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Gateway Online Class

H E L LO !

Session Fifteen 2nd July

Hello again to the Gateway Gang!

In this document I have a written instructions to accompany the video I made for this
weeks class. I used household items for all projects so hopefully you will have some/all
of the materials at hand!

This week we will be making our own musical instruments!

I hope you are all keeping well... I have missed you!

Materials needed: Eggs, masking tape, grain/rice, spoons, colouring pencils/paints/markers.

Step 1 -  Using the nib of a pencil or pen, make a small hole in the top and bottom of an egg.

Step 2 -  Blow through one of the holes to allow the egg too fall out of the shell.

Step 3 -  Rinse with water and allow to dry.

Step 4 - Once dry, cover one hole with masking tape.

Step 5 - Fill your egg with some popcorn kernals/ rice/ sand.... and seal the top hole with masking tape.  

Step 6 -  Place a spoon either side of the egg, so thaey are hugging it, and wrap masking tape all the way around securing the spoons.

Step 7 -  Now you can decorated your maracas with paints/ pencils/ ribbon.

Step 8 -  If you make more than one, notice how he different grains make different noizes!
Materials needed : Bottle caps, hammer, glue (tape), cardboard, pencils/ markers/ paints.

Step 1 -  Firstly we need to use a hammer to carefully flatten out bottle caps.

Step 2 - Place bottle caps on a piece of cardboard about two inches away from each other.

Step 3 - With a pencil or pen draw around the bottle caps.

Step 4 -  Move your bottle caps and using a ruler connect the two circles with two lines to the top and bottom of your circle.

Step 5 - Cut this shape out of your cardbaord and fold it in half.

Step 6 - On the inside edges of your cardboard attach your bottle caps.

Step 7 - Decorate your castanet and enjoy!

Materials needed : Set of glasses or jars and a wooden spoon.

This instrument is so easy to make!

All you need to do is fill each glass with different amounts of water, starting off with very little and ending with the glass nearly full.

Remember, glasses with less water will produce a higher pitch, whereas glasses containing more will have a lower pitch. So, you can
either put them in order of pitch or mix them up if you’re feeling like being experimental
I challenge you to use your instruments to make a song! Remember to include all the different noises your body can make too, for
example, clapping!

To help you write the lyrics have a think back to some of our witing techniques, for example, writing from someone elses perspective.
Well Done!!

Well Done!!
I cannot wait to see/ hear about what you guys
have made! So if you can take photos!

I look forward to our next virtual class!

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