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Advanced Tarot Techniques

Anupama S Joshi
9819440155 /9819440156
Pathworking, Meditation and Visualization
Pathworking, Meditation and Visualization are terms that are often used interchangeably; but there are
differences between these practices. Pathworking works great when you want to imbibe or draw from
the energy of the card, or to perform specific action to achieve your desire – for example, you can do a
Pathworking exercise with the Six of Swords card to release pain and guilt from the past. Meditation
works well when you want to imbibe something intangible– for example, you can Meditate on the
Strength card to find courage and power. When you are looking to achieve tangible outcome,
visualization is a good choice to go with – for example, doing a Visualization exercise with the Four of
Wands and Ace of Pentacles cards for a new house. These techniques are especially useful while
performing Tarot Spells and Rituals.


Pathworking is a Kabbalistic concept that is similar to the process of a journey. It is akin to ‘guided
imagery’, and relates to adventures of the inner landscape, and is deeply nourishing. Pathworking with
Tarot is an astonishing practice. It is the process of entering a Tarot card and interacting with the
symbols and the characters within it. With the right Tarot deck, you can easily step into the landscape of
a particular card and explore it deeply. Pathworking is a powerful way to visualize your goals, and plot
your course from where you are to where you want to be. This technique gives you a way to actively
interact with the Universe and co-create your life. The process also cultivates spiritual development, and
opens our psychic senses. This practice in turn, develops a deeper and more personal understanding of
the card and the meanings associated with that card, thereby making it easy to draw from the energy of
the card if and when required. Using a deck that has vivid and detailed imagery helps in this process.

Sample for Pathworking

1. Sit or lie down comfortably. If you do have a tendency to fall asleep easily, choose to sit down. It is
best to do this sort of work at least an hour after a meal, because a full stomach may encourage sleep,
and tends to discourage astral vision. One the other hand, being hungry can be a distraction as well.
Plan to have a snack available after you are done; it will help ground you.

2. Use the bathroom if required. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Take off your shoes. Most
importantly, put aside all worries and mental distractions. Keep writing materials handy, to note down
your experiences and messages if you receive any.

3. Place your chosen card in front of you. With your eyes closed, project yourself into the landscape of
the card and imbibe everything that it has to offer. For example, if you want to strengthen your work
ethic, use the Eight of Pentacles and focus on it for a few minutes. Then, close your eyes and imagine
yourself bent over the work bench, hammer in hand striking the metal of the Pentacles to design them
perfectly. Imagine the sounds and sensations you would experience when your tool strikes the metal,
the sweat on your brow, and the callus on your palms. As you watch the completed Pentacle, imagine
breathing deeply with exhaustion and pride. In this way, internalize the effort before you actually
begin with your project, and this will help you to push through when things will become challenging
and when obstacles arise.
4. Relax and allow your breath to return to normal, imbibing the energy of the card while doing so.
Make note of all the thoughts and feelings that you experienced while doing the Pathworking, for
future reference.


Meditation is more about feeling and following the feeling, in unraveling the sensation to a point of
mental clarity. Meditation offers a way to go deeper into the meaning and symbolism of each Tarot card
as it allows us to bypass the conscious mind and dive into the subconscious mind. During meditation our
mind relaxes, we let go the continuous thoughts that raid our minds, and the pathway to our subconscious
mind opens up which helps us to tap into a higher level of knowledge and insight. Our intuition gets
sharpened and this helps us to understand the scope of the situation at hand, thereby helping us to also
find suitable solutions, and look at possibilities that are not considered as part of the solutions.

Sample for Meditation

1. Ground and centre yourself, light a candle if you wish to. Take a deep breath in, and then breathe out,
through your nose.

2. At this stage, if you notice any random thoughts coming into your mind, just observe them and then
imagine them floating away like clouds. Bring your attention back to your breath.

3. Now, shift your attention to your body. As you breathe in, feel a wave of relaxation entering your
body and filling you with pure energy. And as you breathe out, imagine relaxation simply flowing
through your entire body.

4. Gaze at the Tarot card you have chosen to meditate upon, for about a minute or so, and close your
eyes. Make note of the feelings that accompany your initial first impression of the card. Stay with
that feeling for a moment. Breathe in and out, and sit with it, allowing it to move through you.

5. When you are ready, bring your attention back into the room, taking in two deep breaths and feeling
the energy returning to your feet, your hands and your body. Open your eyes feeling refreshed and

6. Note down in your journal, the feelings, thoughts and other experiences you encountered during the
Meditation. These musings will add a new dimension to your understanding of the situation, thereby
offering you solutions to situations that need to be addressed.

Visualization is about focus. It is about using your mind to create a mental image of you realizing your
goal/your wish or desire being fulfilled. When the focus of a Meditation is an image, the Meditation
becomes Visualization. Visualization is more active wherein you guide the breath and mind in a specific
direction for a desired result. Visualization with Tarot cards can open new gateways to self awareness and
personal transformation. Information held in the subconscious can be accessed with visualizations based
on the rich archetypal symbolism and the imagery on the Tarot cards.

Sample for Visualization

1. Ground and centre yourself, light a candle if you wish to. Take a deep breath in, and then breathe out,
through your nose.

2. Sit with the Tarot card that represents the goal that you are working towards, or the desire you want
to be fulfilled. Look at the card and soak in the imagery on the card. When you're ready, close your
eyes and allow the symbolism of the card to speak to you.

3. Write down in your journal, any messages that you feel are coming through to you in this moment
that align with your goal and the attainment of your goal. Once you feel clear on what you need to
do, write down your intention on a piece of paper, based on what to need to do to achieve your goal.

4. Once you have done this, you will have completed the triangle - the Tarot card that represents your
goal/desire, your intention, and the action you need to take to achieve the goal. This will help you to
set the ball rolling, and start working towards achieving your goal. For example, if you do a
Visualization exercise with the Nine of Pentacles card for becoming financially abundant and
independent, you may want to set an intention to have a successful career, which may in turn require
you to take up a job/start a business or spruce up whatever you are already doing.
Shadow, Jumper, Clarifier Cards

Shadow Card

Carl Jung referred to our darker sides and ego personalities as ‘Shadow’ sides, parts that we are not
consciously aware of. In other words, our Shadow self is the repressed aspect of the self.

In the practice of Tarot, the Shadow card is the card at the bottom of the deck when you do a reading,
after you have shuffled and are ready to lay the cards out in a spread for a reading. The Shadow card cuts
to the heart of the matter. Many times, clients are hesitant to reveal much when they approach you for a
reading, and in such situations the Shadow card sheds light on whatever is hidden behind the shadows,
whatever is underlying the issue, or is not yet exposed. In this way, this card helps us to navigate the
client’s mindset.

The Shadow card reveals aspects of the situation that client may himself not be aware of. It could be a
part of the situation that the client is in denial about. This card also gives deep insight into the
subconscious mind of the client. Sometimes, the Shadow card my also reveal something that may not
related to the issue in question, but about something else that is on the client’s mind, or is a pressing
matter that needs attention.

In this way, the Shadow card helps to bring awareness to the unseen and unrecognized personality traits.
It assists in identify prevailing subconscious thoughts, and to recognize denials. It brings to light the fears
and personal shortcomings of the client.


Sometimes, a single card/cards jump/fly out when we are shuffling, and it’s not because of poor shuffling.
Such card/s are called ‘jumper/s’.

Some of the ways in which you can deal the jumpers are given below. You can experiment with all of
these possibilities to see what you prefer. You might wind up using only one method, or switch between
a few them according to what feels right.
1. Pick it up, note what card it is, and put it back. If it shows up during the reading, pay special
attention to it. Consider it as a special “outside the box” message and continue with the reading. It
could be representing an aspect of the situation that you need to pay attention to.
2. Pick it up, put it aside, and use it in the reading as the focal point of the reading, or as the Signifactor.
3. If 2-3 cards jump out of the deck, you can do a mini reading with them, and read them again as a part
of the main reading, and consider them as aspects of the situation you may not be aware of, or need
4. You can do a mini reading around the jumper card before you do your main reading. You can choose
a three-card spread: situation-challenge-action advice, and look at this spread as external or unseen
circumstances. The jumper would, in this case, be the situation and you can pull two cards for
challenge and action advice.
5. If the jumper appeared as though the card that jumped was an anomalous, purposeful event, meant to
grab your attention, you can conclude that Spirit might be telling you that the card contains an
important message or addresses something profound that is looming in the client’s unconscious
6. Sometimes a jumper appears to be completely inadvertent and may seem unrelated to the question
that’s being asked. You could consider it to be a sign that the question needs to be re-phrased. Or you
could interpret it to mean that the client is in denial about an important factor in their current


Clarifiers are cards that are drawn to get more information and detail in a reading. They also encourage us
to ask other questions to help understand the situation, especially if the cards are not making any sense.
They help to narrow down a prediction, and to eliminate confusion of any type. Each tarot card has many
possible meanings, and clarifier cards help to figure out which meaning/s is appropriate for the situation.
Comparing the similarities and differences between the original card and the clarifier card, gives us more
information regarding the situation. The clarifier card can strengthen or weaken the original card, and
with this information you can get deeper insights, especially if the card for which you are drawing a
clarifier is reversed. It helps you to find out if a reversed card represents blocked energy or a delay. At
times, the clarifier card can be the ‘missing piece’ that helps you to connect the meanings of the other
cards in the spread.

Clarifiers should be used only when you need more clarity. It is important that before you pull clarifiers,
you are clear about what exactly it is that you want the clarification for. Be sure that you don’t use
clarifiers only to see the response you want. Use clarifiers sparingly and carefully, and remember that the
reading is always about the cards you have drawn first. It’s advisable to draw only one or two clarifier
cards, and for only one or two cards in the spreads, to avoid confusion. You can avoid perplexity making
careful note of the card which is causing you confusion, especially that aspect of the card that you need
the clarification for. Formulate a question which will shed light on your confusion before you pull a
clarifier. If you are using a clarifier to dig deeper into the situation, ask the specific question and then pull
the clarifier.
Tarot & Numerology

In the Tarot, numbers are as important as the images and card titles. Numbers carry a vibration and give
us a world of information if we know what to look for and how to interpret it. Understanding the
significance on numbers in Tarot can be extremely helpful in adding another dimension to a Tarot

Numerology and the Minor Arcana

Considering the numbers of the minor Arcana cards while doing a Tarot reading, gives deeper insights to
understanding the situation, and the reading itself. Making note of which numbers are more prominent or
repeated, or if there are multiples of the same number, gives valuable information regarding the stage in
which the situation is, the stickiness in a situation, the patterns and repetitive nature of the situation.


New beginnings, opportunity, potential, drive, ideas, inspiration and aspiration. One deals with that which
is about to take form. Many ones in a reading indicates that a situation is about to begin or is in the early
stages of development.


