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Mother Natuzza's confessions: "I have seen the dead,

this is what the afterlife will be like and what to do"

Don Marcello Stanzione  |  Nov 12, 2017

Many years ago I was talking to a well-known charismatic priest who had founded an
ecclesial group recognized by some bishops. We started talking about Natuzza Evolo and,
to my surprise, the priest said that, according to him, Natuzza was doing cheap spiritism. I
was very upset by this affirmation, for a form of respect I did not answer the famous priest
but, in my heart, I immediately thought that this serious affirmation was born from a not
noble form of envy towards a poor illiterate woman to whom thousands of people turned
every month always getting relief in the soul and body. Over the years I tried to study
Natuzza's relationship with the deceased and I fully realized that Calabrian mystique was
absolutely not to be considered a "medium". In fact, Natuzza does not invoke the dead
asking them to come to her and ... ... the souls of the dead appear to her not by her
decision and will, but only by the will of the souls themselves thanks obviously to divine
When people asked her to have messages or answers to their questions from their deceased,
Natuzza always replied that their desire did not depend on her, but only on the permission of
God and invited them to pray to the Lord so that this their wishful thinking was granted. The
result was that some people received messages from their dead, and others were not
answered, while Natuzza would have liked to please everyone. However, the guardian angel
always informed her if such souls in the afterlife more or less needed suffrages and holy
In the history of Catholic spirituality apparitions of souls from Heaven,
Purgatory and sometimes even Hell, occurred in the life of numerous mystics
and canonized saints. As for Purgatory, we can among the numerous mystics, remember:
St. Gregory the Great, from which the practice of the Masses celebrated below for a month,
called "Gregorian Masses", is derived; St. Geltrude, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Margaret of
Cortona, St. Brigida, St. Veronica Giuliani and, closer to us, also St. Gemma Galgani, St.
Faustina Kowalska, Teresa Newmann, Maria Valtorta, Teresa Musco, St. Pio of Pietrelcina,
Edwige Carboni, Maria Simma and many others. It is interesting to underline that while for
these mystics the apparitions of the souls of Purgatory had the aim of increasing their own
faith and spurring them to greater prayers of suffrage and penance, so to hasten their entry
into Paradise, in the case of Natuzza, instead, besides of course all this,
The dead confirmed to Natuzza the existence of Purgatory, Heaven and Hell , to
which they were sent after death, as a reward or punishment for their conduct of
life. Natuzza, with his visions, confirmed the pluri-millennial teaching of Catholicism, that is
that immediately after death, the soul of the deceased is led by the guardian angel, in front of
God and is perfectly judged in all the smallest details of his existence. Those who were sent to
Purgatory always requested, through Natuzza, prayers, alms, suffrages and especially Holy
Masses so that their penalties would be shortened.
According to Natuzza, Purgatory is not a particular place, but an inner state of the soul,
who does penance "in the same earthly places where he lived and sinned" ,
therefore also in the same houses inhabited during life. Sometimes souls make their
Purgatory even inside churches, when the phase of greatest expiation has been
overcome. Our reader should not be surprised at these statements by Natuzza, because our
mystique, without knowing it, repeated things already affirmed by Pope Gregory the
Great in his book of Dialogues. The sufferings of Purgatory, although alleviated by the
comfort of the guardian angel, can be very harsh. As evidence of this, a singular episode
happened to Natuzza: she once saw a deceased and asked him where he was. The dead man
replied that he was in the flames of Purgatory, but Natuzza, seeing him serene and calm,
observed that, judging by his appearance, this must not have been true. The purging soul
reiterated that the flames of Purgatory carried them wherever they went. As he uttered these
words she saw him enveloped in flames. Believing it was his hallucination, Natuzza
approached him, but she was hit by the heat of the flames which caused her an annoying
burn to the throat and mouth which prevented her from feeding normally for forty days and
was forced to turn to the care of Dr. Giuseppe Domenico Valente, a doctor led by
Paravati. Natuzza has met numerous souls both illustrious and unknown.She who always
said she was ignorant also met Dante Alighieri , who revealed that she had
served three hundred years of Purgatory , before being able to enter Heaven, because
although she had composed the songs of the Comedy under divine inspiration, unfortunately
she had given space, in his heart, to his personal likes and dislikes, in awarding the prizes
and penalties: hence the punishment of three hundred years of Purgatory, however spent at
the Prato Verde, without suffering any other suffering than that of the lack of God. Numerous
testimonies have been collected on the encounters between Natuzza and the souls of the
suffering Church.
