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Respiratory Cases 

(History Taking)
(Ddx : Asthma/Acute Bronchiolitis/Pneumonia/Croup/Pertussis)
2 year old malay boy
Full Term / SVD
ANC : Uneventful
PNC : Neonatal Jaundice require phototherapy x 2/7
2 nd hospitalization
- 1st at 1 year old : AGE admit 2/7 at HRPZ
Immunization up to age
Presented with
🌸Rapid breathing x 2/7
- Worsening on day admission 12 noon
- Noted chest indrawing
🌸 Cough x 3/7
- Chesty in nature
- No prolong bout cough (tro pertussis)
- No barking cough (tro croup)
- Post-tusive vomiting x 2 ( non billious, no blood, milk content)
🌸 Fever x 3/7
- Continous
- No rigor
- Temporarily relieved by syrup PCM 6 hourly
- Highest documented temperature 38.6 C at home
🌸 Runny Nose x 1/7
- Clear nose discharge
🌸 Associated with
- Lethargy - mother noted pt sleep all day, usually active and playful
- Reduce oral intake 1/7, usually take 6 bottle (4 onz), however today only take 2 onz
🌸 Otherwise
- Unsure about PU (passed urine) - claimed as usual
- No diarrhea
- Sick contact with brother had URTI x 1/52 (fever but already resolved)
- Not from dengue prone area
- No h/o travelling
- No water activity
🌸 Interval Symptom 
(If we thinking of asthma, in patient had strong family history, had multiple admission or
nebulization before)
- No daily symptoms
- No nocturnal symptoms
- No exercise induce sympoms
* Ada tak anak puan batuk- batuk atau bersin pada waktu pagi-pagi ketika dia sihat sebelum ni?
Malam? Atau ketika dia kuat bermain?
- Patient no allergy rhinitis, but had eczema under HRPZ follow up
- Strong family history of asthma, both parent had allergy rhinitis, maternal auntie had asthma,
brother had eczema
- Multiple history of nebulization before, since 6 month old, about once every 2 month. No
- Trigger : URTI/Cold whether, cold drink/dust/cat
*Biasanya, apa yang membuatkan dia mudah nampak lelah atau batuk-batuk sebelum ni? Cth
jawapan : Oh doktor, biasa kalau dia selema atau batuk, dia mudah kelihatan lelah (URTI adalah
trigger factor)
- No cat or carpet at home
- Father smokers
(Nota diambil ketika HO teaching with Dr Ikram, HUSM)
Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical syndrome of massive proteinuria defined by
• Oedema
• Hypoalbuminaemia of < 25g/l
• Proteinuria > 40 mg/m²/hour 
(> 1g/m²/day) or 
an early morning urine protein creatinine index of >200 mg/mmol
(> 3.5 mg/mg)
• Hypercholesterolaemia
- Primary or Idiopathic (unknown cause) - commonest type in children
- Secondary 
✅ Infection : streptococcal
✅ Systemic condition : SLE
✅ Malignancy : Leukaemia
✅ Hematological
📌 Investigation
I. Albumin < 3g/dl
II. Cholesterol > 250mg/dl
b)FBC usually normal, raised ESR
c) CXR to R/O pleural effusion
I. Proteinuria +3 or +4
II. Urinary protein excretion (>40mg/m2/hour)
III. 24 hours urinary protein : creatinine ratio > 3
IV. Microscopic hematuria in 10%
V. Pus cells in underlying UTI
1. Advice for ambulate - prevent thrombosis, pulmonary embolism
2. Prophylaxis oral penicillin
- penicillin 150 or 250 mg BD
3. Hypovolaemia
- p/w abdominal pain, cold periphery, poor pulse volume, hypotensive 
- Resucitation with IV human albumin 5% (volume expander)
Bagi albumin just for reduce gross edema and resuscitation, jangan bagi just because blood
albumin level low. If minimal edema or ascitis, can just give lasix.
4. Diuretic
- Not give if patient steroid sensitive, usually can give in ward because can monitor any
hypovolemia, steroid resistant can give.
(Belum sempat study lagi pasal management ni. Draf2 dulu ya?)
Initial diagnosis
60mg/m2/ day (max 80mg/day)
For 4 weeks
✅Not respons?
- Renal Biopsy
✅ Response
Treatment relapse
Prednisolone 40mg/m2/ eod for 4 weeks (maxium 60mg)
Both came with EDEMATOUS
Must differentie whether patiemt Underfill (hypovolume) vd overfill (overload)
If hypovolumic - give Albumin, not lasix
Patient can develop more hypovolume.
(Hasil coretan ketika HO Teaching)
- Inadequate perfusion to meet tissue demand.
