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F~~OM: Chief Education Officer

TO: Deputy Chief Education OHicers

As::-;istant Chief Education Officers
S•~nior EduGation Officc:)rs
Coordinator, Schooll3oard Secretariat
Heads of Education oc~po::utments
Coordin<:.itors/ Oirectors of Education Projects
Principals of Institutions
l···~eadteact1ers of Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools,
H<~ads of Practical Instructional CEmtn.~s

~UlE.~JJ!E:C11: Gn.oid@U01l1llf»S u~·n lf~O&-~~:OOIJil lt\0> ttu:. ~«::«:Uil.OOSHfCii!Olll'fi <r»·U' lfil<D>H1l-

ll»~.O<dl!,lJif)>it¢lllry ·ffw lltd.l$ am.:ll dknoarli:oo~n~~ ..

The Ministry of Eduea1:ion has received numerous complaints from parents regarding
i:he amount of money requested by teachers and PTAs for vnrious scf·lool activities.

1-\dditiom:-lllly, par<:mts are requested frorn time to tirnH, to supply schools with toilet paper,
soap, hand towels, paper for typint:,t and printing e>Cam papers, inter alia. Parents,
(~specially those who have more tllan one child a1tend in!J schoql arE1 or· the view that the
demands a11re Lnmealistic and also add to their 'l'inancial burdens.

Further, thc-::1 Ministry of Education has been reliably informed that some school'i:ralon; am denying learners their legit imate r ight t.o write End of Term Tests,
1\Jai:ionai Grade Assessments and Regional E.>Caminations, owing to non- contribution by
those leamers.

This circular ~;eeics to !'{:~solve the abovc:.l ml:'lnl:ioned i:'-:>suos by presentin~J the following

1. No Headteacher, member of the sta1'f or PTA, is authorized to charge parents

specific sums for any Tll}5~$ «J>~· fE1r11d-of-lrarrm ®.JK~wo u lrbellii:ilot.-1>0'11 fP091~:P®uos. Such funds
can be raiBE~d ·ohrot.A£11'1 variou s fundrait:;ing ar.tivities e.o. c:311<e sales, fairs etc. but
~:;hould not b~} directly solic ited from parent8.
2. No Headteacher or 11'1ember of the staff iB authorized to n:::que8t parents i:o supply
schools with toilet tissue, soap , paper 'for printing , inter alia.
3. Donations to 8chool whether cash or kind must be entirely voluntary, and ~~iven
without condition . Such donations o1;um'U: be entered in tile school's inventory or
stock book, \1\lh i chE~Vt:H· is appropriatE! as stipulatE~d by the ·financial regulations.
4 . The Her:llds of Departments ol' r:::ducation must be informed , within seven Cl)
worl<ill!] days, of the donations roecived.

1-h:~ndb")achen~ inolulgir·•n in acts thAt contravene-) this Circular \/Ifill be placc;~d before the
"Oisciplin81ry Committee' of the Teachin!:l Service Comrnission.
Any Educ~:1ltion OHicer found guilty of condoning the Headteacher's illegai behavior· will
also be disciplinE>t.:J by the Public Service Commission.

Please draw i:hC:~ contents hereof to the membership to your s taff, ctnd ensure that they
afri>c their si~n:31t u res, with dat(:1S thereon.
You are also to ensure that the membership of your PTA is also rnade aware of this
Circular, which is crucial to its 1'unctioning. Tile Executive Committee mHmbers should
also <1i'fbc their sit~nature as h a ving seen and read.

0/f:Jto .sarn
Chief E'ducation Officer

IF~C»Jr h11fowmatuoll1l
c. Permanent Secretary Minister of Education
Hegional [;)(ecutive Officers
Hegion #1 -· 10
Coordinator, School Board Secretariat
Secretary, Teaching Service Commission
General Secn:~tary, Guyana Teachers' Union

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