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Mode of transmission Standard precautions Contamination Decontamination Disinfection Health associated infection

The manner in which Specific measure used Denotes contact of a Process where physical The process of Any infection that acquired
the infectious organism to prevent the spread sterile or a septic or or use and incapable using physical or during the time a patient is
is acquired by the host of infection among all item with organisms. or transmitting infection chemical means to admitted in a healthcare
e.g. direct contact, patients and healthcare Sterile items become agents means are used destroy pathogens facility. The most common
droplets, a vector such workers including contaminated if they to remove inactive or excluding the healthcare associated
as a mosquito, a measures to protect get in contact with destroy pathogens on a spores. infection is the urinary tract
vehicle such as food, or them from items that are not surface or item making infection.
the airborne route. contaminated blood sterile. them safe for handling
and other body fluids. or use and incapable or
transmitted infection
Iatrogenic infection Occupational exposure Antiseptic Sterilization
Infection that is acquired in The acquisition or exposure A chemical The process of killing or
the course of undergoing to an infectious agent of solution that removing all microbial forms
diagnostic test or therapeutic healthcare worker during the inhibits the growth including spores.
procedures. e.g. muscles course of his/her work. E.g. of some
sepsis caused by unsterilized a health care professional microorganisms .
equipment used. may be exposed to HIV or Most antiseptics
another infectious agent can be used direct
through a needle stick injury. on skin. E.g.
alcohol and iodine.


Medical Surgical

•Reduces •Eliminates all

number of pathogens
pathogens •Sterile
•Clean •Specialized technique
techniques •Used in
clothing or
•Used in Dressing changes,
equipment worn
Medications, Catheterizations,
by employee
Enemas, •Surgical
Tube feedings, Procedures
Daily hygiene, ron,Mask/Respir
•Handwashing ators,Google’s,F
is number 1 ace Shields

I. Activity title:MAPit happen

Types of infection according to:

Classification of Types of Infection

Infections disease
Patterns of Infection Chain of Infection

•Viral infections - e.g. •Sporadic •Presence of Pathogen

•By Location flu,cold,measles,rubella,c rare infections, e.g Bacteria,Fungi,
hickenpox,norovirus,poli occurring now and Parasites,Prions
Local – limited region in o,mono,HSV,HPV,HIV,eb then, without any
particular pattern •Reservoirs
the body ola. etc
•Epidemic e.g People,Water,Food
System – spread by •Bacterial infections e.g. A sudden
blood or lymph e.g. unexpected rise in •Portal of exit
number of infections Blood,Secretions,
anorexia, node swelling. hea,chlamydia,syphilistu
•Outbreak Excretions,Skin
•By Duration commonly used to
sm,tetanus,anthrax. etc mean a limited •Mode of transmission
Acute – Rapid onset e.g. epidemic e.g. Physical Contact,
•Fungal infections e.g.
cold •Pandemic Droplets,Airborne
ringworm,athlete’s a world-wide
foot,thrush,aspergillosi,h epidemic •Portal of Entry
Chronic – slow
istoplasmosis,fungal •Endemic e.g. Mucous
development e.g.
meningitis. etc. implies a constant Membrane, Respiratory
hypertension, diabetes,
significant number of & Digestive
mellitus •Parasitic infections e.g. infections system,Broken skin
malaria,toxoplasmosis,gi indefinitely.
Latent – infection
ardiasis,tapeworm&roun •Suceptible host
present with no
dworm infection,lice. etc e.g. immune deficiency,
discernible symptoms
e.g. HIV/ AIDS •Prions e.g Surgery,Age
fever,pain,fatigued. etc.

II. Activity Title: Thru CriTIQUE and thin

1. Based on the article, what are the different types of infectious disease outbreaks we had in
2019? What do you think is the culprit of this outbreak?

We had four infectious disease outbreak called dengue, diphtheria, measles, and polio. Just like what
article said because of the Poverty, geographical remoteness, rapid urbanization, malnutrition, and poor
hygiene and sanitation of people why the outbreak exist.

2. On your opinion, how important it is for health care professionals like us to raise awareness
about communicable and infectious diseases and the importance of vaccines to prevent us from
acquiring this disease, relate your answer to the article.

In my opinion health care officials was need to announce more awareness and give complete
information about the infectious disease how it works and what probably happened if we be infected
just like in rural part of our country because rural part are have more active cases because in rural
place, not all of them have a health center were they can consult and get some vaccine. We need to help
each other to fight disease in our country.

3. Based on your knowledge on patterns and chain of infection, can you think of a new project or
program that the government should start to help reduce if not eliminate the infectious diseases
mentioned in the article.

First I think we should be knowledgeable about basic like proper hygiene and sanitation to reduce or
eliminate infectious disease.. because if we do that better ..that infectious disease are nothing to us ..we
can fight against them ,.and then about of the government program it will be useless if people didn’t
understand the basic

4. As a student nurse, how can you help the government rebuild the trust of the community
members who for some reasons implied in the article became “Non-believers of vaccines”.

As a student nurse I don’t have enough knowledge all things about nursing I’m still studying step by
step ,the way I’m gonna help the government to rebuild the trust of the community about vaccines is to
support them just like I should participate some program in our baranggay about teaching or giving a
information about vaccine that’s not harmful if they use it properly.