Professor Pia Mandarino, from Cosenza, recalls: “Following the death of my brother Nicola
on January 25, 1968, I fell into a state of depression and lost my faith. I sent to Padre Pio,
whom I had known some time before: "Father, I want my faith back." For reasons unknown
to me I did not immediately receive the Father's reply and, in August, I went to visit Natuzza
for the first time. I said to her: "I don't go to church, I don't take Communion
anymore ...". Natuzza chuckled, stroked me and said to me: “Don't worry, the day will soon
come when you can't do without it. Your brother is safe, and made a martyr's death. Now he
needs prayers and is in front of a picture of the Madonna, kneeling, praying. He suffers
because he is on his knees. " Natuzza's words cheered me up and,"Your brother has been
saved, but he needs suffrages . " The same answer from Natuzza! As Natuzza had
predicted me, I returned to the faith and to the frequency of the Mass and the
sacraments. About four years ago I learned from Natuzza that Nicola went to Heaven,
immediately after the first communion of his three grandchildren who, in San Giovanni
Rotondo, offered their first communion for his uncle ".
Miss Antonietta Polito di Briatico on Natuzza's relationship with the afterlife bears the
following testimony: “I had a quarrel with a relative of mine. A short time later, when I went
to Natuzza, she put her hand on my shoulder and said to me: "Did you get into a fight?" "And
how do you know?" “That person's (deceased) brother told me. He sends you to try to avoid
these quarrels because he suffers from them. " I hadn't mentioned Natuzza about this at all
and she couldn't have known it from anyone. Exactly named me the person with whom I had
quarreled. Another time Natuzza told me about this same deceased that he was happy
because his sister had ordered him to have Gregorian masses. "But who told you that?" He
asked, and she: "The deceased". A long time ago I had asked her about my father, Vincenzo
Polito, who died in 1916. asked me if I had a picture of him, but I said no, because at that
time they still weren't taking pictures of us. The next time I went to her, she informed me
that she had been in heaven for a long time, because she went to church morning and
evening. I didn't know about this habit, because when my father died I was just two years
old. then my mother asked me to confirm it ".
Mrs. Teresa Romeo of Melito Portosalvo said: “On September 5, 1980 my aunt died. On the
same day as the funeral, a friend of mine went to Natuzza and asked for news of the
deceased. "She's safe!" He replied. When forty days had passed, I went to Natuzza, but I had
forgotten about my aunt and had not brought her photo with me to show it to Natuzza. But
this, as soon as she saw me, said to me: “O Teresa, do you know who I saw yesterday? Your
aunt, that old woman who died last (Natuzza had never known her in life) and said to me “I
am Teresa's aunt. Tell her that I am happy with her and with what she has done for me, that I
receive all the suffrages she sends me and that I pray for her. I purified myself on earth.
