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Thier history and background

Indigenous peoples, also known in some regions as First peoples, First Nations, Aboriginal
peoples or Native peoples, or autochthonous peoples, are ethnic groups who are the original or
earliest known inhabitants of an area, in contrast to groups that have settled, occupied or
colonized the area more recently. Groups are usually described as indigenous when they
maintain traditions or other aspects of an early culture that is associated with a given region.
Not all indigenous peoples share this characteristic, as many have adopted substantial elements
of a colonizing culture, such as dress, religion or language. Indigenous peoples may be settled in
a given region (sedentary) or exhibit a nomadic lifestyle across a large territory, but they are
generally historically associated with a specific territory on which they depend. Indigenous
societies are found in every inhabited climate zone and continent of the world except

2. Traditions and common beliefs

Indigenous Spirituality” refers to the spiritual beliefs and practices that Indigenous peoples
identify as being “traditional” or “customary” among Indigenous peoples. This may sometimes
include and be practiced in combination with other faith traditions, such as Christianity. The
ways of life (cultures) of indigenous people which have evolved locally and are based on
sustainable use of local ecosystems; such lifestyles are often at subsistence levels of production
and are seldom a part of the mainstream culture of their country, though they do contribute to
its cultural wealth.

3. Thier Language use

An indigenous language or autochthonous language, is a language that is native to a region

and spoken by indigenous people. This language is from a linguistically distinct community that
originated in the area. Indigenous languages are not necessarily national languages (but they
can be; cf. Aymara, which is an official language of Bolivia) and national languages are not
necessarily indigenous tolanguages try. Many indigenous peoples worldwide have stopped
passing on their ancestral languages to the next generation and have instead adopted the
majority language as part of their acculturation into the majority culture. Furthermore, many
indigenous languages have been subject to linguicide (language killing). Recognizing their
vulnerability, the United Nations proclaimed 2019 the International Year of Indigenous
Languages, "to draw attention to the critical loss of indigenous languages and the urgent need
to preserve, revitalize and promote indigenous languages.

4. Common phrases such as thier " good morning" "goodbye" "thanks" & etc. Provide minimum
of 10.
1. Boorie = boy

2. Bunji= friend

3. Dubbay= girlfriend

4. Gamoon= joiking

5. Gibber= stone

6. Gunja= shelter

7. Yaama= hello

8. Mob= family

9. Nawa= yes

10. Numbat= small

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