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1 Tsunami-Based Digital Map to Enhance Student’s

2 Understanding on Disaster Mitigation for Geography

3 Students in Universitas Samudra
5 Teuku Hasan Basri1,2*, Yusrizal3, Cut Zahri Harun3, Alamsyah Taher3
7 Postgraduate Porgrams, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
8 Department of Physics Education, Universitas Samudra, Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia
9 Teach and Education Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

12 *E-mail:
15This study is to develop a tsunami-based digital map (application) to help both students
16and the public accessing information about earthquake mitigation. Besides, it also aims to
17identify factors affecting learning outcomes in the implementation of a tsunami-based
18digital map for disaster mitigation learning. The study was quantitative and developmental.
19The data collection techniques were questionnaire distribution and observation with the
20help of an instrument. It was conducted in Samudra universities. The population was all
21individuals involved in the learning process and management in Universitas Samudra. The
22samples were 39 geography students taking disaster mitigation classes, lectures, and
23Head of geography Study Program of Universitas Samudra. This study using Multiple
24Linear Regression Analysis. That lecturer’s ability has a significant influence towards
25geography student’s learning outcome, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom
26has a significant influence towards geography student’s ability in using the tsunami-based
27digital map as a learning medium for disaster mitigation class and student’s response has
28a significant influence towards geography student’s ability in using a tsunami-based digital
29map as a learning medium for disaster mitigation class. Furthermore, the three
30independent variables, lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom
31and student’s response have a significant influence on geography student’s ability in using
32a tsunami-based digital map as a learning medium for disaster mitigation class (student’s
33learning outcome). This study is a pioneer study in which researchers developed a
34tsunami-based digital map as a medium to enhance student’s understanding of disaster
37Keywords: Tsunami, Digital Map, Disaster Mitigation
41 Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and tsunami. Indonesia is one of the World’s
42most active earthquake zones because the country is a subduction zone where three main
43active tectonic plates, Indo-Australian, Eurasian and Pacific Plates meet. Based on the
44seismic activity map of Indonesia, about 290 cities (60% of Indonesian cities) are prone to
45earthquakes and are located 11,000 kilometers away from the coast making these cities
46prone to the tsunami. A tsunami occurs in Indonesia almost every year. Picture 1.1., 1.2
47and 1.3 show Indonesian cities vulnerable to earthquake and tsunami and tsunamis that
48occurred in Indonesia. Shallow earthquake (more than 6 Richter Scales) that occurs on the
49bed of the sea may cause a tsunami. Indonesian tsunami is a local tsunami that strikes
50very quickly as its epicenter is located close to most of the Indonesian beaches.
51Indonesian earthquakes and tsunamis resulted in a lot of fatalities and material losses.
52Besides the 9.5-Mw tsunami taking place in Chili in 1960, the most severe tsunami in the
53last 100 years is the Aceh tsunami (9 Mw) that took place on December 26, 2004. Not only
54did it damage millions of buildings, but the tsunami in Aceh also killed a thousand people
55in seven countries in the Indian Ocean. The highest fatality occurred in Aceh and
56neighboring provinces (150 thousand victims).
57 Having analyzed the history of the tsunamis, tsunami casualties are generally
58caused by several factors. Besides the magnitude of the tsunami (including the epicenter,
59wave height, speed of propagation and height of inundation), the number of tsunami
60fatalities is also influenced by a lack of knowledge about tsunami and poor disaster
61mitigation. The public has very little information about tsunami and the regional
62government does not have adequate preparation should tsunami strikes.
63 The dynamics of nature are two sides of a coin; some are beneficial for living beings
64while others can be disastrous. Science can predict and anticipate some of the dynamics,
65particularly those that can potentially damage human beings, such as volcanic eruptions,
66hurricanes, and floods. However, several natural dynamics are difficult to detect, for
67example, earthquakes and tsunami. To minimize and prevent casualty, people, more
68particularly people who live in an area prone to natural disasters, should have sufficient
69knowledge, understanding, and skills to prevent, detect and anticipate various types of
70disasters before they strike.
