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A computer term that is used often to describe the hectic pace of daily life is u À which
means to do more than one thing at once²such as surfing the Web at your desk while participating in
a conference call and using the Buttmaster exercise device to achieve more shapely shanks.

The term multitasking comes from the world of operating systemsÀ where a multitasking computer is
one that can run more than one program at a time.

One of the most sophisticated features of the Java language is the ability to write programs that can
multitask using objects called threads.

During this hourÀ you'll learn how to make programs more sophisticated through the use of threads.
The following topics will be covered:

sing an interface with a program

?reating threads

0tartingÀ stoppingÀ and pausing threads

?atching errors


Gn a Java programÀ each of the simultaneous tasks the computer handles is called a threadÀ and the
overall process is called u 
 . Threading is useful in animation and many other programs.

Threads are a way to organize a program so that it does more than one thing at a time. Each task that
must occur simultaneously is placed in its own threadÀ and this often is accomplished by
implementing each task as a separate class.

Threads are represented by the Thread class and the Runnable interfaceÀ which are both part of the
java.lang package of classes. Because they belong to this packageÀ you don't have to use an import
statement to make them available in your programs.

One of the simplest uses of the Thread class is to slow down how fast a program does something.

The Thread class has a sleep() method that can be called in any program that should stop running for a
short period of time. You will often see this technique used in a program that features animation
because it prevents images from being displayed faster than the Java interpreter can handle them.

To use the sleep() methodÀ call Thread.sleep() with the number of milliseconds to pauseÀ as in the
following statement:


The preceding example will cause the Java interpreter to pause for five seconds before doing anything
else. Gf for some reason the interpreter can't pause that longÀ an GnterruptedException will be thrown
by the sleep() method.

For this reasonÀ you must deal with this exception in some manner when using the sleep() method.
One way to do this is to place the Thread.sleep() statement inside a try-catch block:

try {
} catch (GnterruptedException e) {
// wake up early

When you want a Java program to handle more than one thing at a timeÀ you must organize the
program into threads. Your program can have as many threads as neededÀ and they can all run
simultaneously without affecting each other.


A Java class that can be run as a thread is often referred to as a 

 . Although threads can
be used to pause a program's execution for a few secondsÀ they are often used to the opposite reason:
to speed up a program. Gf you put time-consuming tasks in their own threadsÀ the rest of the program
runs more quickly. This often is used to prevent a task from slowing down the responsiveness of a
program's graphical user interface.

For exampleÀ if you have written a 0wing application that loads stock market price data from disk and
compiles statisticsÀ the most time-consuming task is to load the data from disk. Gf threads are not used
in the applicationÀ the program's interface may respond sluggishly as the data is being loaded. This
can be extremely frustrating to a userÀ especially if the person has decided to close the application and
return to more pressing mattersÀ like a game of Windows Free?ell.

There are two ways to place a task in its own thread:

ut the task in a class that implements the Runnable interface.

ut the task in a class that is a subclass of Thread.

To support the Runnable interfaceÀ the implements keyword is used when the class is createdÀ as in
this example:

public class Load0tocks implements Runnable {

// body of the class

When a class implements an interfaceÀ it indicates that the class supports some kind of additional
behavior in addition to its own methods.

?lasses that implement the Runnable interface must include the run() methodÀ which has the
following structure:

public void run() {

// body of the method

The run() method should take care of the task that the thread was created to accomplish. Gn the stock-
analysis exampleÀ the run() method could contain statements to load data from disk and compile
statistics based on that data.

When a threaded application is runÀ the statements in its run() method are not executed automatically.
Threads can be started and stopped in JavaÀ and a thread won't begin running until you do two things:

1. ?reate an object of the threaded class by calling the Thread constructor.

2. 0tart the thread by calling its start() method.

The Thread constructor takes a single argument²the object that contains the thread's run() method.
OftenÀ you will use the this keyword as the argumentÀ which indicates that the current class includes
the run() method.

Listing 19.1 contains a Java application that displays a sequence of prime numbers in a text area.


