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Heat Treament of Steel

Nama : Ayu Anjelia Cristhin Hande

NIM. : 43219055
kelas : 4b alih jenjang

A. Read the passage below

We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways. In the first place, steel
which contains very little carbon will be milder than steel which contains a higher
percentage of carbon, up to the limit of about 1 %. Secondly, we can heat above a
certain critical temperature, and then allow it to cool at different rates. At this critical
temperature, changes begin to take place in the molecular structure and permit it to cool
very slowly. This causes the metal to become softer than before, and much easier to
machine. Annealing has the second advantage. It helps to relieve any internal stresses
which exist in the metal. These stresses are liable to occure through hammering or
working the metal, or through rapid cooling. Metal which we cause to cool rapidly
contracts more rapidly on the outside than on the inside. This produces unequal
contractions, which may give rise to distortion or cracking. Metal which cools slowly is
less liable to have these internal stresses than metal which cools quickly.

On the other hand, we can make steel harder by rapid cooling. We heat it up
beyond the critical temperature, and then quench it in water or some other liquid. The
rapid temperature drop fixes the structural change in the steel which occured at the
critical temperature, and makes it very hard. But a bar of this harden steel is more liable
to fracture than normal steel. We therefore heat it again to a temperature below the
critical temperature, and cool it slowly. This treatment is called tempering. It helps to
relieve the internal stresses, and makes the steel less brittle than before. The properties of
tempered steel enable us to use it in the manufacture of tools which need a fairly hard
steel. High carbon steel is harder than tempered steel, but it is much more difficult to

These heat treaments take place during the various shaping operations. We can
obtain bars and sheets of steel by rolling the metal through huge rolls in a rolling-mill.
The roll pressures must be much greater for hot rolling than for cold rolling, but cold
rolling enables the operators to produce rolls of great accuracy and uniformaty, and with
a better surface finish. Other shaping operations include drawing into wire, casting in
moulds, and forging.

a. Answer the following questions:
1. How to alter the characteristic of steel?
 We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways.
2. How many kinds of heat treatment of steel according to the passage? Explain!
 There are two kinds of heat treatment of steel that are anneling and
tempering. Anneling ,we can heat above a certain critical temperature, and
then allow it to cool at different rates. At this critical temperature, changes
begin to take place in the molecular structure and permit it to cool very
slowly. This causes the metal to become softer than before, and much
easier to machine. In tempering , we heat it up beyond the critical
temperature, and then quench it in water or some other liquid. The rapid
temperature drop fixes the structural change in the steel which occured at
the critical temperature, and makes it very hard. But a bar of this harden
steel is more liable to fracture than normal steel. We therefore heat it
again to a temperature below the critical temperature, and cool it slowly.
3. How to make the metal become softer?
 We can heat above a certain critical temperature, and then allow it to cool
at different rates. At this critical temperature, changes begin to take place
in the molecular structure and permit it to cool very slowly. This causes
the metal to become softer than before.
4. How to make the steel harder?
 we can make steel harder by rapid cooling. We heat it up beyond the
critical temperature, and then quench it in water or some other liquid. The
rapid temperature drop fixes the structural change in the steel which
occured at the critical temperature, and makes it very hard.
5. What can be done in shaping operations?

 We can be done rolling metal by rolling the metal through huge rolls in a
rolling-mill. Other shaping operations we can be drawing into wire, we
can casting in moulds, and forging.

6. What is the different between hot rolling and cold rolling?

 The different between hot rolling and cold rolling is the roll pressures
must be much greater for hot rolling than for cold rolling.

b. Complete the sentences with these words:

 annealing . expand
 tempering . contract
 relieve . grow
1. When we heat the steel above the critical temperature and permit it to cool very
slowly is known as annealing
2. When we heat the steel up beyond the critical temperature, and then quench it in
water, then we heat it again to a temperature below critical temperature, and cool
it very slowly is known as tempering
3. Most substances expand when they are heated and contract when they are cooled.
4. We can relieve the stresses in a steel bar by tempering it.

B. Language Focus:

3. Classification

two Types
three kinds
There are several sorts of bearings
many classes
their position on the shaft.
We can bearings accorting to whether they take the load on the shaft
classify or the end thrust.
We can bearings into several categories according to ..... (as
divide groups above).

Exercise 3:
Classify the follong in the same way in language focus 3 above.

1) Engineering (e.g. mechanical, electrical, chemical)

 There are three kinds of engineerings that are mechanical, electrical and
2) Building (e.g. house, office, hotel, motel, apartment, shop, etc.)
 There are several kinds of buildings that are house, office, hotel, motel,
apartment, shop, etc
3) Metals (e.g. ferrous and nonferrous metals)
 Metal can be divided into two main groups: ferrous metals are those
which contain iron and nonferrous metals that are those which contain no
4) Iron (cast iron, wrought iron, mild steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon
 There are five type of the irons. These are cast iron, wrought iron, mild
steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel.
5) Fuel (solid, liquid, and gas)
 The fuel can be classifies into three type’s mainly solid, liquid and gas on
the bases of their physical state.

NB: I think in exercise 3 no.4 “iron can divide into two type : cast iron and
wrought iron. And then “there are three kinds of steel, that are mild steel,
medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel.

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