71 The objective of education represents human resource quality, integration between
72moral quality, attitude, knowledge, and anticipative and creative behavior. Education is a
73set of systems that consists of learning materials, teachers/lecturers, students, methods,
74media, infrastructure and facilities, and stakeholders in both micro-scale (Dean) and
75macro-scale (the Ministry of Research and Technology). Alvin Toffler stated that to
76develop the education sector, we should take into account learner’s needs in the future or
77“super-industrial education system” (Enok 2007). Furthermore, (Tilaar 2008) argued that
78national education needs new paradigms and one of which is to prepare students for both
79internal and global challenges. Both challenges require human capital that later is
80transformed into a competitive advantage. These are the platform that developed
81competency-based education.
82 Life-skills refer to not only job-oriented skills but also survival skills that consist of
83self-awareness, thinking skills, social skills, academic skill, and vocational skills. Social
84science is one of the first subjects students learn at school. It discusses simplification,
85adaptation, selection, and modification of concepts and skills on geography, sociology,
86anthropology and economically arranged in both scientific and psychological manner for
87learning purposes. (Enok 2007) explain that mitigation (mitigate) means an action that
88minimizes casualty or fatality. Mitigation involves activities and preventive steps, namely
89preparation, analysis and evaluation (towards how severe natural disaster is and how
90much damage it costs) and disaster mitigation (rescue, rehabilitation, and relocation).
91According to the 2003 Minister of Domestic Issues Decree number 131, mitigation is effort
92or activity of which objective is to minimize casualty a disaster may cause; it consists of
93preparation, awareness, and prevention.
94 Based on elaboration, students should learn various topics related to natural
95disasters. Natural disasters are a series of natural events that threaten and disrupt the
96lives and livelihoods of people (Tilaar 2008). A natural disaster will result in casualties,
97environmental damage, property losses, and psychological impacts, more particularly
98when people have very little knowledge of natural disasters. One method to improve
99student’s understanding of natural disasters is through integration between topics
100discussing natural disasters and one of the subjects at school (Arief 2013).
101 Schools should develop learning material that enhances student’s understanding
102and develops their skills in disaster mitigation. One of the alternatives is to develop a
103geophysics module. The module helps students obtain information about discussed topics
104(Arief 2013). Module fosters a student’s independence (Dahar et al. 2006). The module
105helps students achieve learning objectives and targets.
106 Previous researchers have discussed integration between natural disaster mitigation and
107geophysics. Wahyudi’s study showed that integration between earthquake and mitigation
108techniques into the wave symptom module got positive feedback; the integration
109developed students’ understanding of geophysics and increased their average scores by
1100.6 (average). Besides that, the integration enhanced students’ understanding of disaster
111mitigation (Indriantoro and Supadmo 1999). Good disaster mitigation will result in high
112disaster awareness. Disaster awareness refers to any action to prevent, deal with and
113overcome the disaster.
114 Based on the background, the university needs an accurate digital map as a medium to
115identify areas where natural disasters once struck and a part of disaster mitigation
116learning. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a tsunami-based digital map
117(application) to help both students and the public accessing information about earthquake
118mitigation. Besides, it also aims to identify factors affecting learning outcomes in the
119implementation of a tsunami-based digital map for disaster mitigation learning. This study
120is a pioneer study in which researchers developed a tsunami-based digital map as a
121medium to enhance student’s understanding of disaster mitigation, different from the
122previous related studies conducted by Arends (1997), Arief (2012), and Erwin (2013).
126Behaviorism is developed by B. F. Skinner. The most important principle of this theory is
127that behavior changes based on the direct consequences of the aforementioned behavior
128(Gredler 1994). The positive consequence will reinforce behavior, while negative ones will
129gradually eliminate the behavior. A positive consequence is called reinforcer, while the
130negative one is the punisher. The implementation of both reinforcer and punisher for
131behavioral change is called operant conditioning (Slavin 1994). According to behaviorism,
132early or immediate reinforcement and punishment have a positive influence on the
133upcoming behavior.
