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Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPHY (CHAPTER 6: Thermal Inge Iter 1. Camera Principle 1.1 Tounderstand what the camera actually sees and what the infaved image represents, an ‘understanding, in sinle ers, of how the camera actually works is required. 12. Thecameras tend to operate in one of two infrared wavelength bands; Short Wavelength IR (205 um) orin Loag Wavelength IR (8 to 15 pm). put : iiss eta = Tage Tot avd: Api 2012 Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPHY (CHAPTER 6: Thermal Image Interpetation 1.2.1 To some extent, sing a thermographic eamera is not very diferent to using a common video camera. Tens focuses an object or seene onto a detector. The image is then converted into an electrical signal, amplified, processed and displayed to the operator, via an eyepiece or LCD viewer as areal ie" image emits IR collects passes convertsenergy amplifies and radiation energy selected toanelectrcal conditions spectal band signal the signal 1.2.2. The infrared radiation from the target enters the camera through the window or lens. The light passes through a bale system, is filtered and concentrated onto the detector array, ot focal plane aray (FPA). The FPA contains te individual piel elements that respond to IR light. Modern FPA’s are available with upto 2048 x 2048 pisos. 1.23 A recent developmest in detector technology was the introduction of the uncooled Imierobolometer. The microbolometerfited to modern IR cameras are similar to FPA ‘detectors in that each element measures about SOmm wide and forms pat of 320 x 240, detector array (a bolometer is thermal detector in which the eletcal conductivity, and consequently the eletical resistance safest by the incident radiation). 1.24 Both the Window ard the Lens have to be made of a material that allows IR radiation ‘transmission, je. it must be transparent 10 infared radiation. 1.2.5. There te two types of lens, depending on whether the incident radiation rays upon the Lens converge or diverge. Converging lenses are thicker at the centre while the diverging lenses ae thinner athe centre. The main purpose of the lens isto focus the incoming infaced radiation onto the detector. ‘Al Lenses are coated with an anti-reflective coating and care must be taken when cleaning them (FLIR recommend coton wool soaked in 96% ethyl alcohol, CsH.OH, or diethyl ether, CHO. The lens ite will be made from either germanium, zine selenide ora thallium based material known as KRS-S, ie Tage ToD ated: Api 2012 Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPHY CHAPTER 6; Thermal Image Interpretation ‘A Germanium lens, clearly displaying its transmission properties 2.1 Filters are semi-transparent materials that are designed to filter or init the transmission of tain wavelengths, whilst allowing others to past though tothe detector. Filters are generally grouped as: = + High Pass ter allow high frequency (shorter wavelength) fo pass + Low Pass Fiter~allow low frequency longer wavelength) to pass + Band Pass Fiter— where only radiation between two set wavelengths i transmitted + Bland Stop Fter—stopacetsn band of wavelengths Pape dorI2 Aerospace Inspection Training MOGRAPHY (CHAPTER 6: Thermal Image Interpretation % Transmission of IR Filters 100 S g € | Baw ead 5 — Baw ere 5 ——Iiflen 87 z Leo 87 ie 600 700 800 900 1000 Nanometers 2.1L Some common fits that ae used are glass, lame, plastic, solar, high temperature and ‘ransparent. Each filer has unique properties and is suited for a particular application high temperature iter see photograph below) would be used to measure temperatures at very high levels suchas in a foundry. A ame filter blocks out the peak flame radiation by ‘ejecting all radiation except that in the 3.8um band (For short-wave camora) or 10.8 umn ‘and (Por long wave system). Using the IR camer, operators ean see through the lanes for any hot objects beyond, e.g human bodies. 