1: import java.awt.*;
2: import javax.swing.*;
3: import java.awt.event.*;
5: class Findrimes extends JFrame implements RunnableÀ ActionListener {
6: Thread go;
7: JLabel howManyLabel = new JLabel("Quantity: ");
8: JTextField howMany = new JTextField("400"À 10);
9: JButton display = new JButton("Display primes");
10: JTextArea primes = new JTextArea(8À 40);
12: Findrimes() {
13: super("Find rime Numbers");
14: set0ize(400À 300);
15: setDefault?loseOperation(JFrame.EXGT_ON_?LO0E);
16: ?ontainer content = get?ontentane();
17: BorderLayout bord = new BorderLayout();
18: content.setLayout(bord);
19: display.addActionListener(this);
20: Janel topanel = new Janel();
21: topanel.add(howManyLabel);
22: topanel.add(howMany);
23: topanel.add(display);
24: content.add(topanelÀ BorderLayout.NORTH);
25: primes.setLineWrap(true);
26: J0crollane textane = new J0crollane(primes);
27: content.add(textaneÀ BorderLayout.?ENTER);
28: setVisible(true);
29: }
31: public void actionerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
32: display.setEnabled(false);
33: if (go == null) {
34: go = new Thread(this);
35: go.start();
36: }
37: }
39: public void run() {
40: int quantity = Gnteger.parseGnt(howMany.getText());
41: int numrimes = 0;
42: // candidate: the number that might be prime
43: int candidate = 2;
44: primes.append("First " + quantity + " primes:");
45: while (numrimes < quantity) {
46: if (isrime(candidate)) {
47: primes.append(candidate + " ");
48: numrimes++;
49: }
50: candidate++;
51: }
52: }
54: public static boolean isrime(int checkNumber) {
55: double root = Math.sqrt(checkNumber);
56: for (int i = 2; i <= root; i++) {
57: if (checkNumber % i == 0)
58: return false;
59: }
60: return true;
61: }
63: public static void main(0tring[] arguments) {
64: Findrimes fp = new Findrimes();
65: }
66: }

The Findrimes application displays a text fieldÀ a Display rimes buttonÀ and a text areaÀ as shown in
Figure 19.1.

Figure 19.1 Running the Findrimes application.

Most of the statements in the application are used to create the graphical user interface or display a
sequence of prime numbers. The following statements are used to implement threads in this program:

·  The Runnable interface is supported in the Findrimes class.

·  A Thread object is given a name (go)À but isn't created yet.

·   Gf the go thread has a value of nullÀ which indicates the thread hasn't been created
yetÀ a new Thread object is created under the name go. The thread is started by calling the thread's
start() methodÀ which causes the run() method of the Findrimes class to be executed.

·   The run() method looks for a sequence of prime numbers beginning with 2À
displaying each one in the primes text area component by calling its append() method. The
number of primes in the sequence is determined by the value in the howMany text field.


You can start a thread by calling its start() methodÀ which may lead you to believe that there's
also a stop() method to bring it to a halt.

Although Java includes a stop() method in the Thread classÀ it has been deprecated. Gn JavaÀ a

 element is a classÀ interfaceÀ methodÀ or variable that has been replaced with
something that works better. Anything that has been deprecated can still be usedÀ but may be
removed from the language entirely in a future version.


Gt's a good idea to heed this deprecation warning. 0un Microsystems has deprecated the stop()
method because it can cause problems for other threads running in the Java interpreter.

The next project you undertake will show how a thread can be stopped. The remainder of this
hour covers an extended project describing the design of a threaded applet. The program
you'll be writing will rotate through a list of Web site titles and the addresses used to visit

The title of each page and the Web address will be displayed in a continuous cycle. sers will
be able to visit the currently displayed site by clicking a button on the applet window. This
program operates over a period of timeÀ displaying information about each Web site in
sequence. Because of this time elementÀ threads are the best way to control the program.

Gnstead of entering this program into your word processor first and learning about it
afterwardÀ you'll get a chance to enter the full text of the Revolve applet at the end of the hour.
Before thenÀ each section of the program will be described.


The first thing you need to do in this applet is to use import to make some classes available.

The java.awt group of classes is needed because you'll be using one of themÀ Graphics2DÀ to
display text onscreen. The group will be used when you work with the Web
addressesÀ and the java.applet group is needed when you tell the browser to load a new page.
FinallyÀ the java.awt.event group is needed to respond to mouse clicks so a user can visit one
of the addresses shownÀ and the java.awt.swing package is needed because it is used to create
the applet window and other user interface elements.

se the following import statements:

import java.applet.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;


After you have used import to make some classes availableÀ you're ready to begin the applet
with the following statement:

public class Revolve extends JApplet

implements RunnableÀ ActionListener {

This statement creates the Revolve class as a subclass of the JApplet class. Gt also indicates
that two interfaces are supported by this class²Runnable and ActionListener. By
implementing the Runnable classÀ you will be able to use a run() method in this applet to
make a thread begin running. The ActionListener interface enables the applet to respond to
actions the user takes with the mouse. Gmplementing it enables the actionerformed() method
to be called when a mouse button is clicked.



