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The Power Of Prayer In ATR: Taking Esu To Work

I have been living and working in Tokyo Japan for the last three years, so with my
options for an ATR community being very limited, I have since begun to seek ways to
creatively enhance the use of angelic energy in my life in safe and effective ways. The
following is my personal account and analysis of a particularly powerful real life
experience that I recently had with an African angel, and also an example of how to
effectively pray in the ATR fashion.

Acting is not my day job, and is not even one of my ambitions in life. In fact, I have
never had any formal acting training, and being on stage or in front of a camera always
makes me nervous. But as a businessman, seeing an opportunity to supplement my
monthly income by spending a single day working as an actor on a TV commercial
makes me more than willing to battle my nerves and jump in front of a television camera.
And finding ways to conquer my stage fright not only contributes to my monthly income,
but is also something that I feel may benefit me tremendously in whatever professional
direction I may decide to go. Therefore I decided to harness my understanding of African
spirituality and enlist the aid of the Orisha in this matter.


OPPORTUNITIES WHERE THERE ARE NONE. As the keeper of the “ase,“
(spiritual power that is molded into all things that manifest in creation) he/she is the
great angel/god/Orisha that provides the heavenly half of the African creative genius.
His children are of free spirit, connoisseurs of the “spice of life,” lovers of “wine,
women, and song,” theater, performance, and fun. So knowing and understanding the
attributes of this Orisha, I realized that a network television studio is a perfect playground
for Esu, and the god may very well delight in an invitation to accompany me on my next
television commercial audition.

Feeling a great sense of comfort, freedom from worry, spiritual companionship, and
peace when I PRAY to this aspect of the Almighty ON MY KNEES at home, I simply
wanted to take this FEELING OF COMFORT, PEACE, AND CALM with me on my
audition. Wanting and expecting nothing else, I simply asked the ANGEL TO “BE
WITH ME” when I walked into that audition studio and stood in front of the camera.
So on the train to the studio, on the steps walking up the platform, in the coffee shop
where I waited for my manager, or wherever and whenever I felt any sign nervousness,
anxiety, or doubt before, during, and even after the audition, I would very gently and
assuredly say to myself “ANGEL BE WITH ME.” The sense of peace and calm that I
felt afterwards was instantaneous and indescribable.

This is no ordinary angel. This is world famous angel Esu, the messenger of God, the
mighty angel that receives a portion of any offering to any Orisha, the one that comes
first in all angelic ceremony, the one that sits at the Crossroads. Whether an ATR
initiate, Muslim, Christian, pagan, atheist, or whatever, you’ve heard of him. This is the
“opener of doors,” the divine aspect of the African American’s ability to break through
the barriers in America designed specifically to keep us off of the world’s stage.
Knowing who this angel is, and knowing exactly what this angel does, MY FAITH and
my conviction was that if this angel is with me, then the angel will certainly do what the
angel certainly does. Angels/gods/Orisha are not simply heavenly “personalities,“ in
fact they are not “persons” at all. They are aspects of nature, and elements of universal
law. So my practice of ATR is not based on “belief.” It is an understanding of
metaphysics and scientific principle as it manifests itself in our daily lives, and is a
practical science based on what I know and know how to use.

removed my own biases and personal opinions from my prayer, and SIMPLY
RESTRICT the actions of the angel by insisting on “which door” I wanted to be
FOR ME. So whether it be this commercial, or perhaps another one, or a movie deal,
or a TV show, or even a new business contact, meeting my future wife, or making a
new friend, A DOOR “WILL” BECOME OPEN TO ME. Of this I had complete faith.
Not concerning myself at all with which particular one, I readied my soul, mind, and
body to walk through whichever door swings open.

Like most foreigners in Japan, I don’t speak much Japanese at all, although there are
however quite a few actors who speak the language quite fluently. So for actors such as
myself who don’t speak Japanese, having a competent translator at every audition is an
absolute necessity. With the help of a translator, the majority of auditions don’t require a
foreign actor to speak very much if any Japanese, but occasionally however a script will
be presented that requires an actor to speak a great deal of Japanese. Needless to say, it is
at these times where an actor such as myself has about a snowball’s chance in Hades of
getting the part. It is also highly important that your translator is a very capable and
competent individual, because it is also his/her job to formally introduce you to the
commercial executives and verbally highlight your acting skills and qualities that make
you the “perfect” commercial representative for their company. Some
tanslators/managers are good at this, and some are not.