2.1.2 Filters may be mourted infront of the ens or inside the camera, The transmissivity ofthe filter must be know if accurate thermal measurements ae to be made asthe camera Settings have tobe ajused o suit, Most modem cameras have filters ited internally and ‘he camera will automatically adjust to suit when the filters are in use. 6 Page tor Dated: Api 2012 Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPHY CHAPTER 6: The Image Interpretation 3. Visual versus Infrared 31. Thearetwo funda ta differences between looking in the infrared and in the visual + Inthe spectral range of visible light, our eyes se reflection. The inftared camera detects bath eflected and emited IR radiation. + Humans see diferent wavelengths as diferent colours and at the same time, we take im brightness With a8 to 12 um camera, only the intensity ofthe radiation within the spectral rnge is detected and displayed 3.1.1 When we look at something with our eyes, we are mainly looking at reflections. Unless something is ery ot atleast SO0*C~ we willbe looking at visible light from some other source, which i flected inthe objet. The source ofthe visible light could be the Sun ora light bulb. the colous that we se ae reflections as well. A blue cap, for example, will have the ability to reflect more ofthe blue part ofthe visible spectrum and absorb other colours 3.1.2 Although we do got efletions from infrared, the reflected elements something that we try to compensate for, Fgh emissivity targets do not refleet much; low emissivity targets tend toreflect a great deal more. Its mainly the emitted radiation from the target itself tha is undamental when we are looking at an infrared image; the reflected radiation is usually just disturbance, Reflections ovis ight = idiation fron a wet ated: Api 2012 4.1 The thermal image san mn intensity. This is mportant to remember. A very common mistce iso assume that is als a pictare of temperature distribution, Is 42 ‘The thermal image (or any digital image for that matter is made up of pixels. A piel isthe smallest addkessablesereen clement; it isthe smallest unit of picture that ean be controlled “The term pixel originates from the phrase “picture element Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPHY (CHAPTER 6: Thermal Image Interpretation 42. A higher number of pixels means better resolution ofthe image and you will find smaller problems at greater distances. 442.1 Most modern infrared cameras have a 640 x 480 nftared piel display. With 640 horizon pixels and 480 vertical pixels, total of 307,200 pixels willbe used to make up the thermal mage, Some older cameras have 320 x 240 or 160 x 120 pixels 42.2. Therefore, to measuea small object properly a camera witha higher pixel content should be used (better resolution) or alternatively, simply move closer othe object of interes. It should be remembered that simply using the camera 200m function doesnot improve spatial resolution; the pixel spots are merely made larger, digitally. 43 FOVand IFOV the field of view (FOV) ~ 43.1. The image that the camera presents from the area itis looking at fs bull up of pixels. KEL t FIELO OF VIEW it Fase ToT Dated: Ap 2012 Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPHY (CHAPTER 6: The Interpretation 43.2 Bach pixel has a cerain size in the image, called the Instantancous Field of View (FOV), ‘The IFOV isan angle measurement that is expressed in milradians. or mrad. 1 mrad corresponds to Imm seen at I metre distance. I radian = 7.2957" and 1° = 0.0174532 rian, Radians = Desrees 18h ‘An example ofa FOV specification for an IR camera would be “FOV ~20 degrees vertical x 30 degrees horizontal with a standard 1 x lens” 43.3. The IFOV isthe smallest pixel that can be resolved. 434 Caleulate the IFOV n mad ‘A thermography canera is equipped with a 320 x 240 Focal Plane Array. With 24° lens, a horizonal line would be divided in 320 parts ofthe following size: - 24° = 24K 180/H) 132 13 mead (0.0013 rain nother way of aeulatng the size tat each pixel represents IFOV = 24°/320 = 0.075" 075° = 13mrad 180" 43.5. Iishould be apprecited that no matterhow the IFOV number i derived ia target object is too smal to create asignal when its radiation strikes the detector, we eannot seit Different Objects ‘SAME IFOV 43.6 Inthe diagram above, the squares represent the detector element, the IFOV. Ifthe object is ‘oo small to cover ore complete detector element, it may not create a signal from the ‘detector Ifa in the condition of the lft, te target is bigger than one detector elemeat, a signal will be produced