The first thing to do in the Revolve class is create the variables and objects needed throughout
the program. ?reate two arrays with six elements²an array of 0tring objects called pageTitle
and an array of RL objects called pageLink:

0tring[] pageTitle = new 0tring[6];

RL[] pageLink = new RL[6];

The pageTitle array will store the titles of the six Web sites that will be displayed. The RL
class of objects stores the value of a Web site address. RL has all the behavior and attributes
needed to keep track of a Web address and use it to load the page with a Web browser. Both
of these arrays are set up without any values at this pointÀ so you'll have to provide them later.

The last three things to be created are a ?olor object named butterscotchÀ an integer variable
called current and a Thread object called runner:

?olor butterscotch = new ?olor(204À 204À 158);

int current = 0;

Thread runner;

?olor objects represent colors you can use on fontsÀ user interface componentsÀ and other
visual aspects of 0wing. You'll find out how to use them during Hour 21À "sing Fonts and

The current variable will be used to keep track of which site is being displayed so you can
cycle through the sites. The Thread object runner represents the only thread this program
runs. You will call methods of the runner object when you startÀ stopÀ and pause the operation
of the applet.



The init() method of an applet automatically is handled once when the applet first starts to
run. Gn this exampleÀ this method is used to assign values to the two arrays created for this
appletÀ pageTitle and pageLink. Gt also is used to create a clickable button that will appear on
the applet. The method consists of the following statements:

public void init() {

pageTitle[0] = "0un's Java site";

pageLink[0] = getRL("");

pageTitle[1] = "?afe au Lait";

pageLink[1] = getRL("");

pageTitle[2] = "JavaWorld";

pageLink[2] = getRL("");

pageTitle[3] = "Java 2 in 24 Hours";

pageLink[3] = getRL("");

pageTitle[4] = "0ams ublishing";

pageLink[4] = getRL("");

pageTitle[5] = "Workbench";

pageLink[5] = getRL("");

Button goButton = new Button("Go");


FlowLayout flow = new FlowLayout();

?ontainer pane = get?ontentane();





0trings are assigned to the six elements of the pageTitle arrayÀ which stores the title of each
Web page. The elements of the pageLink array are assigned a value returned by the getRL()
methodÀ which you will be creating for this program.

The last seven statements of the init() method are used to create a button and place it on the
applet window. The button has the name goButton and is labeled with the text Go.

 u  " 0

When you set up a RL objectÀ you must make sure that the text used to set up the address is in a
valid format. and are validÀ but something such
as would not be because of the missing // marks.

The getRL() method takes a string of text as an argument. The string is checked to see if it's a valid
Web addressÀ and if it isÀ the method returns that valid address. Gf it's erroneousÀ the method sends
back a null value. The following is the getRL() method:

RL getRL(0tring urlText) {

RL pageRL = null;
try {
pageRL = new RL(getDocumentBase()À urlText);
catch (MalformedRLException m) { }
return pageRL;

The first line of this method includes three thingsÀ in this order:

The type of object or variable that is returned by the method²a RL object in this case. Gf this is
voidÀ no information is returned by the method.

The name of the method²getRL.

The argument or argumentsÀ if anyÀ that this method takes²only one in this exampleÀ a 0tring
variable called urlText.

The try-catch block deals with any MalformedRLException errors that occur when RL objects are

Gf the string variable sent to the method is a valid Web addressÀ it will be sent back as a valid RL
object. Gf notÀ null is returned. Because you were assigning values to six different RL objects in the
pageRL arrayÀ the getRL() method makes this process easier to do.

c  0 


The paint() method of any applet is handled when the screen needs to be updated. This situation can
be caused by the Web browser or operating system outside of the applet if they obscure part of an
applet window or change its dimensions in some way. The paint() method can also be called manually
within an applet when the screen needs to be updated.

Gf you put a repaint(); statement in an appletÀ it forces the paint() method to be handled. This statement
is a way you can tell the program that you have done something that requires a screen update. For
exampleÀ if you are writing an animation program and you move an image from one place to anotherÀ
you need to use repaint(); so the image is shown in its new location.

