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Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913

An evaluation of the dynamical performance

of composite slabs
J.G.S. da Silva a,*, P.C.G. da S. Vellasco b, S.A.L. de Andrade b,c
F.J. da C.P. Soeiro a, R.N. Werneck b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Structural Engineering, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Civil Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Received 6 December 2001; accepted 14 February 2003

The competitive trends of the world market have long been forcing structural engineers to develop minimum weight
and labour cost solutions. A direct consequence of this new design trend is a considerable increase in problems related
to unwanted floor vibrations. This phenomenon is very frequent in a wide range of structures subjected to rhythmic
dynamical load actions. These load actions are generally caused by human rhythmic activities such as: musical and or
sporting events, dance or even gymnastics. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the structural behaviour of
commonly used composite floors subjected to rhythmic dynamical load actions identifying the occurrence of unwanted
vibrations that could cause human discomfort or, in extreme cases, structural failure.
Ó 2003 Civil-Comp Ltd. and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dynamic; Vibrations; Steel structures; Composite floors; Human comfort; Dynamic structural design; Rhythmic dynamical
loads; Human rhythmic activities

1. Introduction quent in a wide range of structures subjected to rhythmic

dynamical load actions. These load actions are generally
The fearsome competition of the global market has caused by human rhythmic activities such as: musical,
forced structural designers to develop minimum weight sporting events, dance or even gymnastics. Another ex-
and labour cost solutions, as well as to increase the amples of structures subjected to vibration problems can
construction speed. This procedure has produced slender be found in floors used to support electrical engines or in
structural solutions, modifying the ultimate and ser- others elements subjected to impact load actions [1–5].
viceability limiting states that govern their structural The significant growth in building floors subjected to
behaviour. unwanted vibrations is caused by the fact that a signif-
A direct consequence of this new design trend is a icant number of structural engineers disregards, or even
considerable increase in the problems related to un- do not know how to incorporate the dynamical actions
wanted floor vibrations. This phenomenon is very fre- in the structural analysis. This procedure limits current
structural designs to a simple static analysis, which, in
extreme cases, can compromise the structure behaviour.
* Proper consideration of all the aspects mentioned
Corresponding author. Address: Rua Padre Achotegui No.
earlier motivated an investigation of the structural be-
37, Apartment 1503, 22430 090 Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Tel./fax: +55-21-2587-7537. haviour of commonly used composite floors subjected to
E-mail addresses:, (J.G.S. da rhythmic dynamical load actions. The main objective of
Silva). this paper is to study the use of these structural systems

0045-7949/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Civil-Comp Ltd. and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1906 J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913