Balance, duality, a crossroad or choice, partnership, assimilation, sharing, receptivity, diplomacy, gentle
persuasion, application, agreement and insight. Many twos in a reading indicates a waiting period where
there will be partial success but more will be revealed later. It can also indicate a reconciliation or


Initial achievement of goals, growth, creativity, abundance, expression, communication and friendships.
The number 3 is the cementing factor of 1 and 2 and goes through to 4 to bring about that which is desired
and envisioned. Multiple 3s in a reading indicate group activities or situations involving more than one
person. They can also indicate delay but with the promise of future success.


Structure, foundation, stability, stagnation, manifestation, practical application, formation, concentration,

organisation and planning. It is the result of a well-built foundation and proper application. It is what
comes as a result of desire and imagination (i.e. the energy of 1, 2 and 3). Many 4s in a reading indicate
fruition or the manifestation of an idea along with a foundation where things can grow.


Instability, conflict, loss, opportunity for change, new cycle, change, expansion and recreation. In a
reading, many 5s indicate change, challenge and fluctuation. They also indicate material prosperity but
spiritual poverty if not properly balanced.

Communication, problem-solving, cooperation, balance, relaxation, adjustment, harmony, compassion,

social consciousness, domesticity, love, care, comfort and concern. Many 6s in a reading indicate
adjustments in thoughts, attitudes or conditions. They also represent the ability to transcend difficulties.


Reflection, assessment, motives, spirituality, wisdom, perfect order, observation, investigation,

meditation, discovery and knowledge. Seven represents faith – faith in the things that can’t be seen, but
nevertheless exist. It is about knowing the ultimate truths, and it is through experience that understanding
develops and faith in the unknown is attained. In a reading, many 7s indicate a period of introspection or


Movement, action, change, rebirth, regeneration, re-evaluation, capability, spiritual fortitude, success,
recognition, accomplishment and attainment. Eight is associated with power that springs from within and
enables one to accomplish that which one sets out to do. Many 8s indicate a positive change of mind or


Fruition, attainment, bringing things to a conclusion, completion, fulfilment, selflessness, magnetism,

idealism and giver of wisdom or inspiration. Many 9s in a reading mean that situations or events are
nearing completion or have just been completed and another plateau awaits.


Completion, end of a cycle and renewal. 10 can also become 1 (1+0 = 1) and therefore the tens represent
the same things as the Aces but on a higher level. Many 10s in a reading can indicate endings which will
soon transform into new beginnings.
Numerology and the Major Arcana

Numerology can be combined with the Major Arcana of Tarot to calculate the Personality and Soul cards
of a person. Personality Cards and Soul Cards symbolize important characteristics and divisions of our
being. They reveal our innermost self and our personal identity that remains constant throughout our
lifetime. They also signify our potential in this lifetime and the qualities we can draw upon in order to
fulfill our spiritual mission. They show us the strengths, challenges and key themes of an entire lifetime,
with great accuracy and depth. The Personality Card tells us about how we tend to respond to others
based on past experience, as well as how others perceive us. The Soul Card describes your inner drive and

Personality and Soul cards add value to birthday predictions, and year-ahead predictions. They also give
additional information in Tarot readings for Karmic issues, past life issues, and other readings wherein
one needs to reflect upon a person’s life lessons, life/soul purpose and the progress on the spiritual path.

To calculate your Personality and Soul Cards add the day, month and year you were born. Take that total
and add all the numbers in a row. If the sum is more than 22, add together the resulting numbers.
If the sum is between 10 and 22, that number is your Personality Card. Add the digits in that number to
find your Soul Card.
For example, if your birthday is December 12, 1945
12 + 12 + 1945 = 1969
1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25
Your Personality and Soul Card is 7 – The Chariot.

If your birthday is April 15, 1931

4 +15 + 1931 = 1950
1 + 9 + 5 + 0 = 15
Your Personality Card is 15 – The Devil
Your Soul Card is 6 – The Lovers

**As the birth dates can never add up to zero, the Fool is assigned as the number 22 when calculating
Birth cards**
The same method can be used to derive the Personality and Soul cards for the present/running year to
understand what it hold for you in terms of your life path for this lifetime.
In the table below, you will find some key words for each numerological constellation, and also see which
card is your Hidden Factor or Shadow Card. The term “Shadow” here is used in the Jungian sense to refer
to those aspects of ourselves that we’d rather keep in the subconscious and therefore tend to project onto

Personality & Soul Hidden Factor,

Constellation Principle
Card Patterns Teacher/Shadow

10 + 19
19 Magician
Will and Focused
10-1 (Sun, Wheel of
Fortune, Magician)

2-2 11 + 20
11-2 20 High Priestess Balanced Judgment
(Judgment, Justice, through Intuitive
H.P.) Awareness
20-2 11

3-3 12 + 21
12-3 21 Empress
Love and Creative
(World, Hanged Man,
21-3 12

4-4 13 + 22
13-4 22 Emperor
Life Force and Realization
(Fool, Death,
of Power
22-4 13

5-5 14
(Temperance, Teaching and Learning
14-5 *

6-6 15 Lovers
Relatedness and Choice
15-6 * (Devil, Lovers)

7-7 16 Chariot
Mastery through Change
16-7 * (Tower, Chariot)

8-8 17 Strength
Courage and Self-Esteem
17-8 * (Star, Strength)

9-9 Hermit Introspection and Personal

18-9 (Moon, Hermit) Integrity

Quint is short for ‘quintessence’, a term used in alchemy and medieval philosophy. Quintessence means
‘the fifth element’ and refers to the matter which makes up the heavenly bodies. The sum total of the
numbers in a spread is calculated, and the process is called as ‘taking the quint’. The Quint represents the
essential. It reveals the theme of the reading, and informs us of the core of it. The Quint supports a Tarot
reading by acting as the thread that binds the cards in a spread. It works best when used for smaller
spreads of 3-6 cards.

There are varying views about how the Quint is calculated, however all of them are based on adding the
numeric value of the cards in a spread, and reducing it down to a number from 1 - 9. The Major Arcana
card that corresponds to the number you arrive at is the Quint. The Fool is assigned the number 22 as
numbers never add up to zero.

1.) As there are 21 Major Arcana cards, using all of them as Quint adds more insight. In case the Quint is
a number more than 9, then the card that leads to the final Quint also give additional information. For
example, if the numeric values of the cards in a spread add up to 21, then the Quint is 3. Taking into
consideration that the World is the card leading to the Empress, gives more depth to the reading.
Therefore, 19 (Sun) adds to 10 (WoF), which further adds to 1 (Magician).
2.) Some readers include Court cards while calculating the Quint, while others don’t- they believe that
Court cards represent people. However, Court cards do have interpretations that do not represent
people, so it is debated that they should be included. It’s also possible to leave out the Court cards if
they are representing a person, and include them if they represent something else like a personality
trait or a sub-personality. The Kings are 14, Queens are 13, Knights are 12 and Pages are 11.
3.) Some readers assign a negative value to the reversed cards as reversals are blocks or delays. For
example, in a spread with cards - Ace of P, 4 of W (rx), 10 of P the Quint will be calculated as
1 + (-4) + 10 = 7 - The Chariot

1. The Magician’s number. This number represents new beginnings. This is the seed, and the
potential. The four Aces resonate to this vibration, as does The Sun (1+9) and The Wheel (1+0).
2. The High Priestess’s number. This number represents reflection, duality and polarity It creates
vacillation and either forces a choice or transcendence via silence/stillness. Besides the four Minor
Arcana 2’s, the Justice (1+1) and Judgement (2+0) cards also carry the 2 vibration.
3. The Empress’s number. This number represents Mother Nature, fertility, birth, creativity, growth
and expansion. Besides the four Minor Arcana 3’s, the Hanged Man (1+2) and The World (2+1) also
resonate to the 3.
4. The Emperor’s number. This number represents stability, mercy, authority and organization. The
energy of the 4 makes us want to hold onto to what we have and play it safe. Besides the four Minor
Arcana 4’s, Death also carries the 4 vibration (1+3).
5. The Hierophant’s number. This number represents lessons, learning, adaptability, flexibility,
change and conflict. This energy is known as that of the ‘rolling stone’ because 5’s are always on the
move. Besides the four Minor Arcana 5’s, this number also resonates with Temperance (1+4).
6. The Lovers’ number. This number represents charity, harmony, beauty and radiance. The energy of
the 6 is strong but usually transient. Besides the four Minor Arcana 6’s, The Devil (1+5) also shares
this resonance.
7. The Chariot’s number. This number represents discipline, forward movement, patience and will-
power. 7 is known as the ‘bridge number’ because it connects the mundane with the divine. Its
energy is highly analytical and not very sociable. Besides the four Minor Arcana 7’s, it also resonates
with The Tower (1+6).
8. Strength’s number. The number of strength, kindness, eternity and compassion. 8 is the most
powerful of the yin (even) numbers. It asks us to own and take responsibility for our, as well as to
cultivate it with kindness. 8 is where the Higher Self gently guides the little self to forfeit short-term
satisfaction for long-term gain. Besides the four Minor Arcana 8’s, the vibration of this number is
also carried by The Star (1+7).
9. The Hermit’s number. It is the most introspective of the yang (odd) numbers. 9 is a number of
contemplation and deep wisdom. It is concerned with service and the greater good. It is the number
of the Master Teacher and typically shows up when we are ready to sum up an important life lesson
so that we can pass the wisdom along. Besides the four Minor Arcana 9’s, this energy also resonates
with The Moon card (1+8).
10. The number of The Wheel. This is the number of cycles, new beginnings, pinnacle experiences and
endings. It contains the seed of the 1 and the void of the 0, which we must all pass through as we
leave the old and familiar behind. We reap what we have sown here. Besides the four Minor Arcana
10’s the vibration of this number is also carried by The Magician (1) and The Sun (1+9).
Elemental Dignities was first described by MacGregor Mathers, who was a founding member of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This system is a means to determine how ‘strong’ (powerful and/or
significant) each card or set of cards is in a reading. It is a system which gives importance to cards in a
spread based on the relationship between the cards’ elements (fire, earth, air, water), and is used to
identify cards that strengthen or weaken each other. It was designed to go with specific spreads in which
the cards were read in pairs and triads.

Of the four elements, Fire and Air are considered to be active/masculine/yang/positive. Water and Earth
are considered to be passive/feminine/yin/negative.

To understand the Elemental Dignities, one needs to know about the association of the Suits in the Tarot
deck with the four elements.
Suit of Wands – Fire
Suit of Cups – Water
Suit of Swords – Air
Suit of Pentacles – Earth

Elemental Dignities help in understanding the Court cards better, because apart from the Suits, the Ranks
are also assigned elements. This system helps us to recognize how the metaphysical energies of the Court
cards interact with each other, and to assess the relative strengths and weakness of Court cards in a
spread. The Ranks of the Court cards and their corresponding elements are as follows.
Pages – Earth
Knights – Fire
Queens – Water
Kings – Air

The Major Arcana and their corresponding elements are as follows.