135Social Learning Theory
136 Social learning theory discusses behavioral learning principles and emphasizes on
137internal mental processes. Kardi (1997) suggested that most people learn through
138selective observation and remembering other’s behaviors. There are two types of
139observational learning, namely Vicarius Conditioning or learning by observing other people
140and learning by observing other people (observer) and later replicating the behavior of the
141models even though they do not get any reinforcement or punishment during the
142observation. Bandura stated that behavior modeling theory is a three-stage process that
143consists of attention, retention (imitation/memory), and production (practice). There five
144possible outcomes of observational behavior, namely introduce new behavior or attitude,
145encourage existing behavior, change unwanted behavior, divert attention and foster
146emotion. Dahar et al. (1996) suggested that human being observes his or her behavior,
147analyze the behavior against his or her criteria, and then give himself or herself
148reinforcement or punishment.
150Definition and Types of Disaster
151 Disaster as serious events that disrupt society and cause material, economic and
152environmental casualties to the society and therefore, the society is unable to use their
153resources to overcome the events (Adi 2010). Based on the UN International Strategy for
154Disaster Reduction (Adi 2010), there are two types of disaster, natural and technological
155disaster. Natural disaster consists of three categories, hydro-meteorological (flood,
156hurricane, drought, and landslide), geophysical (earthquake, tsunami and volcanic activity)
157and biological (epidemics, plant and animal disease). The technological disaster also
158consists of three categories, namely industrial incident (chemical leaks, industrial
159infrastructure damage, gas leaks, and radiation), transportation incident (land, rail and
160water transportation, and airplane crash) and miscellaneous incident (domestic or non-
161industrial structure, explosion, and fire).
163Earthquake and Tsunami
164 Earthquake is vibration from within the Earth which then propagated to the Earth
165surface when the Earth is breaking and shifting violently (Yulaelawati 2008). An
166earthquake may be caused by the dynamics of the Earth (tectonics), volcanic activity,
167falling meteors, avalanches (below sea level) or nuclear explosion below the surface. A
168tsunami usually occurs if an earthquake with a large enough vertical movement takes
169place on the seabed. A tsunami can also occur due to volcanic eruption at sea or an
170avalanche occurs under the sea. Some information to take into account earthquake and
171tsunami are that small earthquakes do not always lead to large earthquakes; the seismic
172waves rock the Earth for days. This phenomenon is called earth free oscillation; the
173weather does not induce earthquakes; most earthquakes occur at less than 80 km below
174the Earth's surface, and the frequency of most earthquake waves is less than 20 Hz and
175thus, the human can only listen to the sound of shaken objects.
179Earthquake and Tsunami Mitigation
180Mitigation or activities to minimize earthquake and tsunami casualty consist of predicting
181an earthquake, pre-, whilst- and post-earthquake or tsunami activities. There are 2 (two)
182earthquake prediction methods, namely short-range prediction and long-range prediction.
184Social Science Learning Model
185Piaget argued that learning occurs continuously between individual and constantly
186changing environment. Flew (2007) defined learning as a systematic combination of
187human, material, facility, media, and procedures to achieve learning objectives. Hasan in
188Enok (2007) postulated that learning model should meet the following principles, namely
189learning causes improvement, good learning occurs when a teacher spends fewer times to
190engage students in learning, learning accommodates different learning styles and is
191facilitated by a teacher or lecturer, and there is not one perfect learning method.
193Definition and Types of Media
194 Based on the Association of Education Communication Technology (AECT), media
195are various types and channels for spreading information. On the other hand,
196Mirso described media as any object that delivers the message and at the same time,
197stimulates student’s thoughts, feeling, attention and willingness to study. Media are
198classified into three categories, visual, audio, and audio-visual.
200Digital Map
201 A Digital map refers to the representation of geographic phenomenon stored,
202shown and analyzed on computers. Every object in a digital map is stored as one or a
203group of coordinates. Compared to the analog map, a digital map has reliable quality, is
204easy to store and transferrable from one device to another, and can be updated. The
205Digital map also has map attributes such as scale, geographic reference, projection
206system, and map projection.