taking into account the possibility of occurrence of un- human mass, since it controls important characteristics
wanted vibrations that could cause human discomfort or of the structural system, such as the fundamental fre-
structural failure. quency. If this parameter is not properly considered the
The evaluation of the structural system vibration structure dynamic response can be substantially changed.
serviceability limit state requires the knowledge of the A criterion usually adopted is to consider the people
structure dynamical response. Alternatively, simple as a mass added to the global structure mass, which
procedures for the evaluation of the system vibration implies in a mass increase and in a reduction of the
levels are found in composite and steel design standards. fundamental frequency. However, some considerations
These recommendations are based on parameters like: based on the physical phenomenon associated with this
structure and excitation frequencies, accelerations, ve- problem suggest that people should be strictly modelled
locities and displacements. as an additional system mass-spring-damper [1].
This work presents and discusses results associated Based on several investigations widely available on
with the characterization of the structureÕs natural fre- this subject, it can be verified that in the case of people
quencies. This is followed by a comparison of the exci- jumping with the two feet simultaneously, or during
tation frequencies. Afterwards, results of an extensive activities in which the contact of people with the struc-
computational analysis performed to obtain the struc- ture is relatively short, the peoplesÕ mass is not vibrating
ture dynamic response, based on accelerations, velocities together with the mass of the structural system. In ad-
and displacements, are depicted. dition, the human involvement, in these cases, is re-
The results are obtained from an elastic linear anal- stricted to the induction of loads not including any
ysis based on a finite element model using the ANSYS additional mass to the system. Such conclusion was
program [6]. A practical example associated with a obtained through experimental tests, where it was ob-
composite floor designed for to gymnastic activities is served that the dynamic characteristics of the investi-
considered. In the developed finite elements model, gated system (simply supported beam with a 3.0 m
three-dimensional beam elements simulate the primary span), such as natural frequency and damping, were not
and secondary girder systems, where the flexural and modified by the human presence [1].
torsional effects are considered. The concrete slab is The results of the present investigation considered
represented by shell finite elements. the response of slabs submitted to dynamic excitations.
The investigated structural system response, obtained One example of human induced dynamic excitations is
from finite element method simulations, is compared jumping movements on the structural system. When this
with experimental and theoretical results available in case was simulated the human involvement was only
literature. This work also aimed to investigate the taken as a load action disregarding any mass increase.
composite slab performance, subjected to rhythmic dy- It should be also stressed that the dynamic actions
namic excitations, regarding human comfort associated induced by human beings can be periodic or transient.
with its vibration serviceability limit state. Finally the The periodic dynamic loads are primarily characterized
finite element model response is compared with the by excitations repeated through time, such as walking,
limiting values proposed by several authors [1,2,7]. running, jumping and so forth. Regarding the transient
dynamic loads, they are caused by a single movement
represented by impulsive loadings over a certain struc-
2. Dynamical loads induced by humans tural element, as in the case of diving pool platforms.
Another important fact related to this kind of load-
The type of dynamic loading considered in this paper ing refers to the body contact with the structural system.
is induced by human activities. These dynamic actions This contact can be continuous or not. There are also
occur basically in structures like: footbridges, gymnasi- factors that could alter the behaviour like: the influence
ums and floors subjected to rhythmic human activities, of the surface roughness (caused by the shoe), besides
such as dance, aerobic activities and so forth. sex, weight and other personal characteristics. Finally, it
In order to eliminate excessive vibration problems in can be also mentioned that the number of people that
the structures subjected to that type of loading, generally will accomplish a certain kind of action on the structural
it is recommended to alter the global stiffness or the system must be properly considered, in other words, the
stiffness of certain elements. Alternatively it is possible group effect. It is clearly that there are several factors
to install vibration absorbers, or even to restrain struc- that contribute to the vibration of composite slabs when
ture use in situations where critical dynamical loads in- they are subject to human action [1].
duced by people occurs.
Some experimental evidence should be considered in 3. Dynamical loading modelling
the analysis of structures submitted to dynamic excita-
tions induced by humans. One of the difficulties in The first step of a dynamic analysis concerns the
analysing highly loaded slabs regards how to consider the identification and distinction of the various load fre-
J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913 1907

