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Scopus - Print - 42 (August 2020)


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Insurgent planner: Transgressing the technocratic state of postcolonial Jakarta
(2020) Urban Studies, 57 (9), pp. 1845-1865.

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2) Akbar, P.N.G., Edelenbos, J.

Social impacts of place-making in urban informal settlements: A case study of Indonesian kampungs
(2020) Social Sciences, 9 (6), art. no. 104, .

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3) Roitman, S., Recio, R.B.

Understanding Indonesia’s gated communities and their relationship with inequality
(2020) Housing Studies, 35 (5), pp. 795-819.

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4) Simone, A.
To extend: Temporariness in a world of itineraries
(2020) Urban Studies, 57 (6), pp. 1127-1142.

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5) Sheppard, E., Sparks, T., Leitner, H.

World Class Aspirations, Urban Informality, and Poverty Politics: A North–South Comparison
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Local governance and access to urban services: Political and social inclusion in Indonesia

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Juxtapositions in Jakarta: How Flood Interventions Reinforce and Challenge Urban Divides
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15) Simone, A.
Muslim Hoedowns, Tenuous Language and the Uncertain Lives of an Urban Majority
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Smart kampung: doing cultural studies in the Global South
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21) Padawangi, R.
Forced evictions, spatial (un)certainties and the making of exemplary centres in Indonesia
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22) Tilley, L., Elias, J., Rethel, L.

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24) Putri, P.W.

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25) Jakimow, T.
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27) Jakimow, T.
Negotiating Impossibilities in Community-driven Development in Indonesia
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28) Putri, P.W., Moulaert, F.

Spatial Practices and the Institutionalization of Water Sanitation Services in Southern Metropolises: The case of
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(2017) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41 (6), pp. 926-945.

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29) Jakimow, T.
Becoming a Developer: Processes of Personhood in Urban Community-driven Development, Indonesia
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30) Fahmi, F.Z., McCann, P., Koster, S.

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31) Nastiti, A., Meijerink, S.V., Oelmann, M., Smits, A.J.M., Muntalif, B.S., Sudradjat, A., Roosmini, D.
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33) Padawangi, R.
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34) Fahmi, F.Z., Prawira, M.I., Hudalah, D., Firman, T.

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Natural hazards, risk and vulnerability: Floods and slum life in Indonesia
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38) Das, A.
Slum upgrading with community-managed microfinance: Towards progressive planning in Indonesia
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39) Padawangi, R., Douglass, M.

Water, water everywhere: Toward participatory solutions to chronic urban flooding in Jakarta
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40) Simone, A.
'We Are Here Alone': The Ironic Potentials and Vulnerabilities of Mixed (Up) Districts in Central Jakarta
(2014) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38 (4), pp. 1509-1524.

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41) Padawangi, R.
Reform, resistance and empowerment: Constructing the public city from the grassroots in Jakarta, Indonesia
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