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us until we 'get it'. More often than not they will take the form of
I remember in the very beginning stages of my own awakening, I had
read the Celestine Prophecies from James Redfield. I hadn’t given it
much thought after reading it although there were questions raised by it. I
had for the most part, ignored them. During the next five months or so,
this book crossed my path a total of six times before I finally figured out,
that I was being guided to go back and read this book again.
I will never forget the gentleman’s face, on the day it happened for the
sixth time. As I walked into his seminar/training facility - meeting him for
the first time - I blurted out, “Ok Already!! I will read the damned book
again!” I hadn’t even introduced myself as the trainer that was coming to
teach his staff that day!
He of course, understood, after I eventually told him that it was the sixth
time in five months that spirit had provided me with the signal to go back
and read this book again. Here it was, laying on his desk in front of him.
We got a good laugh out of it and the training session went wonderfully
Another example:
Just recently while I was in the USA to do some workshops I happened
to have a day off and had decided to spend that day with my Twin flame,
Mary Pat, with whom I do the workshops. We had decided to go out to a
lake close to her home and spend some time meditating and generally
enjoy each others company. We had not really been achieving the
success with the workshops that we would have desired, so we certainly
wanted to sit and talk about what we could perhaps do differently the
next time I came over. During this day we were to receive several
synchronicities that in the end, would provide us with answers to our
questions. I will explain what those answers were a little further on, so
please indulge me while I share a brief synopsis.
While Mary Pat was driving the car out of the garage I happened to
glance down the road. What I thought I saw, was a dead animal in the
middle of the road. As I began a ritual of singing this creature's spirit
back to the arms of the great creator, to my amazement it moved. As I
looked more closely, I could see that it was a turtle.
The second synchronicity appeared as we were following a path through
the woods that would eventually lead us down to the waters edge. We
had been following the path for quite a while and Mary Pat was
beginning to doubt whether she had remembered the correct route to
Eventually, we came upon a clearing that reminded us of something we
see while sharing a Karmic ties meditation.
At last we came to the edge of the lake and after sitting together for a
while, reminiscing and doing some releasing, a beautiful big butterfly flew
right in front of us across the waters edge. As we turned to look at each
other we knew we had been given a message and the tears flowed
freely. When we returned our gaze to the waters edge, the butterfly had
Sometime later, while we were walking back through the woods, we
noticed that we were clearly following a different route back. This too
contained a message.
While walking through the woods I felt guided to offer some tobacco (an
Indian ritual) to Wakantanka, the elements and the 7 directions for the
gifts of synchronicities/signals during our time spent together this day.
As we were leaving the park area, Mary Pat saw a beautiful hawk just
sitting and watching us. This was yet another message for us from our
At a certain point we began to discuss the events of the afternoon,
starting with the turtle. As everyone knows turtles are generally slow
creatures. We believe that the message in this was that we were to slow
down, not to want to force things, that everything was following a divine
plan and all was well.
Then, we lost our way on the path through the woods. I remember
thinking that perhaps even though the path was deviating and wasn’t
bringing us directly to the lake, we only needed to trust that it would at
some point, bring us to where we wished to arrive.
This translated or interpreted to us, to simply trust that spirit or our
guides, were assisting us, and that we would, indeed be successful with
the workshops. Here too, we were following a divinely guided plan.
Next, was the clearing where I remember comparing it to an experience
within my visualization meditations in the karmic ties. This was telling me
that there were certain things that needed to be cleared before we would
be successful.
Then, we saw the beautiful gold and black butterfly at the lake's edge.
Which again, carried a message. For us, it meant that we are in a period
of transition, that there are golden times and also darker times ahead,
but that we would succeed after the transition. This happened to be very
true as we were both being forced to look at our lives as they were. The
gold depicts that there is light and abundance at the end of it all.
The path we returned on, being a completely different one to the way we
came, showed us that there are many ways we can achieve our goals
and reach our hearts' desires. The route back was much faster and
shorter, which in turn was telling us that we had let go and trust the
signals provided. By doing so, the journey is being achieved faster and
easier. Perhaps at times being perceived to be difficult, we are not to fall
into judgment. To trust and allow spirit and our guides, to create that
which we desire to unfold.
While participating in the tobacco ritual we felt chills rushing up and down
our bodies and had goose bumps all over. This was another signal to us
that we were not alone, that there are many from all kingdoms guiding
and assisting us when we are deaf to our messages.
The hawk is for both of us, a messenger and a totem animal. The fact
that he was sitting watching us told us that our guides are continually
watching over us, protecting and guiding us, all the while placing the
synchronicities/signals on our paths to assist when we were not listening
or hearing them.
We all experience, at certain points in our journey, that we feel we have
lost our connection to our guides. This happens mostly at times when we
are in stressful situations and our vibrations have reached all time lows.
This blocks us from being open to receive the messages from within. It is
at these times, if we are alert and watch for the synchronicities/signals
around us, we know we are never alone.
Getting Out Of Your Own Way
This is perhaps, to date, one of the most amusing experiences I have had
between my guides and myself. At the risk of looking a complete idiot
(Chuckle), ( - they loved that one - ) I am going to share this experience
with you here.
The funny thing is, when you have read it, you might find yourself
thinking, oops! Maybe I should join the club ! Haha…
Well, here goes then. A little further on in this book, I will talk about the
gift I received “The 7 Steps to manifesting your hearts desires” The
example I am going to share here is in particular about the 7 steps.
This is one of the statements I make in 7 steps…
Getting Out Of Your Own Way
In this parable I will share with you an
example of how we sometimes get in
our own way.
There are, of course, many different
ways that this is possible but in
sharing this one, it will, perhaps,
awaken something within you that
you might not have seen when you
have been in your own way?
2. OPOM, it is my heartfelt request that we work together to attract
speaking engagements around the world, that I may be invited to speak
on all manner of topics.
It is also my request that where required all information be provided so I
AM an empowering and inspiring example to those I reach. I remain
always in balance, with the foremost wish of empowering and assisting
others in their journeys and at all times in line with their I AM presence.
(OPOM = Other Parts of Me. In other words my guides etc…)
After about a period of, lets say, three months or so, I started to ask them
why things were not manifesting as I would perhaps have liked them to.
The answer I received was, “Take action!”
Boy! Was that a slap in the face! Here I was, working my buns off, doing
all I could to make a difference to the collective consciousness and I
couldn’t figure out why my OPOM’s were not more forthcoming with
anything else. All I could do, was to just get on with things and try to find
out for myself.
After a period of about six months, I went back to them again with the
same question. “OK OPOM’s, now I demand to know what it is I am not
doing right here? This, by following your instructions should have worked
by now, or at the very least a whole bunch of synchronicities leading
somewhere." Even those stopped after about a week or two.
The answer I got, was exactly the same as before - so this time, I asked
for more clarity. All I got was, "You are getting in your own way!” Boy oh
boy! I couldn’t have been more miffed!
The funny thing was, there was a thought that had been entering my mind
for a while now and it was for me to get my passport fixed.
So I figured, what the heck, I will ask them if that was it.
All I got was a resounding chuckle. To which I of course replied, “Now
wait a minute here! Get me the appointments and I will get the passport
fixed." To which I received another resounding chuckle.
Hrummpphhh… (That was my statement of indignation.)
The silly thing is, my wife and I needed our passports for something else,
so in the beginning of December 2004, we decided to get them updated.