208Previous Related Studies
209 Arends (1997) conducted a study entitled “Mitigation Socialization Model for
210Disaster Prone Community in West Java.” It reported that West Java is very prone to
211natural disasters since natural disaster takes place once a year and epicentrum is
212relatively close. The area is densely populated and the number of individuals at non-
213productive age is high. In other words, West Java has a high dependency level. Quality of
214building and mobility are low. The locals have very little information about disaster
215mitigation. The survival rate is lower due to poverty, low education level and poor access
216to technology. Arief Budiman’s study reported that Indonesia is prone to earthquakes, for
217example, the ones taking place in Aceh and Yogyakarta a few years ago. This study
218developed a cellular phone application that consists of information about earthquake
219mitigation (Arief 2012). Erwin’s study aimed to describe the quality of learning types
220equipment in integrated natural science classes as well as responses of natural science
221teachers in junior high school/Islamic junior high school towards developed learning
222equipment. The findings showed that the developed learning equipment can be used as
223one of the learning types of equipment for integrated natural science class in junior high
224school/Islamic junior high school (Erwin 2013).

227 The study was quantitative and developmental. The data collection techniques were
228questionnaire distribution and observation with the help of an instrument. It was conducted
229in Samudra universities. The population was all individuals involved in the learning process
230and management in Universitas Samudra. The samples were 39 geography students
231taking disaster mitigation classes, lectures, and Head of geography Study Program of
232Universitas Samudra. In order to identify the influence of the lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s
233and student’s activity in the classroom, student’s responses and learning quality, multiple
234linear analysis methods and SPSS program were used. The analysis formula was as
237 ŷ =a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3
239ŷ : quality of learning outcome
240a : constant
241b1 : lecturer’s ability regression coefficient
242b2 : lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom regression coefficient
243b3 : student’s response regression coefficient
244X1 : lecturer’s ability
245X2 : lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom
246X3 : student’s response
247e : Standard error
249Coefficient of Determination Analysis
250 The coefficient of determination measured how much a model can explain the
251dependence variable variance (Ghozali 2011). The coefficient of determination with the
252following formula is used to identify percentage that represents how much influence the
253lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s response
254towards the quality of learning outcome.
256 R2 = r2 x 100%
258R2 : coefficient of determination
259r : coefficient of correlation

260The coefficient of determination is between zero and one. Lower R2 means independent
261variables have very limited ability to explain the dependent variable but when R2 is closer
262to one, independent variables can provide nearly all information to predict the dependent


266Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

267 Multiple linear regression was used to find out how much influence the lecturer’s
268ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s response towards
269the quality of learning outcome in PT Puri Wira Mahkota Semarang simultaneously
270through multiple linear regression equation. Table 1 described the result of the multiple
271linear regression.
273 Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Output
275 The following is the multiple linear regression output.
277 ŷ = 0.235 X1 + 0.215X2 +0.436X3+e
279 F-test was conducted for hypothesis testing or to analyze the influence of the
280 independent variables (lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the
281 classroom, and student’s response) towards the dependent variables (student’s
282 learning outcome) simultaneously. Based on the test, F-value was 25.454 (significant
283 when F = 0.000). Sig F < 5% (0.000<0.05) which means simultaneously the
284 independent variables (lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the
285 classroom, and student’s response) had significant influence towards the dependent
286 variable (student’s learning outcome). It means a simultaneous increase in the
287 lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s
288 response will improve the student’s learning outcome and at the opposite, decreasing
289 lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s
290 response will decline the learning outcome. Therefore, the hypothesis, lecturer’s ability,
291 lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s response have a
292 significant influence on student’s learning outcomes, were accepted.
293 Furthermore, a t-test was conducted to analyze how much influence each of the
294 independent variables had towards the dependent variable. Result of the test was
295 elaborated as follows:
296 1. The t-value of the lecturer’s ability was 3.121 (significant when t= 0.004). Since t
297 was lower than 5% (0.004<0.05), the lecturer’s ability (X1) had a significant
298 influence on student’s learning outcomes (Y). The standardized coefficient of
299 regression (0.235) was positive, which means the independent variable has a
300 positive influence on the dependent one. In other words, an increase in the
301 lecturer’s ability will improve student’s learning outcomes.