1. Compesated
- Tacycardic + cold extrimities (Cold Shock) ~ vasoconstriction
- Bounding pulse + warm periphery (warm shock) - (eg sepsis ~ vessel dilatation)
- Oliguria
- Mild Lactate acidosis
2. Hypotensive Shock (Uncompesated shock
- severe lactate acidosis
- prolong CRT
3. Hypovolumic
4. Distributivee shock
5. Cardiogenic shock
6. Obstructive
📌Tacycardic? Non specific sign of shock, patient with fever also can have tacycardia
✅Skin changes
- prolong CRT
✅Impaired mental status
- to monitor progression
2. Establish life threatening condition/ IV branulla
3. Give 20ml/kg as fast as possible
- Ringer Lactate
- Normal saline
- Other isotonic fluid
- Unless suspect cardiogenic shock
4. Ephinephrine in anaphylactic shock
5. Check electrolyte - 
eg Calcium, if patient hypocalcemic, pt can resistant to recuscitation - if low, correct first
6. Consider inotropic drug - Adrenaline or Noradrenaline
7. Cardiogenic shock - dobutamine (if dehydrated, still can give fluid, but beware, may need CVP
8. Septic shock - Antibiotic
📌What is different between colloid and crystalloid?
- Albumin which one? 
- Osmolarity?
- Plasma?
📌Fluid resistant resuscitation
- after given 60ml/kg crystalloid, BP still not okey
📌Obstructive Shiock (management? Specific in different condition)
- chest tube - tension pneumothorax
- Removal fluid - tamponade
- Ductal dependent lesion - PGE
❤️Respiratory Distress Syndrome💪🏻
Oxygenation and ventilation insufficient to meet metabolic demand of the body
✅Respiratory distress
- sign : tachypnia, nasal flaring, chest recession.
✅Child vs adult
Children can nasal breather, adult can use mouth
✅Child (anatomy difference btw adult) - easier to get RDS
Big tongue - can obstruct airway
Epiglotis - Floppier compare
Cricoid - narrow in child, easily airway block
1. Hypoxia - oxygenation (lung failure)
- Ventilation perfusion mis-match 
✅Parencymal disease
2. Ventilation ( pump)
💚Acute Respiratory infection💚
(Learning point from HO teaching paeds today 26/5/19)
1. Why baby easy to get bordatella pertussis?
- Baby not vaccinated yet
- FBC : Lymphocytosis
2. What is different live vaccine, killed vaccine?
3. Diphteria
- Pseudomembrane
- Bull like neck
4. Bigger child vs smaller
- bigger may less tacypnic
5. Stridor - upper airway obstruction (inspiratory)
- laryngomalacia
- Trachea obstruction
- Croup - barking cough
- Epiglotitis - soft stridor, toxic looking, tripod position
6. Wheeze 
- breath out take longer than normal
- Viral induce wheeze, GORD, asthma, foreign body,
7. Polyphonic vs monophonic wheeze
1. Grunting - force expiration again closed glottis tu open airway, to prevent lung collapse
2. Stetor(upper airway - nose)?
📌Acute Bronchiolitis📌
1. High Risk untuk RSV
- Immunocompromise
- Cynotic Heart Problem
- Chronic Lung Disease
- Vaccine : Palivizumab : Passive Imunity (kita bagi antibodi, dia ada, kemudian dia tak ada dah)
- RSV Immunoglobulin - give every month
2. Clinical
- Fine crepitation
3. CXR
- Hyperinflated lung
4. IX
- VBG or CBG
5. Nutrition
- By Ryles Tube feeding if cannot tolerate orally.
6. Oxygen?
Depend on spo 2
Nasal prong 
✅Optiflow - 2ml per kg
✅CPAP - if not tolerate, because pt struggle - 
✅Ventilated (intubate), 
use SIMV, If cannot juga, 
then HFO (high frequency oxygen)
7. Hypertonic saline? 
- Not really effective (previously told to increase mucus secretion) * Evidence based
- if put to much - risk of bronchospasm
8. Antibiotic
- Xray changes etc
1. Infant : 1-3 month old
Chlamidia trachomatis
Presented with eye dischrge - need teke eye swab
Ask parent history high risk behaviour
2. Blood ix
Bacteria : high neutrophil
Viral : Lymphocytosis
Leukopenia : viral or severe overwhelming infection
FBP : immature neutrophil, toxic granulation
3. Bacterial vs viral
4. Antibiotic (start low)
- Peniclillin, Ampicillin,
- Why we use augmentin - more compliance
- Atypical : Azithromycin
5. Complication
- Parapneumonic effusion
(Pleural effusion arise from pneumonia)
- etc
6. Supportive Mx
- Cough medication - not recommended, distract airway clearence
❤️Viral Croup (laryngotracheal bronchitis)❤️
1. It is clinical sx 
- barking cough
2. Organism - commonly parainfluenza virus
3. Epiglotitis (drooling)
- Refer EnT, Intubation, Antibiotic
4. Management?
❤️Mild/ severe
- Nebulize budesonide
- Oral or parenteral Dexamenthasone
❤️Severe - Nebulized Adrenaline - dont discharge yet if pt well, pt may rebound
✅Abrupt onset of one or more
📌Post infection
Streptococcus, Malaria, Leptospira, etc
📌Systemic Vasculitis
- IGA nephropathy
- SLe
- commonest cause AGn
- Age 6-10 yo
📌Skin lesion - Usually pt present with AGN about 4 weeks later
📌Strep infection - 2 weeks later.