About a week before the end of the year, we got them back again all
neatly completed and ready for travel for another ten years.
To Mary Pat’s and my own utter amazement, about a day later, we
received a request to participate in a sharing session around the Indigo
film by James Twyman. What followed was even more mind blowing.
Just two short weeks later, we had already received in total, 6 different
invitations - including one to be set up by ourselves. By the time you read
this, it is of course old news, but I can let you know that there were more
than 30 engagements after that, both in the USA and Holland.
My lesson learned in all of this has to be this:
By first taking action, you are putting a message out to the universe that
you are ready. Your guides and all of your assistants then kick into full
speed ahead and magical things start to happen around you.
Manifestations and synchronicities of all kinds start to become a part of
your reality, no longer simply being fantasy or wishful thinking.
It really is about co-creating. You take action, then your OPOM’s get the
ball rolling and things start to happen. It may well be that you, at some
point are required to take some more action, after which your OPOM’s get
to work again. By now, we have developed many seminars and
workshops and continue to travel around Europe and the USA.
We are now more and more alert when at times we get in our own way, if
things start to slow down we take a step back and spend some time
looking at potential reasons why.
Isn’t it amazing how just a tiny little piece of action can all of a sudden
make such a huge difference in our journeys? It really is true! Once we
get out of the way, we get ON UR WAY!
I sincerely hope that this parable has made a difference to your journey,
perhaps also pointing out where you might have been blocking yourself
by getting in the way.
God “IS”
Let us start this parable with an example of a wonderful and respected
man who had led an arduous life and was becoming somewhat
disillusioned with all that he surveyed.
At this time of his life, he was pondering the deeper meaning of life and
the eternal question we are all faced with at some juncture in our
journey. “Why?”
He had grown up in a loving family, with loving parents who were in the
norm of the day, known as good God fearing parents. He had gone
through the education system as it was expected of him in that day and
age. He had done well. Yet there was a nagging feeling inside him that
just didn’t feel quite right.
He had faithfully been to church when it was required of him and he had
listened and sang his heart out in the praise of the Lord and his son
Jesus. Yet there was a nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel
quite right.
He was asked to join the services and to serve his country, which he of
course did because it was expected of him. It was required of him that he
end the life of others because he was a good soldier and he was fighting
for his country and their God. He was fighting against the evil of the
One Of My Favorite Parables
This is one of my favorites because
around the world, so many still see
God as a wrathful God and that goes
against everything I am receiving.
world and he was a good God fearing faithful young man, so he did as
he was asked without question. Yet there was a nagging feeling inside
him that just didn’t feel quite right.
He had come home from his travels thinking he would be a hero and yet
often he was spurned. In his disillusion he lost his way for a while and
experienced life on the streets. All around him he experienced how so
many were left helpless and destitute, left to their own devices and to
survive the best they could. Even here, he did what he could, although
he, himself felt lost and confused. He helped so many to find food,
shelter, medical help when required and homes but still, there was that
nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel quite right.
One day, he woke up in this place and remembered the education he
had had and returned home to become a successful businessman.
Throughout his career he did all within his power to abide by the laws of
his country and to care for his employees the best he could.
Still there was a nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel quite right.
He had married a wonderful woman and she bore him wonderful
children. They had a wonderful home and he had been kind to them all to
the best of his abilities. Still there was a nagging feeling inside him that
just didn’t feel quite right.
He was now retired after what many would have agreed was a
successful and fruitful life in service to his family, community and
country. Still there was a nagging feeling inside him that just didn’t feel
quite right.
One day this child of God experienced illness and was taken into hospital
where he was told that his days were numbered. After a great deal of
time spent on pondering and remembering his life, he recognized a
feeling that had come back to him, time and time again - it was that
nagging feeling inside him - that just didn’t feel quite right.
Knowing that his days were numbered, he requested that he be taken for
one last time to the top of a mountain, close to his home. Although his
family and the doctors were more than reluctant to fulfill this wish, he was
adamant and got his way. He asked his family to leave him there for a
few days - and even though they didn't want to, they gave in. He didn’t
know why he felt the need to do this - he just knew he had to.
After a day or two of looking down from this mountain and feeling for the
first time in his life, that he was truly free to survey and appreciate all he
could see, he felt that old familiar feeling bubbling up inside him again. It
was that old nagging and familiar feeling that all was not quite right. So,
for perhaps the first time in his life, he called out to GOD. As he did, he
felt a stirring inside him and an answer came.
He asked God, “God, throughout my life I have done what was expected
of me. I studied well, I went to church, I served my country. I have tried to
be a model citizen. I have helped where I could and I have been the best
that I could possibly be, yet I still have this feeling inside me that it hasn’t
all been quite right.”
”Could you please explain to me why all throughout my life this thought
and feeling have been my constant companion?” asked the man.
To which God duly replied, “My Beloved, I will answer your questions
one by one and I will answer them all, yet first, I have a question for you.”
This answer surprised the man, but he was ready and he wanted to
God continued, “I must first give you a gift and this gift may come as a
great shock for you, so I will ask you again, are you truly ready to receive
the answer?”
To which the man replied, “Beloved God, I am soon to leave this body
and I would like to take my place in heaven. I am ready!”
God continued, “Then the gift I have to offer you My Beloved, is the eyes
to be able to see, the ears to be able to hear and the heart so that you
may KNOW. Let us begin."
As the journey unfolded, God asks the man to look back on his life. As
he does, God shows him something that is almost unfathomable. In
every experience that he has had in his life, he now saw his own face in
everything. He was hearing his own voice answering him back.
Confused, he continued to observe. As he was sat in church, he saw a
church full of people with his own face. As he went back to the period
when he served his country, he saw the faces of the ones who’s lives he
had taken. They were all his own face and as the tears streamed down
his cheeks, he began to feel the truth in these visions, but he still wasn’t
quite sure.
So he continued, and God showed him the creatures of the planet. As he
observed, he saw his face and heard these creatures answer in his own
voice. He could communicate with them and it was his own voice. Even
more confused he asked God to continue and so God did.
God continued to share these visions through these new eyes, ears and
heart. God showed him the mountains and the trees, the grass, the
plants and flowers. God showed him the waters and in all, it was like
looking back at himself. He could communicate with them all and he saw
his own image in them all.
Now that he was thoroughly confused, he stopped and asked God, “How
is this possible?”
God did not yet answer, but continued to show him more. God asked him
to look at the clouds and then beyond to the stars, the moon, the sun and
the many planets. Each looked back at him with the image of his own
face and answered in his own voice. God then asked him to look at his
own body, to go inside to the organs, the cells and the atoms. This
became even more confusing for him although he was really starting to
get an inkling of what God was indeed showing him. Yet it was too
fantastic, too unbelievable, too magnificent to comprehend, so he asked
God if he may be alone with his thoughts for a while.
After a day or so of deep contemplation he called God to him again and
he asked, "I believe I understand the meaning of what you have shown
to me, yet I am having a hard time believing it is possible. I believe you
are showing me that I myself am GOD and that I am present in all things
and that all things are present in me?"
To which God replied, “You are almost there My Beloved”.