Table 1 third harmonics, DP 2 and P 3, are equal to 0.1P , for

Load frequencies induced by humans fp ¼ 2:0 Hz [1,2,8].
Type of human induced Velocity Step size Frequency The phase angles /1 and /2 depend on several fac-
dynamic loads t (m/s) lp (m) fp (Hz) tors, and should represent the most unfavourable load
Slow walk 1.10 0.60 1.70 combinations. However, these phase angles do not sig-
Standard walk 1.50 0.75 2.00 nificantly affect the structural system response, regarding
Fast walk 2.20 1.00 2.30 the human walking dynamic loads, since this pheno-
Standard run 3.30 1.30 2.50 menon is usually governed by one single harmonic.
Fast run 5.50 1.75 3.20 A discontinuous contact dynamic excitation is rep-
resented by a half sinusoidal curve during the contact,
while presenting a zero load value when the contact is
lost, as presented in Eq. (2) [1,2,8]. In Eq. (2), tp repre-
quencies induced by humans. Initially the load fre- sents the human step duration, Tp is the step period
quencies induced by human walking and running are defined by the relationship 1=fp and the variable kp is
considered. These dynamical load types are frequent in defined by the ratio F ðtÞmax =P . In this expression, F ðtÞmax
footbridge structures. Previous investigations demon- is the maximum amplitude of the sinusoidal function
strated the interdependency of parameters like: humanÕs and P is the individual weight, as presented in Fig. 1.
walking velocity, t, the step size, lp , and its frequency,
fp . Table 1 presents some of this mean values [2]. F ðtÞ ¼ kp P sinðpfp tÞ; for t < tp
The Canadian Steel Buildings Design Standard,
and F ðtÞ ¼ 0; for tp < t < Tp ð2Þ
CAN/CSA-S16.1-94 [7], considers that individuals or
human groups can generate periodic forces with asso-
ciated frequency ranging approximately from 1.0 to 4.0 Another kind of human induced dynamic loading is as-
Hz. It is clearly noticed, that the specified Canadian sociated with jumping. This excitation usually happens
Standard human induced frequencies [7] are covered in in gymnasiums, stadiums, ballrooms or even gymnastics
Table 1 [2]. rooms. For design purposes, a frequency range from
Regarding the mathematical modelling of these dy- 1.80 to 3.40 Hz is generally considered for the excitation
namical loads, two cases are investigated. The first frequency, which is very frequently governed by the
named ‘‘walking’’ is the case in which the individual music rhythm. The sinusoidal half curve is also used for
maintains a continuous contact with the structural sys- the modelling of this kind of loading, as shown in Fig. 1.
tem surface, while the second denominated ‘‘running’’ This situation, associated with individuals jumping on
occurs when that contact is discontinuous. the structural system, considers that the human group
In the case of a continuous contact with the surface, effect leads to a linear increase of the maximum dynamic
it is common to use a general expression for the exci- loading, depending only on the number of people load-
tation produced by an individual throughout time. ing the structural system [1,2,8].
These loads are produced with both feet, as function of a Another case regarding dynamic excitations induced
static parcel associated with the individual weight and by man is the dance, which can occur in rock concerts.
three harmonic loading components parcels. These For design purposes, it is generally considered a fre-
harmonic loads are due to the interaction between the quency band ranging from 1.60 to 3.00 Hz for the ex-
load increase represented by one of the individual foot citing frequency, which is also often governed by the
and by the simultaneous unloading of the other foot, as music rhythm [1,2,8]. Another more conservative fre-
shown in Eq. (1) [1,2,8]. quency band can be adopted i.e. between 1.50 and 3.50
Hz [1,2,8]. The same mathematical modelling adopted
F ðtÞ ¼ P þ DP1 sinð2pfp tÞ þ DP2 sinð4pfp t  /1 Þ
þ DP3 sinð6pfp t  /2 Þ ð1Þ

In Eq. (1), P represents the load static parcel, corre-

sponding to the individual weight. The magnitudes DP1 ,
DP2 and DP3 are associated with harmonic amplitudes, F(t)máx
and fp , /1 and /2 refer respectively to the frequency of
the human step and to the harmonic phase angles.
Previous investigations consider, in Eq. (1), that the
weight P is equal to 800 N [1,2,8]. The first harmonic P
amplitude DP1 is equal to 0.4P , for fp ¼ 2:0 Hz, and 0 tp Tp t
0.5P , for fp ¼ 2:4 Hz, considering an interpolation
among this values in intermediate cases. The second and Fig. 1. Discontinuous contact dynamic excitation.
1908 J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913

for the continuous loading, similar to walking is rec- The steel sections used were welded wide flanges
ommended for this case, Eq. (1). (WWF) made with a 300 MPa yield stress steel grade. A
2:05  105 MPa YoungÕs modulus was adopted for the
steel beams and deck. The concrete slab possesses a 20
MPa specified compression strength and a 2:35  105
4. Structural model MPa YoungÕs modulus [5].
However, according to Ref. [9], in such situations
One of the major goals of this investigation is to where the composite slab is submitted to dynamic exci-
consider the human dynamic excitations such as jump- tations the concrete becomes stiffer than that case when
ing in gymnastics. A detailed definition of this type of it is submitted to pure static loads. This fact suggests a
loading was described in the second and third sections of 35% increase in the conventional concrete YoungÕs
the present paper. Those dynamics actions are applied modulus [9].
on the composite slab, as shown in Fig. 2. The structureÕs permanent load and the gymnastics
The composite floor studied in this work, spanning live load were equal to 3.5 and 0.2 kN/m2 respectively.
43.7 by 14.0 m, is currently used for gymnastics [5]. The This study adopts simple steel connections in the sup-
structural system is constituted of composite girders. ports of the secondary beam system [5].
The 150 mm thick composite slab uses a steel deck with Table 2 depicts the geometrical characteristics of all
the following geometrical characteristics: 0.80 mm the steel sections used in the structural model, presented
thickness, and 75 mm flute height, as shown in Figs. 2 in Figs. 2 and 3. It is important to emphasize that there
and 3, respectively. was a haunch present in the extreme spans of V1 to V4

Fig. 2. The structural model.



