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The Analysis Of Speech Events Using Hymes ‘SPEAKING’ Model In The....

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
In every situation, people often use utterances and communication
to communicate each other. Utterances play important role in
communication to deliver what the speaker’s intention to the hearers and it
is the physical production of linguistic behavior. One of many ways to get
the message from the utterances is finding the meaning of utterance.
Utterance that used by people in speech community can be variant.
According to Hymes (1974:252) in Coupland (1997:116) defined speech
community as group of people who share a role for using and interpreting
Ethnography of communication is the approach by Hymes that
studied about language and culture. The ethnography of comunication is
the analysis of communication within the wider context of the social and
cultural practices and beliefs of the members of a particular culture or
speech community.
Arisan is one of social communities in which people gather
regularly and contribute to and take turns at winning an aggregiate sum of
money. Furthermore, the members of arisan come from different culture
background, age, and social status who interact each other. Based on those
explanation, researchers are interested in conducting research entitled The
Analysis Of Speech Events Using Hymes ‘SPEAKING’ Model In The
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Objectives of the study
To analyze the speech event........... in by using Hymes speaking model.
2. Underlying Theory
2.1 Utterance

Utterance is a smallest unit of speech. It is a continuous piece of

speech begining and ending with a clear pause. In the case of oral
language, it is generally but not always bounded by sillence. Utterance has
no room for the concept of the performative because ‘all speech acts’ are
‘social acts, not just performative ones’. All utterance are ‘speech acts’
that engage a ‘social obligation’. (Bakhtin Mikhail, 1924)

2.2 Speech Community

Speech Community is a group of people who share a set of

linguistic norms and expectations with regard to how their language should
be used. Exactly how to define speech community is debate in the
literature. Definition of speech community tend to involve varying degrees
of emphasis on the following:
1) shared community membership
2) shared linguistic communication
Speech community comes to share a specific set of norms for
language use through living and interact frequently and share certain
norms and ideologies. Such group can be villages, countries, political or
professional communities, or even just group and friends. (Arnold, 1935)

2.3 Speaking Model

Speaking is a model of socio-linguistic study (represented as a

mnemonic) developed by Dell Hymes. It is a tool to assist the
identification and labeling of components of onteractional linguistic that
was driven by his view that, in order to speak a language correctly, one
needs not only to learn its vocabulary and grammar, but also the context in
which words are used.
To facilitate the application of his representation, Hymes
constructed the acronym, S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G (for setting and scene,
participants, ends, act sequence, key, instrument, norms, and genre) under
which he group the sixteen components within eight divisions.(Hymes,
The Setting and Scene (S) of speech are important. Setting refers to
the time and place, i.e., the concrete physical circumtances in which
speech takes place. Scene refers to the abstract psychological setting, or
the cultural definition of the occasion.
The Participants (P) include various combination of speaker-
listener, addessor-addressee, or sender-receiver. They generally fill certain
socially specified roles.
Ends (E) refers to the conventionally recognized and expected
outcomes of an exchange as well as to the personal goals that participants
seek to accomplish on particular occasions.
Act Sequence (A) refers to the actual form and content of what is
said: the precise words used, how they are used, and the relationship of
what is said to the actual topic at hand.
Key (K), the fifth terms, refers to the tone, manner, or spirit in
which a particular message is conveyed: light-hearted, serious, precise,
pedantic, mocking, sarcatic, pompous, and so on.
Instrumentalities (I) refers to the choice of channel, e.g., oral,
written, or telegraphic, and to the actual forms of speech employed, such
as the language, dialect, code, or register that is chosen.
Norms of interaction and interpretation (N) refers to the specific
behaviors and properties that attach to speaking and also to how these
maybe viewed by someone who does not share them, e.g., loudness,
silence, gaze return, and so on.
Genre (G), the final term, refers to clearly demarcated types of
utterance; such thing as poem, proverbs, riddles, sermons, prayers,
lectures, and editorials. These are all marked in specific ways in contrast to
casual speech.