"Allow me to expand. You received the gift of the eyes to see, the ears to
hear and the heart to know and through this gift, you have come to the
realization of why you and billions like you, live their lives as they do. You
have lowered your vibrations to a density whereby you experience all
things through 'SELF CONSCIOUSNESS'. The gift you received, was an
opening and that is where the heart was required, for you now see, hear
God said, "Yes my beloved, you are a part of all things, as all things are
a part of you."
The man replied, "Ohhh my God. I wish I had known this many years
God asked, "And what would you do if you had?"
The man thought for a moment, and replied, "Well, I can’t change
anything but now, but I would have spent the rest of my living days,
sharing this knowing with all who were willing to hear."
God asked, "so, what is stopping you now?"
To that, the man whispered, "Well, I am terminally ill. This body is dying."
God answered, "Then I would ask you to understand one more thing.
Your journey has been one of choices. You have continually felt that
there was this nagging feeling inside of you that just didn’t feel quite
"I say to you," God continued, "that perhaps you were not quite ready to
hear the truth for what it was and make a choice to open to Universal
Consciousness? Are you now?"
"Ohhh. I am more than ready and willing now," said the man.
God smiled and replied, "then communicate with those cells that you
perceive to be creating this terminal illness. Choose to share with them
the perfection of “Universal Consciousness”. You can now choose to
transform those cells, you can now choose to live…."
This parable would normally, of course continue, but for the purpose and
the point I wish to get across, it suffices for now…
Chapter 2.
As I begin this parable I am reminded of a beautiful song, sung by John
Lennon. “All we are saying, Is please give peace a chance”.
What do we have to do to give peace a chance?
In a world so full of chaos it might seem hard to find peace. Yet as
humanity expands in her evolution we are beginning to understand how
peace “CAN” and must be found.
In Chapter two of this book it is my
intention to expand on what I was
sharing previously.
We will delve even deeper into levels
of awakening expanding through
sharing experiences.
Enjoy in JOY!
Do you recognize the statements: So above, so below? Well it can be
expanded with: So within, so without.
Yes, it really is that easy. Well, when you read it like this it is easy.
Continually throughout this book I have referred to us being the creators
of our own reality and by the end of the book I sincerely hope that you
have found the proof through all of the parables that it is indeed so.
You see when you are able to find peace within, peace is created all
around you. It is a state of being that you are manifesting from within and
it becomes reality without. It is about seeing through the illusion of fears,
stepping beyond the boundaries of limitation. It is about understanding
that we are in the very essence of our being purely and simply “LOVE”.
There will be a time in the not to distant future that we all realize that
peace within can be found by being willing to release old programming,
old fears, to release the need to judge others, to release the need to
gossip, be angry at or even consciously desire to hurt another. There will
be a time when we realize that when doing all of these things we are
causing chaos without and therefore within.
The statement that is most prominent here has to be that we begin to
understand that we are all one. When realizing we are all one there will
be no desire anymore to do all of the above because we will realize that
we are hurting ourselves.
Would you consciously desire to hurt yourself?
Peace is also very much about loving yourself at all times and under all
circumstances. When you can also love what you often perceive to be
your shortcomings, you will have found that state of being. Peace within.
This inevitably always results in Peace without. I wish you peace within
and therefore also without.
From Duality to Triality.
In this parable I wish to share with you a tip given to me by my guides. It
has helped me and many of my friends to not only find contact with their
guides, higher/partner self or which ever Light beings they have sought
contact with. It has also offered a way to assist us in changing
challenges into opportunities by simply choosing to work with duality on a
different level. It has more times than not led to experiences from the
perspective of triality.
First of all what is Duality?
Duality is what is known as what we live in on this earth plain in our 3
dimensional reality. The yin - yang, black – white, positive – negative,
good – bad etc, etc.
In this parable I will be asking you to not only visualize, but to also
actually try these tips yourself.
It has been my experience that this has been the most powerful way of
doing them and achieving the most profound results. ENJOY in JOY!
I would like you to imagine the first part of this exercise as if you were
reaching out with an open hand to receive something.
From Duality to Triality.
This parable has the potential when
worked with to drastically change you
life for the better.
Play, experiment with the example
given. After a while you will be come
quite adept at it and you will be very
happy that you did.
(After this exercise you will realize how profound this example truly is.)
Now! Look at that hand and visualize placing upon it something in your
life that is troubling you. This might be something that is blocking you,
something perhaps that you don’t seem to be able to find your answers
To see how this part of the process works I am asking you to place
something there that could be perceived to be negative - just the one
thing for now! Once you get used to this process, you will be able to do
this with anything that you ever experience and are looking for answers
How might you recognize something that is negative or holding you
back? Are you feeling out of balance, out of sorts, perhaps a little ill?
Some kind of dis-ease has sneaked up on you? One thing I came to
understand in my journey is that when it happened with me, I knew I was
going through a growth process again or a shifting in my energies.
In the beginning I found myself seeing this as a very negative and
unpleasant experience. Eventually I learned to see them as a blessing
and an exciting part of my ascension towards mastery. A part of the
growth towards the true GOD/CREATOR light essence that we all are. I
firmly believe that this has greatly enhanced the processing of these
moments and I found that I moved forward at a faster rate because I now
viewed them as experiences from both aspects of duality.
Ok, here we go. Start this exercise by holding up one of your hands. For
the purpose of this experience use the right hand. As you hold up your
right hand, place the negative there. As you look at it, detach yourself
from it and see it for what it is. See it is an experience - nothing more,
nothing less. Now hold up your left hand. While still looking at the
negative on the right hand, see if you can find any positives in the
experiences you have placed there and place these positives into the left
hand. This might take a little bit of practice, but don’t give up. Even in all
negatives there are always positives to be found if you observe it deeply
enough. What you have now created is a visible way of looking at a
challenge or negative from two totally different perspectives, these being
the Negative and Positive or in other words, “duality”.
Let’s visualize an example here to assist in clarifying. Imagine I just had
a car accident. My car is damaged. This could be perceived to be the
negative. I would therefore place this example in my left hand.
Fortunately I am not hurt, this can be seen as a positive. I could also
look further. When I look at what happened, I might want to find out what
happened on the road I was taking to get to my destination? Was there
an even worse accident further ahead whereby I might have been
physically hurt?
Another possibility would be that I have my car checked while it is being
repaired. Could it be that there was something wrong with the car and
had I driven many more miles that a defect would have shown up at an
inopportune moment causing even greater damage, not only to myself,
but perhaps also to others who were travelling the same road as me? I
would certainly place these examples in my left hand.
In this example I would again detach myself from this visualisation and
by placing no judgements or adding any further energy, emotions
etcetera to what is placed there. I would consciously in my thoughts take
a few steps back, detach myself from the experience, take a few deep
regular breaths and simply monitor my thoughts. I have learned to trust
whatever pops into my mind as being guidance from my higher - partner
By detaching myself from my emotions with regards to what happened
and being able to look at them in duality, I create a space whereby the
third possibility is triggered into action.
What I have just achieved with this exercise is, I have moved beyond
duality. This allows me to step into triality. Triality is of course, my
connection with all three parts. Once my higher-partner self is involved I
gain clarity, I see many more perspectives and I receive answers.
Remember! Our higher-partner selves are in circular time and are not
limited as we are by linear time. Our higher-partner self is therefore able
to see all potential possibilities.
