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Paper Ol - General Proficiency

J hour 15 mint1tes

( 30 MAY W18 (p.m.))


1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour a11d 15 minutes to answer them.

2. In addition to this test bookle~ you should have an answer sheet.

3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item
you are about to answer an.d decide which choice is best

4. On your ans'\ver sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space
having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item belov-,·.

Sample Item

Benzene dissolves stains caused by San1ple Answer

(C) paint
(D) starch

The best answer to this iten1 is Htar'\ so (A) has been shaded.
5. If you want to change your answer, erase it c01npletely before you fill in your ne,v choice.
6. When you are told to be~in~tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can.
If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that iten1 later.


Copyright © 2017 Caribbean Examinations Council

All rights reserved.
- 2 ...

Wh. ,1 - - . . - d ribes subli1nation?

l. ic 1 of th~ fo llo wmg changes ot states of matter esc

(A) Solid -+gas

(B) Liquid -➔ gas
(C) Gas --➔ l'iquid --+ solid
(D) Solid-➔ liquid --+ gas

2. WhiCh. of the following diagrams MOST likely shows the process of osmosis?

PartiaUy permeable membrane

. . . . -t{--;::0--1
•• •~~
• ff
i •••
•••- ••

• • • llli 1=
· - · • •· • ·
• M-1 • •
• t, '1!1'i·a • ~• •
High solute Low solute

Partially permeable membrane

. ,....·•·•••
.•.• .
• ~•
- :=.---'
- I

.• 8
•· ....... ·=
I 8 •

High solute Low solute

, Partially permciiblemembrane
• ·~·····

. .....,...~-·....•.·•··=.
.,__ -

•• e•'...~••
High solute Low solute

.,.•. ,···.·•··•·
•• ,ti•• • •
, Partially permeable lllerub

• •◄
• · • • 1• • • • •
I •
1• .. ·=•· •

High solute I., o,.,• l •

SO Ute
. . . . h. h display seeds under different conditions in four test
Item 3 refers to the followmg d1agrams w ic
tubes plugged with cotton wool.


Cotton Cotton
plugs plugs Film of oil

Air Boiled water

Air Air
Seeds Cotton
Dry cotton Moist cotton
wood wool
wool 20°C 28~C O"C 28 °C

3. In which test tube is germination MOST likely to take place?

(A) I
(B) II
(C) Hl
(D) IV

Items 4-5 refe.r to the following parts of a 6. The MOST important reason for ensuring
flower. that a baby is fed its mothe.r~s milk produced
during the first 3-4 days oflactation is that
(A) Ovule it
(B) Ovary
(C) Anther (A) does not cost anything
{D) Filament (B) is at the correct temperature for the
In answering Items 4-5, each op6on may (C) reduces the risk of breast and
be used once, more than once or not at all. ovarian cancer in the mother
(D) boosts the baby's immune system
4. Which part of the flower forms the seed and gives protection against
after fertilization? infection

5. Which structure is the site '\vl1ere male 7. Which of the following methods of birth
gametes are produced? control is MOST likely to prevent the
spread of sexually transmitted infections?

(A) Ban-ier
(B) Natural
(C) Surgical
(D) Hormonal


_4- . ·?
. f botosynthes1s.
rocess O P
. represents the P
8. Which of the following word equations
EnergY ► Glucose + oxygen
(A) Carbon dioxide + Water

Energy ➔ Sucrose + Oxygen

(B) Carbon dioxide + Water
. .d + Water + Energy
(C) Alcohol + Oxygen ----:f/1" Carbon dioxt e

(D) Oxygen + Glucose - - ~ Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy

Items 9-10 refer to the following diagram 11. Which ofthe following types of drugs are
of the hwnan digestive tract. used to get rid of water from the human
~ I
(A) Stimulants
I I (B) Honnoncs
\ I
(C) Sedatives
(D) Diureri~·s
12. The part of th.,,. h _ .
side from ~ _ "'. e~ that separates the left
11.UC'nght us the
(A) vah·e
{B) tendon
9. The organ labelled IV is the septum
(D) !;.,;~,..,,1':J._1! •
(A) liver
(B) stomach 13.
(C) pancreas The bone ;.....1..
;,.... "-U.:.Upl)er . -
(D) gall bladder (A) , .. arm 1s called the
(B) ~a
10. (C) t1h1~
Hydrochloric acid is produced in - .· •us
( D) h
(A) I ~
(B) IT
(C) III Ah·J.nge . .
(D) JV Jo,.... .4.4.l( ~S fo•
(A) . Ulld at the
(B) knee-
(C) lleek
(D) sku.u
6 ho,,.,. •
. h of the following processes are
19. WhlC . kid ,.,
Antibodies are .important in. the human associated with excretion by the neys'
1s. body because they
I. Filtration
(A) control bonnones II. Evaporation
(B) protect against diseases Reabsorption
(C) , help make red blood cells
(D) regulate blood glucose le-:✓els I and IT only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
16. Which of the following are common
(D) I, II and Ill
features of respiratory surfaces?

