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7 \

I o
r Qnhara
vv,,v,v .,,......5
r arrr ,nra
vwvu,u i ...,,,,,..7
. Cylinders, ,,...... 7
. Universol . ,....,..9
. High lntensity Projectors , . . . . . . . . . . . .

. Specicl Designs ,,.........44

r Accessories
Troc & .....42.43
. Speciol Mountings ... . . . ...14
. troc-mosfer for Plonts , ,,,,,,'15

The mosl bos c geometr c shope, whiie "P:' ock phenol c step baffles

thot is olwoys conecl. Flnlshed in stondord on o I units provide o low

highly specu or olum num wilh brightness ight source
motle b ock trim "A" or semi-gloss

T-337 150 W PAR 38 Ta335 30 50 W R20- T33F 25 W R14 or T-374 Troc Swog
or R40 wih swtch 7li" 75 W R30 with swlch 5OW PAR '16 with 3'choin 12"
611" d o Fnishes PA iniermecloie screw Sphere wlh swtch
bose wlh swich 4"

The opo edge go odds brightness ond lhree flnishes, polshed

ond wormlh The cr sp, interesting o uminum "Al'sem -gloss white "P'
treo'tment provides o feel ng of "more ond bronze "Bz:'
I ght" wilhoui g ore. Avo loble n fro

<)a $.
T-353 Edge Go T-3(X Edge Glo step
cy nder 30 50W R20 cy nde.30'50W R20
or 60W genero or 60 W genero
ce omp wlh
serv senr'ce omp wlh
a N. 1Y2"
s\t ic^ 3%" d s,"./lch3%"do x 7%'
ong Frn shesr P A BZ ong Fnishes PAgZ
The crisp slro ghl lines provide o Fn shes ore pol shed o uminum "Al'
geomekicf lovor consistent with todoy's sem g oss whrte "Pl' ond leokwood
llv ng B ock pheno ic bcff es ore wiih b ock trim'W:'
stonclor.i wiih o lunits os ore switches.

T-325 75 W R30 wlh T323 30'50 W R20 T-32t- 25 W R14 or

sq \ 7 Td'
s'it lc". A1,4" 60 W Generol Servce. 50 wPAR16.
lonq Fnshes P-AW wilh swtch. 3%" sq x inlermedioie screw
612" ar;tg bose wlh swlch 2%"
sq x 5%" long.

Sleek round tubes of lghl cre ovo - "A' bronze "82:' sem gloss wh ter!P'
obLe n4szes, o lequipped wth block "Bl' ond teokwood wth
b ock pheno! c lighl boffles. Cy inders block tr m "llv" excepl where nol-ad
ore supplied n po ished olum num cnd moy be hod with orwlhoulswtch

(-@ \D
T-3,t6 150 W R40 5%" T-3.t4 75 W R30 4%" T-3.t2-30 50 W R20- T-3'll 25 W R14 or 50
d o. x 9]l'long clo x7%" ong 60 W Genera Serv ce W PAR 16 inlermecliole
Fnshes PBA 3\" da t 6%' arg screw bose, wrih
T-3'17 Some os T-315-Some os l.l
s\r't 21," dE \ 5%'
obove wlh swlch obove 'v ih swlch T-313 Some os long Fnshes PAWBZ
FnishesPBA-BZ F nish--s P-A W BZ obove wih swlch
Finich--s PA W-87
The ult mole in bolh f ex b I Jy and
slyl ng. The Troc-mcster universo
spol ghl moybe used w th onexposed
lomp or wiih one of o series of
boff es, louvres. ond f 1ers. Lamp
wolloges from 30W to'150 W, ossoried
fin shes ond boff e slyies moke the
universo our most used spoll ghi.
T-300 30 W R2010
15OW R40 2' d o x Avoi n pol shed Alum num "Al'
6%" or,g
F nishes PBA bronze "BZl' semi gloss wh Te "P:'or
T-30'[ Some os obove black "B:'excepl where noted,
wilh sw 1ch
F nishes P-B A BZ ond moy be hod wilh or without