We can take this a step further. I can ask while I am in that triality space
for suggestions as to what I can do to achieve the best possible outcome
for my greater good. By simply being aware of whatever thoughts, ideas
or suggestions that pop into my mind, I am in fact receiving those
potentials-possibilities. I am never concerned if nothing pops into my
mind. Because I have activated my higher-partner self or placed the
intention there, I will generally find that synchronicities are placed on my
path that will lead me to the highest possible solution.
I have found that through working with this duality to triality tool with
others, we have been able to move beyond any blockages that might be
holding them back. By listening to them intently and at the same time
detaching myself, I have found that I see the two sides of what could
have been. As I see these potentials in duality, remaining open to my
higher – partner self, I also receive more tools/suggestions to assist them
in seeing clearly what it is that is blocking them. Often this will be a
suggestion to read a certain book, or visit a certain web site.
A further and perhaps different perspective as to what Triality is can be
explained in this way.
My higher-partner self is in contact with all that is. It is a part of the
GOD/Creator energy. This means that I am tapping into that energy.
There are no questions that cannot be answered, no challenges that
cannot be overcome, no negatives that cannot be changed to positives.
Note: To every challenge there is a solution. To every negative there is a
positive. In darkness there is always light. The example we have just
provided will assist you to find your answers. It will brighten your lives
with many positive outcomes. It works for me, and as you are an OPOM,
it surely will also work for you.
12 potential blockages to abundance.
When all of these 12 parts have been
viewed in total truth with one’s self!
Abundance on many levels will surely
be yours.
This has to be one of my favorite topics, perhaps because I have a
deeper understanding of how abundance works now. It has been a
journey of discovery and being aware of many different aspects on many
different levels.
How many times have you heard yourself or someone else use the
statement: “God never answers my prayers?” Have you ever wondered
as to the why?
I will share with you in my opinion some of the blockages that we in fact
ourselves are placing so that we do not receive the abundance that is
our god given right and gift to self. Before I do, I wish to state that
anyone reading this is made aware before hand that one of the most
common reactions to this parable is that one chooses to go into self
recrimination mode. Please understand that this serves no purpose. It is
an absolute waste of your time and energy. So don’t go there, and I very
seldom use the word “don’t”.
Note: Should you still choose to do so, then do it from a conscious point
of awareness and that you are doing it simply to understand and learn
from the experience.
Examples of potential blockages in your receipt of abundance.
1. Clarity.
2. Self worth issues.
3. Self doubt - negative outlook.
4. Responsibility for actions and interactions.
5. Perceptions of what abundance is.
6. Change.
7. Your perceptions on what money is.
8. Saboteurs. The four bodies.
9. The Conscious mind, sub conscious mind and the Higher self.
10. Chakras.
11. Kundalini.
12. Mastery of self.
What you see in this list is a selection of possibilities, that I will clarify
one by one knowing that they will assist you to find your flow of
1. Clarity. Let me start with perhaps one of the most important subjects
for creating a steady flow of abundance in your lives. Have you ever
made a statement during a conversation and suddenly realized that your
conversations partner had a quizzical look on their face? Did you stop for
a moment to think why? Perhaps you even looked for a different way of
using your words to clear the confusion?
Well good for you, because it is exactly the same while you are
imagining or fantasizing about what it is you would like to be a part of
your flow of abundance. First of all it is essential to have clarity to self
and then clarity to the unseen powers of the universe that continually
await our instructions with eager anticipation to assist. Practice writing
your wishes and desires on paper until you feel that you have total
clarity. If your in doubt? Find someone to assist you, someone who will
be in truth with you. You will find that your manifestations of abundance
start to flow that little bit more proficiently.
2. Self worth issues. This is often one of the more prominent reasons
for a lack of abundance and it does require total honesty to self. One of
the main reasons there may be self worth issues is that you have heard
all your life that you couldn’t do this, couldn’t do that, were not clever
enough to achieve this, that or the other. Despair not, there are ways to
release these blockages if you are willing to work on them. One of the
best books I have ever encountered on releasing these kind of issues is:
“Soul Psychology” by DR. Joshua Stone.
3. Self doubt - negative outlook. Self doubt is generally also to be
traced back to your early youth or what we call your formative years and
the programming that was placed within you. You can change that
programming and we can assist with that. However, a tool that we love
to use during our workshops is the Golden Coin provided by the
Ascended Masters. When holding that golden coin in the one hand and
looking at whatever the negatives are within it, we simply ask you to
take some deep cleansing prana breaths and open your mind to
receiving other (positive) potentials as you flip the coin over while
placing it in the other hand. We have experienced that in almost all
cases this does open up an avenue with a little guidance to seeing
through the illusion of the negatives. Most are able to see positives and
when doing so are faced with a choice. To stay with the old (negatives)
or choose the other options provided. (positives.)
4. Responsibility for actions and interactions. This one is also one
that requires total truth to self. Most people are very good at pointing
fingers at others when things go wrong. I would invite you to hold your
hand up in front of you and point a finger at something. What do you
see? You see one finger pointing away from you and at least three
pointing right back at you. What might that suggest to you? If you are in
truth to self, it will say to you that whatever you are so willing to blame
on another may well be a mirror reflection of something within yourself.
Be open and willing to looking closely at that and we can guarantee you,
you will make huge strides ahead in your abundance journey.
5. Perceptions of what abundance is. What are your perceptions of
abundance? Is it purely financial? We would suggest to you that it is not.
It can be health, love, friendship. When one opens up to the many facets
of abundance, it allows the unseen powers of the universe to manifest
whatever it is we require without the limitations that our thoughts might
have placed on them. It gives them freedom to manifest in ways that we
cannot mostly even imagine. An example may be that you desire the
abundance to posses a new car! You might automatically start to think
along the lines of: “I need such and such amount for this or that car”.
Suggestion: Allow the unseen powers of the universe to create freely
and see what they come up with. There are many different ways that
the car can be manifested, allow yourself and the unseen powers the
freedom of creation. (this was simply an example for the sake of clarity)
6. Change. Another of my favorites. One of my fondest memories in my
own growth process was writing “the fools prayer”. Do you remember? It
went something like this: Lord, I wish to change my life, I am unhappy
with who and what I am. Yet they go on doing the same old, same old,
day in and day out and who do they blame? Yup! GOD…. Change dear
friends is inevitable in this ever changing universe. We are part and
particle of that same universe, guided by the same laws, made of the
same elements. Is it not inevitable then that we too have to be willing to
7. Your perceptions on what money is. Did you notice also that I
hardly ever mention “money”? I purposefully leave the word money out
of my own manifestations because I am totally aware that the universe
provides in many different ways.
Money is in all truth simply another form of energy, when it is treated as
such and allowed to flow in the same manner, it does flow, especially if it
is for the greater good of all. Many of you reading this are used to the
flow of healing energies flowing through you. Money or finances is again
simply another form of energy. Be willing to allow it too to flow through
8. Saboteurs. We ourselves are the greatest saboteurs. It can be
through our limiting thoughts, our doubts, our perceptions of self. How
many times have you wished for something and then immediately
afterwards thought: “Oh that won’t happen to me anyway?” Or! No, I
am not that lucky? Do you see what happened? First of all you were
creating through the first thought. Then you sabotaged it by thinking
negative straight afterwards.
