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World Economies

Using the CIA World Factbook website, compare the economies of two different countries. You
will evaluate the countries based on the given information below. You will compare each fact
from the two countries side by side on PPT slides. Be sure to label your slides with appropriate
headings. Once you have the rate or # for each country, color the country with the best rate green
and the country with the worst rate red. (When applicable) Include the following 11 points:

1: the two countries you are comparing and their flags

india. sweden

2: definition of GDP and each country’s GDP

GDP is the Gross Domestic Product which is the monetary value of all finished goods and
services made within a country in a specific time period
India: 2.719 trillion
Sweden: 556.1 billion
3: top four agricultural products for each
india: rice, buffalo milk, cow milk, wheat
sweden: oats, potatoes, vegetable, fruits
4: each country’s labor force
india: 51.5%
sweden: 72.4
5: definition of unemployment rate and each country’s rate
unemployment is the share of the labor force that is jobless.
India: 11%
Sweden: 6.72%
6: list the % of the population below the poverty line
india: 21.9%
sweden: 15%
7: definition of inflation rate and each country’s rate
inflation rate is the rate at which prices increase over time, resulting in a fall in the purchasing
value of money.
India: 3.43
Sweden: 2.04
8: list the top four exports
india: refined petroleum, diamonds, packaged medicaments, jewelry
sweden: machinery (computers), vehicles, electrical machinery, mineral fuels (oil)
9: list the top four imports
india: mineral fuels, oils, pearls, electrical machinery
sweden: cars, crude petroleum, refined petroleum, vehicle parts
10: list each country’s debt
india: 1.8 trillion
sweden: 189,150 million
11: decide which country you think is better off economically and tell why
Sweden is better off economically as it seems to have a more stable economy, with lower
unemployment and inflation rates. Although india has the higher GDP, it also has a lot of debt
which would not be able to be paid off soon as they have lot of unemployment and population
living under the poverty line. The swedish economy is more in the tertiary sectors whilst india is
in the first, and relies a lot on the agricultural industry. Production of machinery and services
would be better in the future and allows sweden to gain higher exports.

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