The Fool - Air

The Magician - Air
The High Priestess Water
The Empress - Earth
The Emperor - Fire
The Hierophant - Earth
The Lovers - Air
The Chariot - Water
Strength - Fire
The Hermit - Earth
Wheel of Fortune - Fire
Justice - Air
The Hanged Man - Water
Death - Water
Temperance - Fire
The Devil - Earth
The Tower - Fire
The Star - Air
The Moon - Water
The Sun - Fire
Judgment - Fire (or Water)
The World - Earth


1.) Same Suit/Element

When the Suits/Elements are the same, they strengthen each other. They tend to highlight,
accentuate, emphasize, and give importance to the cards represented. The energies of such cards
are synchronized or harmonized. They act in unison with almost no challenges. There are no
external factors influencing them, but they also have hardly any scope for adjustments of any
Wands/Wands – Fire/Fire
Swords/Swords – Air/Air
Cups/Cups – Water/Water
Pentacles/Pentacles – Earth/Earth

2.) Same Polarity

When Suits/Elements are both, active or passive, they are moderately strong as they are friendly
to each other. They are complementary, compatible and well-matched. They co-exist and can
compromise and create the balance that is needed. Integrating whatever is common between the
two, helps us to succeed.
Wands/Swords – Fire/Air
Cups/ Pentacles – Water/Earth

3.) Complements
When the Suits/Elements complement each other, they are somewhat friendly, and are not totally
comfortable with each other. They tend towards excessiveness or inhibition, wastefulness or
unfriendliness. They need to control creative power through prejudice. Each tends to receive,
stabilize, internalize, secure, or attract the other. They may also act as remedial or healing forces
on each other. More than often, they are neutral to each other, and show relatively inadequate
Swords/Cups – Air/Water
Wands/Pentacles – Fire/Earth
4.) Contraries
When the cards are of contrary/opposing elements, they tend to weaken each other. These cards
are incompatible and hostile, and may represent conflict of interest. They may work at cross
purposes, causing blocks, suppression and inhibition; thereby revealing our vulnerabilities and
weaknesses. In this way they force us to grow by attaining the almost impossible.
Wand/Cups – Fire/Water
Swords/Pentacles – Air/Earth

Elemental Dignities in Triads

In triads, the central card is considered as the most important with the flanking cards influencing and thus
modifying it.

If both the cards flanking the central one are contrary to each other, they tend to neutralize each other and
so the central card becomes extremely vital and important to the reading.

If the contrary element is only in one of the flanking cards, then the other becomes a connecting card and
ensures that the central card is not weakened, but is modified by the influence of both cards and is,
therefore, fairly strong. In this way the center card overcomes the neutralizing force of its contrary
flanking card through the support of the flanking card that is friendlier to it.

If both flanking cards are contrary to the center one then they dominate it completely; the effects of the
central card become extremely weak.
We will be using the Ten of Swords as the central card in the following examples. This card, more than
often, signifies the complete end or destruction of something the querent considers important. A specific
spread is not being used in these examples. These examples will help you understand how, in some
situations, the Ten of Swords has very little influence over the querent’s life; while in other situations, it
influences the events in his life, in a very big way.

1.) The Ten of Swords (Air) is flanked by the Six of Cups (Water) and the Nine of Wands (Fire). The
Ten of Swords as unaffected by the two flanking cards as they are elementally contrary to each
other (Water and Fire), they weaken each other, and so they are unable to influence the Ten of
Swords. This is as good as the Ten of Swords being the only card in the spread.

2.) The Ten of Swords (Air) is flanked by the Four of Pentacles (Earth) and the Nine of Wands
(Fire), Though Four of Wands is weakening the Ten of Swords as their corresponding elements
are contrary to each other (Earth and Air), the Nine of Wands acts like a bridge that connects the
Ten of Swords with the Four of Pentacles, thereby giving it support and strength. This is because
their corresponding elements complement each other (Fire and Air).
3.) The Ten of Swords (Air) is flanked by Seven of Wands (Fire) and Nine of Wands (Fire). Both the
flanking cards provide support to the Ten of Swords. This indicates that the Ten of Swords has a
strong influence on the querent’s life, and is affecting most areas of their life. This is a very
strong combination because the elements of all the three cards are active (Air and Fire).

4.) The Ten of Swords (Air) is flanked by Four of Pentacles (Earth) and Seven of Pentacles (Earth).
Both the flanking cards weaken the Ten of Swords, because Earth and Air are contrary to each
other. This indicates that the Ten of Swords does not influence on the querent’s life significantly.
5.) The Ten of Swords (Air) is flanked by Six of Cups (Water) And Four of Cups (Water). Though
Water Element is friendly to Air, it’s not a strong combination. It’s rather passive because Air
and Water complement each other. Therefore the influence of the Ten of Swords on the querent’s
life is only moderately strong. But we still need to consider the importance of the Ten of Swords
in the reading as it won’t completely overrule the other cards.
Various Faces of the Tarot Court Cards
The Court cards in the Tarot Deck have been a challenge for new as well as experienced Tarot readers.
The Court Cards are also called the ‘People Cards’ or the ‘Face Cards’. They appeared, for the very first
time, in the deck of regular playing cards, during the mid-fifteenth century in Europe, around the time
when the War of the Roses took place, which was a dynasty battle for the throne of England. The royal
court had already become redundant by the time the Rider-Waite Smith deck was published in the year
1910, making it difficult for us to understand and connect with the Court cards.

The Court Cards represent four different Ranks – Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages; and appear in four
different Suits/Elements – Wands/Fire, Swords/Air, Water/Cups, Pentacles/Earth. There are various ways
to interpret the Court cards, the art of reading the cards and intuition determines which perspective is
applicable to a particular reading. One of the biggest reasons for confusion when reading the Court cards
is determining who/what the cards are representing in the reading. The easiest way to deal with this
confusion is to consider the Court card in a reading to be you, unless the situation proves otherwise. Most
times, the Court cards represent you or someone else in your life. Thus, in a reading a Court card may
mean any of the following.

1.) Court Cards as Specific People: Most often, Court Cards represent a person. They could represent
the seeker themselves, or someone the seeker knows, or someone the seeker hasn’t met yet. By
understanding the personality and attributes of the Court card, you can pinpoint whether it is
yourself or someone else.
2.) Court Cards as Personality Traits and Characteristics: Court Cards provide clues as to how a
person thinks, feels and acts, and what truly motivates them. At times, the cards ask us to imbibe
the said personality traits and characteristics to deal with the situation at hand.
3.) Court Cards as a Part of Yourself: Sometimes, the Court Card may indicate a part of yourself,
rather than your complete personality. It shows a side of you that is being expressed or is seeking
expression. It may be part of you that you need to nurture and develop.
4.) Court Cards as a Situation or Event: Court Cards can also represent a situation or an event that
takes on a personality of its own. The appearance of a Court Card may indicate a message, an
invitation, or an offer or a situation that already has or will bring the same characteristics as that
of the card.
5.) Court Cards as a Level of Maturity: In addition to Court Cards representing people, personalities
or situations, they also represent different levels of maturity irrespective of the age of a person.
We often come across youngsters who are very mature while old people behaving like a child.
6.) Court cards as Stages of Life Journey: The Page represents the start of a journey, while the King
represents the conclusion of a journey, complete with life lessons and a deep understanding.

It helps to remember that all Court cards have a voice - they have something to say. Discerning
whether the Court card in a spread takes on a literal meaning or a figurative meaning also aids in
interpreting a Court card. Literal meanings can be the physical attributes like complexion, hair colour
and age. Those that combine Astrology with Tarot can co-relate the Court card with the associating
Astrological Sign. Literal meanings also include the personality traits of a person. Figuratively, a
Court card may represent something symbolically, or a facet of the self/person.
How to Know What Interpretation to Use and When

These are a list of things to consider when interpreting a Court card.

1. The spread being used and the position of the card in the spread. Most times, when a specific
spread is used the position of the cards is fixed and it answers specific questions related to the
issue for which the reading is being done. If the Court card appears in a position that answers
‘what you need to do to change the situation’, then Court card represents you/querent. If a
Court card appears as a response to a position for ‘external influences’, it represents someone
2. The type of question being asked determines who the Court card represents. In readings done
for self-awareness, self-development, and spiritual readings; the Court cards usually represent
aspects of the querent’s personality.
3. Sometimes the Court cards project the traits of the querent that are influencing the situation.
For instance, if a Page shows up for a querent who is older and more like a King, it tells us
that the querent is behaving immaturely.
4. Interacting with the querent during a reading will help ascertain who/what the Court card
represents. Begin by asking the querent if a person represented by the Court Card features in
the situation, or if there is a possibility that this person will show up in the near future.
If the answer is not affirmative, ask the client how he proposes to handle the situation and
what is needed to resolve it. His response will be the cue if the client needs to develop the
traits of the Court Card that has appeared in the reading, or he needs to nurture a particular
part of his personality.
Multiple Court cards in a Tarot Reading
When there is more than one Court card in a spread, they usually represent people in the seeker’s life.
One amongst them could represent the seeker himself depending on the spread and the position of the said
Court card. The other Court cards are people who are influencing the seeker and/or his situation.
Multiple Court cards under a figurative Interpretation suggest events or conditions. They indicate that
something important is going to happen and there will be many people involved.
Two Court cards of the same kind in a spread may indicate two individuals competing against each other
in the given situation. Three Court cards of the same kind indicate close bond among peers. Four of a kind
will indicate community, society, institutions, or seeker’s group affiliations.