L Moist Item 20 refers to the following diagram of

II. Small surface area
m. Well supplied with blood ;..·essels the eye.

(A) I and IT only

(B) I and III only
(C) II and Ill only
(D) 1, ll and III

17. Which of the following would 1\UT be

considered a significant source ,of air

(A) Oil spill

(B) Wildfire
(C) Volcanic emption
(D) Extensive use of cars

20. Which structure transmits impulses to the

18. Which of the following statements about brain?
respiration is true?

(A) Anaerobic respiration produces 21. The endocrine system produces

more energy than aer obic
respiration. (A) enzymes
(B) Anaerobic respiration .r e·q uires (B) . impulses
oxygen while aerobic respiration (C) hormones
does not require oxygen. (D) neurotransmitters
(C) Aerobic respiration requires oxygen
while anaerobic respiration does
not require oxygen. 22. The three small bones found in the middle
(D) Aerobic respiration produces ear of a human being are called the
oxygen while anaerobic
respiration produces carbon (A) drums
dioxide. (B) cochlea
(C) follicles
(D) ossicles
- 6 -
Which of the following is a parasite?
23. Which part of the eye allows a person (A) Rae
focus on both near and distant objects?
(B) flv,.,
(C) Tick
(A) Iris (D) cockroach
(B) Lens
(C) Retina
(D) Con1ea Thetype of pest control which involvest~
26. use of a predator is ca11ed
24. To practise good personal hygiene, a person
should wash his or her hands after biological
...,, control
(A) .

mechanical control
L using the toilet (C) che1nical control
11. putting out the garbage (D) sanitary control
UL cutting up meat to cook

(A) l and 11 only

(B) l and Ill .only
(C) ll and Ul only
(D) I, ll and III

. methods o t" .h eat ~'.:lr-".•..:~

ltem 27 refers to the following picture showmg . .,.,.... .--
·u ...r..,;1..""..,.:.--

. \
) J
. i \

Metal rod

27. The method of heat transt·

. er atl. is

(A) radiation
(B) convection
(C) conduction
( o ·) evaporation
- 7 -

Li.q ui ds and gases normnlty expn.nd when Which o f the fo llow ing is NOT a conductor
he:t te-d and contract when cooled _ T hi s of e lec trici ty:
principle e,_q,h,w the fon~tinning of a
(/\ ) Iron
(A 1 wster pump (B) Carbon
(B) y-a~uum cleanc-r (C) Copper
(C' ~TC pressure gauge (0) Plas ti c
(D'\ m~1X'ury them,omctct

32 _ A fire extinguisher that c ontains water

lttm 29 ~fers to the following: pic~u:re of sbould NOT be us{!d on
an 3thletc jnmping 0Yer a hurdle.
I. a bush fire
ll. a chemical fire
JII. an electrical fire

(A) lll only

(B) I and III only
(C) II and Ill only
(D) I, H and III

Items 33-34 refer to the foJlowing safety

19. \ type of energy is the athlete using to
jump over the hurdle? (A) Ear protector
(B) Goggles
... . . .
(A) Heat (C) Safety clothing
(B) Sound (D) Respirator
(C ) Kinetic
(D) Potential rn answering Ttems 33- 34, each option may
be used once, more than once or nor at a!L

30. 'v-,'bich of the following energy conversions 33. Which equipment mak ~s a person working
takes p lace during the p roces s of on the s ide of th e road v isi ble to motori~t~?
pbotosynrhesi s?

CA) Heat 10 light 34. Wh tch eq ui pment pro tects a person from
(B) Li ght to kinetic tox ic fumes·?
(C } Chemical to heat
(0 ) light to chemical
35. W h ich of the fo llowing types o f mac hines
ar~ first-class levers?