Being that I was the only actor from my agency attending this audition, and being that I
didn’t speak Japanese (a requirement for this commercial that my agent failed to
mention,) my agency had sent out all of its normal translator/managers to other auditions
where they felt their chances for success were much better. So therefore, about an hour
before the audition, my agent calls to tell me that all of the normal mangers are busy, and
that they will be sending a guy from another department, who unfortunately does not
speak very much English, to come and “translate” for me. Angel be with me.

As I walked up the steps to the meeting spot on the platform, I immediately encountered
another actor from a different agency by the name of Steve standing there with his
manager. I had met Steve almost 3 years ago when I was first trying to get into the acting
business in Japan. A mutual friend of ours arranged a dinner for us to meet and
introduced him to me as the “most famous man in Japan,” who in her opinion could tell
me all the ins and outs of the business. Of course she was exaggerating about his fame,
but this guy does in fact speak beautifully fluent Japanese, has a captivating sense of
humor and personality, and is “by far” the most successful independent Black actor in
Japan. He also happens to be the guy who referred me to the agency I was with now. I
don’t see him much, and the angelic energy was really starting to build up by this time, so
although he represented possibly the stiffest possible competition for me, I was truly and
genuinely glad to see him.

Seconds later, my “new” manager/translator stumbles onto the scene, ruffling through
papers in his hand, looking generally flustered and confused. After we fumbled through
an English/Japanese introduction, and after two wrong turns on his part, we began to
walk toward the studio. Having witnessed this incompetent spectacle, Steve yells to me
“you got a real good one,” as we both immediately realize that I was certainly “not” in
good hands. But I didn’t even think about it. Just said to myself, “angel be with me,
angel be with me” (had to say it twice.) So as my new manager/translator and I are
“talking” on the way to the studio, I realize that he seemed to be a very nice guy,
although he knew about “ten” words of total English. Angel be with me. These kind of
little OBSTACLES in life fall under the jurisdiction of the angel. SUCH THINGS
ARE NOT UNDER MY CONTROL, so I generally do not and did not concern myself
with them. I was content to let the angel to do his/her job, while I remained focused on
doing mine.

As I’m coming up the elevator and walking into the studio, the angelic energy continues
to build, and my cares are melting away. We approach the first commercial rep who
speaks even less English than my new manager. Angel be with me. He then hands me a
script, written entirely in Japanese, which my manager/translator could not translate for
me, not even a single word. Angel be with me. So without an opportunity to rehearse, and
without even an indication of what I was supposed to be doing, I just sat in the chair and
smiled to myself without a care in the world because it was at this time that I began to
feel the angel’s presence very strongly and very, very close. It’s presence relaxed me,
comforted me, and pleased me in ways beyond my ability to explain. My mind and spirit
seemed to be floating somewhere above consciousness, and in this euphoric state, all of
the little pressures and concerns of the day and even the outcome of this audition really
didn’t matter.

After making my best effort to try and decipher what was on the script by looking at the
pictures, I realized that my personal ability had reached its end, and I had so far done all
that I could do. So without any kind of game plan for my performance, or any real idea of
what I was supposed to be doing at all, I decided that I would simply focus on keeping
my energy and spirits as high as possible, and walk into that studio room to do the
absolute best that I could. After they called my name, and as I walked toward the
audition room door, my simple prayer was that when I walked through that door, the
people in that room felt my energy at its highest point, and also felt the powerful
energy of this angel that was with me.
To add insult to injury, not one network execs in that room could speak more than three
words of English. Feeling almost intoxicated with the angelic presence at this point, It
really didn’t matter to me ay all. They gave me the audition instructions in Japanese, and
as I did my best to understand what they were telling me, I couldn’t help but to feel a bit
embarrassed for being with a “translator” that couldn’t hardly translate a word. Angel be
with me. I did my best to answer their questions and follow their instructions, and my
memory is a little hazy at this point, but it is at this time that I could almost see little
whisps of energy flashing in the room, darting from corner to corner. Not in a calm,
gentle, or reserved fashion, the god seemed to dance around that room in tiny flashes of
light, like a child at play. Esu was in that room having a ball! I did my best to speak my
Japanese gibberish, and I don’t really even know exactly what I was saying, but as the
god danced around the room I felt good, and from the looks of their faces the network
execs felt just as good as I did. I couldn’t really understand why, but they were smiling
and nodding at everything I was saying.

“Most” commercial executives in Japan will “try” to seem appreciative of a performance

that an actor has given, no matter how good or bad it may have been. So although these
execs seemed to be generally pleased with my performance, I figured that they must be
some pretty good actors themselves because I can’t imagine them even considering me
for the art after that bumbling, fumbling, and completely clueless performance that I had
just given. As I left the room, I felt very thankful for their patience with me, and having
written this one off already I thought to myself “Oh well, I’ll get the next one for sure.”