Multiple Kings – Public recognition, business meeting, being honoured, conflicts

Two Kings – Partnership, contract, deal, opposing opinions
Three Kings – Unexpected meetings, treaties, much authority, success
Four Kings – Power, struggle for control, conceit, hubris, limitations, boundaries
No Kings – Lack of decisiveness, power and authority


Multiple Queens – Gossip, women’s group, envy, possessiveness

Two Queens – Friendship, rival, conflicts
Three Queens – Powerful and influential friendships, sympathy, hostility
Four Queens – Authority, Influence, great culture and refinement, too many caretakers
No Queens – lack of introspection, nurturing, sensitivity and understanding


Multiple Knights – Lots of movement, sports event, military, training

Two Knights – Court case, protection, rivalry, conflicting missions
Three Knights – Rank and honour, struggle for dominance, compatriot
Four Knights – High testosterone, wars, fights, high-level meetings
No Knights – Slow development, inaction


Multiple Pages – Children, learning, play, many offspring

Two Pages – Friendship, sharing, exchange, competition, conflicting interests or focus
Three Pages – Group of young adults, allies
Four Pages – school, many offspring, extremely naïve, extremely slow
No pages – absence of friend, absence of children in a family, lack of innocence and playfulness
Court Card Combinations
King and Knight – Delegation of responsibility, mentoring, challenge, revolt
King/Queen and Page – Teaching, parent/child interaction, teacher/student interaction, relationship with a
big age/role difference
King and Queen – Attraction, courtship, marriage, a couple, parents
Queen and Knight - Affair, romance, proving worthiness
One Queen and several Kings/Knights or vice versa – A choice among lovers, competition for favours,
jealousy, rivalry, two-faced behavior
Several Knights and Pages – School, college, sporting event, academy, fraternity, gang

Left-right Symbolism in Tarot Court Cards

The direction in which the Court card is facing reveals the character’s frame of reference. Left-handed
symbolism reveals the inner realm of intuition, the unconscious mind, the energy body of the Court cards,
while the right-handed symbolism reveals the external realm of rational thought, the conscious mind and
the physical body of the Court cards. For example, the Page of Swords faces left indicating a emotional
person appearing aggressive on the outside, and she matures to the Queen of Swords who is assertive with
a good command over logic.
The Page and Queen of Wands are facing right which indicates that they are more assertive than their
male counterparts, while the Knight and King of Wands, facing left are too temperamental.
The Knight of Cups faces right for his faith and spiritual ascension, while the Queen of Cups faces left for
her ties with the High Priestess and the Moon.
The Knight of Pentacles faces right for his conviction righteousness, while the Queen of Pentacles faces
left making her someone who is unorthodox and unconventional.
Yes/No Spreads
Tarot readings often employ outcome cards or cards that represent the future or “final” scenario; but these
outcomes are never set in stone. Like any type of fortunetelling, these predictions are only a possible
outcome. People always have the power to redirect their path. This is the very reason why asking close-
ended questions that require a yes/no answer is not advised while doing a Tarot reading. The future is not
set in stone, and a single conscious or unconscious change in the situation can change the final outcome
of a situation. The outcome or answers given by Tarot are applicable only if the situation continues to
remain unchanged, which is usually not the case about anything in life. Hence, it's important to back up a
yes/no reading with questions that will guide you about how to achieve your goals rather than those that
will give you answers that are limiting.... for instance, after asking, “Will I get this job?”, ask this
question, “What do I need to do to get this job?” Such a Tarot reading is more empowering as it puts the
client in control of the situation.

You need a complete clarity about what you are asking. The Tarot does not tell you about the free-will
choices of another person. So, 'Will X ask me to marry him?” is not the way you would ask a question;
but, “Will I get married to X?” works better. Questions that involve simple choices about your life are
appropriate to ask. If you ask, “Are there any men out there?” when you mean, “Are there any men who
are romantically interested in me right now?” you will get very different answers. Also, it is important to
ask questions about actual life situations and not anticipated situations – for instance, if you are not
actively looking for a job will never get a correct answer if you ask a question like, “Will I get a job?” At
the same time, if you are actively looking for a job also needs to be specific when you ask a question,
“Will I get the job for which I had an interview today?” Also, it is best not to ask questions directed
towards an unwanted or negative outcome, and you may need to reframe such a question. So for example,
it is best not to ask a question like, “Am I going to lose my money if I invest in this scheme?” Be cautious
about questions that are double or triple questions, for example in this question, “Will I get married or
stay single for the rest of my life?” In this case, there are actually two sub-questions in one – “Will I get
married?” and ‘Will I stay single for the rest of my life?”

Apart from asking the right question, and framing the question correctly, it is also important how the
reading is conveyed to a client. We have already discussed that the future is dynamic and is not set in
stone. Therefore, it is advisable to choose your words carefully while conveying a yes/no reading. Using
terms like ‘highly likely’, ‘highly unlikely’, ‘little possibility’, ‘good possibility’ is a better option than
stating that something will happen or will not happen. By doing so, you will leave room for the client to
take responsibility for whatever it is that he seeks or desires. In this way, he will realize that he is
accountable for whatever he manifests, and becomes a co-creator of his life. Interpreting the cards that
show up in a yes/no spread gives additional information about the blocks and the steps that can be taken
to achieve the desired goals.
Some methods that can be used for yes/no readings are listed below.

1. Upright or Reverse Cards

Shuffle the deck whilst thinking of the question, but make sure you have a mix or upright and reverse
cards in the deck. If you draw a card in the upright position, it indicates a ‘yes’; and if you draw a card
that appears reversed, it indicates a ‘no’. Interpreting the card draw gives additional insights. For
example, if you draw the 7 of Pentacles for “Will my Tarot business take off in the next year?” it would
mean that you to be patient and not expect overnight success. Or if you draw the 4 of Pentacles in reverse
for ‘Will I go for a vacation this year?” it would indicate that have to get your finances in order before
you can spend on a holiday.
You can also draw 3 or 5 cards to see the likelihood of something happening based on how many of cards
appear upright and how many appear reversed.

2. Determining which cards are a ‘yes’ and which are a ‘no’ for you

Go through all the cards in the Tarot deck one by one and divide them into the piles of which cards
represent a ‘yes’, a no’, and a ‘maybe’, for you. Then make a list of the cards that you have put into each
pile. And that is your personal list of your yes and no cards, which you can refer to whilst doing a yes/no
reading. And I think that it’s really important that you decide this list before you do a Tarot reading and
then stick with it, otherwise you might be a little bit tempted to change the answer according to what you
want to see in the Tarot reading. For example you might find the Sun card as positive, so it would be a
‘yes’. Similarly, the Tower would be a ‘no’. Or Seven of Cups would be a ‘maybe’ as the person in the
card is faced with many choices.
You can also determine whether the major Arcana cards and Minor Arcana cards represent a ‘yes’ or a
‘no’, and what each of the Suits represent, to create a system that you resonate with.
For example – wands could mean ‘yes’, but you have to work for it, Cups could mean ‘yes’, and that it
will come to you easily, Pentacles could mean ‘yes’, but you will pay a price for it, Swords could mean
‘no’, Major Arcana cards could mean that you have luck by your side.

3. Using the Aces to determine Yes/No

Shuffle the deck whilst thinking of your question. Start drawing the cards face up and count till you have
drawn a total of 39 cards. If all the 4 Aces show up in the 39 cards, then it is a definite yes. If there are no
Aces, then it is a definite no. If there are 3 Aces, then it is highly likely, and unlikely if there is only one
Ace. If there are 2 Aces, then it can go either way. Interpreting the cards on either side of the Aces will
give you an indication of the situation at play.
Another variation of this method involves drawing cards face up till you get an Ace within the first 13
cards. Once you get an Ace/draw 13 cards, then you again start drawing cards in a new pile till you get an
Ace within the first 13 cards. In this way, you draw cards in four piles. If all the four piles have an Ace,
then it’s a definite yes, no Aces indicate a definite no. Three Aces indicate a high likelihood, one Ace
indicates that it’s unlikely, and two Aces indicate that there is equal possibility for a yes or a no.
4. The 5-card Yes/No Spread

Shuffle the deck whilst thinking of your question and draw five cards. Major Arcana cards and even
numbered Minor Arcana cards indicate a yes, Court cards and odd numbered Minor Arcana cards indicate
a no. If you get all 5 straight yes or no, then it’s a definite. If you get 3/2 then it’s likely/unlikely. Even
though Aces are odd numbers some Tarot readers consider them as indicative of a yes. Interpreting the
cards in the spread gives additional insights regarding the blocks and what needs to be done to achieve the

5 – Card Yes/No Spread

Major Arcana & Even Numbers – Yes

Court Cards & Odd Numbers - No

5. Wheel Of Fortune Yes/No Spread

i) Pull out the Wheel of Fortune from the deck and lay it face up in front of you.
ii) Shuffle the rest of the deck thinking about your question.
iii) Pick out 7 cards and lay them on top of the Wheel of Fortune.
iv) Turn over the Wheel of Fortune so all the cards are facing the same way.
v) Shuffle the 8 cards so you no longer know where the Wheel of Fortune is.
vi) Lay out the cards as follows starting in the yes position dealing clockwise
vii) The positioning of the Wheel of Fortune gives you our answer – Yes, Soon, Delay, No.

Interpreting all of the cards in the spread gives a complete picture of the situation, especially the card next
to the Wheel of Fortune. It’s best not to use reversals for this reading. If you get a No or Delay you can
look at the cards around to see what the obstacles are and what you need to do to change that outcome. If
you get a lot of Court cards this could indicate that other people will play a part in the outcome. If there
are a lot of Major Arcana cards it indicates that karma is in play.

Yes Soon

Delay No

Wheel of Fortune Yes/No Spread

Tarot card Combinations
When it comes to learning Tarot, the first most important thing that needs to be mastered is the meaning
of each individual Tarot card. However, apart from learning the meanings of the cards, the next most
important thing to understand is how these cards interact with each other in a Tarot spread. Tarot card
combinations give a synopsis of what one card means in relation to another card in a spread.

There are 78 cards in a standard Tarot deck, so there are 6,006 (78x77) possible Tarot card combinations.
Everyone has a unique way of intuiting the cards, which makes Tarot combinations very subjective. It
helps if we start with asking the following questions to develop our skill to interpret Tarot card
What do these two cards mean together?
How do the energies of these cards interact with each other?
How do these two cards reinforce or oppose each other?

To understand Tarot Card combinations in depth, we need to consider the following aspects.

1. Keywords - You can mix, match and compare the keywords and phrases that you usually associate
with each card until you find a combined meaning that truly resonates with the situation.

Example - High Priestess (intuition) + Eight of Pentacles (skill-building) = developing your intuitive

2. Numerology – If both cards share the same number, the significance of that number is enhanced. If
both cards are within the range of 1 to 3, it reflects the beginning of a cycle. If the cards are within the
range of 4-6, it is the middle of a cycle, and if they are within the range of 7-10, it is the end of a
cycle. If the Tarot cards are not close in number, then it may indicate movement from one phase to
another, either in terms of progress (an increase in number) or regression (a decrease in number).

Example – Two of Cups + Two of Wands = focus on partnerships, could be a couple planning a
future together
Ace of Swords (1) + Empress (3) = the beginning of a cycle, could be an idea or a thought is coming
into being

3. Elements - Each card in the Minor Arcana belongs to one of four Suits, and each Suit is associated
with an element. The Suit of Cups represents the element of Water. The Suit of Pentacles represents
Earth. The Suit of Swords represents Air. And the Suit of Wands represents Fire. When the Tarot card
combination features two Minor Arcana cards, then the elements can help you interpret that
Swords (Air) + Cups (Water) = balancing the head and the heart.
Swords (Air) + Wands (Fire) = dominant masculine energy (both Air and Fire are masculine) and
bringing ideas (Wands) into action (Swords).

Example - Three of Pentacles + Eight of Pentacles = teamwork with focus on work, money and/or
material things.
4. Major Arcana/Minor Arcana - If both Tarot cards are from the Major Arcana, then you know
that this is about a karmic lesson or a major life theme. If both Tarot cards are from the Minor
Arcana, then you know that this is about a temporary issue, situation or event. If one card is a Major
Arcana card and the other is a Minor Arcana card, then the Major Arcana card tells you ‘what’ or
‘why’ and the Minor Arcana card tells you ‘how’.