T{3 38
150 W Por ]{5-100 W S lver T{6 Economy Boll e T{7 75 W R30 j. T{8 150 \r\i Rat
ond on
R4O Snop bod, Ref eclor 7" dio x !p io 150W R40 5%" w Pheno c Boil e ,i Pheno rc Boif e ! ^";'
Hood 5%; do r3%" 2l;" Finsh A do x3r" ong dlo x.1t' on!
ongFnishesPB F nishes P B FnishesPBABZ Finsh--sPIABZ
T-566 Accessory
ho der for T 66
F nish I

Complete lroc ite . . one piece neck

ond hood wilh phenolic boffle.
Smol er vers on of un verscl wilh
phenol c botf e-shown cbove
T-303 Mn bofte
step cyinder 30 50 W
R20 or 60 W genero
serv ce omp \\r th
swtch 3%"do x6%'
long F nishes P-A-BZ
$$*g#e Xm&wm***ry Wrw$*,*&mff -, !
Models T340, 341 ond 343 utilize Model T35'1 focusing spol ighl uses o

seoled beom lomps from 30 1o 500 simple oplicol system to control the
wol1s, Designed for window disploy beom. The odjustmenl is from 20o lo
lighting or for other spotlighting 600. deol for lighling od obiects
opplicolions requiring o norrow beom
ond high intens t.

T{40-150 200 W T-34,1-300i500 Q PAR T34:t-50 W PAR 36 T35l Proiector 75/

PAR 46,3 sde prong 56 3 end Prong wilh 12voll pin spoi with 1oo wA19 lF 3ie'dio. r B"
wth swilch 7" dio. x 5%" swlch. 8)." dro r 7%" switch 5" dio. x 7%" deep. Finish B

deep. Finishes:P-B deep. Fin shes: P-B deep Finishesr P B

l- ,

.Sw**m$ ffiws&gr*s

A choln hung sphere, sly ized indus The spec ol deslgns shown ore
triol shode or stem suspended ovoiloble in polished oluminum "A"
cylinder add on inieresting flovor lo ond semi- gloss white "Pt except
lypicol trock inslollolions. where noted. \

T35o G25. G30, G40 T€60-UNIV Pendont T-364 75 W R30 T{74 -lroc Swog Ta?7{ roc ?rM (wog
lomps. G lomp holder. 50w R20- 4s0 w R40. 4%" da xlTs" a g wrh.l'cnorn42' w hr' ^on 5"o,o
F nish A Stem 18". cylinder 2" r-366 ,l50 W R40 sphee w th swich. with swilch.
dio. x 6%" long 5%" do \9%" lang Finishes: P-A Fin shesi P A

Penclonl Slem 18"

&geermms*me ... &fffi€ mmd sseewsser6es

* P{^-L

The shollow profile oluminum except onol insuloting quolilies

exttusion is ovoiloble n polished Noryl hos obloined brood ATUMINUM CHANNEL

oluminum "Af' bronze "BZi' Unden//rier Loborotory L]NI CONDUCTOR

semi-gloss white "P:' block "B:' recognilion which provides ihe ErlRUDED
ond in leokwood with block trim bosis for o positive lrouble free
"W." nstollotion mcy be surfoce, eleclricol syslem.
pendonl or recessed. All l
conneclors "push in" 10 the kock Polorily: Mechonical polorily is

end for mechonicol ond stondord on oll Troc-mosler

electr col installolion . .lherebv components. .the lrock,
eliminoung the need for mok ng connectors ond the spotlights (,1) Troc Poloriiy Line:

spllces. This ossures correct electrlcol lnd coles pos tve s de

Troc'mosler hos been engineered inslollol on Visuol poiority olso
for both sofety and simp lfied use hos been provlded thus
The following ore key feolures simp ifying the inslallolion. Eoch (2) Conneclor Polority Arrow:
of ihe systeml lroc section hos on embossed nsed conneclor wilh Po ontv
Moleriols: All inject on molded polorlir' ine ('l) thol nd cotes the Arow" po nting lolroc Poorly
L nel
ond extruded thermoploslic posit ve side. Boih the connectors
components ore mode frorn (2) ond the spotlights (3) hove
(3) Troc Light Polority Ariow:
Noryl 265. Noryl wos chosen for its on indicotor orrow designed 10
superior eng neer ng properlies point to the lrack po ority llne nseri contocls nlo lroc, rolole
90oso thot Polonly Arrow ponts
These include dimensionol when lnstolled. The system ls
lo Pooriv L ne' n lroc
slobilly, thermol siobilty ond fool proof.


