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DANE 170001001658 – NIT.892280030-8

Sembrando Semillas de Paz para la Promoción Intelectual y Moral de Nuestra Juventud
PERIODO SEGUNDO OBJETIVOS 1. Identificar información general y específica en textos de diverso tipo
GUIA 1 2. Construir textos sencillos sobre temas variados
TEMA THE NEW CORONAVIRUS DERECHOS BASICOS Narra de manera oral o escrita experiencias personales o historias conocida
Jorge Alberto Segovia 3013636529
Aminta Santamaria Jaimes 3008087533
Carlos Nicolas Rodríguez 3122175557

Lesson 1
A worldwide crisis

WARM UP: Hola te invito a refrescar tus conocimientos sobre los verbos en participio pasado. Para eso los encuentras en el recuadro
de abajo escritos en su forma básica. Con ayuda de tu diccionario, escribe sus participios y luego busca esa forma del verbo en la sopa
de letras. No olvides traducir los verbos al castellano en ambas formas para conocer y aprender su significado.

Reading 1. Coronavirus outbreak The new coronavirus is suspected to have come from illegally
traded animals in a Wuhan market. The virus mutated and
spread from an animal to a human. There are fears it could
El texto que encuentras a continuación gira en torno al coronavirus el mutate and spread further. Scientists say the virus is
cual es una epidemia que afecta a todas las personas a nivel mundial.
contagious and can be passed from person to person through
Te invito a que leas detenidamente su contenido, hay palabras
the air. Dr. Linfa Wang, a virologist at the Duke-National
transparentes, términos que se parecen en el castellano, por ejemplo,
symptoms que significa síntomas. Este tipo de palabras te serán de University of Singapore, said the new coronavirus is in the
mucha ayuda en la comprensión. También hay otros que desconoces, same family as SARS, but it's different from SARS. He said
pero con ayuda del diccionario podrás saber su significado y people needed to look for pneumonia-like symptoms, such as
comprender mejor la lectura. Una vez hecho el ejercicio de lectura, fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Fu Ning, a 36-year-old
responde las actividades de comprensión 1, 2, 3, 4 woman from Beijing, said: "I feel fearful because there's no
cure for the virus.
Nations around the
world are preparing for COMPRENSION DE LECTURA
a possible major
outbreak of a new Actividad 1. Responde estas preguntas sobre la lectura
deadly virus. The
coronavirus, which 1. Which countries did the virus come from?
started in the Chinese 2. Name four counties affected by the virus.
city of Wuhan, has 3. How many people have been in hospital because of the
already killed 17 virus?
people. It has spread to 4. Where is the virus suspected to have come from?
the USA, Japan, Korea and Thailand. More than 540 people 5. How is the virus passed from person to person?
have caught the virus and are in hospital. The World Health
Organization (WHO) is meeting to decide whether the Actividad 2. Escribe TRUE para verdadero o FALSE para falso.
outbreak is a global health emergency. China is urging people Corrige las oraciones falsas en tu cuaderno
not to panic ahead of the Chinese New Year next week.
Millions of Chinese will be travelling across the country to 1. ______ Nations are not preparing for a possible virus
spend the holiday season with their families. Meanwhile, the outbreak.
city of Wuhan has suspended its public transport systems to 2. ______ The coronavirus has spread to four countries.
help stop the spread of the virus.
3. ______ Over 1,540 people are in hospital because of the
4. ______ The article said China suspended public transport
in eight different cities. ( )
5. ______ Scientists suspect the coronavirus came from
insects in a market.
6. ______ The coronavirus passes from person to person
through the air.
7. ______ The coronavirus belongs to the same virus family
as SARS.
8. ______ One of the symptoms of coronavirus is breathing

Actividad 3. Escribe cada palabra del recuadro al lado de su




1. __________: The sudden and big start of something bad,

such as war, disease, etc.
2. __________: Move over a larger and larger area.
3. __________: Stopped something from working or
happening for a short time.
4. __________: Something that causes an infection or
5. __________: Sudden uncontrollable fear, often causing
wildly and unthinking behavior.
6. __________: Important, serious, or significant. Actividad 5. Completa con la forma afirmativa del presente
7. __________: Trying to get people to do something. perfecto de los verbos en paréntesis
8. __________: Change or cause to change in form or nature.
9. __________: Being able to be spread from one person or 1. They _________ the house. (clean)
organism to another by direct or indirect contact 2. She _________ the windows. (close)
10. __________: Make a disease or health problem leave 3. The man _________ in London. (live)
someone's body. 4. The policeman _________ the thief. (follow)
11. __________: A physical or mental sign which shows you 5. The cat _________ the bird. (chase)
could have a disease or health problem. 6. We _________ the box. (lift)
12. __________: An infection caused by bacteria or a virus, in 7. Jane and Ben _________ the suitcases. (pack)
which the lungs fill with a liquid and may become solid. 8. Mary ______ (look) at me and _____ goodbye. (say)
13. __________: Thought something was true, but without 9. The boy _________ the ball. (kick)
proof. 10. You _________ the door open. (push)
14. __________: Air suddenly coming out of the lungs with a 11. Karen______ me an e-mail. (send)
sharp sound. 12. Dave and Pat______ the museum. (visit)
13. I ______at the pet shop. (be)
Actividad 4. Relacione cada una de las palabras extraídas de la 14. They ______ their rucksacks. (pack)
lectura con su sinónimo correspondiente 15. Marcus______ an accident. (have)
16. We______ the shopping for our grandmother. (do)
17. I ______ my bike. (clean)
18. Emily______ her room. (paint)
19. Lisa and Colin______ to a concert. (go)
20. My friends______ smoking. (give up)


