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Evidence # _______________

Exercise on Parallel Structure

In the following pairs, one sentence has parallel structure, and the other sentence lacks
parallel structure. Mark the CORRECT sentence.
A____ Jennifer is smart, beautiful, and loves everyone.
B____ Jennifer is smart, beautiful, and caring.
A____ Andy’s day is so long that he gets up at 6:00 a.m., leaves for work at 6:30 a.m., is eating dinner at 11:00 p.m.,
and goes to bed at 2:00 a.m.
B____ Andy’s day is so long that he gets up at 6:00 a.m., leaves for work at 6:30 a.m., eats dinner at 11:00 p.m.,
and goes to bed at 2:00 a.m.
A____ Bob was not only Sam’s roommate, but also he was his best friend.
B____ Bob was not only Sam’s roommate but also his best friend.
A____ If you go to the store, please remember to pick up your prescription, buy some shampoo, and to look for a notebook.
B____ If you go to the store, please remember to pick up your prescription, to buy some shampoo, and to look for a notebook.
A____ I spent two hours with Ms. Smith, reviewing my job performance, evaluating my goals, and discussing my future with the
B____ I spent two hours with Ms. Smith, reviewing my job performance, evaluating my goals, and my future with the company was
also discussed.
A_____ Mr. Brown’s lecture was inaccurate, boring, and unnecessary.
B_____ Mr. Brown’s lecture was inaccurate , boring, and should have been omitted.
A_____ Most people play golf for pleasure, for exercise, and for social contacts.
B_____ Most people play golf for pleasure, for exercise, and so they can meet people.
A____ The most dangerous forms of transportation are bicycles, cars, and riding a motorcycle.
B____ The most dangerous forms of transportation are bicycles, cars, and motorcycles.
A____ Many people share the same three fears: making speeches, being in high places, and numbers.
B____ Many people share the same three fears: making speeches, being in high places, and working with numbers.
A____ At the body shop, the car was sanded to the bare metal, painted with primer, and sprayed with blue enamel.
B____ At the body shop, the car was sanded to the bare metal, painted with primer, and blue enamel was sprayed on.
Parallel Structure
Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more words or ideas are of equal
importance and to help the reader comprehend what is being written. It is grammatically correct to ensure that
phrases, clauses and items on a list after a colon use the correct parallel structure. 

Parallel Structure in Words and Phrases

Some examples of parallel structure of words and phrases include the following:
 Ashley likes to ski, to swim and to jump. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version
of this sentence would read: Ashley likes to ski, to swim and jumping. 
 Joe likes singing, walking and diving. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of
this sentence would read: Joe likes singing, walking and to dive.
 Mary wanted to make sure that she made her presentation creatively, effectively and persuasively. This
is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: Mary wanted to
make sure she made her presentation creatively, effectively and persuaded others.
 Tim was considered to be a good employee because he was never late, he was very motivated and he
was not lacking in initiative. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this
sentence would read: Tim was considered to be a good employee because he was never late, he was very
motivated and he did not lack initiative.
Parallel Structure on Lists
When you have items on a list following a colon, the items should all be in the same form in order to avoid a
parallel structure error.
Some examples can illustrate this point:
 The following activities can be done at the shopping center: buying groceries, eating lunch or paying
your bill. This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence without
parallel structure would read: The following activities can be done at the shopping center: buying
groceries, eating lunch and a bill payment center. 
 In your bedroom, you can find the following: a bed, a closet and a desk. This is correct and uses parallel
structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: In your bedroom, you can find the
following: a bed, a closet and sitting at a desk. 
 Dogs are great pets for the following reasons: they are loyal, they are loving and they are obedient. This
is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: Dogs are great
pets for the following reasons: they are loyal, they are loving and because of their obedience. 
 People who get ahead do lots of different things such as: studying, working hard and going to college.
This is correct and uses parallel structure. An incorrect version of this sentence would read: People who
get ahead do lots of different things such as: studying, working hard and to attend college.  
In each of these different examples, words of equal importance can either be written in the same format (which
is correct) or they can be written in different forms (which is incorrect). Parallel structure errors can make your
writing sound strange to listeners.

Usage - Parallel Structure

Sentence elements that are alike in function should also be alike in construction.  These elements
should be in the same grammatical form so that they are parallel.
Using parallel structure in your writing will help with
                1) economy 2) clarity 3) equality 4) delight.

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