📌Graph/diagram (as per attached)
Hematuria may persist up to 1 year
Complement should normalize after 6 weeks, if C3 still low, maybe something else, need to
ASOT will be decrease in 6 weeks time
- Immune complex form in situ within glomerulus
- Inflammation and proliferation of cell in glomerulus
- Permeable to RBC - HEMATURIA
- Permeable to protein - PROTEINURIA - excessive proliferation cell + reduce blood flow -
✅Clinical Symptom
- Edema
- Hypetension
- Oliguria
✅Blood Ix
- UFEME : RBC (microscopic hematuria can persist up to 1 year)
- BUSE : urea creat high, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia
- Compliment level : Low C3 but normalize by 6 weeks
- ASOT : initially high. If 1:200 or less (not significant) , titre more than that ( maksudnye kena
dilute dgn banyak to make it disappear)
- Renal Biopsy : 
- Indication (picture)
- [ ] Severe AKI need dialysis
- [ ] Feature suggestive non post strep AGN
- [ ] Delay resolution (refer paeds protocol)
Diet - Salt restriction
Diuretic - Frusemide 
- Moderate edema : 1-3mg/kg
- Pulmonary Edema : 2-4 mg/kg
1st line
- Lasix : to remove sodium and water
- Sbb patophysiology adalah na and water retention
- Mild : control salt and water intake
- Antihypertensive - Can give niphedipine, if still not controlled, give Frusemide, the Beta Bloker
and ACE Inhibitor (risk hyperkalemia)
🌸Nephritis in Henoch- Scnonlein Purpura
✅Most common vasculitis in children, usually recover without treatment.
✅Clinical Feature
- mild renal involevent - mild proteinuria, microscopic hematuria
- Purpuric Rash
- Athritis
- Abdominal pain
🌹Other cause nephritic
- Immuniglobulin A Nephropathy
- Lupus Nephritis
(HO teaching Prof Ariffin)
❤️Type :
1. ALL
2. AML
3. JMML - juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (rare)
❤️What poor prognostic factor leukemia
- Male poorer
- Total White > 50
- Age ; less than 2 year
- Phidalephia chromosome (in JCML)
- Hypodiploid Karyotype (such as in Turner Syndrome) -if hyperploid like Klinefelter/Down
Syndrome good prognosis
- More than 10@12 year old
- CNS involvement 
- Splenomegally
- Hepatosplenomegally
- Bone marrow karyotype (percent blast cell)
- Response to first chemotherapy
-Mediastinum mass
❤️Significant side effect chemo? - but rate of occurance rare
- Tumor Lysis syndrome
(hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hyperuraemia - lead to Arrythmia / Kidney
injury )
- Leukoencephalopathy (white matter disease)
- Night blindness
- Reduce hearing (bleomycin)
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Cardiac : dilated cardiomyopathy, arrythmia, bradycardia 
- Peripheral Neuropathy 
- GIT : Antropathy
- Renal Toxicity
- Infertility
‼️Urgent Referal
- SVC obstruction
- Mediastinal mass
- Tumor Compression Effect (spinal compression effect need urgent referal)
- Febrile Neutropenia (late give antibiotic can cause death to patient)
🌸Mediastinal widening - leukaemia
SVC obstruction - Lymphoma
🌸Prognostic ALL
- Bone Marrow Karyotype
🌸Tumor Lysis syndrome mx?
- Hyperhydration
- Do not add pottasium, do not tranfuse blood cell except indicated, give hyperhyration
🌸Drug to prevent urate nephropathy
- Rasburicase / previously allopurinol
(HO Teaching with Dr Ikram)
💜Vaccine will enter body, then macrophage will recognize and engulf the antigen, than make
antibody >> B cell
💜Type immunity
- Active : 
- natural - when infected by bacterial
- Artificial : Vaccination - weaken form of the bacterial
- Passive : 
- Natural : maternal antibody : umbilical artery / then breastfeed
- Artificial : Monoclonal antibody : eg Immunoglobulin
✏️Passive : short term only, it not lasted longer period in body. Immediate protection.
- IgG: Previous infection
- IgM : Acute infection
- IgE : Parasitic infection, hypersensitivity
- Type of passive immunity
- Eg : in Kawasaki we give
💜Type vaccine
- Live attenuated : Measle, Tuberculosis, Rotavirus, Oral polio, Yellow Fever, Rubella
- Inactivated :inactivated polio virus, whole cell pertussis
- Subunit : Acellular Pertussis, Hib, pneumococcal, Hep B
- Toxoid : inactivated toxin - Tetanus Toxoid and Diphteria Toxoid
*Whole cell pertussis already change to unicellular
*Oral Polio : can cause more complication, alreay change to inactivated
- Fever : serious infection
- Immunodeficiensy : cannot give live attenuated
- Pregnancy : cannot give live attenuated
💜Specific contraindicatoon
- BCG : symptomatic HIV (aids)
💜If patient missed vaccine?
(Give at the first visit eg Hep B and BCG), then
- Live Vaccine btw another live vaccine: need gap 3 month
- DTaP till next DTaP : gap 4 weeks
💜Extra :
Typhoid : Thyphidot M : check IgM antibody
Widal Test : antigent titre : positive acute : 1:160

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