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In response to these demands, we ask that administration issue a formal response to the Black

Round Table in tangent with a series of meetings to fully understand our concerns and discuss
the university’s capacity to act on each demand.

I. Implementing Diversity and Inclusion metrics in all faculty and professors Annual
Performance Reviews.

II. Reinstating the Office of Safety and Reform as an independent body/ external office
dedicated to investigating racially charged misconduct, complaints and issues in
tangent with the Office of Gender, Equity and Inclusion.

III. Focus on landing the class within underrepresented communities to diversify UC’s
demographic make-up; developing CPS strong pillar to create/ strengthen pipelines.

IV. In 2016, The “Diversity Recruitment Committee '' provided the President’s office
with a report and recommendations for recruitment initiatives to enhance and
diversify the undergraduate and graduate students on the Clifton campus. We are
asking for a comprehensive report on the progress/ status or the conclusions from the
implementation of said recommendations.

V. Appointing the chair of the Black Round Table to the Community Compliance
Council and President’s Cabinet as a matter of critically necessary representation.

VI. Student Government conduct a Diversity & Inclusion Assessment Summary Report
modeled similarly to that of the one conducted in 2016 through contracting an
external consulting organization (i.e. Make It Plain Consulting) to assess this
organization’s attempts to promote diversity and inclusion.

VII. Implementing amendments to the Fraternal Order of Police Collective Bargaining


VIII. Drastically reallocating UCPD’s budget to best serve the student body by investing in
departments (i.e.-CAPS, UCBA Office of Multicultural Affairs and other community
resources which have been chronically underfunded and understaffed; potential

IX. Require all organizations undergo cultural competency training to be registered as


X. Commit to investing and increasing the research profile of Black Faculty through
developing a sustainability plan for the recruitment and retention of Black faculty

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