302 2. t-value of the lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom was 2.116 (significant
303 when t= 0.045). Since t was lower than 5% (0.045<0.05), the lecturer’s and
304 student’s activity in the classroom (X2) have a significant influence on student’s
305 learning outcome (Y). The standardized coefficient of regression (0.215) was
306 positive, which means the independent variable has a positive influence on the
307 dependent one. In other words, an increase in the lecturer’s and student’s activity in
308 the classroom will improve student’s learning outcomes.
309 3. t-value of the student’s response was 5.244 (significant when t= 0.000). Since t was
310 lower than 5% (0.000<0.05), the student’s response (X3) has a significant influence
311 on student’s learning outcomes (Y). The standardized coefficient of regression
312 (0.436) was positive, which means the independent variable has a positive influence
313 on the dependent one. In other words, an increase in student’s responses will
314 improve student’s learning outcomes.
317 The standardized coefficient of regression (or beta) was an indicator that
318 represented one independent variable that has the most dominant influence on the
319 dependent variable. The highest standardized coefficient of regression means the
320 most dominant independent variable. Based on Table 1, the student’s response (X3)
321 has the highest beta coefficient (0.436) which means it has the most dominant
322 influence on student’s learning outcomes.
324Coefficient of Determination
325The coefficient of determination showed how much the independent variables, namely the
326lecturer’s ability (X1), lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom (X2) and student’s
327response (X3), can explain student’s learning outcome. Table 2 showed the coefficient of
328determination of the variables.
330 Table 2. Coefficient of Determination
332Based on Table 2, the Adjusted R Square was 0.715 or 71.5%. It means the lecturer’s
333ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s response can
334explain 71.5% of the learning outcome, while other variables outside the study explain the
335remaining 28.5%.
337Definition of Digital Media
338 New media is also called new digital media. Digital media refer to media of which
339content is a combination between data, text, sound, and image stored in digital format and
340spread through fiber optic broadband-based network, satellite and microwave system
341(Flew 2007). The following is the major characteristics of the internet as media:
342a. computer-based technology
343b. hybrid, not dedicated, flexible
344c. potentially interactive
345d. public and prívate function
346e. no strict rules
347f. interconnection
348g. can be found anywhere
349h. accessible by an individual as communicator
350i. private and mass means of communication
351 New media are and will be developing with times. This type of media develops
352rapidly in terms of technology, communication, and information [18]. Examples of new
353media are the internet, computer, mobile phone, and website. New media cannot be
354separated from either technology or the digital sector.
355 It happens because the majority of new media is dominated by digital products
356which can be manipulated, requires a network, is compact, user-friendly, interactive and
357impartial. Take the internet as an example. The Internet has positive advantages for a
358human being, such as trendy social media or message-sending applications, for instance,
359Facebook, Twitter, BBM, and LINE.
361Nature of Education
362 Education is conscious and well-organized activity to create a learning atmosphere
363and situation that encourages learners to develop their potential activity as well as their
364spirituality, self-control, personality, intelligence, morality and set of skills advantageous for
365themselves, their neighborhood, country and nation (Munib 2004). Education aims to
366create a better generation in the future, individuals who have a good personality and
367understand their culture. The objective of education in one country is following its national
368principle, philosophy, and ideology and therefore, the objective of education in a country is
369different from that in other countries.
370 Indonesia acknowledged the term National Education. National Education is based
371on the Five Pillars and 1945 Constitution, represents religious value and Indonesian
372culture (local wisdom) and is responsive towards changes. Education plays a vital role in
373humans. Agus Taufiq et al. (2011) stated that characteristics of education are: (1)
374education is a process to develop skills, attitude and behavior in society where an
375individual lives; (2) education is a social process in which individuals encounter selected
376and controlled influence from their environment (more particularly from schools) to achieve
377social competence and individual growth optimally; and (3) education is a process to
378develop individual or human characteristics.