9. The Conscious mind, sub conscious mind and the Higher self.
This too, is a deep study and requires a great deal of honesty,
perseverance, determination and will power. It is all about understanding
how the way we view the world through eyes that are seeing an illusion
because of our deep programming from birth onwards. Our conscious
mind may know differently, yet our subconscious minds causes us to see
and react in ways that when we take the time to stop and think don’t
seem to fit? This is because of our built in personality that was also
formed from birth after separation from the Mother. (Oneness) Again, it
is very much possible to change that programming with the right tools,
understanding and information. Allow me to offer you a powerful
example to get you started: Your subconscious mind is always telling you
that life is hard and that to achieve anything you have to work hard and
deserve all that you have gained. Your conscious mind knows differently
because we know that GOD desires us to have all that we desire. We are
limitless beings.
10. Chakras. What a beautiful part of the human experience this is. It
has a multitude of tasks and functions. As most will know, they are there
to allow a continual flow of energy from the Universal energy source. We
know that if they are blocked, dis-ease, tiredness etc sets in. Each
chackra represents a particular area of the body, particular organs. The
beauty of them is, they also support within the creative process. When
all of the chackra are in balance and there is a continual flow of pure
energy through them seemingly magical things happen in and around
you. This also leads to the Kundalini.
11. Kundalini. As I finished the last paragraph with the statement that
all chackra when in total balance, totally open to the flow of the
universes energies, magical things happen around you. Many of the
worlds most famous figures utilized this energy to create some of our
widest known human creations. For instance the light bulb, the
telephone, etc. Yes, our worlds greatest minds have used this energy.
We tend to label them with the term “geniuses”, but were they really? Or
did they simply know something that most are not yet aware of? One of
the best books I have read up to now on this subject is: Kundalini Rising
by Dr. Barbara Condron. It is also an excellent book for those who hold
firm to the teachings of the bible, as it unravels many of the mysteries of
the parables contained within offering a different view point to that of
the worlds religions. It explains in detail how the charkas work in the
creative process. It was an eye opener for me and most important of all.
It really does work. I AM living proof in all that I do.
12. Mastery of self. I refer back to the highlighted points in question in
this parable, each and every single highlight touched on a subject that
when mastered increases everything in your life, not just abundance.
Each subject increases awareness and remember unless one is aware of
something, change or choices cannot be made. Expand your knowledge,
be willing to open to your mastery and so many wonderful things
manifest in your life. The Joy and the beauty of it all defies words, it has
to be experienced. Will we achieve total mastery in this life time? Well, I
can’t speak for all of you, but I know I am going to continue giving it my
best effort and I wish you unlimited success in your quest, for in the
end! We are all one.
All of you who are reading this particular parable are by now
experiencing the hand of God so to speak in your back. What do I mean
by this? Allow me to share a few examples that you might recognize.
You have experienced healing energies flowing through you and you
might now be being guided to either study more, or you are being
nudged to open a healing center. You might be a teacher, and you are
feeling the urge to speak up about new and different teaching methods.
You have never really understood what your purpose here on earth is
this time, yet now you are getting more and more clarity in that process.
I see it in so many that the proverbial penny is dropping. Let me close
this parable on the subject with which I began. Follow those intuitive
feelings, open yourself to the powers of the universe, work on or with
the subjects I touched lightly upon above. Work diligently but with a
determination and you will find that YOUR abundance flows. Every time
you are in the flow with your life’s purpose, the abundance is there. If
you don’t know what your life’s purpose is? Work on these subjects and
you will be certain to find out. Open yourself to the magic of the
universe and the universe will open to you.
Note: I am also fully aware that I started the article with examples of
blockages. My reason for doing that is to simply place information in
front of you. As you see more and more through the illusion of this 3D
reality. You will not see them any longer as blockages but gifts provided
you so that you may have the abundance that is your divine right.
A Powerful tip in closing:
Whenever you catch yourself having negative or self destructive
thoughts. Have a power statement ready that you can change to or
perhaps even chant for a while.
Example: When your stuck in the thought of lack again.
I Am wealthy, healthy and blessed in all areas of my life…
If you keep repeating that every time you have financial or health issues,
you will attract change into you vibrational make up, your thoughts will
eventually become your statement. Your physical reality eventually
Letting go and Letting God…
Perhaps not one of the easiest tasks in
the world as I personally discovered.
Be prepared to go through certain
experiences that will eventually fully
allow this process.
Letting go and letting God…
What does this statement really mean?
In this parable I will attempt to give a clear description of what I feel it to
be from my own personal experiences. Many of you reading this may
well be going through similar experiences.
During the past few years their have been so many changes in my life
that as I look back on them I wonder how the heck I ever kept up. It all
began as my wife and I started to understand that we had grown apart
and that our lives were taking different directions. My chosen spiritual
path was clearly something that neither did she want to understand or
grasp, she also ridiculed much of what I did and taught. Eventually she
did her best to understand and I will always love her for trying. How it
was to turn out I didn’t know at that point in my journey. This was another
part of the letting go and letting God. The divorce procedures had been
I often asked if she would still be a part of my life somehow? I can’t
answer that one at the moment of writing this parable as I still don’t
know. Will we remain friends? I would really LOVE to think it is possible.
We will see, only time will tell.
She has been a major part of my life for more than 32 years now and I
thank the universe and god for placing such a special angel on my path
to learn life’s lessons together. How appropriate that she carries the
name Angela, for she truly has been my guiding Angel. I trust that the
universe now has other plans for her and that her own unique blend of
loving and caring will now be shared with so many others. It is with the
deepest of gratitude that I have already seen that take place around her.
All of what has happened during the last year was heightened and
clarified as my twin flame started to reveal herself for what she is: One
half of our complete soul.
As we began to understand the purpose and our task here on this earth
plane the experiences and understanding intensified. We were fortunate
to meet each other physically. Each time we parted it was as if a part of
us was being severed.
Much of this transitional phase was one of chaos, confusion and lots of
painful experiences. Much of them centered around my wife and I not
being able to communicate and agree on anything anymore, it was as if
all of a sudden we had become two complete strangers. There were
many reasons and circumstances in and around these experiences. I
trust from the very depths of my being that all that has happened is in
divine perfection and that there is a higher purpose to it all.
In between all this there were some very beautiful moments. I had been
preparing some workshops and seminars and I had been blessed to
introduce them in Holland and in places in the USA with Mary Pat my
Twin Flame. It was an experience that was literally out of this world.
They were very well accepted, but not yet quite having reached their
fullest potential, nor a certain degree of completion there always seemed
to be something missing. With hind-sight the missing parts were the most
essential ingredients. It was during a reading of the Akashic records that
I was offered some extra pieces of the puzzle. When these were added
the true purpose and a very much higher potential became visible.
Although they had been powerful before, they were now absolutely mind
blowing. When having experienced all three of the workshops “The 3
steps to Ascension” it became very clear that each individual here on this
earth plane has a special purpose and are seeing that.
As they returned to their daily lives after the workshops, they took back
with them a spark of light that empowered them in their own situations
and as they worked with the tools provided they now truly are assisting in
the Ascension process.
It was during this whole growth process that I made a stop over flight and
met up with one of my Shambhala Masters students in Atlanta. As I told
her about the workshops, she too felt the power and the purpose behind
them. Perhaps neither of us at that time realized just how much, but we
both knew there was something special. So much so that she offered to
start promoting them. This was in April 2005.