Example - High Priestess + Hermit (Both major Arcana cards) = a period of deep introspection and
soul-searching to connect with a Higher Power
Page of Cups + the Three of Pentacles (Both Minor Arcana cards) = mentoring a young and creative
High Priestess + Three of Wands (Major Arcana & Minor Arcana) = connecting deeply with your
intuition (what) by creating a vision for the future (how)

5. Symbolism - Finding common symbols within a Tarot card combination can alert you to important
themes associated with those symbols. Symbols have common meanings and personal meanings.
Common meanings are those that you find in books, websites, courses, etc. Personal meanings are
those that are generated from your past experiences, your subconscious mind and your intuition.

Example - Temperance + Judgement (both feature archangels) = could be a sign that your angels are
looking after you and offer a sign of hope and faith during a difficult time.

6. Court cards - If both Tarot cards are Court cards, then it’s likely that this combination represents
two people who are in relationship with one another. Each Court card represents the most dominant
personality that is being expressed, within the relationship. Also, look at the Court position. That is, is
it a combination of two Pages, or a Page and a King? This will give you insight into maturity, balance
of power or stage of development. In some cases, the two Court cards may represent different aspects
of the one person.

Example - Queen of Wands + King of Swords = a confident, self-assured woman interacting with a
dominant male in a position of authority
Page of Wands + King of Pentacles = a young apprentice partnered with an experienced businessman
Knight of Swords + Page of Cups = a person who is ready to take action on their newfound creativity

7. Strengthening/Weakening - Some Tarot cards are very polarizing. They are either very
‘negative’, like the Tower or Devil; or are very positive, like the Sun or the World. It’s important to
look out for these seemingly negative and positive cards in a Tarot card combination, as they will
either strengthen or weaken the combination. Remember though, Tarot cards are neither wholly
positive nor wholly negative and there is always light and shade within each and every card. If both
cards are mostly positive or mostly negative, the energy is strengthened. If one card is mostly positive
and one card is mostly negative, the energy of both is weakened, or balanced out. This kind of
combination is showing you the positives and the negatives of a situation.
Example - Sun + Star = huge success
Devil + Tower = dire outcomes due to addiction
Sun + Tower = a blessing in disguise (positives and the negatives of a situation)
8. People Interactions - If both Tarot cards feature people, check if they facing towards each other or
looking away. If they are looking away from each other, it may be a sign of tension or disengagement
in the relationship. If both are looking towards each other, it may be a sign of a balanced and
connected relationship. If both are looking to the right, it may be a sign of a combined focus on the
future. And if both are looking to the left, it may be a sign of reflecting on the past. Looking forward
can be a sign of dealing with issues head on while standing with one’s back turned can be a sign of
ignoring the ‘now’ or wanting to escape.

Example - Queen of Cups + Page of Wands = a teenage son ignoring his mother (looking away from
each other)
Page of Wands + Queen of Cups = a healthy relationship between mother and son (looking towards
each other)

9. Upright/Reversed - If both cards are upright, the energy is flowing easily and there’s more activity
happening in the outer world. If one card is upright and the other is reversed, there’s a focus on both
the inner and outer worlds.. And if both cards are reversed, the energy may be blocked or there’s
more activity happening in the inner, more private world.

Example - Nine of Cups + Queen of Swords (both upright) = making decisions for the benefit of all
Nine of Cups (upright) + Queen of Swords (reversed) = expressing contentment with personal
Nine of Cups + Queen of Swords (both reversed) = discontentment with personal decisions, or feeling
privately content about the personal decisions you’ve made

10. Flow - Flow is all about finding common symbols, people or themes within the cards and observing
how these change or evolve from one card to the next. Find something that’s common between the
two cards. It might be a shared symbol, object, person, background, or even overall theme. Then
observe how it changes from one card to the next. This gives new information about the situation.

Example - Ten of Cups + Six of Cup (common element is the pair of children). In the Ten, the
children are happily dancing next to their parents. In the Six, they are still happily playing, but now
they are on their own. This can be interpreted as as “kids growing up” or an increased level of
independence, yet still a sense of playfulness.
Page of Cups + Sun (common element is flowers). In the Page of Cups, the flowers are on the Page’s
tunic, and in the Sun, the flowers are towering above the wall and around the young child’s head. This
could be a sign of taking something that you have previously held close and now making it more
Examples of Card Combinations

1. Fool + Chariot = journey
2. Fool + Wheel of Fortune = journey
3. Fool + Temperance = higher education
4. Fool + Devil = difficult person who you cannot deal with
5. Fool + Star = unpredictable situation
6. Fool + Sun = unexpected cheer and joy
7. Fool + Tower = crisis due to foolishness, not looking before you leap
8. Fool + Magician = luck in career
9. Fool + Empress = unexpected pregnancy
10. Fool + Emperor = situation making a person mature quickly
11. Fool (reversed) + Justice = unwilling witness in a legal case
12. Fool (reversed) + Sun = later stages in pregnancy
13. Fool (reversed) + World = wasting talents and resources
14. Fool (reversed) + Star = impulsive action resulting in regret

1. Magician + Wheel of Fortune = Luck
2. Magician + Emperor = self-employment
3. Magician + Temperance = a beneficial association
4. Magician + Devil = pulled into a bad situation
5. Magician + World = using talents for others
6. Magician (reversed) + Empress = adultery
7. Magician (reversed) + Lovers = difficulty to commit in a relationship
8. Magician (reversed) + Hierophant = spiritual crisis
9. Magician (reversed) + World = out of alignment geographically – culture clashes, language

High Priestess
1. High Priestess + Magician = on the path of the highest and the best
2. High Priestess + Emperor = a woman in a man’s world
3. High Priestess + Chariot = career woman
4. High Priestess + Temperance = person who can communicate with higher power
5. High Priestess + World = higher studies, academician
6. High Priestess (reversed) + Strength = losing faith and passion
7. High Priestess (reversed) + Hermit = growing apart from family and friends, isolation
8. High Priestess (reversed) + Hanged Man = lost in a world of conspiracy and false ideas
9. High Priestess (reversed) + Tower = addicted to drama, emotional rollercoaster
10. High Priestess (reversed) + World = inability to complete education/studies
1. Empress + Sun = pregnancy
2. Empress + Chariot = nurturing career
3. Empress + Fool = nurturing children
4. Empress + Emperor = charismatic couple, parents
5. Empress + Hanged Man = creating a peaceful life
6. Empress + Moon = spiritual path, spiritual gifts
7. Empress + Judgement = single mother
8. Empress (reversed) + Chariot = delays in achieving material success
9. Empress (reversed) + Hermit = loneliness, difficulty in making friends
10. Empress (reversed) + Devil = promiscuity, love/sex addictions
11. Empress (reversed) + Moon = excessive worrying, nagging
12. Empress (reversed) + Judgement = difficulty in caring for someone elderly

1. Emperor + Fool = calculated risk
2. Emperor + Strength = human resources, spiritual entrepreneur
3. Emperor + Wheel of Fortune = better job, promotion
4. Emperor + Justice = working with government or legal system
5. Emperor + Temperance = working in management, humanitarian field
6. Emperor + Tower = burnout due to too much stress
7. Emperor + World = working with natural resources
8. Emperor (reversed) + Fool = lack of care and nurturing of youngsters
9. Emperor (reversed) + Hierophant = organization losing valuable funds
10. Emperor (reversed) + Lovers = unable to function in a relationship due to lack of self-love
11. Emperor (reversed) + Strength = giving too much without any boundaries
12. Emperor (reversed) + Sun = absence of a father figure

1. Hierophant + High Priestess = deeper sense of meaning and purpose
2. Hierophant + Temperance = ancient culture, spiritual rituals
3. Hierophant + Star = sudden awakenings that creates shock waves in their lives
4. Hierophant + Sun = long-term success and security
5. Hierophant + World = travel overseas to teach
6. Hierophant (reversed) + Fool = learning institution lacking guidance and structure
7. Hierophant (reversed) + Magician = relationship that is failing
8. Hierophant (reversed) + Justice = investigation of an organization for illegal activities
9. Hierophant (reversed) + Tower = spiritual crisis, abandonment of spiritual faith
10. Hierophant (reversed) + Moon = fear-driven beliefs and actions, mental institution that is not
functioning properly
1. Lovers + Fool = falling in love too easily
2. Lovers + Magician = true love and being with your highest and best soul-mate
3. Lovers + Hermit = long distance relationship, finding love late in life
4. Lovers + Hierophant = getting married
5. Lovers + Wheel of Fortune = destiny meeting bringing you love
6. Lovers + Justice = legal aspects of a relationship
7. Lovers + Moon = romantic surprises
8. Lovers + Sun = love at first sight
9. Lovers + World = romance across continents
10. Lovers (reversed) + Magician = afraid to fall in love
11. Lovers (reversed) + Emperor = love for the purpose of security
12. Lovers (reversed) + Chariot = breaking up, pursuing someone for love
13. Lovers (reversed) + Justice = divorce
14. Lovers (reversed) + Moon = looking for love in wrong places
15. Lovers (reversed) + Judgement = karmic relationship to do with ‘reap as you sow’

1. Chariot + Magician = sales job, traveling to meet your soul-mate
2. Chariot + Hermit = postal service, receiving or sending letters/email
3. Chariot + Hanged Man = winning by biding time
4. Chariot + Death = police, military
5. Chariot + Star = seeking fame
6. Chariot + Judgement = political ambitions
7. Chariot (reversed) + Fool = accident prone while travelling
8. Chariot (reversed) + High Priestess = lack of self-belief
9. Chariot (reversed) + Strength = depending too much on your partner, friend or colleague
10. Chariot (reversed) + Justice = problems with legalities, losing a legal case
11. Chariot (reversed) + Star = losing sight of one’s dreams
12. Chariot (reversed) + World = one needs to stay on top of things to avoid falling behind

1. Strength + Fool = helping students
2. Strength + Magician = rock-solid relationship, nurturing talents in self and others
3. Strength + Chariot = letting someone go
4. Strength + Hermit = caring for someone through teachings and mentoring
5. Strength + Justice = legal assistance
6. Strength + Sun = taking care of children, giving children a safe childhood
7. Strength (reversed) + Fool = either be taken advantage of or taking advantage of others
8. Strength (reversed) + High Priestess = woman on her own with little to no support
9. Strength (reversed) + Chariot = pressure to perform resulting in feeling drained of energy
10. Strength (reversed) + Moon = negative thoughts/emotions resulting in loss of passion/energy
11. Strength (reversed) + Sun = much-needed break or holiday coming up
1. Hermit + Fool = letting go of worries and concerns, secrets being revealed
2. Hermit + Wheel of Fortune = healer, animal communicator and/or mentor
3. Hermit + Hanged Man = being different from contemporaries
4. Hermit + Death = generation gap, it can also mean a child who is an old soul
5. Hermit + Judgement = old person, political advisor
6. Hermit (reversed)+ Lovers = a couple who rarely socialize outside their relationship
7. Hermit (reversed)+ Strength = hoping for better times ahead
8. Hermit (reversed)+ Moon = feeling very low emotionally
9. Hermit (reversed) + World = feeling of not belonging on this planet.