3. Research Method
This research belongs to descriptive research. The object of this study is the
utterences of.......... Data and data source in this research are the dialog bla
blaaaa...... The method of collecting data are watching the video we have
recorded from bla bla repeatedly and then making transcription. Collecting the
data of blabala utterences or the dialogues, classifying the data based on the
criteria. Technique for analyzing the data is collecting the data of ....utterences
or dialogue in the blabalblaaaaaaa. Clasifying the data based on the Hymes’
theory. Analyzing blabla bla by the ethnography of communication, drawing

4. Finding and Discussion

4.1 Finding
There two findings in this video.
4.1.1. First Finding
Dialogue 1
MC : “Mbak Najwa itu ternyata orang solo lho, seberapa sering sih mbak
ke Solo?”
Najwa : “Iya kebetulan ibu saya orang solo.. solonya ituu di emm..”
MC : “Pasar kliwon?”
Najwa : “Pasar kliwon, lho kok tau..?” (nada bercanda)
MC : “Iya kan saya kepo, mbak” (nada bercanda)
Najwa : “Iyaa di pasar kliwon, mertua saya juga orang solo, di solo baru.
Jadi sebetulnya sering sih bolak balik ke solo, kalo lebaran juga
selalu biasanya mampir ke solo jadi solo itu rumah kedua buat
MC : “Luar biasaa (tepuk tangan audience).. oke bisa dibilang solo
menjadi rumah kedua bagi mbak Nana seperti itu, kalo sekarang
kita tes boleh mbak ya.. mungkin sekarang ada nggak sih lima
makanan khas atau yang yang paling khas dari kota solo yang mbak
Nana tau? “
Najwa : “Apa ya.. emm saya suka sate buntel”
MC : “Sate buntel? Okeee..”
Najwa : “Teruus.. emm nasi liwet tentu dong, terus tengkleng” (salah dalam
MC : “Tengkleng” (membenarkan pengucapan yang seharusnya teung-
Najwa : “Teruus apa lagi ya? Emm soto gading”.
MC : “Iya soto gading”
Najwa : “Soto gading.. itu udah berapa? Empat?”

a. Setting
The setting of this dialog is in the Siti Walidah Building of
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This dialog was held on
October 6th 2016 in the afternoon on “Meet and Greet Mata Najwa”.
b. Participants
There are two participants in this dialog. The first participant is Arya.
He is as Master of Ceremony in that event. And the second is Najwa
Shihab as guesstar who tells about what she knows everything about
c. Ends
Based on the dialog, the Master of Ceremony tries to get information of
Najwa Shihab’s impression about Solo’s traditional food. And Najwa
Shihab gives information about her favorite food in Solo.
d. Act Sequence
The speech acts in the dialog were most frequently discussed in terms
of interest of the speaker. Another communicative speech was friendly
and joking.
e. Key
The tone of both participants based on the dialog is friendly and joking.
f. Instruments
the instrument on the dialogue is verbal communication with informal
g. Norms
There were many norms of the meeting. All members were maintained
it carefully.
h. Genre
The genre of the utterances is dialog because there are conversation
between master of ceremony and Najwa Shihab.

4.1.2. Second Finding

Dialogue 2
MC : “Apa saja sih pengalaman yang mbak Nana rasakan selama bekerja
di dalam dunia jurnalistik ini?”
Najwa : “Saya jadi melihat orang berada pada posisi yang tidak seharusnya..
saya ingat adek-adek, Andi Malarangeng. Saya pertama bertemu
dengan Andi Malarangeng bahkan ketika belum menjadi politisi
masih pengamat, pengamat yang brilian waktu itu, pengamat
otonomi daerah. Melihat karir seseorang yang begitu cemerlang,
begitu loncer, ditarik menjadi juru bicara partai demokrat, juru
bicara presiden, kemudian menjadi menteri, kemudian berusaha
menjadi demokrat satu. Dan saya ingat pertemuan saya terakhir
dengan Andi Malarangeng adalah ketika mewawancarainya
sebelum diperiksa KPK sebagai tersangka. Duduk berhadap-
hadapan dan dia bilang kalo dia sudah menyiapkan tas yang isinya
buku dan pakaian dalam, karena malam itu akan diperiksa KPK dan
kemungkinan tidak akan keluar lagi. Profesi ini memungkinkan
saya melihat orang di titik yang atas sampai ke titik yang bawah.
Ketika harus bertemu orangtua yang kehilangan anak
perempuannya yang dibunuh secara keji oleh mantan pacarnya dan
pacar barunya. Ketika harus mendengarkan kisah seorang ibu, yang
tertular virus HIV/AIDS dari suaminya, dan yang akhirnya
menularkkan ke anaknya dan dijauhi keluarga, distigma oleh
masyarakat dan mendengar agar tetap mau hidup. Atau bertemu
dengan seorang ibu, yang dua orang anaknya mati disiksa oleh
oknum polisi.”