Walking through the studio I see Steve sitting with his manager who is going over the
script with him in intricate detail. I was almost certain that they would love Steve’s
performance, and I interrupted his rehearsal long enough to tap him on the shoulder and
tell him “knock them dead brother.” The brothers always say good luck to each other on
the way out, but having already considered myself to be out of the running for this one, I
truly wished for him to go in that room and absolutely dazzle those nice people. At this
point I had already put this commercial behind me and was already spiritually and
mentally moving on to the next one.

On the way out I ran into two other Black actors, one who has become a bit of a friend of
mine, and the other who I had met before on other auditions. With the Esu energy still
lingering with me, I was very happy to see the both of them, and was delighted to give
them any information I could about the audition. One brother spoke fluent Japanese, but
the other didn’t speak very much at all, and when I told him the audition was entirely in
Japanese, he threw his hands in the air and said, “Why didn’t they tell me this before, I
wouldn’t even have come!” I just laughed when he said this because I felt the exact same
way, but I calmed him down and assured him that he would get through it ok because I
managed to get through it, and his Japanese was almost certainly better than mine. Not to
mention the fact that his translator could actually “translate,” and he would at least have a
pretty good idea of what he was “supposed” to do. So I wished them both the best of
luck, and got on the train to go home.

On the way home however, I could still feel the angel’s energy with me, and despite this
professionally embarrassing grand waste of time, I actually felt quite good about the
whole experience. But as soon as I get home, about one hour later, I get a call from my
agent who was almost out of breathe as she spoke to me. This is strange because not only
is she about the most “robotic” and expressionless lady I’ve ever met, but it usually takes
days (one to three usually) before an actor receives any word about the commercial execs
decision. A commercial actor represents the entire public face of a company, and audition
tapes are painstakingly reviewed, and every exec with an opinion is invited to assist in the
process of selecting the commercial representative of their company. A commercial can
make or break a company, and selecting the actors that will be in it is no easy process.

Surprised that I’m getting a call from her this early, my agents shouts to me over the
phone “you got the job!” I was like “Your kidding!” Not only had I just gotten a job
that was virtually impossible to get, but the sheer speed of the commercial exec’s
decision would indicate that they never actually even considered anybody else! In less
than one hour, the execs couldn’t have possible 1) auditioned all of the other actors, 2)
reviewed the audition tapes, and 3) consulted with the other execs in the company. So it
would appear that not only had I gotten a commercial job that was “impossible” for me to
get, but the commercial execs were somehow so blown away with my “performance” that
none of the other actors even had the slightest chance. My agent, just as blown away as I
was about all of this, wanted to know exactly what I did in that audition to be “that”
impressive. She shouts to me over the phone, “What did you say?“ Almost dumbfounded
by the whole experience myself, I just shake my head and say to her, “I really don’t

Of course I was even on more of a natural high after this news, and I began to
contemplate on this experience and marvel at the sheer power of this Orisha. Thinking to
myself, “This is great! What other ways in my life, and with what other angels can I do
this with?” I was so excited, and still am. Thanks to our ancestors, we have sooooo
many choices, and an infinite number of possibilities in using our African spirituality
to reap the blessings of the Creator. As I returned to my regular job, and continued
through my day, I could still feel quite strongly that this energy still with me. It had not
left. Although I was done with it, it was apparently not yet done with me. At this point,
partially due to the state of bliss that I was still in, I failed to take into consideration the
LAW OF DUALITY in the universe, and did not at this time realize that having so
strongly experienced the positive aspect of this energy, I was also due to feel the

Still in a bit of a “haze,” I didn’t realize that I was ripe and ready for Esu’s famous
other aspect, “THE TRICKSTER.” While the other angels promote moderation, Esu
does no such thing. HE/SHE IS THE ENERGY OF EXTREMES; very good and very
bad, very young and very old, the immature child and the wise old man/woman. In
He loves action and excitement, and can never be bored. Just to test men/women, and
just to entertain him/herself, he delights in mischief and foolery. He is said to bring
out the fool in us all. Esu “tries” us, and if we demonstrate “IWA-PELE” (RIGHT
CHARACTER, RIGHT ACTION) the angel rewards us, but in failing to do so the
fierce angel does not hesitate to punish. The following is written about Esu:

A famous Yoruba story centers around two farmers, both neighbors and friends, who had
failed to sacrifice. Esu, in his tri-colored hat, one-third red, one-third white, and one-
third blue, walked down a road between two offending farmers. “Did you notice the
fellow in the red hat?“ the farmer asked. “No,” replied his friend and neighbor, “there
was a fellow who passed this way, but his hat was blue and white.” “You’re wrong,”
insisted the first. “You’re wrong,” retorted the second. And soon, the insults increased,
and a physical fight began. The two were dragged before the local oba, where each told
his story. As the oba was ready to sentence them for fighting, Esu suddenly appeared and
explained that it was he who had caused their problems, because they had not sacrificed.
The lesson, hopefully was learned. (The Way of the Orisha, p75-76)

So after leaving a client’s office that I had visited last week, I walked onto the platform
and got onto the train I “thought” was going toward my city. Shortly after sitting down I
began to suspect that we were going the wrong way. This was extremely strange to me
because I had actually done this same exact thing last week, getting on the same wrong
train, at the exact same time, leaving from the same place. And having felt so stupid for
doing it last week, I vowed to myself that I would not make this same dumb mistake this
week. But here I was doing the exact same thing that I had vowed not to do just a week
ago, and feeling strange about the whole thing I suddenly realized that this angel who was
still very close to me was not only the “opener of doors,” but also the “trickster.” ESU
smiled and grinned on the platform, looking like a complete idiot to all the Japanese
people walking by, and I said to myself “Ok, I know what you’re doing, you got me, that
was a good one.” I thought to myself, “ Esu got me with one of his/her famous “tricks”
this time, but now that I know what’s happening, I won’t fall for this again. Although it’s
freezing cold, and I’m getting hungry, I remember the parables about the great god and
instead of getting irritated and upset, I just calmly got off the train and walked to the
other platform to wait for the right train.

This time I make sure to look at the sign very closely to make sure that I was getting on
the right train. Train pulls up and I get on. I find a seat (which is rare for this time of
night) and I think to myself, “see, because you stayed calm you actually got a seat and
don’t have to stand up all the way home.” Thinking that it’s all over, I relaxed and began
thinking about writing about this experience when I got home. But I started getting that
strange feeling again, and I suddenly realize that this train is going in the reverse
direction again! How is this possible? Go in the wrong direction twice! And I made sure
to look very closely at the platform sign before I got on this time. I said to myself, “Wow,
he got me again!” Now I’m impressed, and just had to give the angel his/her props on that
one. And I’m taking this seriously now as I begin to focus all of my concentration on
finding a way to board the right train to get home, something I have of course done a
thousand times, but on this day it was proving to be quite difficult.

I find the “correct” platform, and the train pulls up. I see a lot of empty seats, so again
I’m thinking “I guess because I kept my cool I at least get to rest my tired bones on the
way home.” So I board the train and pick my seat and begin to notice that everybody
seems to be leaving except for me and another man in the next car. I scratch my head in
confusion when a Japanese woman, a complete stranger, walks onto the train to tell me
that this train is making it’s last stop for the day, and I would have to get off. Last stop at
8pm at night? What the ???? So I realize that Esu had gotten me again.

Finally boarding the right train, we go a few stops and pull into the station where I want
to transfer. So I exit the train looking for the “Saikyo line,” which runs in the same
direction as the last train I was on, but makes far fewer stops. Thinking that Esu’s tricks
were finally over, I dropped my guard and let my instincts guide me through a station
that I had been through many times. But as I walked my mind somehow got lost again,
and although I had “thought” I had been walking toward the Saikyo line, I had actually
walked an extra 300 meters through a mini mall to found myself standing in front of the
Hibya line. This time however I didn’t assume this to be one of Esu’s tricks, and figured
that I had walked to the Hibya line out of habit because that‘s the line that I most often
transfer to from this station. But I was wrong.

After back tracking all the way back through the mini-mall, I pay for another ticket
(something I wouldn’t have had to do if I would have transferred to the correct line in the
first place) and begin to head for the Saikyo line platform sign. There is a little gap in my
memory at this point, but I boarded the train and surprisingly managed to find a seat, and
begin to fall half way asleep as we head toward my station. I wake up on the train and
realized that an unusually long amount of time has passed and we seem to be only pulling
into what “should” be the third stop on this line. But not biggey, we are going in the right
direction, so I leaned my head back in my seat and nodded off again, and this time I
actually think that I lost consciousness (something I had never done on a train before.)
This time I wake to find us pulling into a stop that is on my way home, but is “not”
supposed to be on this line! I’m utterly confused. We are going in the right direction, but
we are making stops that we should not be making! We finally pull into my station, and I
get out the train and look back at it to realize that I had not been riding on the Saikyo line
at all! I had actually been riding on the Yamanote line which goes in the exact same
direction as the Saikyo line, but makes 5 additional stops. It also happens to be the exact
same train which I had “attempted” to transfer from in the first place.