Wheel of Fortune
1. Wheel of Fortune + Fool = an unexpected promotion or offer
2. Wheel of Fortune + High Priestess = a fortunate meeting with an influential woman
3. Wheel of Fortune + Hanged Man= turning down an offer that is hard to refuse
4. Wheel of Fortune + Star = public recognition
5. Wheel of Fortune + World = emigrating overseas
6. Wheel of Fortune (reversed) + Fool = losing direction, skill shortage
7. Wheel of Fortune (reversed) + High Priestess = losing touch with inner guidance, losing contact
with an important woman
8. Wheel of Fortune (reversed) + Chariot = feeling defeated, losing driver license, car problems
9. Wheel of Fortune (reversed) + Hanged Man = unemployment
10. Wheel of Fortune (reversed) + Death = while one door closes, another opens
11. Wheel of Fortune (reversed) + Tower = losing something important at the worst possible time
12. Wheel of Fortune (reversed) + Judgement = forced retirement

1. Justice + Fool = unexpected luck in legal outcomes
2. Justice + Magician = very clever lawyer
3. Justice + Emperor = legal firm
4. Justice + Chariot = starting a new fitness regime
5. Justice + Devil = criminal lawyer
6. Justice + Moon = legal loopholes
7. Justice + Devil = political ideas and agendas
8. Justice (reversed) + High Priestess = lack of opportunities for women
9. Justice (reversed) + Hermit = imprisonment
10. Justice (reversed) + Hanged Man = legal setbacks
11. Justice (reversed) + Devil = criminal activity/organization
12. Justice (reversed) + Tower = covered-up lies and betrayal
13. Justice (reversed) + Moon = bullying
14. Justice (reversed) + Sun = custody battle
Hanged Man
1. Hanged Man + Fool = sudden change of lifestyle, stay at home parent
2. Hanged Man + Emperor = going against your instincts
3. Hanged Man + Hermit = a psychiatrist
4. Hanged Man + Death = changing the future by changing the belief system
5. Hanged Man + Star = an activist for peace
6. Hanged Man + Moon = a creative genius
7. Hanged Man + Sun = delay in getting pregnant, being out of touch with the present moment.
8. Hanged Man (reversed) + Magician = missing an opportunity due to focusing on the wrong things
9. Hanged Man (reversed) + High Priestess = old grief and sadness blocking psychic powers
10. Hanged Man (reversed) + Lovers = an abusive relationship
11. Hanged Man (reversed) + Hermit = addictions
12. Hanged Man (reversed) + Death = fear of change
13. Hanged Man (reversed) + Star = being led astray
14. Hanged Man (reversed) + Judgement = being taken advantage of

1. Death + Fool = facing a fear head-on
2. Death + High priestess = mediumship, surfacing of past life memories
3. Death + Justice = dealing with taxes or handling other people’s money, inheritance
4. Death + Chariot = changing residence
5. Death + Moon = creative blocks
6. Death + Sun = re-living a childhood memory
7. Death + Judgement = near-death experience
8. Death (reversed) + Fool = difficulty in school
9. Death (reversed) + Justice = prolonged and unfair legal proceedings
10. Death (reversed) + Wheel of Fortune = escaping death/disaster
11. Death (reversed) + Hanged Man = to want to give up
12. Death (reversed) + Devil = imprisonment, feeling stuck
13. Death (reversed) + Tower = emotional breakdown due to a difficult upbringing, abuse in
14. Death (reversed) + Sun = lack of growth, stagnation, substance abuse

1. Temperance + Strength = mastering emotions
2. Temperance + Tower = emotional ups and downs that are at the extremes on each side
3. Temperance + Star = to be in public eye
4. Temperance + Judgement = additional responsibility
5. Temperance (reversed) +Fool = unexpected responses to situations resulting in difficulties
6. Temperance (reversed) + Magician = feeling of unworthiness
7. Temperance (reversed) + Moon = insomnia with worrying or having bad dreams
8. Temperance (reversed) + Sun = situation will soon improve
1. Devil + Emperor = controlling authoritative figure
2. Devil + Hierophant = corrupt system
3. Devil + Chariot = soldier, moving away from a limiting situation
4. Devil + Judgement = being too assertive, need to be tolerant
5. Devil (reversed) + Justice = accusation will be proved false
6. Devil (reversed) + Fool = newfound freedom
7. Devil (reversed) + High Priestess = failed IVF
8. Devil (reversed) + temperance = suppression of Shadow side
9. Devil (reversed) + Moon = insanity
10. Devil (reversed) + Sun = hidden danger

1. Tower + Fool = sudden shock, being unexpectedly and purposefully mean
2. Tower + Magician = emotional turmoil triggered by a loved one
3. Tower + Devil= taking a stand and not backing down, retaliation
4. Tower + Star = need to ask for help and support from others
5. Tower + Judgement = a wake-up call
6. Tower (reversed) + Fool = difficulties in moving on from rigid structures
7. Tower (reversed) + Justice = bound by to a contract without really knowing what they signed up
for, and not being able to get out of it
8. Tower (reversed) + Moon = being slowly poisoned, could be through the water, food or
medication, being brainwashed
9. Tower (reversed) + Star = making the most out of a difficult situation, turning into healers and
10. Tower (reversed) + Judgement = help from an outside, unlikely source, turn the situation by
playing politics

1. Star + Emperor = government support and assistance
2. Star + Hermit = furthering your education
3. Star + Devil = manifesting what you don’t want, rather than what you do want
4. Star + Tower = hopes being shattered temporarily because of a specific reason
5. Star + Moon = being on the path to fame, a creative career
6. Star + Sun = sudden success and recognition
7. Star + World = a challenging occupation
8. Star (reversed) + Magician = lack of self-belief due to the people around you
9. Star (reversed) + Chariot = fear of success, holding oneself back
10. Star (reversed) + Devil = unable to get out of a negative situation caused by pessimism
11. Star (reversed) + Star = violation of human rights, difficulty with internet/online activity
12. Star (reversed) + World = isolated from the world around you
1. Moon + Strength = being forced out of comfort zone
2. Moon + Hermit = a writer or a creative entrepreneur
3. Moon + Wheel of Fortune = an artistic breakthrough
4. Moon + Hanged Man = escapism by shutting off from outside world or using drugs
5. Moon + Devil = shady business deal, criminal or underworld activity
6. Moon + Judgement = owning a valuable piece of art or being an art collector, working in
television/film, screenwriting, writing jobs and fashion careers
7. Moon (reversed) + Fool = thrill seeker
8. Moon (reversed) + Magician = compulsive liar
9. Moon (reversed) + Chariot = car trouble, difficulties in travels
10. Moon (reversed) + Hanged Man = getting deeper into a problem, drug problems
11. Moon (reversed) + Sun = difficulty in raising children
12. Moon (reversed) + World = a dangerous place/location

1. Sun + Fool = a child who is loved a lot
2. Sun + Hermit = a child is wise or matured beyond years, success as a storyteller
3. Sun + Wheel of Fortune = victory in games and competitions
4. Sun + Justice = success in a legal case
5. Sun + Devil = success in business
6. Sun + Empress = success in conceiving a child
7. Sun + World = travelling/relocating to a sunny location overseas
8. Sun (reversed) + Empress = infertility
9. Sun (reversed) + Emperor = poor leadership
10. Sun (reversed) + Hierophant = old-age facility, closing down of institutions and charities
11. Sun (reversed) + Lovers = relationship needs renewal and rejuvenation
12. Sun (reversed) + Death = an unwanted ending, difficult childhood
13. Sun (reversed) + World = difficulties passing exams and tests

1. Judgement + Fool = receiving what you desire most
2. Judgement + Magician = discovering the gift meant to be shared with the world
3. Judgement + Emperor = judge, politician
4. Judgement + Devil = law enforcement
5. Judgement + Star = journalism
6. Judgement (reversed) + High Priestess = widow
7. Judgement (reversed) + Emperor = fall from grace
8. Judgement (reversed) + Hermit = widower
9. Judgement (reversed) + Temperance = filled with regrets
10. Judgement (reversed) + Devil = being pulled into a dangerous network
11. Judgement (reversed) + Star = abandonment
12. Judgement (reversed) + World = having a distorted view of the world resulting in isolation
1. World + Magician = a soul-mate from another country, travelling overseas for work
2. World + Emperor = world resources and governments
3. World + Temperance = studying overseas
4. World + Devil = oil and gas industry, mining, and farming
5. World + Tower = natural disasters
6. World + Star = a public life, career in media, internet careers
7. World (reversed) + Fool = being interested only in the initial stages of projects
8. World (reversed) + Magician = difficulty due to language barrier
9. World (reversed) + High Priestess = a group of women having to hide
10. World (reversed) + Empress = gender discrimination against females
11. World (reversed) + Hierophant = cultural conflicts
12. World (reversed) + Lovers = creation of distance between a couple
13. World (reversed) + Temperance = longing to escape the place where you are living
14. World (reversed) + Judgement = prison, institution

Minor Arcana

Wands + Wands = excessive energy and passion

Wands + Swords = converting passion into plans
Wands + Cups = confluence of passion and emotions, converting of passion into creativity
Wands + Pentacles = converting passion into action
Swords + Swords = excessive worrying or thinking
Swords + Cups = thoughts supported by emotions, putting your heart into your actions
Swords + Pentacles = converting mind into matter
Cups + Cups = extremely emotionally charged situation/person
Cups + Pentacles = earning money from creative pursuits
Pentacles + Pentacles = highly practical situation/person
Timing with Tarot
Predicting timing with Tarot is perhaps the most complex and dreaded element of Tarot reading. Most
Tarot readers steer clear of close-ended questions that seek the answers to questions that start with
‘when’. Before we delve into the topic of using Tarot for depicting time-frames, we need to understand
that the future is not set in stone and all Tarot predictions related to timing are a possibility or likelihood.
It is also very important to know when one should read on timing and when it is best left alone.

In situations where the relevant actions have been taken, and things have been set in motion, predicting
timing can be helpful. This is much like the sky being overcast and we are sure that it will rain at a later
point in time. These are the scenarios when the cards can be used to nail the timing with an error margin
of a week and half either way. And it is because of the error margin, we need to exercise caution while
conveying the predictions to the seeker – never claim that something WILL happen at the predicted time.
It is necessary to make the seeker understand that the future is dynamic and even one small change,
conscious or unconscious, can change the outcome. It helps if you explain that Tarot predictions are
subject to the situation remaining fixed and are largely based on the dynamics of the situation in the
present moment.

There are various methods to predict timing with Tarot. Here’s a few of them.