" This aunt of mine, when she died, was blind and paralyzed in bed . "

Read also:
Here is the church built by the mystical Natuzza Evolo
Ms. Anna Maiolo residing in Gallico Superiore says: "When I went to Natuzza for the first
time, after the death of my son, she said to me:" Your son is in a place of penance, as indeed
will happen to all of us. Blessed is he who can go to Purgatory, because there are some who
go to Hell. He needs suffrages, he receives them, but he needs many suffrages! ". I then had
various things done for my son: I had many masses celebrated, I had a statue of Our Lady
Help of Christians made for the Sisters, I bought a chalice and a monstrance in his
memory. When I returned to Natuzza she said to me: "Your son doesn't need anything!". "But
how, Natuzza, the other time you told me he needed a lot of suffrages!". "All you have done is
enough!" He replied. I had not informed her of what I had done for him. Always Ms. Maiolo
testifies: “On December 7, 1981, the eve of the Immaculate Conception, after the Novena, I
returned to my home, accompanied by a friend of mine, Mrs. Anna Giordano. In church I
prayed to Jesus and Our Lady, saying to them: "My Jesus, my Madonna, give me a sign when
my son enters heaven". Arriving near my house, while I was about to greet my friend,
suddenly, I saw in the sky, above the house, a luminous globe, the size of the moon, which
moved, and disappeared in a few seconds. It seemed to me that it had a blue trail. "Mamma
mia, what is it?" Exclaimed Signora Giordano, as afraid as I am. I ran inside to call my
daughter but the phenomenon had already ceased. The next day I called the Geophysical
Observatory of Reggio Calabria, asking if there had been any atmospheric phenomenon the
night before, or a few large shooting stars, but they told me they hadn't observed
anything. "You saw a plane," they said, but what my friend and I had seen had nothing to do
with planes: it was a bright sphere similar to the moon. The following December 30 I went
with my daughter to Natuzza, I told her the fact, and she explained to me thus: "It was a
manifestation of your son who entered heaven". My son had died on November 1, 1977 and
had therefore entered paradise on December 7, 1981. Before this episode, Natuzza had always
assured me that he was fine, so much so that, if I had seen him in the place where he was, I
would have certainly said to him: "My son, stay there too" and that he always prayed for my
resignation . When I said to Natuzza: "But she still hadn't confirmed", she approached me,
Professor Antonio Granata, professor at the University of Cosenza, brings his other
experience with the Calabrian mystic: "On Tuesday 8 June 1982, during an interview, I show
Natuzza the photographs of two of my aunts, named Fortunata and Flora, who died for a
couple of years and to which I have been very fond. We exchanged these phrases: “These are
two of my aunts who have been dead for a few years. Where are?". "I'm in a good place." "I'm
in heaven?". “One (indicating Aunt Fortunata) is in Prato Verde, the other (indicating Aunt
Flora) is kneeling in front of the painting of the Madonna. However, both are safe. " "Do they
need prayers?" "You can help them shorten their waiting period" and, foreseeing my further
question, he adds: "And how can you help them? Here: reciting some Rosary, some prayer
during the day, making some communion, or if you do some good work you dedicate it to
them ". Professor Granata continues in his story: “In the first days of the following July I
make a pilgrimage to Assisi with Franciscan friars and I come into contact with the reality of
the indulgence of the Porziuncola that I had known superficially for years (in fact, many
times I had already visited Porziuncola) but to which I did not attach any particular meaning
by not having regained faith. But now a plenary indulgence seemed to me an amazing thing,
"from the other world", and I immediately decide to make a profit for my aunts. Strangely, as
far as I am informed, I cannot get clear information on the correct practice to follow: I think
it can be made money every day of the year and so in fact I do during that pilgrimage asking
for both of my aunts. Fortunately, a few weeks later, in my parish, I find the correct practice
in the sheet of Sunday Mass, to be carried out between 1st and 2nd August and for one
person only. On August 1, 1982, after various vicissitudes (it is not easy to confess and
communicate in August!), I ask for an indulgence for Aunt Fortunata. Wednesday,
September 1, 1982, I return from Natuzza and showing her photos of my aunts I mention the
answers you gave me previously and my request for the indulgence of the
Porziuncola. Natuzza repeats to herself: "The indulgence of the Porziuncola" and looking at
the photos immediately replies without hesitation: "This (indicating Aunt Fortunata) is
already in paradise; this (pointing to Aunt Flora) not yet ”. I am very surprised and happy
and ask for confirmation: "But was it just for the indulgence?". Natuzza replies: "Yes, yes, the
indulgence of the Porziuncola". I want to add that I was very amazed and comforted by this
episode: amazed at how such a great grace was granted after very little effort on my
part; comforted and happy that a prayer said by a poor fellow like me was heard. I feel as if
my recent return to the Church has been sealed with this grace. With regard to Aunt Flora, I
ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on Thursday November
18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora) she is in paradise she is
in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ”. I am very surprised and happy
and ask for confirmation: "But was it just for the indulgence?". Natuzza replies: "Yes, yes, the
indulgence of the Porziuncola". I want to add that I was very amazed and comforted by this
episode: amazed at how such a great grace was granted after very little effort on my
part; comforted and happy that a prayer said by a poor fellow like me was heard. I feel as
though my recent return to the Church has been sealed with this grace. With regard to Aunt
Flora, I ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on Thursday
November 18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora) she is in
