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Candidate code: hyc249 (004874 -0091)

Research Question: How does the length of the string holding bob in a bifilar pendulum
affect its moment of inertia about its center of mass?
The aim of my experiment is to observe the change in moment of inertia of a body in bifilar
pendulum upon varying the length of the string the bifilar pendulum is suspended upon.
A pendulum is an object hung from a fixed point that swings back and forth under the action of
gravity. A pendulum functions in a basic principal of gravity. We can observe its application
being applied in range of scientific operations.
In IB Physics curriculum, we covered Simple Harmonic Motion as a core topic. The topic
included study of a simple pendulum and its simple harmonic motion. We even did a lab
experiment to study and understand its movement and motion. That experiment got me thinking
about various application of pendulums and real-life usage involved with it. After just some
research I found there is a lot. We are dependent on pendulum from research sector to
infrastructure sector. Understanding its movement helps us to understand movement of similar
everyday objects. One such pendulum is bifilar pendulum.
The equation I shall be using in order to determine the suspension and the movement of the
bifilar pendulum is presented below:
4 IL
In a bifilar pendulum: T =2 π ( mgd 2 ) 2

2 π ∗4 IL
Writing I in terms of m, T =4
mg d 2

T 2 mg d2
16 π 2 L
Figure 1 showing the variables from the formula

A bifilar pendulum is a type of pendulum that consists of a suspending body that suspends from
two parallel wires, or filar, that allows it to rotate freely about a given axis. Its application is used
in everyday situations such as bridge and aircrafts. Bifilar pendulum’s technique is used for
determining mass properties of discos packages in satellite maneuverings. The bifilar pendulum
can be used to experimentally measure the mass moment of inertia of a test object. A typical
application is to measure mass moment of inertia of aircraft, especially small unmanned air
vehicles (UAV). In this experiment I shall be suspending a rectangular bar along two sides of
strings that are hanging on different parts of a stand (figure 1). The strings are in distant from one
another. I will use strings of various lengths to vary the height at which the bifilar pendulum is
suspended. I will note every variable involved in this experiment and try to come out with
appropriate conclusion.

In the simple harmonic motion of a normal pendulum which consists of one string and a bob at
the bottom, the length of the string and the period of the oscillation is directly proportional.
Meaning, upon increasing the length of the string that suspends the bob, the period of the
pendulum also increases. However, the rate at which the period increases and how it affects the
moment of inertia is to be discussed in this experiment.

Independent variable:
 Length of the string(L): The length of the string is repeatedly changed as the experiment
progressed. As length of the string changes, the period of oscillation also gradually

Dependent variable:
 Moment of Inertia(I): Moment of inertia is observed upon varying mass. Its unit is kg m2
Controlled variables:
Controlled variable Significance Solution
Period(T) The time taken for pendulum Period is recorded as the time
to come to rest just depends on taken for the rectangular bar to
various factors of the complete 15 oscillation. Its
pendulum. unit is s.
Acceleration due to gravity (g) Acceleration due to gravity Value of g is taken as 9.81
moves the pendulum in the m/s 2
first place.
Distance between the ends of This is directly proportional to Its length is 0.28 m.
strings(d) the moment of inertia.
Mass(m) Mass does not affect the The mass of the rectangular
oscillation+ of the pendulum. scale throughout the
experiment is 0.113 kg.

Equipment required:
1. Clamp stands (To hold the strings and rectangular bar)
2. String
3. Rectangular bar/ Wooden ruler
4. Magnets (To give mass to the ruler)
5. Stopwatch
6. Camera (To record instantaneous details)
7. Laptop with Microsoft excel
8. Pen
Figure 2 showing the experiment setup

1. The rectangular bar had been suspended with strings of varied lengths. The lengths of
each string were 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.10, 1.20 m respectively.

2. The strings had been tied to the clamp stands which was kept between a distance.

3. The bob was then pushed with a force about the horizontal axis it was suspended in.

4. The time taken for 15 oscillation was recorded and was used for determining the period.

5. Then length of the string had been increased by 0.1 m for every other instance. This was
done with every other variable being constant.

6. The lengths were increased for 6 progressions according to the varied lengths.

7. All the data had been recorded in Microsoft excel for experimental analysis.
The recorded data are presented below:
No. of trial Length of the Period (s) for Period for 1 Moment of
string (m) (± 15 oscillation oscillation (s) Inertia
0.01 m) ) (± 0.1 s) (kg m2 )
1 0.600 18.3 1.22 0.00487

2 0.600 17.5 1.16 0.00440

3 0.600 17.8 1.18 0.00455

4 0.600 19.1 1.27 0.00527

5 0.700 28.3 1.88 0.0116

6 0.800 44.3 2.95 0.0285

7 0.900 51.7 3.44 0.0387

8 1.00 63.7 4.25 0.0591

9 1.10 69.8 4.65 0.0708

10 1.20 74.4 4.96 0.0805



Moment of inertia:

T 2 mg d2
16 π 2 L

Calculation for first trial, taking data from the above table:

( 1.22 )2∗0.113∗9.8∗0.28
16∗π 2∗0.600

= 0.00487 kg m2
Similarly, calculating for trial 1, 2 ,3 and 4 in order to find standard deviation:
Trial for 1 (1.22 s) 2 (1.16 s) 3 (1.18 s) 4 (1.27 s) Average Standard Percentage
0.600 m Deviation of standard
Moment of 0.00487 0.00440 0.00455 0.00527 0.00477 0.000333 6.98%
(kg m2 )



Calculation of error (Standard Deviation):

( Trial ( 1+2+3+4 ) )
Average Moment of inertia = = 0.00477
Standard Deviation
Percentage of Standard Deviation = ∗100 % = 6.98%
Average Moment of Inertia

Standard deviation of taken after repeat same experiment for several number of times will help to
determine the accuracy of the experiment. I found out the standard deviation for 0.600 m of
string and assuming that other experiment had also taken in very similar condition, I can use the
data to collect the random error that is involved the whole experiment. So, below are the data
that has random error of experiment where strings of other lengths were used.