$urfoeo trqc
7-2 2'IEc octlollengith 20%" Finlshes P-B-A-W-BZ
l-4-4' Troc-ociuo le..gth U%" Finlshes P B AW BZ
T-8 8'Troc ocluo lenglh 92%" Finishes P-B-A-W-BZ
T-'12-42' Troc -octL]ol length 140%" Finish:P
lncludes deod end ond mouni ng hordwore.

, .,*,, _4
QgCgSSgd tfqe (sr'ishr'uns onlyl
l-tl{.z t'oc -oc-uottengr 4lrsr.c.lsh P
T-{8 .8 Tro- o, jor angl^o. s|, .h p
lncludes deod end ond mouning hordwore

l_tx,,_4 Plont hanger lrsc

l-1,r,, ^57
PT-4-4' None ectricol troc for honging p onlels.
Supp ied wiih 4 hooks Acluol ength 44%" Flnishes P A.

lffiJil PT-8-Some os obove bu'l 8' ond with 8 hooks Acluoi

ler.gth 92%" Finishes: P A


QCCet Oflet
T-21 Feed end conneclor ofd oul et box
.ovel For out eJ bor feed lncludes:Ouilet
box coverfixlu€ strop ond 9ro!nd wosher
T-28-Ceiling io wol L Conneclorjo
Troc sectons for cering lo woll orwol
odjocenlwoll inslollolions Finishes P
ns 2

=q T-Zl Cord ond plug conneclot Comes

wiih 15'2 wi€ cord ond includes surfoce
wire reloinels ond in ine switch Moxlmum
4 T-34-Condu t odopter For sudoce w ring
ond oendoni sysfem Uses 5londord 'r"
conneclor Finishes P'B

*@/ copocily'10 omps Finishesi P B

*3 T-23 lVinioture stroighl conneclor. Joins
ir,'o Troc seclions end to end. Finishes: P B
Wry T-36 T Bor Feed wlih offsei wir ng brocket.
Feeds Surfoce Troc from obove when
T Bor is direcly obove Troc. Finishes: P B

T-24-Adjusloble conneclor. Joins hro
Troc seclions to moke o 90o ongle or
go) T-37 T-Bor ollochn'ent c ip. To olloch
Troc lo nveded lee ceilng Use2for4'
Troc ond 3 for 8' or 12' TIoc
siroighi run. Strolght ond righl ongle @

cover! suDoleo _o ourl_'oo/ leed I2

'! .o,er otoi. ol,o reou ed I n shes F 3
J rdl.-_l

-H Feed end conneclorwillr wirne box


Fin P
l-25 T" connectol.lo ns lhree Troc
seclions. Forouilet box feed T 27 cover
plole olso required. FinishesiP B

g4 T-26- X' conneclor Jolns fou Troc

Slrorght end conneclor Joins 2 recessed
lroc seclons end lo end Finish: P

secions ot90oong es. Foroutlet boxfeed
T 27 coverplote o so required. Finishes:P I
€<. 5 I.3O -P:NDANT IPAC
Pendonl kit for 4,1 B,I 12