The Revolve applet has a short paint() method:

public void paint(Graphics screen) {

Graphics2D screen2D = (Graphics2D) screen;
screen2D.fillRect(0À 0À get0ize().widthÀ get0ize().height);
screen2D.draw0tring(pageTitle[current]À 5À 60);
screen2D.draw0tring("" + pageLink[current]À 5À 80);

The first statement in this method creates a screen2D object that represents the area of the applet
window where things such as strings can be drawn. All drawing will be done by calling the methods
of this object.

The set?olor() method of Graphics2D selects the color that will be used for subsequent drawing. The
color is set to butterscotch before a rectangle is drawn that fills the entire applet window. NextÀ the
color is set to black and lines of text are displayed on the screen at the (xÀy) positions of (5À60) and
(5À80). The first line that is displayed is an element of the pageTitle array. The second line displayed
is the address of the RL objectÀ which is stored in the pageLink array. The current variable is used to
determine which elements of these arrays to display.



One of the objects created for this program is a Thread object called runner. For a thread to get
startedÀ a place is needed where the thread is given a value and told to begin running. Gn this appletÀ
the runner thread will start whenever the start() method is handled and stop whenever stop() is

The start() method of an applet is handled at two different times: right after the init() method and
every time the program is restarted after being stopped. An applet is stopped any time a user switches
from the applet page to another Web page. Gt starts again when a user returns to the original page. The
following is the start() method of the Revolve applet:

public void start() {

if (runner == null) {
runner = new Thread(this);

This method does only one thing: Gf the runner thread is not already startedÀ it creates a new runner
thread and starts it. The runner object equals null when it has not been started yetÀ so you can test for
this condition with the if statement.
The statement runner = new Thread(this); creates a new Thread object with one argument²the this
statement. sing this makes the applet itself the program that will run in the runner thread.

The runner.start(); statement causes the thread to begin running. When a thread beginsÀ the run()
method of that thread is handled. Because the runner thread is the applet itselfÀ the run() method of the
applet is handled.


The run() method is where the main work of a thread takes place. Gt is comparable to the main() block
statement of a Java application. Gn the Revolve appletÀ the following represents the run() method:

public void run() {

Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
while (runner == thisThread) {
if (current > 5)
current = 0;
try {
} catch (GnterruptedException e) { }

The first thing that takes place in the run() method is the creation of a Thread object called thisThread.
A class method of the Thread classÀ currentThread ()À is used to set up the value for the thisThread
object. The currentThread() method keeps track of the thread that's currently running.

All of the statements in this method are part of a while loop that compares the runner object to the
thisThread object. Both of these objects are threadsÀ and as long as they have the same valueÀ the
while loop will continue looping. There's no statement inside this loop that causes the runner and
thisThread objects to have different valuesÀ so it will loop indefinitely unless something outside of the
loop changes one of the Thread objects.

The run() method first uses the repaint(); statement to cause the paint() method to be handled. NextÀ
the value of the current variable increases by oneÀ and if current exceeds 5À it is set to 0 again. The
current variable is used in the paint() method to determine which Web site information to display.
?hanging current causes a different site to be displayed the next time paint() is handled.
This method includes another try-catch statement that handles an error that might occur. The
Thread.sleep(10000); statement causes a thread to pause for 10À000 milliseconds. This statement
causes the thread to wait long enough for users to read the name of the Web site and its address. The
catch statement takes care of any GnterruptedException errors that might occur while the
Thread.sleep() statement is being handled. These errors would occur if something interrupted the
thread while it was trying to sleep().


The stop() method is handled any time the applet is stopped because the applet's page is exitedÀ and it
is the best place to stop the running thread. The stop() method for the Revolve applet contains the
following statements:

public void stop() {

if (runner != null) {
runner = null;

The if statement tests whether the runner object is equal to null. Gf it isÀ there isn't an active thread that
needs to be stopped. OtherwiseÀ the statement sets runner equal to null.

0etting the runner object to a null value causes it to have a different value than the thisThread object.
When this happensÀ the while loop inside the run() method will stop running.

c  %  

The last thing to take care of in the Revolve applet is event-handling: Whenever a user clicks the Go
buttonÀ the Web browser should open the Web site that is listed. This is done with a method called
actionerformed(). The actionerformed() method is called whenever the button is clicked.

The following is the actionerformed() method of the Revolve applet:

public void actionerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

if (runner != null) {
runner = null;
Applet?ontext browser = getApplet?ontext();
if (pageLink[current] != null)

The first thing that happens in this method is that the runner thread is stopped in the same way it was
stopped in the applet's stop() method. The next statement creates a new Applet?ontext object called

An Applet?ontext object represents the environment in which the applet is being presented²in other
wordsÀ the page it's located on and the Web browser that loaded the page.

