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7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz


Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures
of Reduction
30 Questions

1. What is this term refers to the pay from the employment or

the sum of earnings from work and other sources?

a) Wealth b) Health

c) Outcome d) Income

2. Where does this inequality reduction measure belong that

government o ers provision of facilities for education?

a) Well-designed Labour Market Policies and b) Subsidies


c) Progressive Taxation d) Transfer Payments

3. This include child support payments, disability payments,

what is this inequality reduction measure?

a) Subsidies b) Transfer Payments

c) Progressive Taxation d) Well-designed Labour Market Policies and


4. What is this term refers to the di erent forms of wealth in

the likes of stocks and shares in companies, land, houses
and other buildings, work of art, jewelry and other valuable

a) Capital Grains b) Capital Gins

c) Capital Games d) Capital Gains

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7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz

5. Which among the options does NOT belong to the group?

a) Work of Art b) Land

c) Dividends on Shares d) Stocks

6. Amongst social inequality systems or types, which is most

dominantly happening?

a) Racial or Ethnic Inequality b) Economic (wealth or Income) Inequality

c) Political Inequality d) Gender Inequality

7. What is this term refers to the ownership nancial savings

and of things that can be bought and sold to generate

a) Wealth b) Health

c) Outcome d) Income

8. This kind of bene t is enjoyed by someone during their

retirement from work, typically because of age or ill health,
from an investment fund to which that person or their
employer has contributed during their working life?

a) Social Security b) Pension

c) Dividends on Shares d) National Insurance

9. What are the Two (2) Main Features of Social Inequality?


a) Health b) Income
c) Outcome d) Wealth 2/8
7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz

10. What is this that is being advocated by Marxist and others

to achieve greater equality by giving some of the wealth of
the better o to those who are less wealthy?

a) Disability b) Redistribution of Wealth

c) Underclass d) Dependency Culture

11. TRUE or FALSE, People do not receive all their income

because there are deductions to be made in the likes of
taxes, statutory bene ts and pension contributions.


12. What is this that shows the way in which governments try
to provide for less well o and reduce social inequality?

a) Welfare State b) Meritocracy

c) Dividends on Shares d) Distribution of Wealth

13. TRUE or FALSE, Social Inequality is the equality between

groups in a strati cation system based on socioeconomic
factors, such as wealth, income, race, education, gender,
occupation, and social status, or derived power.


14. It is a set of values leading people to lose the ability to look

after themselves so they become dependent, for example,
on welfare bene ts, what do we call this?

a) Dependency Culture b) Social Inequality

c) Welfare State d) Independence 3/8
7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz

15. What type of taxation that government employ in order to

reduce inequality thus giving those who are well o to
contribute some of what they have to provide for those in

a) Oppressive b) Progressive

c) Regressive d) Proportional

16. What is the term that refers to resources and opportunities

are distributed unequally between individuals and groups
based on their class, gender, ethnicity and age?

a) Social Equality b) Social Equity

c) Social Iniquity d) Social Inequality

17. What are the 2 Key Values that are expected to a

Meritocratic Society?

a) Supremacy of Minorities and Pitfalls of b) Redistribution of Wealth and Dependency

Elites Culture
c) Collective E ort of Achievements and d) Individual Achievement and Equal
Unequal Opportunity Opportunity

18. This condition covers a wide range of types of impairment

in how the body functions in carrying out activities.

a) Reduction of Inequality b) Intelligence

c) Disability d) Social Inequality

19. Is tax avoidance... move for individuals or entities or


a) Legal b) Illegal 4/8
7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz

20. It is a measure that government is undertaking to decrease

this so called problem by trying to help the citizens out in
providing di erent types of welfare, what it this?

a) Corruption b) Reduce Inequality

c) Increase Wealth d) Income

21. Choose 3 among the options, Which among these wherein

governments trying to reduce inequality? (CHOOSE 3

a) Transfer Payments b) Well-designed Labour Market Policies and


c) Subsidies d) Underclass

e) Regressive Taxation

22. Choose 3 among the options, Another term synonymous

to the word social strati cation? (CHOOSE 3 CORRECT

a) Social Structure b) Social Class

c) Social Order d) Social Hierarchy

23. This will happen when all people are given the same
chances regardless of di erences such as age, gender and
class, what is this?

a) Equal Opportunities b) Dependency Culture

c) Social Inequality d) Disability

24. Choose 2 among the choices below, What are the 2 reasons
why welfare states were introduced and continue today?

a) Moral b) Political

c) Social d) Economical 5/8
7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz

25. Talking about income and wealth, is it always con ned to


a) YES b) NO

26. Where does this inequality reduction measure belong ¡Job

protection reforms that make permanent and temporary
contracts more even (or fairer) in their provisions, lower
income inequality through smaller wage dispersion
(variation) and also possibly via higher employment?

a) Progressive Taxation b) Subsidies

c) Well-designed Labour Market Policies and d) Transfer Payments


27. Choose 2 among these alternatives, that depict types of


a) Interest on building society and bank b) Stocks and shares in companies

c) Social security and other welfare bene ts d) Jewelry and other valuable items

28. Which among these statements does NOT belong to the

arguments raised by the conservative on welfare states?

a) There is a risk of producing an underclass b) Setting a minimum wage that prevents

whose values are based on reliance on anyone from being paid too little

c) Welfare payments have become too d) Welfare encourages a something for

generous, for example, discouraging nothing dependency culture in which
unemployed people from looking for jobs people feel they do not need to look after

29. YES or NO, Do governments see inequality in itself as a

problem especially in modern industrial societies?

a) YES b) NO 6/8
7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz

30. What is this wherein a society in which individuals achieve

the level that their talents and abilities deserve?

a) Underclass b) Dependency Culture

c) Marxism d) Meritocracy 7/8
7/14/2020 Part 1-SOCIAL INEQUALITY: Features & Measures of Reduction | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. d 9. 17. d 25. b
2. b 10. b 18. c 26. c
3. b 11. b 19. b 27.
4. d 12. a 20. b 28. b
5. c 13. b 21. 29. b
6. b 14. a 22. 30. d
7. a 15. b 23. a
8. b 16. d 24. 8/8

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