Fig. 3. Typical composite slab cross section––Section AA.

J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913 1909

Table 2
Geometrical characteristics of the beam steel sections
Beams Height (mm) Flange width Top flange thickness Bottom flange thickness Web thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
V1–V4 1400 350 12.5 12.5 12.5
V5 700 200 8.0 8.0 8.0
V6–V7 600 150 6.3 6.3 6.3
V8–V12 250 130 6.3 6.3 4.75
V9 400 200 6.3 6.3 4.75
V10–V11 400 150 6.3 6.3 4.75

girders. The minimum height of the steel sections near dance to the composite floor dynamic characteristics.
support was equal to 460.0 mm [5]. This was done by varying of a frequency parameter, b.
This parameter is defined by the f =f01 ratio, where f
represents the excitation frequency, regarding the gym-
5. Computational model nastics human induction, and f01 is the composite floor
first natural frequency.
The proposed computational model, developed for The response spectra were obtained for representa-
the composite slab dynamic analysis, adopted the usual tion of the composite floor dynamic response under the
mesh refinement techniques present in finite element action of the dynamic loadings. This spectrum is related
method simulations implemented in the ANSYS pro- to the vertical displacements, and to the amplification
gram [6]. factor, FA. The amplification factor, FA, is defined by
In the developed finite element model, floor steel the relationship v=vest , in which v and vest represent the
girders are represented by three-dimensional beam ele- vertical displacements obtained in the dynamic and
ments, where flexural and torsion effects are considered. static analysis, respectively.
The composite slab is represented by shell finite ele- This section finalizes with the determination of the
ments. It should also be understood that, in order to composite floor velocities and critical accelerations.
simplify the analysis, only the cover slab, i.e. 75 mm These values were then compared to those specified in
thick, was considered in the finite element analysis. current design standards [2,7,10] to evaluate a possible
Seven different computational models were devel- occurrence of unwanted excessive vibration levels and
oped based on variations of the required numbers of human comfort.
degrees of freedom (from 4620 to 69510 DOF) necessary
to establish a suitable finite element mesh for the 6.1. Natural frequencies and vibration modes analysis
structural system.
Seven different models varying the number of degrees
of freedom of the structural system produced funda-
6. Dynamic analysis of the composite slab system mental frequencies responses depicted in Fig. 4. This
figure also presents experimental results for the funda-
This section presents the evaluation of the structural mental frequency of the investigated composite floor.
system vibration levels when submitted to dynamic ex- It can be clearly noticed from Fig. 4 and Table 3
citations coming from gymnastics. The composite floor results, that there is a very good agreement between the
dynamic response was determined through an analysis finite elements frequencies values and the experimental
of its natural frequencies, displacements, velocities and test frequencies [5]. Such a fact validates all the numer-
accelerations. ical models here presented, as well as the results and
The live load considered in this analysis regarded one conclusions obtained throughout this work.
human for each 4.0 m2 , corresponding to 0.25 human/ Figs. 5–8 illustrate the vibration mode corresponding
m2 . It is also assumed that an individual human weight to the fundamental frequency of the studied structural
was equal to 800 N [2]. The results of the dynamic system considering different computational models.
analysis were obtained from an extensive numeric Small differences are observed in the final configuration
analysis, based on the finite element method utilising the of the vibration modes obtained in this work, when
ANSYS program [6]. compared to Ref. [5]. This can be explained by slightly
With the objective of evaluating both quantitative different boundary conditions, used in the computa-
and qualitatively the results obtained according to the tional models here compared. Despite this fact, the
proposed methodology, response spectra were pro- natural frequencies values found in both simulations
duced, for the frequency range considered, in accor- were similar, as shown in Table 3.
1910 J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913

Fig. 6. Vibration mode associated with the first natural fre-

quency: f01 ¼ 10:16 Hz. Computational model with 13 362 de-
grees of freedom.

Fig. 4. Composite floor fundamental frequency convergence.