and. signal wil be created, albeit only pata information may be resolved as addition information is required for both imaging and measurement. Tee Page BoD ate Api 20 Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPHY CHAPTER 6: Thermal Image art) 44 Minimum Resolvable Temperature Ditferen 44.1. The MRTD isthe smallest blackbody equivalent target temperature diference that an be ‘observed on a thermogram. This difference improves with inereasng target temperature. An ‘example of the minimum resolvable temperature difference for an IR camera would be *O.0S°C at 25°C target temperature”. met Page DFID Dated: Api 2012 Aerospace Inspection Training 32 521 53 33. ime ‘THERMOGRAPHY (CHAPTER 6: Thermal Image Interpret Apparent Temperature Appareat Temperature isthe uncompenssted reading fom an infared camera, containing al radiation incident onthe instrument, regardless of its source “The thermal image will always be an image of apparent temperature. Appaent temperature dfs from true temperature. The tre temperature i elated (0 ‘molecular motions in atoms and molecules. Apparent temperature i an uncompensated temperature readin, just like the IR camera ses it. To get a tue temperature from an TR camera, a numberof factors must be compensated for. “Measuring Apparent Temperature tis sometimes of interest to quantify apparent temperature, To “measure the apparent temperature, the emissivity shouldbe set to 1.0 and the distance 10 O metres. By doing this, no compensation is performed by the camera, ‘Compensation ‘To beable to do temperature measurement, the apparent temperature must Be compensated for ina number of d erent ways. This compensation is achieved by setting the “object parameters’. Every iftared instrument with rue measurement capability will have 8 menu ‘orsiting for those rarameters, although they differ between instruments. ‘When compensationis done, iti important 1 remember thai doesnot change what the camera is seeing! The picture displayed on the camera will til be an apparent temperature image, By changing emissivity, ambient temperature, distance, et, the temperature ‘measurement readings will change significantly, but the image displayed on the sereen will look the same! The termographer must learn to translate the image in theit minds because the eamera does notdo it for us ~ the true image must be separated from the false. ase 1007 ated Api 201 ‘Aerospace Inspection Training 54 Apparent Temperature and Emissivity ‘THERMOGRAPHY CHAPTER 6: Thermal Image Interpretation 54.1. The picture above shows thee cups. One cup that is cooler, one warmer and one a room temperature. How wil his appear tothe theemographer? Will the high emissivity tape ‘appear hotter, colder ora room temperature than the low emissivity shiny cup? 542 Perform the expesinent and complete the table, Puttick in one box in each row, inthe «column that sys how the TAPE will ook elatve tothe shiny surface ofthe ep. 543 Assume the following conditions: - + Tape emissivity = 2.9 + Cup emissivity = C10 + Room temperature 20°C “The Tape will ok HOTTER COLDER SAME “Tre temperature of the cup: ae 2 (oom temperature) 19 ime? Page ToT ated: Api 2022 Aerospace Inspection Training | THERMOGRAPAY 6 Emissivity Btects 6.1 Ascanbe sen, emisivity plays a big ole in thermography. The way a surface will look depends a lot on emissivity and not the temperature + Wit ahigh emissivity target, the apparent temperature of the target willbe close to the true temperature ofthe target. Therefore, you can trust what you se. + With alow emissivity target, the apparent temperature ofthe target will be cose to ‘he apparent emperature of the surounding objects. Therefore, ou cannot trust hat you see ‘As arule of thumb itis easy to remember that low emissivity Hes! 62 This statement isno:a scientific “Law” in any way, but low emissivity is dceitfl in thermography. A low emissivity target will always try to Took ike te suroandings the target is hotter thn the surroundings, it wil look colder than itis the target is colder than te surroundings, it wil look warmer than itis, I ean be sid that a low emissivity target will ry to camouflage its real temperature to the thermographer ie? Page TPF Dated: Ai 201

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