The showDocument() method of this object is called with a single argument: a RL object
representing a World Wide Web address. Gf the page represented by pageLink[current] is a valid
addressÀ showDocument() is used to request that the browser load the page.

W  &#  $ 

Now that all aspects of the Revolve applet have been describedÀ you're ready to create the program
and test it. Run your word processor and create a new file called Enter the text of
Listing 19.2 and save the file when you're done.

u  ' 

1: import java.applet.*;
2: import java.awt.*;
3: import java.awt.event.*;
4: import javax.swing.*;
5: import*;
7: public class Revolve extends JApplet
8: implements RunnableÀ ActionListener {
10: 0tring[] pageTitle = new 0tring[6];
11: RL[] pageLink = new RL[6];
12: ?olor butterscotch = new ?olor(255À 204À 158);
13: int current = 0;
14: Thread runner;
16: public void init() {
17: pageTitle[0] = "0un's Java site";
18: pageLink[0] = getRL("");
19: pageTitle[1] = "?afe au Lait";
20: pageLink[1] = getRL("");
21: pageTitle[2] = "JavaWorld";
22: pageLink[2] = getRL("");
23: pageTitle[3] = "Java 2 in 24 Hours";
24: pageLink[3] = getRL("");
25: pageTitle[4] = "0ams ublishing";
26: pageLink[4] = getRL("");
27: pageTitle[5] = "Workbench";
28: pageLink[5] = getRL("");
29: Button goButton = new Button("Go");
30: goButton.addActionListener(this);
31: FlowLayout flow = new FlowLayout();
32: ?ontainer pane = get?ontentane();
33: pane.setLayout(flow);
34: pane.add(goButton);
35: set?ontentane(pane);
36: }
38: RL getRL(0tring urlText) {
39: RL pageRL = null;
40: try {
41: pageRL = new RL(getDocumentBase()À urlText);
42: } catch (MalformedRLException m) { }
43: return pageRL;
44: }
46: public void paint(Graphics screen) {
47: Graphics2D screen2D = (Graphics2D) screen;
48: screen2D.set?olor(butterscotch);
49: screen2D.fillRect(0À 0À get0ize().widthÀ get0ize().height);
50: screen2D.set?olor(?;
51: screen2D.draw0tring(pageTitle[current]À 5À 60);
52: screen2D.draw0tring("" + pageLink[current]À 5À 80);
53: }
55: public void start() {
56: if (runner == null) {
57: runner = new Thread(this);
58: runner.start();
59: }
60: }
62: public void run() {
63: Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread();
64: while (runner == thisThread) {
65: repaint();
66: current++;
67: if (current > 5)
68: current = 0;
69: try {
70: Thread.sleep(10000);
71: } catch (GnterruptedException e) { }
72: }
73: }
75: public void stop() {
76: if (runner != null) {
77: runner = null;
78: }
79: }
81: public void actionerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
82: if (runner != null) {
83: runner = null;
84: }
85: Applet?ontext browser = getApplet?ontext();
86: if (pageLink[current] != null)
87: browser.showDocument(pageLink[current]);
88: }
89: }

After you compile this program with the javac or another compilerÀ you need to create a Web page on
which to put the applet. ?reate a new file with your word processor and name it Revolve.html. Enter
Listing 19.3 and save the file.

u  ( 

1: <applet code="Revolve.class" width=200 height=100>

2: </applet>

When you're doneÀ you can load this file in appletviewer to see how the different links are displayed.
You won't be able to use the Go button to visit any of the linksÀ howeverÀ because that isn't supported
in appletviewer.

Figure 19.2 shows what the applet looks like in Gnternet Explorer 6.

Figure 19.2 Displaying revolving links in an applet window.

0 )

Threads are a powerful concept that is implemented with a small number of classes and interfaces in
Java. By supporting multithreading in your applications and appletsÀ you make the programs more
responsive and can often speed up how quickly they perform tasks.

Even if you learned nothing else from this hourÀ you now have a new 21st century term to describe
your frenzied lifestyle. se it in a few sentences to see if it grabs you:

"BoyÀ G was really multithreading yesterday after Mom was indicted for mail fraud."

"G multithreaded all through lunchÀ and it gave me gas."

"Not tonightÀ dearÀ G'm multithreading."

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