T-27-Oul et box cover. Use wilh T-24,T-25, !l-l Troc. Stem length 48". Llse 4 for eoch 4'. of
lroc Fore eclricolfeedihru pendonl slem
T-26 forouiiet box electicolfeed. lncludes:
nlpple, locknLJi ond ground wosher.
6 use T 34 for end feed otI-2A,1-25,1-26fot
feed oljo nel (one w rewoy cover
supp ied wlh 4 pock ofT 30) Fin shes: P B
T{OO Llnversol30r50
w R20 lo 150W R40 wilh
swlch Fnishes PA

fot plontr
Tiloo{7 75WR30w T-414-75 W 430. T{35 75 W 430.
Pheno c BofiLe with Cyl nder w,Phenol c Sphere w Pheno c
swilch. Fin shes P A Botfle wlh swich B.rff e w swilch.6%"
T400{8 150 W R40
wlPheno c Eoff e wlh T-4{6 150 W R40. I-437 150 W PAR 38
sw lch F nishes P_A Cy ncier w Pheno c R40, Sphere w Phe
Boff e wilh sw ich no ic Boff e \t swilch.
t da

14)-lvlono poinl T{2 We ghied bose T-43-Adopter to
oclopfer Al Troc fix odopler A Troc fx mouni surfoce or pen
lur,os moy be used wlh lures moy be used with donl flxllrres 10 lroc
T 40 for d rect mouni T 42lor podob e, use Fnish P I
10 oullei box Supplied wih 6' cord
ond pug Finlsh P B

l-3'l Pendonl T-32 P onler or u1 ilr/ T-33 Out el odopier

odopier Adopls swog hook FLn shes: P B Provcles e -ocJr co
or cho n hLrng fixiures receploc e. P
lo iroc Fln shr P

T-5t4 25W Rl4
nlermeclloie screw
bose Mox Condle T68'l Moile b ock cotoR FIUERS,l'lr"'d o
Power 150 louver N/loy be L.rsed T-571, n'--.1 P nk
T-5t6-50 W PAR 16- wilhT63.T566.T340 T-572, \,!ornr l--cl
niermediole screw ond T 343 T-573, do/ le 3 !.-.
bose m nibeoml' T-574, mecr g u--
Mox Cond e Power T-575, med An b,-r
400 T-t6, med Grccr
New Gro'L tes. p onleTs ond occes
sories con be used to disp oy plonts
w ih ihe stondord Trock moster
lighl ng system. Plonts and spotlights
moy be mounted ol ony poinl o ong
the lrack ond Gro Lites con be used
to substitute for sunlighl. Gro Lites
ore ovoi oble in 3 mounting types,
lrock direct mount. trock swog [w lh 3
feel of choin) ond cord ond plug
swog ihof con be used independent
of lrock. Eoch of these three uniis wi I

suppoir standord honging p onlers or

con be supplied with the Troc-mosler
contemporory p onter Gro Lles ore
ovoi oble n po ished olum num "Al'
or sem gloss whlte "P:'For those who
seek o non-eleclrified suspension
system for ploniers, Troc moster mokes
ovailobe Models PT4 ond PT8 trock
sect ons Supplied wth hooks ond
mount ng hordwore but no electicol
connections ond f nished in pol shed
oluminum "A" or semi gloss while "P1'


T-380 Troc Gro Lle. T-38l Troc Swog' T-481 Cord ond Pug
75 W R30 Gro lomp Gro Lile 3'swog Swog Gro Lrle 15'
!i41h s\,r'1ch Fnshes PA chorn ond T 32lroc cord,w'cho n, 2 sd'og
hook permits remole hooks, plL.rg ond n I ne
mounl ng of p onlef swich supplied, 75 W
75 W R30 Cro Lomp R30 Gro Lomp
,r, th s\,!ilch F n shes P A

T-83 Ponler. on y
I 380]roc
shcwn rrrli
Crc ]e 12'.1o x clr"
doep ['loy be Lrs,-d tr,lh
r 3B!. I 381. T 48' F nish P

Plont llonger tror:

PT-4 4 Nor -. ecirco
'roc for rongrng plonlers
Supp red w .1 hooks
oncl rfiouni ng hord
lvore Finrshes P A
PT-8 So.ire os obole
br,l E'.rnd v,, ih 3 hooks
I nshes PA
PI-86 P onl llooks
forPT4 PT8

/ L
I )
/ I
I o

JU0@ lr*4 tnc. o2o rrlodiron ct. r-lrorton Grove. tliinoi,. oo os3'3t2/e6s-ea44
Cot No.1176

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