Table 3
Composite floor natural frequencies
Natural frequencies Natural Fundamental
f0i (Hz) frequencies frequency
numerical experimental
analysis f0i tests [5] f01
(Hz) (Hz)
First frequency: f01 10.20 9.50
Second frequency: f02 10.61
Third frequency: f03 11.00
Fourth frequency: f04 11.35 Fig. 7. Vibration mode associated with the first natural fre-
Computational model with 18 012 degrees of freedom. quency: f01 ¼ 10:20 Hz. Computational model with 18 012 de-
grees of freedom.

Fig. 5. Vibration mode associated with the first natural fre- Fig. 8. Vibration mode associated with the first natural fre-
quency: f01 ¼ 10:00 Hz. Computational model with 4620 de- quency: f01 ¼ 10:30 Hz. Computational model with 69 510 de-
grees of freedom. grees of freedom.

Based on the conclusion that only a slight variation only the dynamic results (natural frequencies, displace-
of results occurred for the seven investigated models ments, velocities and accelerations) for the model with
J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913 1911

18 012 degrees of freedom will be presented in the fol- citation frequency range of the response spectrum lo-
lowing sections of the current paper. cated between 1.0 and 5.0 Hz ðb 6 0:5Þ, is considered,
Fig. 9. It is also observed that the maximum value of
the amplification factor, FA, equal in this case to 19.0,
6.2. Analysis of the response spectra
occurs for the peak dynamical effects corresponding to
values of the frequency parameter, b, close to unity, as
The dynamical analysis proceeded with the evalua-
illustrated in Fig. 9. This maximum amplification value
tion of the composite floor response spectrum. This re-
will lead to vertical displacements that induce excessive
sponse spectrum, Fig. 9, depicts the dynamic response of
vibrations, compromising human comfort conditions
the composite floor submitted to gymnastics dynamic
and even jeopardising the structural system integrity.
excitations for a wide frequency range (up to 30 Hz). As
mentioned earlier, the response spectra here presented is
related to the model with 18 012 degrees of freedom. 6.3. Analysis of maximum velocities and accelerations
The response spectrum, shown in Fig. 9, presents
peak dynamic effects associated with frequency para- The present study proceeds with the evaluation of the
meter, b, ranging from 0.7 to 1.5. This spectrum fre- composite floor performance in terms of human comfort
quency range corresponds to values of the frequency and vibration serviceability limit states. The first step of
parameter, b, close to unity. This fact can be explained if this procedure concerns the determination of the com-
the excitation frequency, f , associated, for instance with posite floor maximum velocities and accelerations.
multiple of the first harmonic of the dynamic loading These values, obtained numerically with the aid of the
(1.80–3.40 Hz) [1,2,8], and the composite floor funda- proposed computational models, were then compared
mental frequency, f01 , equal to 10.20 Hz, coincides. An with the limiting values proposed by several authors
extra peak on the response spectrum was observed for [2,7,10].
high natural frequencies associated to a frequency pa- The variation of the number of degrees of freedom of
rameter, b, close to 1.3. the model over the system maximum velocities and ac-
In the case of systems with several degrees of free- celerations is presented in Tables 4 and 5.
dom, the resonance physical phenomenon can happen The number of degrees of freedom present in the
when one of the structure natural frequencies is equal, or investigated models had a very small influence over the
is very close to the excitation frequency. Ref. [2] de- system velocities and accelerations, Tables 4 and 5. It is
scribes a situation in which a footbridge with a funda- also clear from these results that models with more than
mental frequency of 8.0 Hz presented the resonance 18 012 presented almost the same response, fact that
phenomenon for a human induced frequency of 3.70 Hz. corroborates the idea that a numerical convergence was
Such a phenomenon is due to the fact that the third reached in the analysis. With this conclusion in mind all
dynamic loading harmonic frequency, 11.10 Hz, excited the velocities and acceleration results that will be pre-
the structure second natural frequency, 11.10 Hz. sented are related to the model with 18 012 degrees of
The level of the dynamic effects on the studied freedom.
structural system can be considered small when the ex- The composite floor maximum velocities for excita-
tion frequencies of 3.0 and 4.0 Hz are presented in the
Figs. 10 and 11, respectively.