paradise she is in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ". I am very
surprised and happy and ask for confirmation: "But was it just for the indulgence?". Natuzza
replies: "Yes, yes, the indulgence of the Porziuncola". I want to add that I was very amazed
and comforted by this episode: amazed at how such a great grace was granted after very little
effort on my part; comforted and happy that a prayer said by a poor fellow like me was
heard. I feel as though my recent return to the Church has been sealed with this grace. With
regard to Aunt Flora, I ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on
Thursday November 18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora)
she is in paradise she is in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ”. Natuzza
replies: "Yes, yes, the indulgence of the Porziuncola". I want to add that I was very amazed
and comforted by this episode: amazed at how such a great grace was granted after very little
effort on my part; comforted and happy that a prayer said by a poor fellow like me was
heard. I feel as if my recent return to the Church has been sealed with this grace. With regard
to Aunt Flora, I ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on
Thursday November 18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora)
she is in paradise she is in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ". Natuzza
replies: "Yes, yes, the indulgence of the Porziuncola". I want to add that I was very amazed
and comforted by this episode: amazed at how such a great grace was granted after very little
effort on my part; comforted and happy that a prayer said by a poor fellow like me was
heard. I feel as if my recent return to the Church has been sealed with this grace. With regard
to Aunt Flora, I ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on
Thursday November 18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora)
she is in paradise she is in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ". amazed at
how such a great grace was granted after very little effort on my part; comforted and happy
that a prayer said by a poor fellow like me was heard. I feel as if my recent return to the
Church has been sealed with this grace. With regard to Aunt Flora, I ask for the plenary
indulgence on the following November 1st and on Thursday November 18th 1982 I receive
the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora) she is in paradise she is in Prato Verde; she
went there for the suffrages received ". amazed at how such a great grace was granted after
very little effort on my part; comforted and happy that a prayer said by a poor fellow like me
was heard. I feel as if my recent return to the Church has been sealed with this grace. With
regard to Aunt Flora, I ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on
Thursday November 18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora)
she is in paradise she is in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ". With
regard to Aunt Flora, I ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on
Thursday November 18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora)
she is in paradise she is in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ". With
regard to Aunt Flora, I ask for the plenary indulgence on the following November 1st and on
Thursday November 18th 1982 I receive the following answer from Natuzza: “Now (Flora)
she is in paradise she is in Prato Verde; she went there for the suffrages received ”.

Dr. Franco Stilo says: “In 1985 or 1984 I went to Natuzza and showed her the photos of my
aunt and grandfather, deceased. I showed her my aunt's photo first. Natuzza, immediately,
with impressive rapidity, without even thinking about it at all, lit up her face and, happily,
said: "This is holy, she is in paradise with the Madonna". When he took the photo of my
grandfather, he changed his expression instead, and said, "This is in great need of
suffrages." I was amazed at the speed and security with which he gave the answers. Her aunt,
Antonietta Stilo, born on 3.3.1932 and died on 8.12.1980 in Nicotera, was very religious since
she was a child and at 19 she went to Naples to become a nun, but immediately afterwards
she fell ill and was unable to continue, but she always prayed, she was very good and kind to
everyone, and always offered his illness to the Lord; my grandfather Giuseppe Stilo, however,
the father of his aunt, born on 5.4.1890 and died on 10.6.1973 never prayed, never went to
mass, sometimes he swore and perhaps did not believe in God, while his aunt was all
opposite to. Of course, Natuzza couldn't have known anything about it and I, I repeat, was
amazed at the exceptional speed with which Natuzza gave me the answers ".
Professor Valerio Marinelli, a scientist author of several books on Evolo, once asked her: "Do
the souls of Purgatory also suffer from the cold?". And she: “Yes, even the wind and the frost,
according to the sins have a particular penalty. For example, the proud, the vain and the
proud are destined to be in the mud, but it is not a normal mud, it is a mud of
putrefaction. Time in the afterlife is like this here, but it seems slower because of the
suffering. Nobody knows the mysteries of the afterlife, and scientists know only a thousandth
part of what is here in the earthly world. "
Dr. Ercole Versace of Reggio Calabria recalls: “One morning many years ago, while I, my wife
and Natuzza prayed together in the chapel in Paravati, and there was no one else with us, at
one point Natuzza became bright in the face and he said to me, "Doctor, did you have a
brother who died when he was little?" And I: "Yes, why?". "Because it's here with us!" "Yes,
and where is it?". "In a beautiful green lawn." It was my brother Alberto, who died at the age
of fifteen, on May 21, 1940, from an appendiceal attack, while studying in Florence at the
Collegio della Quercia. Natuzza added nothing else. "
Sister Bianca Cordiano of the Missionaries of the Catechism, declares: “I have asked Natuzza
many times about my deceased relatives. When I asked her about my mother she
immediately said to me, with an expression of joy: “She is in heaven! She was a holy woman!
