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Recreation is anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for an individual.

Leisure Education is an assistive tool to enable the individual to:

1) Gain a broader understanding of where, why, how, and with whom he can pursue his leisure interests and
experiences and
2) unlearn non-adaptive and learn more functional responses, i.e. to develop different modes of leisure behavior which
will enable the individual to adapt to the environment to meet his free time needs.
Values derived from Recreation:
1. Mental Health
2. Physical Health and Growth
3. Emotional Stability
4. Social Fitness
5. Psychological Awareness- Everyone needs to plan and best utilize daily free time for recreation.
If leisure time is used correctly and to the fullest, it will: - Recreate the body, mind, and spirit through and through -
Bring forth renewed vigor, spirit, and creative effort Why is it important for a student to enjoy positive leisure or
recreational activities daily?
a. Recreational activities gives you opportunity to be creative, to express your basic needs, and to be your real self.
b. All work and no play makes a person not only dull but a sick, unbalanced, and unhappy individual according to
medical authorities.
c. Students who correctly balance work and play are more productive and tend to be in better physical, mental, social,
and emotional health.
d. Students who are disciplined, well-organized, and have life goals well in mind will have better chances of being
e. These will help them build a lifelong habit.
Other Values that you can derive from engaging in worthwhile recreational activities.
 Recreational activities like sports will develop muscular strength, agility, power, flexibility, and improve one’s health.
 Engaging in group activities develops social skills that will lead to the development of proper conduct and behavior
and social graces.
 Worthwhile recreational activities give students or youth opportunities to be busy with meaningful activities instead
of roaming around and doing harmful vices like abusing dangerous drugs.
Types of Recreational Activities
 Physical- Minor Sports, Group Games, Camping, Outing
 Social- Social dancing, Attending parties, Joining Parlor Games and the likes
 Cultural- Arts and crafts, Joining Glee Club or Music Ministries and Choirs, Dramatic guilds, Dance Troupes
 Intellectual- Song, Poetry, Jingle, Short Story Writing, Internet Surfing, Answering Puzzle, Playing Scrabble, Bowling,
Chess, Dart, etc.
Joining Social activities will help you:
Increase your contact with people
 Release tensions
 Satisfy your basic needs to belong
 Gain recognition
 Provide self-expression
 Develop leadership
 Have democratic experience in group activities
Benefits of participating in various recreational activities are:
1. Be happier- feel great
2. Build family unity
3. Provide child care
4. Control weight, look better, build strong bodies
5. Diminish chance of disease
6. Build self-esteem
7. Reduce stress
8. Promote sensitivity to cultural diversity
9. Eliminate loneliness- conquer boredom
10. Increase community pride

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