380 a. Influence of Lecturer’s Ability towards Student’s Learning Outcome
381 The findings stated that the coefficient of regression of the lecturer’s ability (X1)
382 was 0.235 that means the lecturer’s ability has a positive influence on a student’s
383 learning outcome. In other words, an increase in the lecturer’s ability will improve
384 student’s learning outcomes. It improves geography student’s understanding of
385 tsunami. The respondents had a positive attitude towards the lecturer’s ability
386 because the teaching procedures were clearly stated and the lesson plans explained
387 both teacher’s and student’s activities in the classroom clearly. It is in line with Piaget
388 (as cited in Slavin, 1997) that learners develop schemata based on their interaction
389 with the environment and thus, teachers should provide an accommodating learning
390 atmosphere for the learners. The finding of the study is by Prasetyo (2013) study that
391 the developed learning equipment can be used as one of the learning equipment for
392 integrated natural science class in junior high school/Islamic junior high school.
394 b. Influence of Lecturer’s and Student’s Activity in the Classroom towards Student’s
395 Learning Outcome
396 The coefficient of regression of the lecturer’s and student’s activity in the
397 classroom (X2) was 0.215 which means the lecturer’s and student’s activity in the
398 classroom has a positive influence on student’s learning outcomes. Hence, an
399 increase in the lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom will improve student’s
400 learning outcomes because the lecturers have prepared learning materials that match
401 the model. It is by Arends (1997) that the lecturer’s analytical skills have a positive
402 influence on students. Nur (1999) [19] also argued that one of the factors affecting
403 the quality of learning is learning equipment. This study developed a tsunami-based
404 digital map as a learning medium for disaster mitigation topics to enhance student’s
405 understanding of tsunami and its effects.
406 The findings support Slavin (1994) that learners actively seek for principles, while
407 lecturers become facilitators. Requirements to achieve such a condition are the
408 characteristics of the lesson; to understand particular concepts, learners need further
409 explanation and should conduct an experiment. It represents the vital role of lecturers
410 in the classroom and explains lecturer-based learning (Arends, 2001: 265). The
411 finding is also by Prasetyo (2013) that the developed learning equipment can be used
412 as one of the learning equipment for integrated natural science class in junior high
413 school/Islamic junior high school.
415 c. Influence of Student’s Response towards Student’s Learning Outcome
416 The coefficient of regression of student’s response (X3) was 0.436 which means
417 the student’s response has a positive influence towards learning outcome. Hence, an
418 increase in student’s responses will improve student’s learning outcomes. Based on
419 the students’ questionnaire, student’s response towards the implementation of
420 tsunami-based digital map for disaster mitigation lesson has a significant influence on
421 their learning outcome. Descriptive analysis towards student’s attitude on the learning
422 components revealed that students have a positive attitude towards the learning
423 components, the topic of discussion provides new information and is elaborated, the
424 students are interested in the developed learning medium and are motivated to
425 participate in the following lesson having heard about the digital map. It is in line with
426 Atwater et al. (1995) that learning components should encourage students to engage
427 in learning. As an addition, the findings of the study is in line with Erwin Prasetyo
428 (2013) that the developed learning equipment can be used as one of the learning
429 equipment for integrated natural science class in junior high school/Islamic junior high
430 school. In 2007, Sarwosari (as cited in Budiman, 2012) developed an e-learning
431 application for the student’s organizer. Some of its features are time manager, course
432 manager, and communication center.
434 d. Influence of Lecturer’s Ability, Lecturer’s and Student’s Activity in the Classroom and
435 Student’s Response towards Student’s Learning Outcome
436 The findings stated that, simultaneously, the independent variables, lecturer’s
437 ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s response, has
438 a significant influence on the dependent variable, student’s learning outcome. It
439 means a simultaneous increase in the lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s
440 activity in the classroom, and student’s response will improve the student’s learning
441 outcome and at the opposite, decreasing lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s
442 activity in the classroom, and student’s response will decline the learning outcome.