Length of 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.00 1.10 1.20

Moment 0.00477 0.0116 0.0285 0.0387 0.0591 0.0708 0.0805
of Inertia
(kg m2 ¿
Random 0.000333 0.000810 0.00198 0.00270 0.00413 0.00494 0.00562
error in
of inertia
6.98% (
kg m2 ¿

Data processing:
The graphs below are plotted accordingly to represent the changes in moment of inertia
whenever a change is brought in the lengths of string used to suspend the pendulum. Here, period
has been shown in the x-axis because change in length of the string is proportion to the change
occurred in the period.

Moment of inertia

Graph 1 showing the correlation between the period of oscillation and moment of inertia with
polynomial trend line (with error bars)
Moment of inertia 0.0157+0.0524ln(x)

R2= 0.973


Graph 2 showing the correlation between the period of oscillation and moment of inertia with a
best fit of logarithmic trend line
In the graph 2 above, there occurs a positive relationship between increasing length of the string
and the moment of inertia of the bifilar pendulum. The correlation between the line of best fit
and the plotted points are high so we can assume that the data is quite accurate. The R2 value
being greater than 0.950 helps to verify the assumption made by me.
I conducted the first trial with 0.600 m of string several times to understand the random error that
occurs in my experiment. Conducting it 4 times contributed in determining the standard
deviation of data and thus, the random error. The error could have occurred because of the air
movement in the room. As the pendulum was brought in movement by my own action, that can
also be taken in account in contributing to random error. The percentage of random error that I
obtained is 6.98% which is very insignificant in relation to the whole experiment.
Through the error percentage and R2 value I can conclude that the experiment is very precise and

Graph 1 is incorrect in term of my experiment though the R2 value is higher than graph 2. This is
because as the domain of the polynomial function increases the slope decreases. It has been
observed in graph 3. It dismisses our hypothesis that as length of the string increases, the
moment of inertia increases as well. So, to overcome that natural error, best fit logarithm graph
of the same data has been plotted in graph 2. Logarithm graphs makes more sense as the length
of the string increases, the rate of moment of inertia also increases. However, the curve gets
horizonal eventually because there obviously occurs limitation in the experiment. This shall be
further discussed in the limitation of the experiment.
Graph 3 showing the standard second-degree polynomial function Graph 4 showing standard natural logarithm function

My Physics IA is extensively based on the observation which I made during the experiment that I
conducted. The graph in figures above shows a general trend line of logarithmic function which
is sketch from the data from my observation. As it is evident, I observed a strong positive
correlation in the trendline. So, I can conclude that my hypothesis or claim that I have made
earlier in this IA is true. However, the hypothesis could not have been claimed true if the data
was represented by a polynomial function.

I would like to bring to notice that my experiment as a whole was not performed at one go.
Meaning, I have taken breaks in between of two data collections. There must have occurred
changes in the conditions for these two times of data collection. Conditions like room
temperature, humidity and direction of wind can slightly affect the data. To overcome this,
standard deviation of each data must have helped to determine precision of the data. These are
some of the random errors that were present in the experiment. The systematic error, however,
has not been taken in consideration throughout the calculation in this experiment. This is because
systematic error occurs in the same proportion throughout the experiment and affect all data
collection equally. This does not affect the graph and the rate of increment and decrement of
flow of the graph. Also, I have taken many lengths of string for conducting the experiment and
by doing this the percentage of systematic error decreases

I believe that there are a quite a few improvements that could be made to my experiment. One of
which is use of proper construction materials found in builder’s shop. I have used ruler and
strings in my experiment to simulate bifilar pendulum. Anyway, I have not compromised any
detail while building it from the lab available materials. This could reduce the systematic error in
the experiment. Another major improvement could be providing force to the pendulum in order
to make it move. In order to bring movement to the pendulum I have used manual force but
however I could have used a device which provides constant force in regular interval. I did not
do so because finding such device in the market was not possible, especially in Nepal. This could
reduce random error in the experiment.


 Buddies, Science. “Swinging with a Pendulum.” Scientific American, Scientific

American, 23 Feb. 2012,
 Hodgkins, Leila. “Bifilar Suspension.” Schoolphysics,
19/Mechanics/Simple harmonic motion/text/Bifilar_suspension/index.html
 Segun, Oyetade. “Experiment 08: BIFILAR SUSPENSION.” Experiment 08: BIFILAR
SUSPENSION, 1 Jan. 1970,
 “The Bifilar Pendulum.”,
 Harmanbir. “What Are the Uses of a Bifilar Pendulum?” Physics Forums | Science Articles,
Homework Help, Discussion, Physics Forums | Science Articles, Homework Help, Discussion, 23
Mar. 2016,

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