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Nanotechnology is a branch of science that deals with the small particles whose size
are less than 100nm.” Nanos” is a Greek word which means “dwarf”. Nano is a prefix which is
used as 1 billionth parts (10-9). Nanotechnology is used to produce a material of Nano size
which show some unique properties in different fields of science such as electrochemistry,
biomedicine, paper industry, electronics etc.

Approaches for Synthesis of Nanoparticles:

There are two different methodologies for the synthesis of nanomaterials, Top Down
and Bottom Up. Every technique has its very own properties and applications. The bottom-up
methodology is more advantageous than the top-down methodology because bottom-up
methodology has superior possibility of creating nanostructures with less imperfections, more
homogenous chemical composition.

Top-down Approach:
A top-down synthesis technique infers that the nanostructures are synthesized by
drawing out crystal planes which are present on the substrate. A top-down methodology would
thus be able to be seen as a methodology where the building blocks are expelled from the
substrate to shape the nanostructure. Additionally, in top-down methodology building blocks
are mass materials and remotely controlled apparatuses are utilized to cut, plant and shape
materials into the desired shape. Micropatterning strategy, for example, photolithography and
inkjet printing has a place with this class.

Bottom-up Approach:
A bottom-up synthesis strategy just suggests that the nanostructures are incorporated
by stacking atoms onto one another, which give rise to crystal planes, crystal planes further
stack onto one another, resulting in the synthesis of the nanostructures. In bottom-up strategy
synthesis of nanostructures are done by doing reduction of atoms using reducing agent. By
changing the amount or type of reducing agent we can tune the size and shape of
nanostructure or AuNPs.
Classification of Nanostructured Materials:
Nanostructured materials have pulled in a lot of interests from both essential science
and innovative application perspectives on the grounds that their physical, synthetic, electronic
and magnetic properties demonstrate sensational contrast from higher dimensional counter
parts. Nanomaterials are grouped based on their dimensions. There are 4 distinct sorts of
nanomaterials: 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D. Each structure has its own arrangement of properties.

In this scale, all three axis (x,y,z) lie in nanoscale region. Electrons are completely restricted in 3-
D space and no electron delocalization happens in this scale. Common example are
nanoparticles and quantum spots.

In this scale, one of the axes isn't in nanoscale. Electron containment happens in 2-D while
delocalization happens along the long pivot of the nanomaterial.
Examples are nanowires and nanorods.

In this scale two of the axes are not in nanoscale. Electron control and delocalization coincides.
Examples are thin films and nanolayers.

No electron containment happens. This class don't lie in nano range.

Nanoscale Properties:
Materials indicate radical change in their properties as they come to nanosize.
External surface of materials take part in reactions, the greater the surface for a similar volume,
greater the reactivity. As particles get littler, their surface zone to volume proportion gets
bigger. With more surfaces accommodated a similar volume, these little particles respond a lot
quicker in light of the fact that more surface region gives more reaction sites to a similar
volume, leading more chemical reactivity.

One prime case of surface area to volume proportion at the nanoscale is gold
nanoparticle. At the macroscale, gold is an idle component, it doesn't respond with numerous
synthetic compounds, while at the nanoscale, gold nanoparticles turn out to be to a great
degree receptive and can be utilized as catalyst to accelerate responses.

Gold Nanoparticles:
Particles whose at least two dimensions lie in the range of 1 to 100 nm are
characterized as nanoparticles. Nanoparticles have exceptionally unique and improved physical
and chemical properties when contrasted with their bulk materials. Nanoparticles that lie in the
range of biological molecules have many potential applications regarding with biomedical
research which gets much attention in recent years due to its unique properties [2]. Particularly
the gold nanoparticles are the most advantageous in view of their optical properties and bio
compatibility. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are the colloidal suspension of nanosized particles in
water which is usually in bright red color. As color of solution changes with respect to its shape,
size and synthesis technique. Studies show that the difference of colors depends upon the
vibrations of electrons in the conduction band which is called Surface plasmon resonance. By
varying synthesis technique, we can change the shape and size. As Gold nanoparticles show
various applications in medical due to its drug delivery system. Due to the smaller size of Gold
nanoparticles they can easily interact with the cells. The gold nanoparticles turned out to be the
most secure and anti-toxic agents for medication.

Gold core

Ligands (Polyphenols)

Figure 1-1 Functionalized Gold Nanoparticle

Synthesis Technique:
There are two different technique used for the synthesis of Nanoparticles.
One is green synthesis and other one is chemical synthesis.

Green Synthesis:
The process in which Nanoparticles are synthesize by using natural products. It
is an eco-friendly technique used to produce well prepared Nanoparticles. The process which is
more useful for the production of metal nanoparticles is by using organisms. Among all these
organisms, plant is more suitable for large scale synthesis of nanoparticles. The stability of
nanoparticles is enhanced by using plants and their rate of synthesis become much faster than
micro-organism. The advantages of using plant and plant-derived materials for biosynthesis of
metal nanoparticles have interested researchers to investigate mechanisms of metal ions
uptake and bio reduction by plants, and to understand the possible mechanism of metal
nanoparticle formation in plants [1].

Figure 1-2 Green Synthesis Mechanism

Chemical Synthesis:
Stabilization of Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs):
Gold nanoparticles are not steady for longer time. After they get synthesize, they
should be stabilized to prevent agglomeration or destabilization. Different procedures are
utilized to settle AuNPs. Stabilization gives the stability to AuNPs as the inter particle distance is
increased. In our experiment we performed ligand trade examinations to make AuNPs stable
for longer time utilizing polyphenols. The ligand gets attached on the surface of AuNPs and
keeps them from adhering to one another and settling.

Plant-derived functional foods are gaining considerable attention due to their
safety and therapeutic potentials. Research on plant-based functional foods presents several
challenges ranges from hypercholesterolemia to cancer prevention [2]. From last several years,
attention has been diverted to plants that are fit to eat and especially their phytochemicals.
Nowadays, there bioactivity attracting interest, provided by these phytochemicals. As natural
phytochemicals, phenolic compounds (PCs) are a major class of semi-water-soluble compounds
(from fruit and vegetable sources) with one or more benzene rings that are generally found in
nature as glycosides [3]. Polyphenols consists of two classes, one is flavonoids and other is
phenolic acids. Further, flavonoids are classified into flavones, flavanones, flavanols,
isoflavones, and phenolic acids are generally classified into hydroxybenzoic and
hydroxycinnamic acids. Fruit peel is one of the best sources for flavonoids and their availability
may differ from species to species and due to exposure of light. Investigations have revealed
that polyphenols play a vital role to destroy various diseases, like hypercholesterolemia,
hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and cancer insurgence.

Figure 1-3 Polyphenol structure

Figure 1-4 Phenol classification

Aims and Objectives:

The main idea or motivation behind our project is to
 Synthesize gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) using natural products.
Our Research Study:

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