After I got back from the USA from this trip, things seemed to be
escalating at home. They reached such a point of discomfort that Angie
(my wife) went ahead with divorce procedures. As anyone who has gone
through these stages will know they were not very pleasant times. Even
though this was happening all around me, I knew and felt that I was
being prepared for something although at the time I didn’t quite
understand what.
As time passed the workshops were finding their true purpose. I was
making plans to go back to the USA. (Atlanta) Mary Pat and I were
starting to experience some very intense visions and receive some
powerful meditations which we started to record. Much of this was
centered around the Twin Flames, their purpose and how to achieve a
coming together in the physical. In fact with what we know now, it is not
only probable, it is essential. We would almost go so far as to say we
have no choice. There is of course always a choice, but neither of us
desire the alternative choice and that too was made very clear to us from
several different sources. We have reached a degree of understanding
now that we know that we too have a special task/purpose and we “will”
fulfill that divine task.
Again with everything that was happening around us we were being
nudged into making a decision. A decision that at first sight was an
extremely difficult one. We were being asked to let go. To let go of all
attachments, asked to let go of all that we know and love. We were being
asked to leave everything behind and let go and let GOD.
Perhaps it is necessary to share at this point that I personally have
always been a perfectionist, along with that, I always had to have
everything meticulously planned into the minutest of details far in
advance. I was a hard task master for those that worked around me
because I expected nothing but the best results from myself and them.
These were absolutely attributes of myself that I had to learn to let go of.
Ever heard of the expression. Thine will and not mine? Boy, did I
struggle with this one in the beginning.
It was also being made abundantly clear to us at this point that in letting
go and letting GOD, there was a huge element of trust involved. There
was a particle of us that was being awakened in this process that reveals
the GOD selves within us. It is only after taking certain steps, no matter
what those steps are/were, that things are/were being manifested around
Within the manifestation process, the next steps/choices are revealed
and made visible. For me personally, the first step was to decide to leave
my home, my wife and go wherever the universe/God desired me to be.
Because of the steps that had been taken within this co-creation
experience with the Universe/God, there were some pretty amazing
people placed on our path that were more than willing to not only support
our purpose and our journey, they were actively taking/playing a role in it.
For example: As we were already setting up the workshops in Atlanta,
Joelle was finding that connections and contacts were being manifested
and opening up to her. A little in awe but certainly not diminishing or
taking away from the amount of work she put in, she too was
experiencing first hand how the “letting go and letting the universe/God”
was really making a difference. Appointments were being made, events
were being set up where I was being placed in front of groups.
This automatically promoted the Twin Flames, the 3 steps to ascension
workshops along with a whole host of other seminars, workshops that
were at that time bubbling to the surface.
In Holland special things were happening around the Twin Flames
seminar and the 3 steps to Ascension workshops. Special people were
being drawn to us that possess phenomenal talents.
As we continue to expand within the experience of letting go and letting
god! The more the magic of the universe flows around us. That for us, is
now and undeniable fact.
Relationships are a prescious thing and
very much worth working on.
When you have tools to assist it makes for
working on relationships a very interesting
We know from experience that these tools
work. Test them out and enjoy the
experiments just as we did.
Whether we like it or not we all are involved in relationships throughout
the whole of our lives. They begin at birth. There is the relationship with
your mother and father. If there are siblings, you will have a relationship
with your brothers and sisters.
You will perhaps go to kindergarten and then on to some other form of
schooling. It is these first experiences in relationships that will form you
for the rest of your life. They are what is known as your formative years.
You will view life as through the eyes of this child until at a certain point
you realize that this is how you were programmed within your first 0 to 9
or so years. If you don’t believe me? Take a look at how you view certain
aspects of life or experiences. Take a look at the emotions behind them.
Be willing in total truth to self, to look at your reactions.
All of these experiences are stored in your subconscious mind. The
subconscious mind is a handy thing to have for the most part. The
information and experiences stored there allow you to do many things as
if you are on automatic pilot. Quite handy don’t you think? Its like riding a
bike or driving a car, you do it automatically without thinking.
Unfortunately, there is a slight down side to this too. You see you are
also on automatic pilot with regards to your reactions, emotions etc.
When you experience something you might not like, the programming
that is there automatically kicks in and you react accordingly. If your
willing to look at the way you react, then remember how you might have
reacted as that child you will see there are huge similarities.
There is good news though. You also have something that is known as
your conscious mind. At a certain age this is the part of you that starts to
register things with a questioning nature. This is where the fun really
starts. At a certain point in your life these two consciousnesses will no
longer agree with each other. On the one hand you have your
subconscious mind programming and on the other you have your
conscious mind awareness of what is happening around you. The two
are no longer in sync or agreement with each other. Although this is
often a very uncomfortable period in your life, in truth it is a very special
time. You are awakening. Awakening to your higher potentials.
When you experience these inner conflicts, simply be aware of them. If
at all possible distance yourself from either. When you can, you will be
able to observe what the programming is from those formative years.
You will be able to see how the child within you reacts to certain
experiences. Remember, just be the observer, don’t allow yourself to be
emotionally attached to what is happening. After you have observed this
long enough and are aware of the reactions, take it a step further.
Be ready now to observe how the conscious mind is reacting or
responding to the situation. Be willing to observe and look at other
possibilities. How might you want to respond as the awakened adult?
What was shared with you here will help you greatly in your awakening
process. Remember, there are many different levels of awakening. I
would like to add one more tool that will help you greatly when you
experience conflicts within relationships.
When it appears that there is a potential conflict situation be prepared to
take a long deep breath. Imagine that you are breathing in energy from
“Universal Consciousness”. Consciously open your four higher chakra’s
and allow information and thoughts to flow freely through you.
You can even experiment with this. Try it the old way and observe how
you reacted. Observe the words you might have replied with. Make
notes. Then if possible in a similar situation try it again only now with this
new tip. Observe now how you responded. I guarantee you, it turned out
in a completely different energy and the result was also totally different.
Enjoy this experiment and play with it in the many different forms of
relationships you have. It will change your life.
Note: You could also open consciously and with your intent the whole
spectrum of your chakra. However for the purpose of the exercise we did
above we are looking to open the chakra that are closer to source. If ever
feeling a little out of balance afterwards you can always envision going
back and opening all of the chakra. To do this simply envision the hara
line traveling from far above your body, traveling a central line through it
and to far below it.
* Hara line = a vertical line of energy traveling directly through the body
and chakra, to which it is said the body is centered around.
Round about December 2005 when there was a lot of new energy
coming into the planet I experienced another very deep low period in my
life. Now I understand why and what was happening, I see that it was
one of the most beautiful and transformational periods I could ever go
I had experienced a great deal of disappointments and for some reason
they seemed to outweigh the successes. I also noticed that I was still
answering the phone or receiving people and assisting the way I always
had. All those that called me for assistance or advice always left with a
feeling of having found many answers and expansion. Nothing new
I noticed that somehow or other I was no longer experiencing pleasure or
joy in assisting these friends and clients. It became very frustrating for
me because they were getting their answers and I wasn’t.
That is until I had had enough. I started phoning a few friends asking for
help. In the beginning that was even more frustrating. By the time I had
hung up the phone I had noticed that each of my friends had received
some pretty awesome information from me that had helped them all
Thank goodness my guides
showed me how I was still
living in separation.
Perhaps you will recognize
something from it and it will
help you move closer to
oneness too.
expand and It didn’t appear that I had gotten anything out of it. This as
you can imagine was extremely frustrating for me.