MC : “Apa alasan Mata Najwa mengangkat topik “wajah penjara” dalam

salah satu episode di Mata Najwa?”
Najwa : “Mata Najwa mengangkat tema ini adalah untuk menunjukkan apa
yang menjadi kondisi real penjara kita. Dua bulan belakangan
sempat ramai, namun sebelum kita angkat itu hampir tidak pernah
ada yang menyoroti betapa over kapasitasnya penjara kita. Di
hampir setiap penjara di Indonesia itu over kapasitas sampai tiga
atau empat kali lipat adek-adek.
Jadi, kapasitas hanya seratus tapi diisi tiga ratus sampai seperti
pindang tadi kita lihat, terutama itu di Medan, ada yang over
kapasitas sampai sembilan kali lipat, tidurnya pun bergantian. Ada
yang tidurnya di lubang, lubang apa saya lupa namanya. Dan itu
adalah kondisi yang real sebetulnya jarang dibicarakan. Ketika kami
memutuskan mengangkat tema ini, ada kemudian yang bilang,
“yaudahlah biarin, orang terhukum ya memang harus dihukum,
kalo mau enak ya nge-kost jangan di penjara begitu”. Ada banyak
suara-suara seperti itu, tapi disisi lain kita ingin menunjukkan orang
terhukum, narapidana juga berhak mendapatkan perlakuan yang
layak. Hampir 70% penjara kita diisi oleh narkoba dan apa yang
terjadi di dalam, mereka bukan pengedar rata-rata mereka
pengguna, karena tidak direhabilitasi dimasukkan ke penjara,
didalam ya pake lagi, ketika disidak dan hampir setiap sidak ketika
kami ikut sidak BNN dari dua puluh orang, lima belasnya positif
narkoba. Karena mereka tidak direhabilitasi kemudian dimasukkan
ke penjara, dipenjara make lagi begitu ketahuan hukumannya
ditambah lagi, dan dipenjara lebih lama lagi, penjaranya makin
penuh di dalam pake lagi, akhirnya menjadi seperti lingkaran setan.
Tapi apakah ini isu yang penting? Untuk sebagian orang bukan isu
penting. Tapi itu adalah hal-hal menurut kami penting di Mata
Najwa yang harus disorot karena itu menjadi problem yang harus
segera ditangani dan diatasi. Karena itulah kami memutuskan untuk
mengangkat topik itu dan ini topik yang ratingnya cukup
spektakuler dan apa namanya setelah ini bergulir, setelah ini kami
tayangkan, isu kemudian bergulir di berbagai media lain, dan saya
dengar-dengar akhirnya kemenhubham mendapat tambahan
anggaran untuk menambah minimal sel agar paling tidak bisa
sedikit ada penambahan sel-sel baru. Yang penting di sini adalah
kami Mata Najwa membawa dampak dan pengaruh tidak hanya
untuk pejabat, tidak hanya untuk orang-orang penting negeri ini,
supaya bisa didengar tapi untuk setiap orang dipelosok manapun
agar harkat dan martabat bisa terus diangkat, itu tujuan kami, insha
MC : “ Luar biasa” (gemuruh tepuk tangan)

a. Setting
The setting of this dialog is in the Siti Walidah Building of
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This dialog was held on October
6th 2016 in the afternoon on “Meet and Greet Mata Najwa”.
b. Participants
There are two participants in this dialog. The first participant is Arya. He
is as Master of Ceremony in that event. And the second is Najwa Shihab as
guesstar who tells about her experiences in jurnalistic and tells behind the
scenes of making episode of “Mata Najwa”.
c. Ends
Based on the dialogue, the Master of Ceremony tries to get information
about Najwa Shihab’s experiences in making great episodes in Mata
Najwa talkshow.
d. Act Sequence
The speech acts in the dialog were most frequently discussed in terms of
interest of the speaker. Another communicative speech was serious but
e. Key
The tone of both participants based on the dialog is serious.
f. Instruments
The instrument on the dialogue is verbal communication with informal
g. Norms
There were many norms of the meeting. All members were maintained it
h. Genre
The genre of the utterances is dialog because there are conversation
between master of ceremony and Najwa Shihab.

4.2 Discussion
Based on the dialog, the researchers find the utterances of Najwa Shihab is
using same style tone and intonation in her utterances. When she talked
with the master of ceremony, she used friendly, joking, and serious
intonation and the informal style language, similarly when she talked with
the audience.
Najwa Shihab also used verbal communication as instruments on the
dialog. Najwa Shihab. The researchers also find the domination of Najwa
Shihab in the dialogues.
5. Conclusion
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Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Fifth Edition).

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Purnanto, Dwi. Etnografi Komunikasi:Konsep, Kajian, dan Aplikasinya.

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