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For years now, vitamin C has been widely regarded as important to everyone's
health, particularly sailors who were the victims of scurvy and a host of other diseases
linked to their lack of fruit and vegetables. Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is one of the
vitamins with the highest water solubility. It is essential for the biosynthesis of
collagen, carnitine, and neurotransmitters. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning
it can not be produced by your body. It is water-soluble and present in many fruits and
vegetables including bananas, strawberries, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, and
spinach. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 75 mg for females and 90 mg
for males.

There are a lot of benefits of vitamin c. One of the benefits is vitamin C is a

strong antioxidant. Antioxidants work by stabilizing and mopping up free radicals to
protect the cells and limit the damage. Thus vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene
may help keep the body healthier and protect it against conditions that endanger
serious life. Studies show that more vitamin C will increase the levels of antioxidants
in your blood by up to 30%. This helps the natural defense of the body to combat
inflammation Concerning exercise, where oxidative stress and free radicals
predominate due to its extreme nature and its impact on the body, exercise-induced
oxidative stress is higher for people with lower levels of vitamin C. We can then
assume that if you are currently training and engaged in intense daily workouts, you
should add vitamin C to prevent the deleterious effects of free radicals.

Second, vitamin C can lower our blood pressure. Since vitamin C is water-
soluble, it also acts as a diuretic that causes the kidneys to remove more sodium and
water from the body, which helps to relax the walls of the blood vessels, thus
lowering blood pressure. Lower blood pressure also means that you have less chance
of having a stroke and increased cardiovascular health, which is so important today
that many people are suffering from cardiovascular disease.

Third, vitamin C can boost our immune system. We have already heard about
how vitamin C prevents curable diseases, such as scurvy, and how it fights a wide
range of diseases. As a result, it increases your immunity and has been found to
prevent diseases such as colds and flu. Studies show that vitamin C is essential to
stimulate the immune system by increasing the strength and protection of the body.
Because of its role in reducing inflammation, it is essentially related to immunity and
general health. Finally, vitamin C protects the immune system, reduces the severity of
allergic reactions, and helps to prevent infections. If you want to stay fit and healthy,
add more vitamin C to your diet should be a priority.

Vitamin C also increases our iron absorption and helps to maintain healthy skin
and hair. The bioavailability of iron from staple cereals and pulses has been reported
to increase with vitamin C-rich fruits such as gooseberry. We know that the main
function of iron is to improve the ability of the body to carry oxygen through the
blood, which can contribute to anemia. Hence, this process is extremely beneficial for
vitamin C. However if you want smoother skin and healthier hair then vitamin C
plays a major role in ensuring this is a reality. Vitamin C helps to create the protein
collagen and, combined with the above-mentioned iron absorption, not only do you
have healthy skin and hair, but you will keep it. Collagen is a bit of a buzzword today,
but rather avoid supplementation and consume collagen-rich foods such as berries and
omega-3-rich foods such as avocados and salmon. Along with your diet for vitamin C
you should always preserve your natural beauty.

Last, vitamin C is good for physical and mental health. All-in-all, vitamin C is an
essential micronutrient that, by accident, has shown no good reputation. In addition to
improving your ability to heal wounds and reduce inflammation inside and outside
your body, as well as giving you a great look, it has also been marginally viewed as a
vitamin that gives you more energy and boosts your mental health. Although hard to
nail down, people with higher vitamin C levels are less likely to suffer from
depression and fatigue. Whether this is due to all the other benefits mentioned above
is hard to say, but more importantly, you should just increase the amount of vitamin
C-rich food you eat and see for yourself.

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