forma negativa del presento perfecto sigue un parámetro muy
sencillo, sin importar que sea verbo regular o irregular sólo se
agrega la palabra NOT al auxiliar.


El presente perfecto es un tiempo verbal en el idioma inglés
que narra hechos que ya han ocurrido en un momento
específico o en el pasado pero que siguen teniendo una
relevancia en el presente. El siguiente cuadro te ilustra como
se forma el presente perfecto en forma afirmativa

Actividad 6. Completa con la forma negativa del presente COMPRENSION DE LECTURA
perfecto de los verbos en paréntesis
Actividad 7. Escribe TRUE para verdadero o FALSE para falso.
1. Our class teacher ______ the test yet. (not/to write) Corrige las oraciones falsas en tu cuaderno
2. Tim and Joe ______ the boxes into the house yet. (not/to
carry) 1. ______Mr. Quincy has been a doctor for 40 years.
3. It ______ to snow. (not/to start) 2. ______Mrs. Quincy is a nurse
4. The cat ______ onto the table yet. (not/to jump) 3. ______Mr. and Mrs. Quincy have not worked for 15
5. I ______the castle. (not/to visit) years.
6. We ______out of the room all day. (not/to go) 4. ______The couple of doctors have decided to come back
7. Fred ______the money back so far. (not/to give) to work to help people
8. They ______Anne about it. (not/to tell) 5. ______ Mr. Quincy and his wife have never been in
9. I ______ in that company (not/to work) South America?
10. The teacher______ to the party today. (not/to come) 6. ______ old and young doctor learn from one another
7. ______ Mr. Quincy’s life is very boring
8. ______ Coronavirus is a major concern for Dr. Quincy
Reading 2. Mr. Quincy, the Good Old Doctor
Lee el texto que encuentras a continuación detenidamente. Si lo INTERROGATIVA. La forma interrogativa del presento
requieres utiliza el diccionario. Una vez hecho el ejercicio de lectura,
perfecto se da invirtiendo el orden del auxiliar con respecto al
responde las actividades de comprensión 1, 2, 3
sujeto de la acción.
I think I have had a very interesting
working life. I have been a doctor my
whole life, I retired about five years ago. I
have been a doctor since 1970. I was a
doctor in the army hospital for 40 years. I
retired when I was 60. I'm 7O now. As a
doctor, I have been to so many countries
that I can't remember all of them. I was in
Africa where I helped people with the Ebola epidemic. I have
been to Australia six or seven times with medical health
missions and to South America three or four times. I remember
that I helped indigenous people in the rainforest of Brazil, it
was a beautiful experience with many young doctors and
nurses. There, we cured people that suffered from Malaria and
other tropical diseases.
Otras palabras interrogativas son: WHAT (¿Qué?, ¿Cuál?),
WHO (¿Quién? o ¿Quiénes?), HOW MANY (¿Cuántos?), HOW
My motto is “No matter what you do, do it with love, passion
MUCH (¿Cuánto?), HOW (¿Cómo?), HOW LONG (¿Por cuánto
and professionalism, that is the greatest way of serving”. My
tiempo?) WHY (¿Por qué?) WHEN (¿Cuándo?) WH0 (¿Quién?)
wife is a doctor, too. We met when we worked in the army
hospital in 1970. We have been married for 50 years; she is the
Gramática IV: FOR & SINCE. Estas son dos preposiciones
love of my life.
que se utilizan con el presente perfecto y el presente
Me and my wife have decided to come back from our perfecto continuo. Observa el cuadro.
retirement to help people in the crisis of Coronavirus. Many
other colleagues are back, too. We are soldiers of health and
we are ready to combat this mortal enemy. It is exciting being
at the hospital again. Young doctors are ready to learn from
old doctors because of our experiences, but they also now that
we learn from them, too. My experience with tropical diseases
is very helpful at the hospital. I have been treating patients
with Malaria medication to lower the effects of Coronavirus.
Of course, we do the best we can and as in a war, many people
die but many others recover and we are happy for that. That
enemy is strong but we never get back down, we are health
soldiers and we are ready to offer our lives to save people’s.
Actividad 8. Responde estas preguntas con respecto a la
lectura anterior
As an experienced doctor, I recommend people follow the
measures of protection. For example, avoid close contact with
1. What has Mr. Quincy done for 40 years?
people who are sick, even inside your home. If possible,
2. Where has he worked?
maintain 6 feet between the person who is sick and other
3. How long has he been married to Mrs. Quincy?
household members. Put distance between yourself and other
4. What have he and his wife decided to do now?
people outside of your home. Remember that some people
5. Where has he travelled?
without symptoms may be able to spread virus. Do not gather
6. What has he done when he has travelled?
in groups. Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass
7. Has he recommended people to gather in public?
gatherings. Keeping distance from others is especially
8. Has he been retired for 15 years?
important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.
9. What has he done to indigenous people in South America?
10. Why has he decided to come back from retirement?
Remember that we all have to take care of ourselves. You can
be a soldier of health, too, but staying at home and helping not
spreading the Coronavirus.