(A) C law h~unmer. -;1?e- .;;.:..1 w. rwee zers

(B) Sci sso rs , st'e-..,uw_ wbeelb~irro"
(C ) Claw hamm~ r. cro""·ba r. se<;!-sa w
(D) Scissors. tw eezers, ""h\..'t:lbaJTO\\
- 8 -
. . --h oJ. ~ t11i. e .i;".ollowing
are propenies

·5 used to
37. Wh1c_ . lloys that make them suitable
in1111un1 a ~ . ~ d
36 . Wbich of the foUowing fonnu 1ae 1 ' MA) a1u ·b manu f":acture · of a1rcra1t an boat;;-?
calcuJate the mcchanicnl adyantage (i fort e · · •J,

of a machine?
I. Light
Effo11 IL Strong
(A) .MA = Load
ll... .Exp~nsive
(B) ~1A = - - I andll only
Effort (A)
(B) I and HI only
MA = Effort - Load
(C) n and HI only
tD ) !\1. A = Effort x Load (D) [. U and HI

38 . The word equation that describes the reaction between aluminium and hydrochloric acid is

(A) Aluminium + Hydrochloric acid-+ Alumjnium. chloride ~ Hydrogen

(B) Aluminium + Hydrochloric acid -+ Aluminium chlorid~ * \Vater
(C) Alwninium + Hydroc.hloric acid-+ Aluminium hydroxide ~ Hydrogen
(D) Aluminium+ Hydrochloric acid -Aluminium hydroxide . . . Chlorine

39. The rusting of iron is an example of 41.

~hich of the tbllo\\'ing tbm1S a suspension
(A) reduction m water?
(8 ) oxidation
(C) precipitation (A) Soil
(D) neutralization (B) Salt
(C) Sugar
(D) Oxygen
40 . Which of the following substances MUST
be present for ru sting to occur?
Which of the ft .
I. O xygen nail polish? allowing chemicals rernove
IL Water
111. OiJ (A)
(A ) 1 and l1 only (C) Acetorte
( B) I and IJJ onJy \Va h. ·
(D) s ing sod
(C) 11 and Ill onJy \1
. et h Vluted ~a . .
(0 ) l. 11 and lll - Sptnt
The following data were obtained in an 47. The eye of a hurricane is the
experiment to investigate the be-st soil pH
for different crops. \Vhich crop grmvs bes1 (A) centre of the hurricane
in neutral soil'? (B) pnth aJong which the hurricane is
(C) region in which the hurricane is
pH Values of Son
Crop located
for Best Gi-owt.h
(D) front where the winds reach the
(A) 4.0-6.0 speed of a standard hurricane
(B) 6.0-8.0
{C) 8.0-10.0
48. Decayed organic matter in soil is called
(D) 10.0--12.0
(A) sand
(B) humus
44. Hard water is "-rater that
(C) sed1ment
(D) Ji mestone
(A) is frozen
(B) contains a high concentration of
49. Which of the following practices prevent
(C) forms lather easily witl1 soap
soil erosion?
(D) does not form lather easily ,,·ith
L Planting along the contour
II. .Building terraces
45. How many planets are in our solar system? UI. Keeping ground cover

(A) (A) I and II only

(B) (B) I and HI only
(C) (C) TI and II I only
(D) billions (0) l, TT and III

46. 50. boundarv

Which of the following is the hottest A non-moving
. · two a1r
• between
· -
planet? masses 1s called

(A) Mars (A) a cold front

(B) Earth (B) a warm front
(C) Venus (C) a stationary front
(D) Mercury (D) an occluded front

Whic~ of the folJowing tides occur when
th ere ts a full moon?

(A) Low tide

(B) High tide
(C) Neap tide
(D) Spring tide
- 10 -
Which of the following is NO
56. alternative source of energy? T a1
52. Which of the following processes results
in water moving from the ocean to the
(A) Solar
atmosphere'? Wind
(C) Candle
(A) Respiration
(B) Precipitation (D) Wave
(C) Evaporation
(D) Condensation
!'1e type of energy contained in fossil. fueIS
57. IS

53. Toe type of fishing that is MOST d .

to the aquatic environment is amagmg
(A) solar
trawling (B) kinetic
(B) long lining (C) chemical
(C) sp~r fishing (D) electrical
(D) usmg fish pots

58. Which of the f O1i.1ow1ng

is nonrenewable') .
. . sources of enercry
54. \Vhic~ unique property o
small msects and . 'de f water allows
. sp1 rsto be
or glide across its surf;ace.? able to walk
(A) Coal
(B) \Vind
(A) High density (C) Solar
(B) Surface tension (D) \Vav e
(C) u~ irmg point of 100 oc
(D) r.ugh spee i:fi c heat capacity

55. Hazards can anse

ause of
. . wh l' l e scuba diving

l. ~-lack of oxygen
ll. igh pressure
Ill. too rap·d
. a. an ascent to the surface

(A) I and ll onl

(B) I and lil only
(C) Ll and Ill on·1y
(D) I, II and Ill
- 11 -

60. Which of the following diagrams represents

item 59 re1~.
.c. ·rs to the following diagratn.
an object in stable equilibrium?

59. Which of the following types ofequilibrium
is shown in the diagram?

(A) Stable
(B) Neutral
(C) Unstable
(D) Chemical (C)




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