III. Scientific Knowledge Base

1. Development of an infection occurs in a cycle that depends on the following elements.

a. Presence of Pathogen

b. Reservoir

c. Portal of exit

d. Mode of transmission

e. Portal of entry

f. Susceptible host

2. Explain the most common modes of transmission.

a. Direct – Person to person

b. Indirect – Contaminated objects/fomites

c. Droplet – Respiratory secretions that settles on surface

d. Airborne – Microbes remain suspended in the air for prolonged period.

e. Vehicles – Spread through articles or substances that harbor the microorganism.

f. Vector – Occurs when intermediate carriers transfer the microbes to another living organism

IV. The Infectious Process

a. Acute generalized and self limiting – An illness condition which will either resolve on its own or which
has no long term harmful effect on a person’s health

b. Acute generalized with focal persistence – Viral persistence within a host after the host has survived
infection (virus can persist in specific host tissues).

c. Mucosal (localized) – cause cytopathic effect and inflammation in the respiratory tract. Transmission :
aerosolized viral particles are inhaled
d. Chronic persistent intracellular – Infections that are not cleared by the host’s adaptive immune
response and commonly persist in cells of the immune system.

1.Explain the normal body defense against infection.

a. Normal flora – consist of the group of organisms that inhabit the body of a normal healthy individual
in the community. These indigenous flora may be non-pathogenic or pathogenic and may at times
behave as opportunistic pathogens.

b. Body system defenses - Our bodies set out to accomplish this goal by activating the immune system to
vanquish the invader as quickly as possible. Vaccines help prepare the immune system for this fight,
while antibiotics or antiviral drugs serve as its allies on the battlefield, targeting the pathogens and
preventing them from multiplying and spreading in the body.

c. Inflammation – a vital part of the immune system’s response to injury and infection. It is the body’s
way to signaling the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue, as well as defend itself against
foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria.

2. Define the following types of health care-associated infections. (nosocrimal)

a. Exogenous – disease originates outside the body.

Ex. Chemical agent, electrical shock , trauma.

b. Endogenous – Disease originates within the body.

Ex. Metabolic disorders, congenital abnormalities, tumors.

3. Identify the sites of health care-associated infections.

a. Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) - result in thousands of deaths each year and
billions of dollars in added costs to the U.S. healthcare system, yet these infections are preventable. CDC
is providing guidelines and tools to the healthcare community to help end CLABSIs.

b. Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) – A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection
involving any part of the urinary system, including urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidney. UTIs are the
most common type of healthcare-associated infection reported to the National Healthcare Safety
Network (NHSN)

c. Surgical Site Infection (SSI) – A surgical site infection is an infection that occurs after surgery in the
part of the body where the surgery took place. Surgical site infections can sometimes be superficial
infections involving the skin only.

d. Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP) – is a lung infection that develops in a person who is on

ventilator. A ventilator machine that is used to help a patient breathe by giving oxygen through a tube
placed in a patients mouth or nose or through a hole in the front of the neck.

4.The following factors influence a patient’s susceptibility to infection. Briefly explain them, giving an
example of each.
a. Age – Infant and the senior citizen have a high risk of having an disease because of their age, and
having an low immune system ex. infancy and old age

b. Immunes status – ex. AIDS

c. Underlying disease – ex. leukemia, diabetes mellitus, renal failure

d. Diagnostic and therapeutic interventions -

V. Nursing process. (Identity a cause for the following risk infection)

a. Chronic disease

• Tabaco use

• Raised cholesterol

• Physical inactivity

• The harmful use of drug

b. Lifestyle behaviors

• Lack of exercise

• Lack of sleep

c. Occupation

• High risk for disease

• Lack of personal protective equipment

• Lack of security

d. Diagnostic procedure

• testing

e. Hereditary

• Blood

f. Travel history

• Have an travel to the place that have an virus

• Contaminated water system

g. Trauma

• Anxiety

• Stress

• Depression
h. Nutrition

• Poor nutrition

VI. Nursing diagnosis (Identify some common nursing diagnosis that apply to patients risk who have an
actual infection)

a. Risk to infection related to open wound.

b. Risk for infection related to post surgical incision .

c. Risk for infection related to tissue destruction; invasive procedure.

d. Risk for aspiration related to decreased cough and gag reflex .

e. Risk for injury related to altered mobility and disorientation.

f. Risk for infection related to compromised immune system.

VII. Implementation (List the ways a nurse can teach patients and their families to prevent an infection
from developing or spreading in community and health care settings).

a. Always cover your nose or mouth if you sneeze or coughing.

b. Hand washing is one of the most important to kill the viruses or germs. To prevent spread the disease.

c. Wear face mask to protect yourself and others from the viruses.

d. Before and after touch the patient should apply alcohol or hand sanitizer in your hand to kill the
germs and viruses.

Health care settings

a. Barangay health center

b. Clinic

c. Hospital

IX. Evaluation (The expected outcome is the absence of signs and symptoms of infection. List some ways
the nurse can monitor the patient).

a. Patient maintain optimal gas exchange AEB normal respiratory rate.

b. Vital signs within normal range.

c. No reports of dyspnea.

d. After 8 hours of nursing intervention the patient was able to display improved ability to participate in
desired activities.

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