart C. Formality D. Ensure Confedentiality
61. An observation method is use of a small cassette recorder with a built in microphone.
A. Still Camera B. Audio Tape C. Video Cam D. Still Camera
62. Known as the Act of Violence Against Women And Children
A. R.A 9642 B. PL94-142 C. R.A. 9262 D. BP 344
63. It is said to be a legal document needed for every child who needs special education and accommodation
And programs after a diagnosis is done.
C. Individualized Educational Needs C. Individualized Education Act
D. Individualized Educational Plan D. individualized Education System
64. It means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of and to a
marked degree , which adversely affects educational performance such as general pervasive mood of
unhappiness or depression or a tendency to develop physical symptoms of fears associated with
personal or school problems.
C. Specific disability C. Language Communication Delay
D. Pervasive Developmental Daily D. emotional and Behavoral Disorder
65. It is a service delivery system which operates in the school within a school concepts.
A. Regular Class C. Special Education Plan
B. Special education Center D. Special Education Palcement
66. Observation involves counting the occurrence of particular events for the date to usable, it’s often
necessary to include to count non-occurrences.
A. Mechanical Counter B. Time Sampling C. Automatic Observation D. Video

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67. Special Education is all about…..
A. Learning B. Listening C. Training D. Teaching
68. An important goal of special education is to help the child become independent from the assistance of
An adult in personal maintenance and development, homemaking and community life.
C. Personal Life C. Self Independence
D. Personal –Self Sufficiency D. Physical environment
69. Obtain samples of a child’s work at regular intervals for qualitative comparisons with later
products and to provide concrete examples of the child’s work over time.
A) Developmental Checklist
B) Behavioral Scale Ratings
C) Permanent Product Samples
D) Anecdotal Recording
70. Based on an in depth assessment.
A. Performances C. Assessment
B. Evaluation D. Present Level of Performances
71. Involve placing an object in a location that will more than likely increase a desired response.
A. Visual/Pictorial Prompts C. Behavioral Discipline
B. Language rehabilitation D. None
72. Noel is already 13 years old, he dislike to go to school because he does not have friends , he is
always late in going to school. His mother always makes complain of his being to clumsy and at
times he is not able to sit still in his chair. He loves to move around and make some
unconscious noise within himself.
A. Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder C. Autism
B. Learning Disability D. None of the above
73. Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be:
B. Transported B. Identified C. Transmitted D. Chosen
74. The ability to change in response to meet the unique needs of the special child.
A. Collaboration B. Inclusion C. Adaptation D. Adoption
75. Responsive and sensitive to child-initated behavior.
A. Curriculum design C. Incidental Teaching
B. IEP D. Activity
76. The techniques encourages child-initiated behavior and support and encourages competencies.
A.Using Novelty C.Curriculum Development
B. Lesson Planning D. Learning Process
77. Janine was born healthy though suffered some delayed crying when she was delivered. Though she
was said to have a normal growth development being born in full term, one thing her mother noticed from when
she cries is that it does not have the same volume or pitch like other babies of her age does. Her Paediatrician seemed
not be bothered with such kind of information provided by the parents since it doesn’t show some physical or biological
illness at all. When she turned 8 months, she does not show being startled by some loud sounds. What should have
been the problem of the child?
A. Mental Retardation C.Cerebral Palsy
B. Deaf D. Learning Disability
78. The ability to express oneself in terms of language communication skills may it be done verbally or through
A. Learning Attitude C.Behavioral Management
B Language Program D. Expressive Language
79. An individual child’s performance on a test compared to that of other children of the same age group.
A. Anecdotal Record C. Portfolio
B. Norms Reference Test D.Standardized Test
80. The process of confirming the presence or absence of a delay or disability.
A. Diagnosis B. Validity C. Recording Data D. Curriculum
81. A form of assessment used to gather data or information from families or other caregivers
about a child’s abilities; families concern,prioreties and resources or other relevant
A. Handicap C. Authentic Data
B. Process Assessment D. Interviews
82. A predetermined collection of questions or task to which predetermined types of response.
A. Test C. Data and information
B. Evaluation D. Output
83. The consistency of a test in measuring what is supposed to assess in a dependable or consistent
A Checklist C. Reliability

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B. Both A and C D. Permanent Product Sample
84. The process of observing recording, collecting or otherwise documenting what children do
and how they do it for the purpose of making educational decisions.

A. Treatment C. Authentic Assessment

B. Process D. Curriculum
85. No on-screen text should be added when such information has already been offered narrative.
A.Computer Tech Principle B. Redundancy Principle
C. Power Tech D. High Tech Principle
86. It claims that the instructional messages so must be designed that they are conforming to the
functioning of the human brain.
A.Cognitive Theory B. Med Tech Theory
C.Technologist D. Multi Media Cognitive Theory
87. A type of measures that is used to interpret a child’s performance or abilities in relation
to specific curricular objectives.

A.Developmental Checklist C Content Validity

B.Curriculum –reference instrument D.) Recording

88. Evaluation that takes place while a program is in progress.

A. Programs C Assessment
B. Evaluation Content D. Formative evaluation

89. A professional who deals with the improvement of person’s strength and movement in the lower and upper

A. Physical Programs C. Rehabilitation Program

B. Self-Care Skills D. Occupational Therapist

St. Louis Review Center Cagayan de Oro City (088) 851 1413

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