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Vocabulary and Dialogue Projects 1


Luisa Fernanda Castañeda Cadena

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Sena

Gestión Logística 1503188

Bogota diciembre de 2017

Vocabulary and Dialogue Projects 2

Ability: Capacidad

Accomplishment: Logro

Accountability: Responsabilidad

Acumen: Perspicacia
Vocabulary and Dialogue Projects 3

Analysis: Analisis

Analyst: Analista
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Analytical: Analitico

Application: Solicitud

Aptitude: Aptitud
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Assignment: Asignacion

Assurance: Garantia

Attribute: Atributo
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Balance: Equilibrar

Based: Basado

Budget: Presupuesto
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Budget for: Presupuesto para

Client: Cliente

Communicator: Comunicador
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Completed: Terminado

Complex: Complejo

Criterion: Criterio
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Deliver: Entregar

Deliverable: Entregable

Delivery: Entrega
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Demonstrate: Demostrar

Demonstrated: Demostrado

Designer: Diseñador
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Ensure: Asegurar

Enterprise: empresa

Environment: Ambiente
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Excellent: Excelente

Experience: Experiencia

Facilitator: Facilitador
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Focus: Atención

Guidance: Dirección

Impact: Impacto
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Integrity: Integridad

Interpersonal: Interpersonal

Leadership: Liderazgo
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Manage: Gestionar

Management: Administracion

Manager: Gerente
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Medium: Medio

Methodology: Metodologia

Negotiation: Negociacion
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Ongoing: En marcha

Oral: Oral

Phase: Fase
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Presenter: Presentador

Proactive: Proactivo

Progressive: Progresivo
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Project: Proyecto

Prove: Probar

Proven: Probado
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Provide: Proporcionar

Qualification: Calificación

Relationship: Relación
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Requirement: Requisito

Resource: Recurso

Resposibility: Responsabilidad
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Sized: Tamaño

Skill: Habilidad

Software: Software
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Successful: Exitoso

Timeline: Cronología

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