443 Therefore, the hypothesis, lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the
444 classroom, and student’s response have a significant influence on student’s learning
445 outcomes, were accepted.
446 The Adjusted R Square was 0.715 or 71.5%. It means the lecturer’s ability,
447 lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s response can explain
448 71.5% of the learning outcome, while other variables outside the study explain the
449 remaining 28.5%. Based on the percentage, the learning outcome is influenced
450 significantly based on the three independent variables, lecturer’s ability, lecturer’s and
451 student’s activity in the classroom, and student’s response.
452 Based on the descriptive analysis, the respondent’s answer is categorized as a fair
453improvement. Such improvement is in line with Wulandari’s study that student’s
454understanding of disaster mitigation is improving, but relatively little. The improvement
455indicates that students have had sufficient knowledge of disaster mitigation and are
456prepared when disaster strikes at any time. Disaster mitigation aims to minimize fatalities
457during a natural disaster.
458 Student’s understanding of disaster mitigation is the result of the construction of
459knowledge and their understanding becomes meaningful and contextual through
460experience. Students take active participation in constructing their new information and
461thus, they can apply the information under certain circumstances. It is by constructivism in
462which students actively construct information and apply their knowledge.
463 The disaster mitigation-based geophysics module has yet been able to cause high
464improvement in student’s understanding of disaster mitigation. It happened because some
465students made some wrong answers, which means some students have yet to understand
466some information in the module. Besides, the module consists of information without any
467simulation. To overcome this issue, lecturers should combine lectures (information) and
468simulation to enhance student’s understanding as simulation allows students to
469understand the discussed topic more effectively.
470 Having analyzed the student’s response, it can be stated that the students have a
471very positive attitude towards the natural disaster-based geophysics module. The second
472aspect got a very positive response. It means that the students have a positive attitude
473towards the content of the module and learning atmosphere when the module was used
474for discussion. The students also got a positive attitude towards the third aspect,
475typography, picture and picture position in the module. Pictures in the module are taken
476from some areas close to where the students live, for instance, Puger Beach. The module
477is typed using the Comic Sant MS font to attract readers. Interesting font not only
478encourages the reader’s attraction but also improves their understanding. At last, the
479students have a positive attitude towards the fourth aspect.
482 Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that lecturer’s ability has
483a significant influence towards geography student’s learning outcome (student’s ability in
484using the tsunami-based digital map as a learning medium for disaster mitigation class),
485lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom has a significant influence towards
486geography student’s ability in using the tsunami-based digital map as a learning medium
487for disaster mitigation class and student’s response has a significant influence towards
488geography student’s ability in using the tsunami-based digital map as a learning medium
489for disaster mitigation class. Furthermore, the three independent variables, lecturer’s
490ability, lecturer’s and student’s activity in the classroom and student’s response have a
491significant influence on geography student’s ability in using a tsunami-based digital map as
492a learning medium for disaster mitigation class (student’s learning outcome). Based on the
493conclusion, future researchers should involve a wider population instead of one class of
494geography students of Samudra University only. Besides, geography lecturers should
495have adequate preparation before using a tsunami-based digital map as a learning
496medium for disaster mitigation lessons.
499The authors are grateful to all the people who help our study. We also appreciate the

500Rector of Universitas Samudra for his support for our study.

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576 Figure 1. Indonesian Tsunamis between 1991 and 2006 ( Source: Hamzah Latief, 2016)
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584 603
585 604
586 605
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589 608
590 609
591 610
592 611
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594 613
595 614
615Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Output
Variable Coefficient Beta t Sig t Result
Constant 0.712 0.489 0.513
Lecturer’s Ability
0.341 0.235 3.121 0.004 Significant
Lecturer’s and
Student’s Activity in 0.257 0.215 2.116 0.045 Significant
the Classroom
Student’s Response
0.413 0.436 5.244 0.000 Significant
Fvalue = 25.454
Sig F = 0.000
641Table 2. Coefficient of Determination
642Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. error of the Estimate
1 .854a .732 .715 1.178

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