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Ronald V White states that the academic writing Of process and product of the thesis.They say
that most of the writers they face problems during the writing assignment most of the students
face problems during the writing assignments about to use of the specific terms.Both the writing
and learning acts are potentially essential tools for the academic writing.Initially,they will under
go with the thesis statement towards the predictable outcome and unpredictable outcome of
thesis in which they was given a model thesis text where the text is studied analyzed content
and the manipulated elements in the text which is useful for the students own information
towards the thesis and in the un predictable outcome that makes the learner interested to the
topic where the learner makes
Communication to other.Ronald V White also insist about the writing research where they say
that the author should be good observer which makes him a good writer or a bad writer.The
writer who makes a long term recognition of a particular topic by using the diagrams and
flowcharts etc where in the flowchart the information that transfer from the one box to the
another box that makes the transfer of memory and then a writer plans to pre-writing the thesis
where he can make an outline of the topic through the evidences and the information.

They claims that most of the time taken by the writer takes on the process of rewriting the first
draft where he got through the evidences and information which makes the writer to complete
the thesis in less time.In addition,how to process the draft which helps writer in different ways
like goal identification where writer gets the purpose of writing thesis and our thoughts and ideas
towards the topic which consist the positives and negatives of the topic where the thesis leads
to the conclusion.The conclusion where it comes from the beginning of the topic and by the
ending of the thesis where they get the advantages and disadvantages of the topic in this the
author and the student let get to an understatement.I agree with the words of Ronald V White.In
my view most of the students they face problem during the writing assignment in which both
learning and writing acts is most essential tools for preparing a assignment.In addition,some of
them are essential like predictable and unpredictable outcome which helps the author to get an
primary’s drafts which helpful to know the positives and the drawbacks of the topic which leads
the learner to communicate with the others.In the other hand using of the diagrams and flow
chat that make easy to pick the points from the essential parts of the topic.Overall,I believe that
the writing exercise product and process is essential for completion of the thesis

Ken Hyland claims that the importance of the academic writing which includes the fields like
philosophy,sociology,rhetoric and applied linguistics.As the author themselves put it where the
academic writing means the understanding the description that involves the understanding
discourse.They say that the writing is helping to create a view of the world because the text
includes the influence of the advantages and the disadvantages and the way of thinking
between the people.On the other hand they see towards the publishing in fact there are many of
publishing through emails,books and from paper etc.The main part of the academic writing is
the collecting the data from the field through research,library and modern myths.where we
should be used in the different ways to express the truth that engages with the readers.The
academic writing should be in the purely formal view where it is knowing the ideas and the
drawbacks of the thesis which makes the outline of the thesis.which helps the author about to
take the first draft to produce an article then there would be an exchange of ideas and
finally,both the author and students get comes to an understanding in the positive way.Next to
the social creation of the knowledge is meant by the evolving and displaying the known
knowledge of outcome of the first draft where it increases the body of the article which increase
the learner to communicate with the other group members.

Academic writing is the way to expressing our ideas and sources towards the author and the
use of templates which increase our conversation by sharing the ideas each other and the
positives and negatives towards the thesis.Finally,we can conclude the thesis with in the right
way.According to the academic writing we can present the right ideas to the writer.The
templates allows us and the author to introduce the ideas related to the thesis.According to
Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein the use of templates that increase the voice to the thesis
they say that to directly entering into conversation about an idea and to express the positives
and drawbacks between us and the writer that increases our choice of speak and to speak on
the something with what others are saying.The use of the template in the different ways that to
introduce a quote or to express my point of view towards the thesis and we can use at the
positives and drawbacks about the thesis or while writing a summary of the thesis.It consist the
model behaviour rhetorical choices as the templates which encourages to communicate with the
others.Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein assets that the templates are applicable to any type
of the academic writing which includes the academic writer in social that which keep focus and
some of the narrative compositions.The templates which can be also use while entering into the

Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein claim that the vegetarians are the one who are eliminated
from their daily diet and in replacement they intake the vegetables insufficient to the protein
quantity.They say that the vegetarian is an abstract for livestock and animal welfare. Although
some of people believe that to having the independent thinkers any way it is useful for quitting
meat by the vegetarians in order to protect the environment and to increase the growth of the
livestock.Finally,The author insist more on the vegetarian diet than compared to the meat eaters
diet and the vegetarian is the better option to surviving on the earth without affecting any
diseases.I agree with Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein statement but I have some mixed
feelings towards the thesis.In my view the vegetarian where they have a better diet the proper
intake of the proteins and carbohydrates which helps in the increase in the health and immune
system.The vegetarians diet has no side effects which doesn’t cause any harm to humans and
which consists all the types of the protein,vitamins and carbohydrates.
In addition,vegetable contains sufficient amount nutrients and in order to increase the effort
towards the environment and the animal husbandry.In sum some people believe that meat
eaters are lazy and consist of giddiness because of the cholesterol and fat that present in the
meat which decreases the power of thinking perspectives.Overall,then,I believe that the good
way to intake of the food is vegetarian than compared to the meat eaters that many of the new
diseases has been exploring throughout the world by the meat eaters diet where we all know
that coronavirus which is produced from bats which has been affected to human survival.So,the
insist of meat eaters diet is harm to the environment for surviving on earth.


White, Roland V. "Academic writing: Process and product." Academic writing: Process and
product (1988): 4-16.

Hyland, Ken. Disciplinary discourses, Michigan classics ed.: Social interactions in academic
writing. University of Michigan Press, 2004.

Birkenstein, Cathy, and Gerald Graff. They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic
Writing. WW Norton & Company, 2018.

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