". When I asked her about my father, she said, "The next time you come, I'll give you the
answer." When I saw her again, Natuzza said to me: "On October 7 you have a Mass
celebrated for your father, because he will go up to heaven!". I was deeply affected by these
words of hers, because October 7 is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and my
father was called Rosario. Natuzza didn't know my father's name. " It is now appropriate
to report a part of the 1984 interview granted by the Calabrian mystic to the well-known
professor Luigi Maria Lombardi Satriani, a professor of anthropology of Marxist extraction
who has always praised Natuzza Evolo, together with the illustrious teacher also the
journalist Maricla Boggio interviewed Natuzza , we use the initials D. for Question and R. for
answer: “D. - Natuzza, thousands of people have come to her and continue to come. What are
they coming for, what needs do they tell you, what requests do they make to you? R. -
Requests for illness, if the doctor has guessed the cure. They ask for the dead, if they are in
heaven, if they are in purgatory, if they need or not, for advice. D. - And how do you answer
them. For the dead, for example, when they ask you about the dead. R. - For the dead I
recognize them if I saw them for example 2, 3 months before; if I saw them a year earlier I
don't remember them, but if I saw them for a short time I remember them, through
photography I recognize them. D. - So they show you the photograph and you can also tell
where they are? R. - Yes, where they are, if they are in paradise, in purgatory, if they need, if
they send a message to their relatives. Q. - Can you also report messages from the living,
from family members to the dead? R. - Yes, even of the living. D. - But when a person dies,
can you immediately see it or not? R. - No, after forty days. D. - And where are the souls
during these forty days? R. - They don't say where, they never talked about this. D. - And they
can be in purgatory or in heaven or in hell? R. - Or in hell, yes. D. - Or even somewhere
else? R. - They say they do purgatory on earth, where they lived, where they committed
sins. D. - You sometimes talk about the green lawn. What is Prato Verde? R. - They say it,
which is the antechamber of paradise. D. - And how do you distinguish, when you see people,
if they are alive or if they are dead. Because you see them simultaneously. R. - I do not always
distinguish them, because many times I have happened to give the chair to a dead man
because I do not distinguish whether he is alive or if he is dead. I distinguish only the souls of
paradise because they are raised from the ground. The others are not, however, for the
living. In fact, how many times do I give them the chair and they say to me: "I don't need it
because I'm a soul from another world". And then he talks to me about the relative present
because many times it happens that, when, for example, a person comes, she is accompanied
by her dead brother or father who tells me many things to suggest to her son. Q. - Do you
listen to these voices of the dead only? Don't the others in the room hear them? R. - No, only
me, I repeat what I feel.
Read also:
A book to learn more about Natuzza Evolo, "the mystique of Paravati"

The scientist Valerio Marinelli who, for a long time, studied the paranormal phenomena of
Natuzza gathering various testimonies, recalls: “In 1985 Mrs. Jolanda Cuscianna, of Bari,
instructed me to ask Natuzza about the mother Carmela Tritto, who died in September 1984.