That is until one day I had phoned a close friend (Marie José) again and
was griping and moaning, yes even crying with frustration. I could not
figure out why the heck I wasn’t getting any help?
During my tirades I suddenly felt a soft whisper inside me say
At first I hadn’t understood the word, so I continued with my tirade. I
guess by then the other side must have been getting impatient with me,
(chuckle) because the next time I heard/felt it, there was no mistaking the
I stopped my conversation mid sentence and fell silent. My friend (MJ)
and conversation partner in all this intuitively felt that something was
happening and she did not interrupt. She just waited patiently until I
muttered, “What the heck do you mean separation?” (I underlined and
put it in bold because that was verbally the way I felt that it came out) It
shocked MJ somewhat, but she allowed me the space and time to listen
to the point they were trying to get across.
After calming down a little, they shared with me that this had all been a
lesson in how I was seeing things. Somewhere along the road I had lost
track of the fact that we are indeed all ONE. I had indeed been seeing
myself as separate from them. They showed me the difference I had
made not only for them but for me too on an energetic level. They
showed me the circle again and pointed out that at the beginning of the
circle the intent was to help the other, yet when the energy had traveled
full circle, it was me that was stood there at the departure point.
All of a sudden the penny dropped and the tears flowed. I had indeed
been seeing them as separate, I had been seeing myself often actually
as different to them and perhaps also because of my own low self
esteem at that moment, even confused as to why they were asking me at
all. After I had wiped the tears away and taken a few deep breaths I felt
much lighter. I literally felt it as if I had returned into a state of Oneness
The next call I took, I can assure you, flowed in a very different energy. I
was more than my old bubbly helpful self again and the information
flowed more freely than ever before. After I hung up the phone I did a
little jig of JOY.
YES!!! I was back… Woohooo… This was fun… this was great… I bet
there were a few of them up there having a really good chuckle at me,
but I also know from my heart that they were feeling the JOY too.
If ever you experience this stage in your life? Just picture a mad English
man doing a Scottish- Irish jig for joy… Remember the parable of
I have wanted to write this parable for some time, yet for some reason or
other it just never seemed to flow so that I could. It has always been a
topic that is certainly a loaded one when you talk about it to others.
There are of course many forms of competition. You have competition in
sports, competition among each other inside the companies one works
for, competition among family members in your own homes. There is one
however that I have worked diligently on for some time and that was the
competition I had noticed between light-workers.
This parable fits absolutely
wonderfully in with the previous
It takes it to another level.
Next time someone asks for
assistance and you say no?
Be willing to remember this
It had been a concern for some time and I didn’t know how to address it
other than be the example my self how it is possible to not be in
competition with each other. My dear friend Hans and I had been looking
for ways that we could do that together, we had discussed at great length
how we could be the best example through our actions to others.
One of the main things that we couldn’t understand was that although
light-workers are very much aware at least in theory that we are “ALL
ONE”. Many are proving daily that they have not quite grasped the true
essence of Oneness. Earlier in the book I have used the term “OPOM’s”
regularly. Do you remember? It means other parts of me.
What Hans and I couldn’t understand was that when we asked for
assistance for instance in sending email messages out to friends, family,
lists, forums and groups, most people did not seem willing to do it. We
couldn’t figure out why. Was it because they were in judgment? Was it
because of hidden fears?
Hans and I had been the living example by making sure we did send
forward messages that had the genuine request for assistance to do so
for some time. Both of us have quite large mailing lists. We had chosen
not too judge what ever was inside the messages. We had chosen to
simply be consciously willing to help another part of ourselves. We had
consciously made the decision knowing that if we didn’t we were in
actual fact refusing to help that other part of ourselves. We had made the
decision that those that did not appreciate it would simply request to be
removed from our mailing lists. Oh, it did happen a few times too, but for
the most part our lists have grown because of it.
We knew that most would do just as we did if it wasn’t something that
resonated with us at any given moment. They would use their own
discernment and they would simply hit the delete button. We knew that
most would be grateful for the extended sending of other peoples
messages, seminars, workshops etc. They appreciated it because that
way they were being kept up to date on a great deal more things that
were happening inside our own country.
So you see, by refusing to see others separate from ourselves. By
choosing consciously for the knowing that we are all one. Hans and I had
touched on something that we still see expanding today.
I recently had another perfect example of working together in Oneness.
MJ (Marie-José) and I have been working together for some time and
whenever she went with me to one of my seminars, I always made sure
that I shared a little about what she does. Among other things she is a
licensed hypnosis and regression therapist/specialist and a very good
one too.
One particular day I was tired and was very scattered… So when I
interrupted her midstream in something she was sharing with me, for MJ
it came across as if I was being very impatient. I noticed straight away
the shift in her energy. There was a slight annoyance in her voice. We
are both very much aware of our egos when they want to play up like this
so I took a deep breath and asked her to do the same. As soon as I did,
she knew exactly what had just happened and she was more than
As our deep breaths calmed us, I explained what had happened and said
“We don’t do that ego thing any more”. She agreed! Straight away we
were able to step into another energy… very calm and back in oneness..
While we continued working together we got proof of how the universe
then flows through you with some great promotional ideas which would
certainly benefit the both of us for our future events. MJ and I both
received great expansion as she received gifts and so did I.
Connections opened up that would expand us both with what we do.
Even more rewards came later that day. We both received promotional
information that would extend our outreach greatly. We received a list of
places where we could advertise our events free. I will leave it up to you
the reader as to whether you think this was a coincidence or not, but for
us the proof was there. By the end of that day we had received ways to
reach thousands more people with events we had planned.
One thing MJ and I know without a shadow of doubt, we could have
chosen to go into the experience of competition, separation or ego and
all of these wonderful things would not have opened up for us. We are
grateful for many reasons but the two foremost are that we can now
share our insights and blend of wisdom with a great many more people
and in doing so we are also being taken care of with regards to
We sincerely hope that in sharing this parable we have offered a different
perspective to our many colleagues and friends around the world with
regards to your willingness to promote another. You can continue to see
them as separate from yourself, or you can understand totally the
meaning of oneness. We are not saying that you should send everything
that is sent to you. We are simply saying: “Use your discernment”, and
send forward the items that you feel might be of interest to another part
of you.
Those that are receiving them! We would ask you to see it as other parts
of yourself being willing to share with you something they think may be of
value for your journey or simply for your enjoyment. If it isn’t? At least
remember that they are indeed another part of you before you send
complaints to the servers and providers and that in doing so you are
hurting not only them but yourself too. We all have a delete button on our
keyboards and we all have our own powers of discernment. Use them
and watch what happens in your own lives. Miracles suddenly begin to
happen around you. Your soul and the universe knows, you might also
find yourself receiving gifts that you had not expected.
Pieces of the Puzzle…
Not one single one of us contains all
the pieces of the puzzle providing all
the answers.
However, every single one of us
holds a unique piece of the puzzle.
When we work together and merge
our pieces.
We do see more of the big picture.
Pieces of the puzzle
As we all realize that we are never alone and we realize fully that we are
all one. We begin to realize more and more that not one single one of us
has all the answers, yet together we do.
We are all expanding in every moment. We are all unique in our
experiences. We are all unique in the way we perceive our growth.
We are all unique in how we travel our journey, there is not one other
person on this planet that will experience exactly the same as you are.
