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Brain Storming

Title: Impact of global warming on climate change in Bangladesh.

1. Rising temperature.
2. Increased frequency and severity of floods and storms.
3. Rising Sea level.
4. Air pollution.
5. Increasing carbon dioxide.
6. Greenhouse effect.
7. Affect on crop cultivation.
8. Health hazards.
9. Food security.
10. Changes in rainfall patterns.
11. Water resources security.
12. Loss of property and lives.
13. Affect on biodiversity.
14. Diseases.
15. Affect on fisheries.

Grouping ideas:
1. Environmental Impacts.
2. Socio-economic Resources & Sectors affected.
3. Natural pollution.
4. Affect on agriculture.
5. Greenhouse effect.

Title: Impact of global warming on climate change in Bangladesh.


Theses statement: Bangladesh is recognized worldwide as one of the most

vulnerable countries to the impacts of global warming and climate change.


Paragraph 1: Main idea: Environmental Impacts.

i. Supporting detail/Point 1: Changes in rainfall patterns.

ii. Supporting detail/point 2: Increased severity of floods,droughts,storms,etc.

iii. Supporting detail/point 3: sea level rise.

Paragraph 2: Main idea: Socio-economic Resources & Sectors affected

i. Supporting detail/Point 1: Water resources.

ii. Supporting detail/point 2: Agriculture and forestry.

iii. Supporting detail/point 3: Food security.

Paragraph 3: Main idea: Natural pollution.

i. Supporting detail/Point 1: Excessive carbon dioxide emission from industries.

ii. Supporting detail/point 2: Pollution of soil due to chemicals and wastages.

iii. Supporting detail/point 3: Water pollution due to chemicals and wastages.


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