this lady had been one of Jehovah's Witnesses and her daughter was concerned about her
salvation. Already Padre Pio, when his mother was still alive, had told her that she would be
saved, but Signora Cuscianna wanted Natuzza's confirmation. Natuzza, to whom I did not
speak of Padre Pio's response, but only said that she had been one of Jehovah's Witnesses,
told me that that soul was saved, but that she needed suffrages. Signora Cuscianna prayed a
lot for her mother and also made her celebrate Gregorian Masses. When asked to Natuzza a
year later,
Again Professor Marinelli recalls, regarding the issue of Purgatory: “Father Michele
questioned her later on this issue, and Natuzza reiterated that indeed the sufferings of
Purgatory can be very acute, so much so that we talk about flames of Purgatory, to make us
understand intensity of their pain. The souls of Purgatory can be supported by living men,
but not by the souls of the dead, not even by those of heaven; only the Madonna, among the
souls of heaven, can help them. And during the celebration of Mass, Natuzza said to Father
Michele, many souls flock to the churches, waiting for the priest's prayer to their advantage
as beggars. On 1 October 1997 I had the opportunity to meet Natuzza at the Casa Anziani, in
the presence of Father Michele, and I went back to her again on this subject. I asked her if it
were true that the sufferings of the earth are little compared to those of Purgatory, and she
replied that the sufferings of Purgatory are always commensurate with the sins committed by
the individual soul; that earthly sufferings, if accepted with patience and offered to God, have
great value, and can greatly shorten one's Purgatory: a month of earthly suffering could
avoid, for example, a year of purgatory, as happened to my mother; he reminded me of
Natuzza, who with his illness before dying had spared a part of Purgatory and went almost
immediately to the Prato Verde, where he does not suffer despite not yet having the beatific
vision. The sufferings of Purgatory, Natuzza added, can sometimes be more severe even than
those of Hell, but souls willingly bear them because they know that before, or after, they will
have the eternal vision of God and are supported by this certainty; moreover, suffrages that
mitigate and shorten their pains reach them. Sometimes they have the comfort of the
guardian angel. However, to some soul who had seriously sinned, Natuzza said, it happened
that she remained in doubt for a long time about her own salvation, standing over a precipice
from where on one side there was darkness, on another the sea, and on the other the fire, and
the soul did not know if it was in Purgatory or in Hell. Only after forty years did she learn
that she was saved, and she was very happy. " Sometimes they have the comfort of the
guardian angel. However, to some soul who had seriously sinned, Natuzza said, it happened
that she remained in doubt for a long time about her own salvation, standing over a precipice
from where on one side there was darkness, on another the sea, and on the other the fire, and
the soul did not know if it was in Purgatory or in Hell. Only after forty years did she learn
that she was saved, and she was very happy. " Sometimes they have the comfort of the
guardian angel. However, to some soul who had seriously sinned, Natuzza said, it happened
that she remained in doubt for a long time about her own salvation, standing over a precipice
from where on one side there was darkness, on another the sea, and on the other the fire, and
the soul did not know if it was in Purgatory or in Hell. Only after forty years did she learn
that she was saved, and she was very happy. "
Natuzza's visions of Purgatory are in accordance with the data of the Magisterium, moreover
they constitute a precious confirmation of the truth of faith professed. Natuzza makes us
understand what infinite mercy and infinite justice of God mean, which are not in conflict
with each other, but harmoniously harmonize without taking anything away from mercy or
justice. Natuzza often underlines the importance of prayers and suffrages for the souls of
Purgatory and above all the request for celebrations of Holy Masses and in this way
underlines the infinite value of the blood of Christ the Redeemer. Evolo's lesson is extremely
precious today in a historical period in which weak relativist thought and nihilism go
crazy. Natuzza's message is a strong reminder of reality and common sense. In particular
Natuzza invites to have a deep sense of sin. One of the great misfortunes of today is precisely
the complete loss of the sense of sin. Purging souls are in enormous numbers. This makes us
understand both the mercy of God, who saves as much as possible, and the defects and
shortcomings of even the best souls.
Natuzza's life served not only to help suffering souls in Purgatory, but to reinvigorate the
conscience of all those who turned to her on the seriousness of sin and thus set up a much
more rigorous and morally committed Christian life. Natuzza often spoke of Purgatory and
this is also a great teaching because unfortunately, together with the Novissimi, the theme of
Purgatory has almost completely disappeared from the preaching and teaching of many
Catholic theologians. The reason is that today everyone (even homosexuals) thinks we are so
good that they cannot deserve anything but Heaven! Here there is certainly the responsibility
of contemporary culture which tends to deny the very concept of sin, that is, of the very
reality that faith binds to Hell and Purgatory. But in the silence on Purgatory there is also
some other responsibility: the protestantisation of Catholicism. In conclusion, Natuzza's
teaching on Purgatory can be extremely useful for the salvation of the soul of 21st century
Catholics who want to listen to it.

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