In affect, I had initially gotten on the Yamanote line, attempted to transfer to the Saikyo
line, but instead I walked to the Hibya line, and catching my mistake I then back tracked
back toward the Saikyo line, but then somehow I actually “re-boarded” the same
Yamanote line. Confused? Me too! And I swear to you I had not been drinking or taken
drugs or even medication of any kind: 1) I don’t like drinking and have never been drunk
in my life, 2) I never have and never will taken any drugs of any kind, and 3) I don’t trust
western medicine and I avoid it as much as possible. So as I stood there on that platform
my mouth dropped open as I watched the train roll away. How is this possible? I could
distinctly remember walking toward the blue/orange Saikyo line sign, which stands in
stark contrast to the bright green Yamanote line sign. How could I have made this
mistake again, and again, and again, and again, and again in the same trip? I just stood
there frozen. At this point I’m awestruck, and actually beginning to get a little bit
scared. To be played with like a toy by such a powerful being is mind blowing and
somewhat frightening experience.

Standing on the platform, attempting to gather my thoughts about what has just
transpired, I am absolutely humbled, and I soon begin to realize MY MISTAKE. I had
tried to use my tiny human mind to contend with the will of a god. I had tried to
outsmart Esu, or rather tried to prevent him from outsmarting me. What a
painfully ignorant and spiritually novice mistake. Fully realizing at this point that I
am completely powerless and completely subject to the will of this god, I THREW
my fear didn’t get too far because I had already felt, and could still feel, the indescribably
wonderful feeling of the angel’s presence, so I never once doubted this African angel’s
goodness. So in experiencing both the positive and negative aspects of angel, I had not
come to fear the god, as much as I had come to respect it, but there is a fine line
WAS OVER. I could feel the energy moving away from me, but not so far. I HAD
KEEP IT CLOSE ALWAYS. But the distance from which I had been standing next to a
deity on that day was incredibly close, a proximity much too spiritually intense to be
maintained for very long. The angel has not gone far from me I feel, but has retired to
a safer distance.

As I safely and “correctly” boarded my final train home, my thoughts were drawn toward
a book that I read on Ewe Vodu. I remembered reading about ritual possession, the
closest possible interaction between men/women and angels, and how it is described as
absolute ecstasy. It also said that women tend to be much more prone to have this
experience than men, in that women are usually much more comfortable with subjecting
themselves to powers superior to their own, and more comfortable with allowing their
bodies to be “entered” into by other beings. The men, it was said, were not as
comfortable and accustomed to doing this, and were even afraid of the gods, because the
gods are fierce. After my experience with an angel/god first hand, I understood this
passage completely. In interacting with an angel on the far lesser level than possession, I
could easily feel the intoxicating unearthly pleasure of the god’s energy, and quickly
learned to respect and even fear its awesome power as well.

That SATURDAY, Esu’s day, I thanked the god through OFFERING AND PRAYER.
I cleaned my altar, found a nice clean bowl, and filled it with an entire package of red
hot peppers, one of the angel’s favorite delights. I opened the package, took out the
peppers, closed my eyes, and smelled them in my hand. I tried to feel and understand the
angel’s joy and carnal delight as he/she consumed the spiritual energy of those peppers.
Still a little giddy myself, I talked to the god, almost like a child, as I placed each pepper
in the bowl, “You like that don’t you. I know you do. Smell’s good doesn’t it. You like
that.” I made myself laugh, all in the spirit of the angel, and said my prayers of thanks
on my knees.

It is said that spiritual powers are deliberately elusive, and will not allow themselves to
be weighed, measured, quantified, dissected, or analyzed using our primitive senses
and our crude scientific instruments. Angels are energies that cannot be understood by
attempting to reduce them down to our human level. To gain an understand you must
attempt to elevate yourself to theirs. Some reading this may try to dismiss the events in
this story as coincidence, an exaggeration, or something less than actual fact, but I know
what I saw, I know what happened, and I know that every word that I’m telling you is
true. Words do not yet exist to describe in any real detail the interaction between
angels/gods and men/women. It is an indescribably powerful and moving experience that
simply must be experienced. Can you dig it my soulful people. Peace to you all.

Love Unknown

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