Worksheet 1
A worldwide crisis

Reading. Breaking news. A strange virus spreads in China

Lee el texto y responde cada una de las actividades 1 y 2

“An international outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus has killed at least 132 people and
sickened about 6,000, according to the Chinese health authorities. The outbreak began in Wuhan, China, apparently
at a market selling live poultry, seafood and wild animals.

Now the virus has turned up in more than a dozen other countries, including Japan, South Korea, France, Australia
and the United States. Investigators in still other nations, and in several American states, are evaluating possible
cases…Schools have been closed in affected regions. Major attractions, festivals and movie theaters have been
closed down, and sales of tourist packages from China to other countries have been halted. Federal health officials
are telling Americans not to visit the Wuhan area, and to avoid traveling to any part of China unless necessary. Some airlines are cutting back on
flights to China because of low demand. Five cases have been confirmed in the United States: one in Washington State; one in Chicago; one in Arizona;
and two in California. All patients had recently traveled to China. More than 100 other patients are being tested. But much is still unknown about the
newly identified virus, including how easily it is transmitted and how often it causes severe disease that can lead to death. We will continue informing
about this strange virus.

Actividad 1. Escribe TRUE para verdadero, FALSE para falso, NOT APPLICABLE para no aplica. Corrige las oraciones falsas en tu cuaderno

1. _____The outbreak began in Japan

2. _____The coronavirus has killed at least 132 people and sickened about 6,000 so far.
3. _____It appears that the outbreak started in a large crowed village.
4. _____The virus has turned up in more than a dozen other countries, including Japan, South Korea, France, Australia and the United States.
5. _____Federal health officials are telling Americans not to visit the Wuhan area, but it’s ok to visit other parts of China.
6. _____Ten cases have been confirmed in the United States: one in Washington State; one in Chicago; one in Arizona; and two in California.
7. _____The virus can only infect people.
8. _____There are less severely infected people, and people who are infected who don’t get sick at all.
9. _____The Wuhan coronavirus is most likely transmitted through coughing and sneezing.
10. _____The main treatment is making sure the patient is getting enough oxygen, and using a ventilator to push air into the lungs if necessary

Actividad 2. Responde estas preguntas de acuerdo al texto

1. What have the news reported about the situation in Asia? 4. Which measures have affected countries taken?
2. Where did the outbreak begin? 5. What has the USA advised its citizens to do?
3. Where has the virus gone? 6. What has the USA confirmed?

Actividad 3. Completa el texto con la forma correcta del presente perfecto de los verbos en paréntesis

Jack ___________ (be) my friend for over 20 years. We ___________ (know) each other since we were children.
Recently, he and his family ___________ (move) to a house on the same street as me, and now our children play
together almost every day. For the last ten years, Jack and I ___________ (play) for the same hockey team every
Saturday. Jack is a better player than I am, but in the last few months he___________ (have) some trouble with his left
knee, and he___________ (find) it hard to play a full game. He___________ (see) the doctor several times about his
knee, but the doctor doesn't know what is causing his pain. Jack___________ (decide) to take a break from hockey for
a while, so that his knee can recover. It's going to be lonely on the team without him!

Actividad 4. Organiza las palabras para formar preguntas en presente perfecto. Observa el ejemplo

1. How long / you / be / out of college? How long have you been out of college?
2. Where / you / travel / to? ___________________________________________________
3. How many people / she / invite? ___________________________________________________
4. Who / be / to China? ___________________________________________________
5. Why / you / choose / that book? ___________________________________________________
6. How long / Larry / live / there? ___________________________________________________
7. What / you / prepare / for lunch? ___________________________________________________
8. How much money / you / spend / this week? ___________________________________________________

Actividad 5. Escribe un texto corto sobre lo que has hecho durante el periodo de cuarentena, involucra también las acciones que solían hacer tus
familiares. Observa el ejemplo de cómo iniciar tu escrito

During the quarantine, I have spent most of time with my family at home…


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