1. Using the Suits and Elements

Using the Suits and respective Elements of the Tarot cards can help to determine the specific time while
predicting time using Tarot
For example:
Wands – Days or Spring
Swords – Weeks or Autumn
Cups – Months or Summer
Pentacles – Years or Winter
You need to combine the Suit and the number of the Tarot card. For example, the Five of Wands indicates
five days or, more broadly, Spring. For the Court Cards, the timing of the event may depend on another
person; however you can still gauge an approximate indication of time using the Suits. Major Arcana
cards mean that no timeframe is specified but instead the issue indicated by the card must first be
resolved. Reversals should be noted, as with this system they represent obstacles that must be overcome
before the event can occur
You will see a lot of variations in this system; for instance some readers associate Swords with days and
Wands with weeks. As with many Tarot techniques, go with your gut instinct and what feels right for you.
2. Using Golden Dawn Techniques

The Golden Dawn had its own associations that are used by many Tarot readers.

The seasons are assigned to the Aces:

Wands = summer
Cups = autumn
Swords = spring
Pentacles = winter

The suits are associated with various times of the month:

Pentacles = New Moon
Swords = waxing moon
Wands = Full Moon
Cups = waning moon

The suits are connected to various times of the day:

Pentacles = midnight to sunrise
Swords = sunrise to noon
Wands = noon to twilight
Cups = twilight to midnight

3. Using the Suits and Astrology

Suit of Swords (Air)

Gemini : 22 May – 21 June
Libra : 24 September – 23 October
Aquarius : 21 January – 19 February

Suit of Wands (Fire)

Aries : 21 March – 20 April
Leo : 23 July – 21 August
Sagittarius : 23 November – 22 December

Suit of Cups (Water)

Cancer : 22 June – 22 July
Scorpio : 24 October – 22 November
Pisces : 20 February – 20 March

Suit of Pentacles (Earth)

Taurus : 21 April – 21 May
Virgo : 22 August – 23 September
Capricorn : 23 December – 20 January
Timing based on planetary and Astrological assignations for Major Arcana - I

The Fool Uranus/Aquarius (January 21-February 20)

The Magician Mercury/Gemini and Virgo (May 21 – June 20 and August 21-September 20)
The High Priestess Moon/Cancer (June 21 – July 20)
The Empress Venus/Taurus and Libra (April 21 – May 20 and September 21 – October 20)
The Emperor Aries (March 21 – April 20)
The Hierophant Taurus (April 21-May 20)
The Lover Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The Chariot Cancer (June 21 – July20)
Strength Leo (July 21 – August 20)
The Hermit Virgo (August 21 – September 20)
The Wheel of Fortune Sagittarius (November 21-December 20)
Justice Libra (September 21–October 20)
The Hanged Man Neptune/Pisces (February 21-March 20)
Death Scorpio (October 21-November 20)
Temperance Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)
The Devil Capricorn (December 21 – January 20)
The Tower Mars/Aries (March 21-April 20)
The Star Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)
The Moon Pisces (February 21 – March 20)
The Sun Sun/Leo (July 21 – August 20)
Judgement Pluto/Scorpio (October 21 – November 20)
The World Saturn/Capricorn (December 21 - January 20)
Timing based on planetary and Astrological assignations for Major Arcana - II

The Fool Uranus/Air – when you least expect it

The Magician Mercury no timing indicated but things will move quickly
The High Priestess Moon timing for this is not revealed
The Empress Venus - timing depends on at least one other person in the situation
The Emperor Aries (March 21 – April 20)
The Hierophant Taurus (April 21-May 20)
The Lover Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The Chariot Cancer (June 21 – July20)
Strength Leo (July 21 – August 20)
The Hermit Virgo (August 21 – September 20)
The Wheel of Fortune Jupiter - no timing indicated, but there’s luck
Justice Libra (September 21–October 20)
The Hanged Man Neptune/Water – delays, no timing available
Death Scorpio (October 21-November 20)
Temperance Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)
The Devil Capricorn (December 21 – January 20)
The Tower Mars – unexpectedly and unavoidably with force
The Star Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)
The Moon Pisces (February 21 – March 20)
The Sun Sun – daytime, summer
Judgement Pluto/Fire – no timing available, two likely possibilities/outcomes
The World Saturn – winter, delays and trials are likely
Timing based on Minor Arcana


Ace of Wands June 21 – September 22

Two of Wands March 21 – March 30
Three of Wands March 31 – April 10
Four of Wands April 11 - April 20
Five of Wands July 21 – August 01
Six of Wands August 02 – August 10
Seven of Wands August 11- August 22
Eight of Wands November 23 – December 02
Nine of Wands December 03 – December 12
Ten of Wands December 13 – December 22
Page of Wands June 21 – September 22
Knight of Wands July 13 – August 11
Queen of Wands March 11 – April 10
King of Wands November 12 – December 12

Ace of Cups September 23 – December 20

Two of Cups June 21 – July 01
Three of Cups July 02 – July 12
Four of Cups July 13 – July 20
Five of Cups October 23 – November 01
Six of Cups November 02 – November 11
Seven of Cups November 12 – November 22
Eight of Cups February 19 – February 28
Nine of Cups March 01 – March 10
Ten of Cups March 11 – March 20
Page of Cups September 23 – December 20
Knight of Cups October 13 – November 11
Queen of Cups June 11 – July 12
King of Cups February 09 – March 10

Ace of Swords December 21 – March 20

Two of Swords September 23 – October 02
Three of Swords October 03 – October 12
Four of Swords October 13 – October 22
Five of Swords January 20 – January 29
Six of Swords January 30 – February 08
Seven of Swords February 09 – February 18
Eight of Swords May 21 – May 30
Nine of Swords June 01 – June 10
Ten of Swords June 11 – June 20
Page of Swords December 21 – March 20
Knight of Swords January 10 – February 08
Queen of Swords September 12 – October 12
King of Swords May 11 – June 11

Ace of Pentacles March 21 – June 20

Two of Pentacles December 20 – December 30
Three of Pentacles December 31 – January 09
Four of Pentacles January 10 – January 19
Five of Pentacles April 21 – April 30
Six of Pentacles May 01 – May 10
Seven of Pentacles May 11 – May 20
Eight of Pentacles August 23 – September 01
Nine of Pentacles September 02 – September 11
Ten of Pentacles September 12 – September 22
Page of Pentacles March 21 – June 20
Knight of Pentacles April 11 – May 10
Queen of Pentacles December 13 – January 09
King of Pentacles August 11 – September 11
4. Using a Yes/No Spread

We can determine the timing by including a time frame within the question that gives a Yes/No answer.
For example, instead of asking “When will I get a job?’, you can rephrase the question as ‘Will I get a job
by the end of this month?’

5. A Spread to Determine Timing

This spread works best within a one year time frame.

Ask (or write your question), shuffle the whole deck, and then draw cards one by one. Stop if you get a 2,
3 or 4 (only from the Minor Arcana). If you draw 13 cards, but don't get a 2, 3 or 4 the answer is
unavailable for now / the event you're asking about will not happen.

Pick the month that corresponds to the card based on the chart below.

Swords Wands Cups Pentacles

2 : September 2 : March 2 : June 2 : December

3 : October 3 : April 3 : July 3 : January

4 : November 4 : May 4 : August 4 : February

For example, if you ask a question, ‘when will my boyfriend propose?’, and you get the 4 of Wands
within the first 13 cards, then your answer is May.
Tarot and Crystals
Many people have personal associations between specific Tarot cards and crystals. Several books and
Tarot traditions also have lists of correspondences.

You can use crystals as a tool of Divination along with Tarot cards. You may substitute crystals for the
Tarot cards or read the Tarot card for chosen crystals. You can also use the crystals to enhance or carry
the energy and intention of specific Tarot card in healing.

Another way you can use the crystal correspondences, is to choose the crystal that most attracts you or
another person and consider the qualities and information of the related Tarot card. It’s best to work only
with the Major Arcana cards in combination with crystals.

For healing work and enhancing affirmations, you can charge, or infuse, or harmonize a clear quartz
crystal or an appropriate stone with a specific Tarot card energy. Usually this is done by holding the card
and the crystal together, or by keeping the crystal on the cards and using focused attention/ intention to
request and fix the energy to be carried by the crystal
Major Arcana and the Crystal Correspondences

0 Fool Agate, Tourmaline, Turquoise, Agate

1 Magician Garnet, Quartz crystal, Tiger Eye, Citrine, Fire Opal, Agate

2 High Priestess Kyanite , Aquamarine, Moonstone, Pearl, Emerald , Labradorite

3 Empress Rose Quartz, Emerald, Carnelian, Peridot, Turquoise, Aventurine

4 Emperor Carnelian, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Red Jasper

5 Hierophant Turquoise, Hematite, Topaz, Carnelian, Lapis, Citrine

6 Lovers Blue Topaz, Rose Quartz, Agate

7 Chariot Tiger eye, Leopard Skin Jasper, Amber, Chalcedony, Howlite

8 Strength Citrine, Cat's Eye , Topaz, Diamond, Garnet

9 Hermit Peridot, Smoky Quartz, Bloodstone, Sapphire, Blue Tourmaline, Blue Calcite

10 The Wheel of Fortune Jade, Lapis, Aventurine, Sapphire, Amethyst, Black Opal

11 Justice Petrified wood, Bloodstone, Emerald, Coral , Jade, Carnelian

12 Hanged Man Iolite, Aquamarine, Green Calcite

13 Death Apache Tears, Black Tourmaline, Snake stone, Bloodstone, Amber, Zebra stone

14 Temperance Amethyst, Kunzite, Jacinth, Amethyst, Sardonyx,

15 Devil Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Black Diamond, Obsidian, Jet, Hematite

16 Tower Obsidian, Garnet, Ruby, Volcanic rocks, Hematite

17 Star Moldavite, Sugulite, Turquoise

18 Moon Moonstone, Labradorite, Pyrite, Opal, Pearl, Selennite,

19 Sun Amber, Golden Tigers eye, Diamond, Bloodstone, Tiger's Eye, Sun stone

20 Judgment Malachite, Fluorite, Fire Opal, Fossils

21World Larimar, Unakite, Opal, Onyx, Jet, Lapis Lazuli, Black Pearl, Kunzite, Rhyolite
Tarot and Herbal Correspondences
The herbal correspondences are useful in Tarot Rituals and Spells, as a means of being able to quickly
look up items with similar energy that you’re looking for. When casting, using objects with similar
properties may help you amplify the strength of your magic. These can also be used for their healing
properties, and one can be guided about it by Tarot cards.

