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My favorite vacations were in 2018, I traveled by plane from Bucaramanga, to Bogotá and

from Bogotá to Miami and from Miami to Orlando by car, these vacations were the best since I
met the United States, I met another culture, I knew many architectural forms that He drives
the United States, it is a very safe, very comfortable place, the people there are not like us in
Colombia who are neighbors and we all talk to everyone, the Americans are more reserved,
there they do not look at one from head to toe they are not interested in that, nor do they
judge by appearance or anything simply as it is a free country, one can dress and wear
whatever one wants without being judged or beginning to say things about one, it is an open
country, in the United States they are freer with the free sexuality, bone one can see two
homosexuals or two lesbians walking hand in hand without saying that these things are not
pure or are of the devil, it is already a country that has an open mind and a free country to
change and The position of every human being in the world is respectable.

Returning to the theme of my perfect trip, I met in Orlando Florida magic kingdom which is
where Cinderella's castle is. I took many pictures with my family (dad, mom and my sister,
cousin and my cousin's girlfriend), there are many attractions the same as one saw on
television that same lived there, one returns to youth and begins to be a child again is a very
nice and rewarding experience, my sister was very happy and cried when I entered Disney then
those feelings that Disney has in all of us it is something very cute and tender, we met magic
kingdom and we met animal kingdom which is where the attraction of the avatar is a year ago
that I was the attraction was new and the experience was incredible because one felt like in
the movie of avatar, it is indescribable to say everything I had because the setting, the
costumes, sold up wells, shirts, the original costumes of the movie also sold it was something
very cool I will see.

What I liked most about the trip was when we went universal, since a year ago the attraction
of Harry Potter was also recent and I am a super fan of Harry Potter, and I saw that there is
Hogwarts, the attraction of Harry Potter was 3 the first era on a train that passed through all
Hogwarts and through the elves' mines, the second was a roller coaster that passed through
the forbidden forest where Harry, Hermione and rum got into the first Harry Potter movie
(Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone), then I felt as if I lived the dream they lived in that
movie and I realized that dreams do come true, and finally the third attraction is that one was
up on the quidditch broom and chasing it the dragon of the fifth Harry Potter movie of the
goblet of fire, the dementors appear and everything is very real, the truth is also difficult to
describe all the sensations that those experiences make one feel and finally buy me a Harry
Potter diver that I like very much and I wear it every time there is rain, I do not wear it so often
since Bucaramanga is hot land and it would look very funny if I put that diver in hot land.

I would share more things, but I would get about 4 more pages, I hope you liked my work,
thank you very much.

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