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1. A.

) Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants use

sunlight to manufacture food. Below is an explanation of the

As sunlight enters the leaf

1. The energy of the sun spits the water, which is provided by the
roots, into hydrogen and oxygen.

2. The oxygen is released through the tiny pores on the underside of

the leaves (stomata) where it is available to be breathed by animals.

3. The hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide, taken from the air, to
form glucose – a simple sugar which is the food that plants need to
live. The glucose is transported for storage in other parts of the
B.) Germination is the process whereby a seed develops into a plant.

It occurs in stages viz:

1. The seed swells by soaking up or absorbing water through the

mycropyle. The water activates certain enzymes which break down
stored food.

2. The radicle (young root) begins to push its way through the
softened seed coat and into the ground. The roots grow
downwards so that they can provide sufficient water and nutrients
for the shoot (plumule) after it breaks through the surface of soil.

3. The plumule arises above the surface of the ground and develops
leaves. Photosynthesis begins to take place.
C.) Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of
a plant.

It occurs in two ways:

1. Self-Pollination – this is occurs when pollen grains from the anther

are transferred to the stigma of the same flower.

2. Cross-Pollination – this occurs when the pollen grains from the

anther of one flower are transferred to the stigma of another flower
of the same kind.

Pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma by two
things viz:

 Wind

 Insects and other animals e.g. birds, humans

Fertilization is the formation of a seed by the uniting of a sperm
nucleus from a pollen grain with an egg cell, in the ovule.

This process occurs in 6 stages:

1. Pollen grains are produced by stamen

2. Pollen lands on stigma (pollination)

3. Pollen tube grows

4. Pollen tube reaches ovule

5. Sperm cells move down tube to ovule

6. Sperm cells unite with egg and polar nuclei, causing embryo and
endosperm to form.
2. A.) Circulation is the process by which blood flows from the heart to
all parts of the body.

Below is the explanation of the process:

1. Blood leaves the Left Ventricle of the heart through the Aortic Semi
Lunar Valve and enters the Aorta.

2. The aorta divides into two to supply the upper part of the body and
the lower part of the body.

3. The blood returns to the Right Atrium from the upper part of the
body through a large vein called the Superior Vena Cava.

4. The blood returns to the Right Atrium from the lower part of the
body through a large vein called the Inferior Vena Cava.

5. Blood from these veins flows into the Right Atrium.

6. The blood, from the Right Atrium, passes through the Tricuspid
Valve and enters the Right Ventricle.

7. From the Right Ventricle the blood passes through the Pulmonary
Semi Lunar Valve and enters the Pulmonary Artery, which takes it to
the lungs.

8. Blood is now purified by oxygen in the lungs to become

oxygenated blood (bright red).
9. From the lungs the blood passes through four Pulmonary veins, two
from each lung to the Left Atrium.

10. From the left atrium the blood passes through the bicuspid valve
into the left ventricle where circulation begins again.
B.) Digestion is the breaking down of food into a form which the body
can use.

The process is explained below:

 Food is broken up into tiny bits (masticated)

 Saliva flows from salivary glands and changes starchy foods into

 The tongue rolls food up into small balls called bolus.

 Food passes down by muscular action. No digestion takes place
 Walls contract and relax, thus churning and mixing food

 Gastric Juice flows from the walls of the stomach and continues to
change food

 Food is called Chyme and is in a soupy state

 Pancreatic Juice from the Pancreas and Bile from the liver, pour over
the food which continues to change
Small Intestine
– Intestinal Juices complete the

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