0 Fool cedar, rose, geranium

1 The Magician carnation, rosemary, vanilla
2 The High Priestess musk, verbena, acacia, anise, heliotrope, lemongrass, sandalwood
3 The Empress daffodil, hazel, mistletoe, olive, sunflower
4 The Emperor carnation, ginger, mugwort, bay laurel, thistle ruby
5 The Hierophant sweet pea, gardenia, lavender
6 Lovers dill, garlic, ginseng, patchouli, dragon's blood
7 The Chariot St. John's Wort, Iris, lily, dill, rosemary
8 Strength angelica, basil, comfrey, fennel, goldenseal, pennyroyal, thyme, yarrow
9 The Hermit angelica, chamomile, sage
10 The Wheel of Fortune clover, daisy, fern, heather, iris, jasmine, lilac, peony, spearmint
11 Justice dill, garlic, honeysuckle
12 The Hanged Man grape, ivy, marigold
13 Death blackberry, bramble, periwinkle
14 Temperance agrimony, bergamot, catnip, clover, hibiscus, lily of the valley, valerian
15 The Devil bergamot, carnation, fern, mugwort, rosemary
16 The Tower heather, honeysuckle, morning glory, yarrow
17 The Star angelica, grape, jasmine, rose, aster, bluebell, daisy, snapdragon, valerian
18 The Moon adder's tongue, eucalyptus, sandalwood, lotus
19 The Sun carnation, chamomile, fennel, geranium, lavender, marigold, rosemary
20 Judgement grape, ivy, marigold, violet
21 The World roses, carnations, ivy, bay laurel
Tarot and Chakra Correspondences

Major Arcana : Element of Spirit - Crown and Third Eye Chakras

The Major Arcana represents larger forces in life, destiny, and life lessons. It corresponds to the element
of spirit. The Third Eye Chakra is related to your intuition and ability to perceive information from Spirit
and the Crown Chakra is all about understanding life lessons and the spiritual blueprint behind it.

Swords : Element of Air - Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is completely about self-expression, speaking your truth, the way you communicate,
and ideas. The element of air and the Suit of Swords is also about communication. It’s about the
formation of ideas and thoughts in your mind and how you communicate them.

Cups : Element of Water - Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra corresponds to the element of water. Water is the lifeblood of the planet and the heart
circulates our lifeblood within our bodies, and the Suit of Cups is all about water. The Heart chakra is all
about love, emotions, and relationships to other people.

Wands : Element of Fire - Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras

The Solar Plexus Chakra is your centre of personal power, our inner fire. It’s all about action and will-
power which is akin to the energy of the Wands. The Sacral Chakra is related to desire, zest for life, and
finding pleasure in your connection to others. It is also about fertility and so is the Suit of Wands.

Pentacles : Element of Earth - Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is about abundance, material things, and grounding. So is the element of earth and the
Suit of Pentacles.
Major Arcana and Chakra Correspondences - I

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) The Emperor, The Devil, The World

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhithana) The Empress, Death
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) The Chariot, The Tower, The Sun
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) The Lovers, Justice, Strength, Temperance
5. Throat Chakra ( Visuddha) The Magician, The Hierophant, The Wheel of Fortune
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) The Moon, The High Priestess, The Hermit
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) The Fool, The Hanged man, The Star, Judgement

Major Arcana and Chakra Correspondences – II

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) The World (Saturn)

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhithana) The Tower (Mars)
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) The Sun (Sun)
5. Throat Chakra ( Visuddha) The Empress (Venus)
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) The High Priestess (Moon)
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) The Magician (Mercury)
Tarot and Angel Correspondences

0 Fool Uriel, Shekinah, Jeremial

1 The Magician Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel
2 The High Priestess Gabriel, Raziel, Zadkiel,
3 The Empress Haniel, Gabriel
4 The Emperor Cassiel, Metatron, Samael
5 The Hierophant Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel
6 Lovers Raphael, Chamuel, Ariel, Anael
7 The Chariot Camael, Michael
8 Strength Raphael, Chamuel, Ariel, Anael
9 The Hermit Raziel, Zadkiel, Gabriel
10 The Wheel of Fortune Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel
11 Justice Raphael, Chamuel, Ariel, Anael
12 The Hanged Man Uriel, Shekinah, Jeremial
13 Death Haniel, Gabriel
14 Temperance Raphael, Chamuel, Ariel, Anael
15 The Devil Cassiel, Metatron, Samael
16 The Tower Camael, Michael
17 The Star Uriel, Shekinah, Jeremial
18 The Moon Raziel, Zadkiel, Gabriel
19 The Sun Camael, Michael
20 Judgement Uriel, Shekinah, Jeremial
21 The World Cassiel, Metatron, Samael
Using Multiple Decks for a Tarot Reading

Tarot practitioners often use various decks to suit their mood, question, or need. They may also use a
combination of two or more decks, of same, similar or different systems. They believe that different
decks carry different energies, and speak differently to them. Consulting different decks on the same
issue is like consulting a panel of experts rather than an individual expert.

Sometimes, a reading will end by presenting additional issues that need further depth, and using more
than one deck can prove to be helpful. Using multiple decks can also be useful when you want to gain
clarity into a murky issue. Using more than one deck can be really good if you are currently facing a
situation where there is more than one option. Each deck can represent an option. Another important
aspect to make note of, is that if you use more than one deck, there is always the chance of having
the same card come up twice. That would be a very strong message that cannot be neglected. There
are also aesthetic reasons for using more than one deck. For instance, involving more color and
more art in a reading could make the reading a more exciting, engaging and creative experience.

Tarot cards are sometimes based popular themes, such as Dragons, Fairies, Angels or Goddesses.
Some decks fit well for a particular use, like we have decks designed for readings for love and
relationships, or for mapping a person’s spiritual journey. The varying themes and pu rposes of the
decks can be used in combination for a much clearer and deeper reading.

You can also use decks that have only the Major Arcana cards as key positions in a spread and then a
complete Tarot deck or the Minor Arcana and Court Cards for the rest of the reading. You can also
separate out the Major Arcana, Court Cards and Minor Arcana and use them in specific positions. The
Major Arcana can be seen as the spiritual lessons or major themes of the reading. The Minor Arcana can
be seen as the everyday matters, and the Court Cards are really great for looking at personalities and
people in a reading.

It can be a really nice practice to have your client choose the decks, it gets the get the client involved in
the reading at a much profound level. It is also a way to find out what the theme of the reading may be or
where your client is really focused on.

These are the following possibilities when it comes to combining different decks.

1. Using two or more Tarot decks of the same tradition, like the RWS

2. Using decks of different tradition; like RWS with Thoth, Tarot de Marseille

3. Using decks of different systems; like Tarot with Kipper, Playing cards (Cartomancy), Lenormand

4. Using Tarot decks with Oracle, Angel cards

There are as many ways to incorporate multiple decks into a reading as your imagination allows.

Tarot Decks Together

1. You can do an opening spread with one deck, and smaller spreads to answer specific questions
with different decks.
2. You can do a larger spread with one deck, and pull clarifying cards with another deck, placing
each clarifier next to the card it is clarifying. You might do one clarifier for each card in the
spread, or clarify only the cards about which you have questions.
3. You can do an opening spread with one deck, and dialogue with a second deck to go deeper, or
answer specific questions.
4. You can use one deck to select the Significator from. You can draw the Signifactor before or after
the reading. In a relationship reading, you can use one deck for one partner, one for the other, and a
third for the relationship.
5. You can use one deck to lay the initial spread and say it represents what is apparent or on the surface
level of the situation. Use another deck to lay another card next to the original card to represent
something that is hidden or not easily apparent.

Tarot and Oracle Together

1. Starting a Tarot reading – Picking a single Oracle card at the beginning of a Tarot reading gives
clarity about the theme of the reading. It can also reveal what the client is focused on, and if he has
missed out mentioning something. It sets a precedent about what to look for whilst doing the Tarot
reading, and highlights the life lesson involved in the situation.
2. Within a Tarot reading – You lay out Oracle cards alongside Tarot cards in a reading or spread. Lay
out the Tarot Cards first using the Tarot Spread you have picked out and then place Oracle cards
afterwards. Tarot cards are deep and multifaceted, and having Oracle cards (which are usually more
direct), assists in focusing the reading and the meaning of the Tarot cards. Oracle cards can also help
connect the Tarot cards, as a sort of bridge if there seems to be something dominating in the Tarot
reading or missing. Oracle card can also help shed some additional light or bring some balance to the
reading. You can draw one Oracle card for every Tarot card, but this works well only with smaller
spreads. When you have a large Tarot spread, you can draw Oracle cards for each major section of the
3. Closing a Tarot reading - Picking a single Oracle card at the end of a Tarot reading acts as a final
message for the session. This can be a very insightful way to close out a reading and seal the circle.
More than often, the Oracle card drawn at the end of a Tarot reading gives a conclusion based largely
on the spiritual aspect of the guidance received in the reading.
4. Interpreting Oracle cards in a mini spread - Creating a “mini spread” using two or three cards from
the Oracle deck after the main Tarot reading helps you to delve deeper into a reading, especially if the
original spread wasn’t clear enough. This is also a great technique for looking at energy and emotions
around a reading that may not come through in the Tarot reading itself.
Matching Different Decks
There are no rules, only options when it comes to matching different decks for a Tarot reading. It largely
depends on what you are hoping to get out of the reading. There are many ways to match decks together,
but here are four basic, broad techniques.

1. Similar Decks
This method of matching is about using similar decks together. For example, if your Tarot deck is Angel-
themed, match it with an Oracle deck that features Angels, or if your Tarot deck is a dark-themed deck,
match it with an Oracle deck that also dark. Some tarot decks have corresponding oracle decks by the
same creator. Although this is helpful, it’s not necessary that the decks be created by the same person or
even be thought to work together. You can match decks by subject matter, art, or theme. It does not need
to be a perfect match, and this method will surely open up new paths of understanding.

2. Opposite Decks

Choose a deck that’s the exact opposite of the Tarot deck you’ve chosen. If the Tarot deck you is a light
one, choose a dark deck to go with it, and this will reveal the Shadow aspect of the reading. If your
chosen Tarot deck deals with the mundane/routine matters, match it with something that is more spiritual
in nature. This is a useful technique to add depth to the reading, especially when using decks that are
more one-sided in feeling and emotion.

3. Complementary Decks
This matching technique brings other occult and spiritual practices into a reading. All the decks do not
make use of all the various layers of symbolism and guidance that are available. Using decks that work
with Astrology, Numerology, Deities, or Elements can help a reader find new connections and meanings
in their readings, even if the Tarot deck do not contain this information in an explicit way.

4. Free – choice Decks

In this case, you choose any deck that you are drawn to; one that you feel gives you good insight. You can
ask your client to choose a deck. This is more of an intuitive process. Sometimes, our experience has a lot
to say about which of our decks work well together.
What’s My Life Lesson

1 2

3 4

A. Oracle Card – draw before/after the Tarot spread

1. Resistance – What are you are refusing to accept?

2. Opportunity – What are the possibilities available for you?

3. Release – What you need to let go of?

4. Embrace – What you need to embrace?

This spread has been designed to be used as part of ‘Advanced Tarot Techniques’ workshop conducted by The Tarot Tree
S.T.C.O Spread


1 3 1 2 3


1 2 3
1 2 3

A. Situation 1. Past

B. Theme 2. Transition

C. Challenge 3. Future

D. Opportunity

This spread has been designed to be used as part of ‘Advanced Tarot Techniques’ workshop conducted by The Tarot Tree

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