If you can imagine that all life is a huge jigsaw puzzle. Imagine that you
are a part of that puzzle or that your life’s experiences form a part of that
puzzle. Imagine that all other beings also have a piece of or are a piece
of that puzzle.
That suggest to you two important things here. Your part of the puzzle is
as essential and as important as all the others. It might also suggest that
together we all in adding our pieces of the puzzle can see the big picture.
In being open to all those other parts of the puzzle that are brought into
your field of vision/experience, in understanding that we do all contain
parts of the puzzle it might just make a difference to how you walk
through life’s experiences.
Another example of something that could be perceived to be a sort of
puzzle. Have you ever watched as someone creates a mosaic?
Have you noticed that as they are creating you often have to take a step
or two backwards so that you can actually see what the image is meant
to be? During our journeys, life also often requires that we take a step
back so that we can see the big picture.
Food for thought that really does work.
Enjoy being a part of the big puzzle and remember that without you, the
puzzle is incomplete.
Thank you from the heart for being a piece of the puzzle and being
willing to share it with others.
The Circle of Life in all things…
When you take the time and ponder a while on this title it becomes
something very magical.
When we look at a creature that perhaps is born to the world, leaves the
birth place, mates and dies all within the space of an hour or a day.
When we look at our pets, they are with us for a precious space of time.
Then we look at ourselves and we too are here for a limited period of
Perhaps we look at the trees in awe as we know that they are often
hundreds of years old.
Then perhaps we will look at the mountains and even here because of
our geological history we know that they too are here for a certain period
of time.
Expanding on that we look at our Mother planet and perhaps the moon
and some others we might be able to see with the naked eye. Yet these
too had a beginning and they also may well know an end.
For a moment I am going to ask you to let go and imagine with me that
all these things are simply a vibrational pattern of energy and that as a
matter of fact that all things are patterns of energy vibration. Imagine that
our words, thoughts and our actions are also emitted outwards as the
The circle of Life in all things…
Do you recognize the saying:
“What goes around comes
same. Continue to let your imagination flow and remember the circle of
life in all things!
Now, be willing to begin your next new day holding that image. Will you
remember the cycle of life in all things? Will you be kinder to those you
meet throughout your day? Will you smile more frequently at those who
happen across your path? Will you carry love in your heart and be peace
shining outwards from within? Will you think again before you get angry
with someone you meet today.
Could it really be that easy? Could it be that all that takes place in your
day comes full cycle in the “Cycle of life in all things?” That it is your
choice as to what energy you put out throughout your day and that will
return to you many fold?
I wish you peace in your heart, a smile from many others, and love from
all experiences.
God’s Pond…
A wonderful parable channeled
directly from the source.
Should you ever recognize
yourself being in judgment of
another’s path?
Please come back to this
parable and remember we are
all being touched by the ripples
of LOVE.
GOD’s Pond!!!
During a recent seminar on the subject of “Reconnecting to Source” The
subject quite naturally came up as to whether or not we would all be
going through the process of ascension this time.
Having been asked this question once before and going through the
experience as BE-ING GOD, I remember how I had felt great sadness at
the thought that even one of my children would be left behind. The
sadness had been felt throughout all kingdoms of GOD and all rallied to
the call. At the time this happened the Earth and her inhabitants were still
teetering on the fence undecided which way to go. My sadness was felt
in the beautiful hearts of the many light-workers on your planet. They too
rallied to the call.
The point of critical mass was reached and you had chosen the direction
you desired to follow. Again the many kingdoms felt me as my heart
sang in that glorious moment. As I speak through this beautiful soul
who’s heart I know and love so well, for he has returned his heart to me
and we are one in the sharing we are about to place in your
consciousness through this message.
In most recent times those who assisted to take you beyond the critical
mass have been aware of a great deal of energy pulses coming into your
galaxy/planet. It was necessary in order to raise the vibrations of all
inhabitants. Your year 2005 was a year of turbulence and resistance. For
most it was simply a fear of the unknown. As I gently added more of my
LOVE into these tears, the events and ripples became more frequent.
Energetically speaking you might describe it as my joyful teardrops
falling into time and space. To enable you to envision this, it could be
likened to your proverbial stone being dropped in the center of a pond.
The ripples you would see are similar to what is happening.
Throughout your galaxy and beyond these energy ripples have been felt,
experienced and absorbed by the many and as each ripple touched yet
more of you. The vibrational shift that was required became a reality and
each time another ripple reached even more of you my tears of joy would
continue. It has created a flow of motion that will no longer be stopped
until all have returned their hearts to me. Whether you are the closest to
the central ripple or on the very edges of the pond, you are being
touched in many ways by this energy.
Imagine the pond being the universe, your galaxy and you will NOW
KNOW that not one soul will be left behind as we move into a far greater
reality than most can even perceive from behind your veils. Yes! You
read it correctly. Not ONE soul will be left behind.
An example of the events taking place, were those in the latter part of
your year. In August there was another vibrational shift. In October
another. In November Mother Mary returned her loving Divine feminine
energy and merged with the energies flowing to you. In December on the
25th, My son added his energies to this great pool of Divine LOVE
adding more of the Christ LOVE consciousness and as you moved into
the energy of your NEW year we decided to partially lift the veil/illusion of
time. This year as you find the balance of these new energies within you
there will be great changes, often chaotic and to the un-awakened not
Worry not my beloveds, for as you integrate these energies within you
and move beyond the chaos into your new balanced state, the world
around you will find her balance too.
For now let us emphasize the fact that not one soul will remain behind as
you move through this magnificent period of ascension. Do you
remember the pool we talked about in the beginning? Visualize that pool
and see the ripples spreading out and reaching the shore.
This is similar to the wave after wave of energy that is entering your
reality right now and it is in divine perfection the way it works. Look at
those ripples and imagine it reaching out ripple by ripple to all ones on
your planet. Do you see the beauty of it? Yes! Every single being will
eventually be touched by that continual rippling flow.
Do not be concerned my beloveds that some around you are being left
behind you. It is as it is meant to be, the ripples have simply not quite
reached them yet. Simply step away allow them their process, follow
your heart and guidance. Fulfill your divine rolls and contracts as it is
meant to be. Know/trust that in time they too will be touched by the
Know that it is all a part of the divine plan, set in motion, just as we had
dreamed it together from the very beginning of our expansion.
You ALL are returning to Source.
The Tree Parable.
It is probably quite safe to make the assumption that we have all seen a
tree at least once in our life and even though most don’t have the time to
sit and observe a tree, it is probably quite safe to assume one knows
how a tree is formed. All the intricate and wonderful parts.
Deep in Mother Earth the roots are hidden, the trunk is perhaps one of
the most noticeable parts. Depending on the time of year, the season or
what type of tree you are looking at, it is safe to assume that you have
seen trees with branches, twigs and leaves.
In the journey of experiencing soul family it has been questioned
throughout all of time! “How do I know I have met my Soul family!" There
are a multitude of ways but for now we will use the metaphor of the Tree.
As the human travels through a particular life cycle there will be triggers
along the way that will lead to awakening. Most of the life cycle might
have been taken up, by simply living out experiences. When it is time the
Soul family, Soul groups, Soul
mates & Twin Flames.
A forest, a tree, a branch, a twig,
leaves and a leaf.
When you can picture it as this
parable it is easy to recognize those
entering into your lives.

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