Table 4
Composite floor maximum velocities: f ¼ 3:0 Hz and f ¼ 4:0
Degrees of freedom Maximum velocities (m/s)
Excitation Excitation
frequency: frequency:
f ¼ 3:0 Hz f ¼ 4:0 Hz
4620 0.0072 0.0105
8898 0.0069 0.0101
13 362 0.0068 0.0099
18 012 0.0067 0.0098
23 778 0.0067 0.0097
46 818 0.0067 0.0097
Fig. 9. Composite floor response spectrum. Computational 69 510 0.0067 0.0097
model with 18 012 degrees of freedom. Computational model with 18 012 degrees of freedom.
1912 J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913

Table 5 Fig. 11 and Table 4, it can be concluded that the com-

Composite floor maximum accelerations: f ¼ 3:0 Hz and posite floor did not present excessive vibrations.
f ¼ 4:0 Hz Another less conservative criterion recommends that
Degrees of freedom Maximum accelerations (%g) the velocities should be limited to 15.0 mm/s [10]. The
Excitation Excitation dynamic analysis velocities, as previously stated are
frequency: frequency: significantly less than this limiting value, disregarding
f ¼ 3:0 Hz f ¼ 4:0 Hz the occurrence of unwanted excessive vibrations.
4620 1.39%g 2.71%g The next step concerns the evaluation of the com-
8898 1.34%g 2.60%g posite floor maximum accelerations values induced by
13 362 1.32%g 2.55%g gymnastics dynamic loads. Figs. 12 and 13 present the
18 012 1.30%g 2.51%g composite floor maximum accelerations for excitation
23 778 1.30%g 2.50%g frequencies of 3.0 and 4.0 Hz, respectively.
46 818 1.30%g 2.50%g The Canadian Standard [7] specifies limiting accel-
69 510 1.29%g 2.49%g erations values for human comfort, without considering
Computational model with 18 012 degrees of freedom. their associated natural vibration frequencies. Those
values are expressed exclusively in terms of gravity ac-
celeration (g ¼ 9:81 m/s2 ), in percentage. The referred
The German Standard DIN 4150, described in Ref. standard recommends a limiting value for the composite
[2], limits the composite floors velocities up to values of floor accelerations used for: gymnastics, music halls and
10.0 mm/s not to violate the acceptable vibration level sports arenas to a value of 5%g [7]. The composite floor
for structural safety, although, in the limit cases, small maximum accelerations values were equal to 1.30%g
wall cracking can appear. When this criterion is applied (f ¼ 3 Hz), Fig. 12 and Table 5, and 2.51%g (f ¼ 4:0
to the composite floor maximum velocities values of the Hz), Fig. 13 and Table 5. These values indicate that the
studied structural system, equal to 6.7 mm/s (f ¼ 3:0 floor did not present problems related with human
Hz), Fig. 10 and Table 4, and 9.8 mm/s (f ¼ 4:0 Hz), comfort.

Fig. 10. Composite floor maximum velocities: f ¼ 3:0 Hz. Fig. 12. Composite floor maximum accelerations: f ¼ 3:0 Hz.
Computational model with 18 012 degrees of freedom. Computational model with 18 012 degrees of freedom.

Fig. 11. Composite floor maximum velocities: f ¼ 4:0 Hz. Fig. 13. Composite floor maximum accelerations: f ¼ 4:0 Hz.
Computational model with 18 012 degrees of freedom. Computational model with 18 012 degrees of freedom.
J.G.S. da Silva et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1905–1913 1913

Another author recommendations represented indi- an orthotropic system. The major direction is parallel to
cations of accelerations limiting values suggested in Ref. the span of the slab ribs. This investigation will proceed
[2] and should be used with caution as stated in specific with a parametric study using the orthotropic solution
design standards. According to Ref. [2], a limiting value for the concrete slab. The study is focused on the use of
of 10%g could be accepted for slabs designed for sport different steel deck geometries and their influence in the
practice, music concerts and dance. This limiting value dynamical response of the structural system.
gives assurance that the composite floor satisfies its
purpose without presenting any human discomfort.

7. Final remarks The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial

support for this work provided by UERJ, State Uni-
This work presents a contribution for the evaluation versity of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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